Burning with rage

Chapter 381 A Sudden Memory

Chapter 381 A Sudden Memory

On an exquisite coffee table, two small cups of tea are full of fragrance.

On both sides of the coffee table, Mu Changle and Chen Hui sat side by side.

Mu Changle was sitting there calmly, but Chen Hui was full of anxiety: "Sovereign, these jade plaques were stuffed into my arms secretly by Bai Bin, I hope the suzerain can return them to their original owners!"

"Wang Wu, the rules of the sect cannot be changed, your ranking is yours," Mu Changle pulled his face down, "Besides, even if Bai Bin takes the ranking, I will still order him to transfer the ranking Here you go, anyway, if you don’t go, you have to go!”


"Naturally because of some unspeakable reasons," Mu Changle smiled inscrutablely: "You'd better not ask about these things, just do things according to the sect's arrangement."

"This..." Chen Hui was horrified by Mu Changle's smile, "Senior, you made Wang Wuhao very distressed."

"Okay, leaving aside the matter of the Immortal Dao Conference, I want to tell you another thing." Mu Changle said, "I heard from my disciples that you have extraordinary skills, but you are restrained by Wei Hanbing's men everywhere. But you were threatened by him?"

"This..." Chen Hui hesitated. His life has been in Wei Hanbing's hands. Of course, he is quite eager to solve it completely; it.

If this matter were leaked out, Wei Hanbing would be in trouble, and he might be worse off than dead.

As if he had seen through Chen Hui's thoughts, Mu Changle said another word, which made Chen Hui almost sit up in shock: "Don't worry, I have already investigated one or two things about Wei Hanbing; if I hadn't been afraid of the Wei family, I would have Get this guy out of the house!"

"Sovereign, I..." Chen Hui wanted to tell about the practice, but he stopped talking after all.

"Don't worry, everything you said here will not be known to others." Mu Changle comforted, "There is only one chance, so think carefully."

After pondering for a long while, Chen Hui finally made up his mind to tell Mu Changle all the ins and outs of Wei Hanbing asking him to practice the nameless kung fu.

"Give me your wrist, and let me detect what's going on inside your body." Mu Changle said to Chen Hui, "If I'm not mistaken, this technique... is really difficult to deal with."

Chen Hui handed his wrist to Mu Changle, but felt a strange spiritual power penetrated into his body, his body suddenly became a little tense, but he heard a gentle voice from his ear: "Relax, don't resist."

Chen Hui relaxed as he said, and then felt that the "seed" in his body was touched by strange spiritual power, and suddenly stretched out its branches, attacking that spiritual power.

"Uh—" Chen Hui snorted, his whole body trembling.

"Hold it!" Mu Changle snorted coldly, "Now I will help you lure this thing out, there is only one chance!"

Chen Hui endured the pain, gritted his teeth and nodded.

The pain that went deep into the soul made Chen Hui almost faint, but he gritted his teeth, and the perseverance that came from nowhere made Mu Changle feel ashamed: this kid, how strong is his heart and self-control, is he able to survive? To be able to stay awake in such pain?

After all, Mu Changle is also a strong person in the Immortal Dao Realm, and his spiritual power implies Dao Yun. Although the seed is dying, it can still be suppressed.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Hui's teeth were almost gnawed, but Mu Changle also induced a cloud of hazy spiritual power from Chen Hui's body; at the same time, Chen Hui, who had been tense all the time, seemed to finally be relieved and, after this struggle, passed out on the seat.

Mu Changle laid Chen Hui horizontally on the bed in the inner room, checked the situation in his body, and heaved a sigh of relief.

This guy is indeed tough enough!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Changle's eyes were set on the ball of spiritual power in his hand.

It is like a ball with countless tentacles, constantly struggling and screaming to escape, the sound is extremely ear-piercing.

Mu Changle imprisoned him with spiritual power, and his face was extremely gloomy: "Heiliu Jue, I never thought that this forbidden technique would still be spread in the world!"

If it wasn't for Chen Hui's cultivation of the Black Flow Jue to the third level, the possibility of drawing this kind of seed would be greatly reduced.It is only because after breaking through to the fourth floor, the seeds will have the ability to actively absorb energy from the host's body, instead of asking Chen Hui to use the magic formula to feed them; at that time, Chen Hui will only be passively sucked dry by the seeds, and then All the results were easily taken away by Wei Hanbing.

"Wei Hanbing, this kid is so vicious, it seems it's time to move the Wei family!" Mu Changle finally made up his mind.

Words of orders came out of Mu Changle's house, and the major peak masters of Changle Sect, as well as the related forces in the fairy world, and even Mu Changle's younger brother Mu Changfeng also used the background of Yingfeng City, and at this moment they started to move.

"Take care of Wang Wu, and when he wakes up, let him live here with peace of mind, and don't wander around." Mu Changle gave instructions to his close disciple, and then left without a trace.

As for Chen Hui, in this extreme pain, not only did his body suffer a powerful backlash, but his soul was even more shaken.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, chaotic memory fragments collided and reorganized continuously, and various memories came one after another:
"Air blast..."

"Looking at the mountains and rivers with a smile..."

"God hides..."

"Yuan Sword Art, Burning Sword Art..."

"And... my Qi sword..."

One after another of information and memory, as if fragments were pieced together, slowly merged; until finally, Chen Hui let out a low growl, and suddenly sat up.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be sparks flickering in his eyes.

His mouth was slightly opened, trembling constantly, and an excited voice came out: "Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor, Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"That's right, I'm going to the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury, I'm going to resurrect... alone!"

Thinking of this, Chen Hui's head hurt again.

"Who am I going to resurrect?" He frantically scratched his head, "Ah!"

Chen Hui only felt that the most important thing was lost in his memory!
At this moment, a senior brother ran over and quickly supported Chen Hui: "Wang Wu, are you awake? Are you okay?"

However, Chen Hui was still in a sluggish state.

Who am I going to resurrect?

Why do I feel such extreme grief and longing when I think of this person?

At this time, Chen Hui remembered all the exercises he had practiced, vaguely remembered that he came from the world and belonged to Beidouya, and vaguely felt that he should have two older brothers...

However, he forgot some things that happened in the past, he forgot some people, and even felt that there was a person who was most important to him, but he couldn't remember it at all!

Who is it that makes me so worried?
Who is it that made me so sad?
(End of this chapter)

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