Burning with rage

Chapter 393 A kiss awakens the dreamer

Chapter 393 A kiss awakens the dreamer

"It's me, it's me!" Two gorgeous girls rushed up, "Du Shu, we are old acquaintances, why do we need to register, show me what this magic circle looks like!"

Du Shu raised his head, only to see the twin sisters Sun Nongying and Sun Nongyue from Beidouya Tianji Palace approaching, snatching the self-explosive magic circle from his hand, holding it in the palm of his hand and saying, "It's so beautiful!"

"I also want!"

The one who came forward immediately surprised Chen Yue and Chen Tao: Li Jian? !
"You...you want to take it too?" Du Shu gave Li Jian a hesitant look.

"What! Look down on me?" Li Jian straightened his face, "I'm not a master who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Here, here you are." Du Shu handed out the self-destruct circle in his hand.

Seeing the self-explosive magic circle close at hand, Li Jian still hesitated for a while; just when Du Shu was about to say something, Li Jian gritted his teeth, reached out his hand, and took it over!
"Hmph!" Li Jian still raised his head proudly, glanced at Du Shu contemptuously, and then swaggered away.

Not far behind Li Jian, Zhang Zhao and Yang Zizhen who had bullied Ruan Xinzhi and separated Chen Hui and Bing Ling in Tianxuan Palace also came.

Yang Zizhen looked at the magic circles in the distance, and said in a voice: "Zhang Zhao, do we really... want to blow ourselves up?"

Zhang Zhao looked at Li Jian who was going away, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, even Li Jian was taken, we can't disgrace Tianxuan Hall!"

As time passed by, the battle plan of the Demon Slaying Alliance gradually became clear, and all the practitioners also began to prepare for the battle.

Just in the last few days, at the foot of Mount Yao, several flying boats flew over.

On the upstairs boat, there are no heavy weapons or powerful reinforcements; on this upstairs boat, there are groups of middle-aged men and women and old wrinkled old people.

These are relatives of disciples of many sects who were transported by the Demon Slaying Alliance to the gathering points in various regions of the world at the expense of a large amount of spirit stones.

The last wish of all the cultivators who have received the self-explosive magic circle is to see their parents who gave birth to them!

On an extremely flat ground at the foot of Mount Yao, there are areas divided, and there are monks from various sects waiting anxiously.

Even Du Shu of Beidouya, he also came here, because his mother was settled in Beidou City; and now, his mother is on one of the Kongxinglou boats!

When several large boats docked, there were teams of people on them diverted to various areas to reunite with their relatives, but the entire sea of ​​people was full of crying.

"Father, mother, the child is not filial..." A young man knelt in front of his elderly parents and kowtowed three times, "If there is another life, the child will be willing to serve his parents all his life!"

The old man patted the young man's shoulder heavily, and said, "You are my son, you fight for the world, father is proud of you!"

"That's right, son, do yourself a favor and act like a man!" The old woman next to the old man helped the young man up with tears in her eyes.She held up an old basket in her hand, and said to her son, "This is your favorite white flour steamed bun. I made a lot of it for you. You can eat it on the way, so don't starve..."

"Father, mother—" the man knelt down again with a "plop", but choked up.

The old woman could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, and strings of drops of water trickled down from her eye sockets...

When Du Shu saw his mother, he suddenly felt that his heart was about to break: Why did my mother suddenly become so old and skinny?
"Mother, you... how are you doing these days?" Du Shu asked with great concern as he supported his mother.

"You are a hero of the Demon Slayer Alliance and you have made a lot of great achievements. The folks in the city are very kind to your mother." Du Shu's mother showed a satisfied smile, "Son, this time you will make a greater contribution." Give mother back, so that mother will be more proud..."

Du Shu raised his eyes to look at his mother, but saw that although her mother was trying to smile, the corners of her naked mouth and moist red eyes betrayed herself: she was obviously very sad, but she held it back so hard. Are you going out to make yourself feel at ease?

"Mother, you..." Du Shu stared blankly at his mother, but he was so choked up that he couldn't make a sound.

This situation happened in every corner; those disciples who were responsible for escorting these relatives, many of them covered their faces with their sleeves, and were obviously moved by everything in front of them!


When all the monks in the whole world gathered at the foot of Mount Yao and headed towards the place where the demon madness was, only one figure was missing among the crowd who looked at death like home——Chen Hui!
In a small wooden house on the sixth floor of Yaoshan Mountain, Chen Hui was quietly laid flat on a bed on a wooden slum.

All sounds are silent.

"He, is he still awake?" Qing Wei and Brother Hou came to Chen Hui's door before departure, and finally asked Ruan Xinzhi who had been busy taking care of Chen Hui these days.

Ruan Xinzhi sighed, and shook her head: "The Nine Heavens Xuannv said that it was he who gave up resisting the poison in his body. He was too desperate, and had the idea of ​​committing suicide. That's, that's... oh!"

Brother Hou entered the house and inspected Chen Hui's body. Senior Sister Qingwei covered Chen Hui with a quilt carefully: "Chen Hui, you must be strong, the world depends on you!"

Not long after, Brother Hou and Qingwei walked out the door together, but Ruan Xinzhi was nowhere to be seen.

"Then Ruan Xinzhi is probably going to get medicine for Chen Hui, should we wait a little longer?" Qing Wei asked tentatively.

"There are people guarding all around here, don't worry." Brother Hou urged, "The other side is still looking for me in a hurry, let's go there first, and then come back and take a look at Chen Hui before we leave!"

Saying that, Brother Hou and Qingwei gradually walked away.

Only Chen Hui was left, lying quietly in this wooden house.

The midday sun passed through the window lattice and shone warmly on Chen Hui's body.

In this quiet environment, there was a familiar figure floating beside Chen Hui.

She stood there quietly, looked at Chen Hui's face seriously, and after being stunned for a moment, she gently sat down beside him.

"Damn Chen Hui, do you know, I really want to see you." Her voice was very soft and low, but it was pitiful, "That day in Tianyuan, I climbed a huge boulder by chance, but it was Madam Yu Before my father arrived, I saved me. I promised her that she would not appear in front of the world again, just because I let you lose your love and restore your previous cultivation..."

"But, since you have regained your strength, why are you so stupid and why are you looking for death?" She rubbed Chen Hui's face, her voice became a little choked up, "Die Chen Hui, the most regretful thing in my life is I haven't been able to really get married; what I hope most now is that you, like the great hero in my heart, can wake up, stand up, and fight for the people of the three realms..."

"Although, I don't know if you have recovered the memory of your previous life or if you have turned back into Lingjun," her voice was extremely gentle, "but you will always be my silly Chen Hui..."

The familiar breath, except for a trace of liveliness, has become so sweet and gentle.

In a trance, Chen Hui only felt that his heart was starting to beat wildly, and he felt a kind of heart-to-heart trembling; he seemed to be aware of the red shadow in the haze...

This deep kiss was so affectionate, so unforgettable, yet so exciting.

For a long time, for a long time...

Chen Hui slowly opened his eyes, and the hostility in the pupils had dissipated.

In front of him was an empty room, but the temperature between his lips was still maintained.

"Bingling——" Chen Hui shouted hoarsely, opened the door and ran out in panic...

(End of this chapter)

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