Burning with rage

Chapter 379 A Punch Out of Anger

Chapter 379


The cloth bag was opened, and countless jade tokens poured out and landed on the table, piled up like a mountain!
The elder who was in charge of checking the number of jade tokens looked at Chen Hui in amazement: "Wang Wu, you have collected a terrible number of jade tokens, why did you hide them in the interspatial bag and lie that you didn't get any of them? "

"Interspatial bag?" Chen Hui was on the spot, how could he have such a precious thing?

Among the crowd not far away, Bai Bin, who had been let go by Chen Hui, showed a smile at this moment: He never owes favors, and this time is no exception!

If Chen Hui hadn't let him go, I'm afraid he would have been crippled by Wei Hanbing. He is a person who lives a very casual life but knows how to repay his kindness. give up!

In addition, that interspatial bag made even Bai Bin feel a little heartbroken.

When performing missions outside, Bai Bin made many friends, and these people were very kind to him; this interspatial bag was saved by a rich man, and the other party forced it to him; although it is far inferior to the interspatial ring , is only a semi-finished product, and there are many restrictions when using it, but it is not easy to get.

"So many jade tokens, are they enough to participate in the Immortal Dao Conference?" Bai Bin thought, "In this way, Wang Wu should be able to get rid of Wei Hanbing's control!"

Thinking of Chen Hui's pained look when Wei Hanbing threatened Chen Hui to get out of the way and abolished He Quan's cultivation, Bai Bin guessed that this guy probably had a master-slave contract with Wei Hanbing or other skills restrictions, so he couldn't resist. other side.

Bai Bin also didn't expect that Wei Hanbing was actually holding the extremely heaven-defying weapon of "Hei Liu Jue".

However, Bai Bin's kindness brought Chen Hui great trouble.

Once news of Chen Hui's large number of jade cards reaches Wei Hanbing's ears, the other party will never let him go!

"Wang Wu, congratulations, the number of jade tokens you have is probably second only to Fairy Yaxuan!" The elder was very surprised by what Chen Hui had gained.

"What? Second only to Fairy Yaxuan?!" The people next to her immediately screamed.

"Oh my god, I thought that besides Fairy Yaxuan, Wei Hanbing, He Quan, and Bai Bin would be the candidates for the Heavenly Dao Conference. I didn't expect it to be Wang Wu!"

"Wang Wu is Wei Hanbing's valet, why are all the jade cards on him?"

Facing everyone's discussion, and the elder's strange gaze on him, Chen Hui seemed a little at a loss——

He doesn't know all this!

If there are really so many jade tokens, they can only belong to Bai Bin; it's just... when did Bai Bin get this interspatial bag into his arms?
Chen Hui suddenly remembered that when he let Bai Bin go, the other party patted him on the shoulder.At that time, Chen Hui still felt strange, what does this guy mean by patting himself? Could it be comfort?
It seems that Bai Bin managed to stuff this interspatial bag full of jade tokens into his arms, and that's the time.

Why did he do this?Doesn't he know how important this opportunity of the Immortal Dao Conference is?

Could it be... this guy guessed something that I was restrained by Wei Hanbing?

Thinking of this, Chen Hui had a better impression of Bai Bin.

In fact, this thing should not belong to me, but Bai Bin's.

That being the case... I can't let Bai Bin lose the opportunity to participate in the Immortal Dao Conference in vain!
Thinking of this, Chen Hui gritted his teeth, and said loudly to the elder in front of him, "I'm sorry, elder, these jade tokens don't belong to me. They all belong to Bai Bin!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Hui ran to pull Bai Bin who was not far away: "Bai Bin, these are your jade tokens, come quickly!"

When Bai Bin heard this, he shook his head again and again, "Those in your hands are naturally yours!"

At this moment, a voice not far away caught the attention of everyone nearby. It was Wei Qing: "These jade plaques belong to the boss of my family!"

Chen Hui turned his head to look, but saw that the crowd that Wei Qing separated to watch squeezed over; Wei Hanbing followed behind Wei Qing without saying a word.

"Wang Wu, my cousin asked you to keep these jade tokens in a safe place. Why do you want to give them away?" Wei Qing indiscriminately squirted at Chen Hui: "The wolf-hearted thing, I let it go!" You swallow it for yourself!"

"Wei Qing!" Chen Hui's face suddenly changed due to the rage, "Don't turn black and white!"

"Wang Wu!" Wei Hanbing pushed Wei Qing away, came to Chen Hui, slowly stretched out his finger, pointed at his nose, and said righteously: "Now if you repent, I can still forgive you; if you No matter how stubborn you are, don’t blame me for righteously destroying relatives!"

"I've said it before, these belong to Bai Bin, they don't belong to me, and they don't belong to you!" Chen Hui pushed Wei Hanbing's hand away, and said sharply, "Skills are not as good as others, so don't think about stealing them!"

"You!" Facing the jade token that seemed to be in his hands, Wei Hanbing became impatient, and secretly used the black flow formula again, "Hand over the jade token, immediately!"

Severe pain suddenly came from all the limbs, making Chen Hui's life worse than death in an instant!

Chen Hui looked at the guy in front of him, gritted his teeth, and broke out in cold sweat.

Even if you can torture me wantonly, I will return these jade cards to their original owners, and I will never let you snatch them by chance!
"Ah!" Chen Hui lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth, and the veins on his forehead kept throbbing.

His fists were clenched tightly, and his knuckles were white.

Streams of spiritual energy gathered from the void and concentrated on the front of Chen Hui's fist; the muscles of his arms bulged, bending like a strong bow.

Immediately afterwards, a heavy punch hit Wei Hanbing's face so viciously——


Chen Hui raised his head slightly, his gaze was like an ancient beast: "Wei Hanbing, don't mess with me, or I want you to know that you can't bear the price!"

"This...how is this possible!" No matter what, Wei Hanbing couldn't believe that Chen Hui was able to fight back under such intense torture!

A strong pain came from his cheek, and Wei Hanbing froze on the spot for a while, half of his face was swollen up visible to the naked eye.

"Reverse, rebellious!" Wei Hanbing covered his face, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and tried his best to urge the "Heiliu Jue", while the sword tactic was guiding, even the spirit sword burst out: "Rebellious bastard, don't worry about it! "

Speaking of this, the spirit sword has already stabbed towards Chen Hui!

"Wei Hanbing, stop!" The elder hurriedly ordered him to stop the movement of his hands, but Wei Han glanced at the elder coldly, and instead of stopping, the spirit sword moved faster.

This move was extremely vicious and merciless. It seemed that Wei Hanbing was really cornered.

Chen Hui let out a muffled snort. The severe pain in his whole body made him almost faint. Even if he forced himself to stand upright, his whole body trembled in pain, he bent down, and he was even unable to resist the opponent's killing blow.

At this moment, a cold shout sounded from not far away: "Presumptuous!"

A tall figure moved from far to near, and with a wave of his hand, he threw Wei Hanbing's spirit sword aside like a waste product.

After seeing the face of this person clearly, everyone present was shocked:
Isn't this the suzerain Mu Changle?
(End of this chapter)

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