Chapter 11 Exchange (1)
Looking at the young man kneeling in front of Xinghua who kept begging for mercy, Piaoluo couldn't help regretting that she was lying to her master.Wei'xia made a confession, and she exchanged the fried peanuts fried for her by the ten-star chef for a copy of "Jin Ping Mei" from the little hamster fairy who had just successfully crossed the catastrophe and came to the fairy world.

Xinghua looked at the boy on the ground coldly, "Do you know what mistake you made?"

"The little one knows." The little hamster fairy crawled on the ground, "Shouldn't exchange with the disciples of the Shangxian."

"It's not impossible to exchange with her. Score something."

The little hamster fairy quickly admitted his mistake and begged for mercy, "I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time, and don't dare to do it next time."

Xinghua hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't give the young man a chance, waved his hand to demote his fairy status, and sent him back to the demon world to become a cub to practice again.

Piaoluo protested to Xinghua very dissatisfied, "Master, you are too ruthless. He just passed Xinghua Palace and I stopped him. I asked him to exchange ten peanuts. He just passed the tribulation successfully. It will take 30 years for you to let him practice again, what if he is unlucky and fails to cross the tribulation next time?"

"That's right, you can think so far." Xinghua asked leisurely, "Did he do it for the teacher?"


Xinghua looked at Piaoluo expressionlessly, "From tomorrow onwards, I will have morning class with my teacher in the morning, and you must not be late."

After finishing speaking, Xinghua turned around and left, leaving Piaoluo with a guilty face to blame herself on the spot.

Piaoluo didn't know that the real reason why Xinghua severely punished the little hamster fairy was not to blame him for spreading dirty books, but to make an example for other immortals in Tiangong.He reminded them all to remember, don't lead Piaoluo badly, this Nier has no morals, and if she is led to a wrong place, will he be able to control her in the future?And he didn't allow her to leave the palace because of her status, her mana was pitifully low, and she was neither a demon nor a fairy. If she didn't cultivate her morality and study hard, how could she be allowed to go out?After she learns the rules of Tiangong well, he will naturally not restrict her freedom.

The first day, morning class.

Because she was curious about what to do in the morning class, Piaoluo woke up early, and bowed respectfully to Xinghua who walked into the hall, "Good morning, Master."


Piaoluo followed Xinghua to the Water Curtain Garden of Xinghua Palace, imitating him and sitting cross-legged on the cold jade stone closest to him, closing her eyes, relaxing her mind, and practicing Zen.

After knowing what the morning class is for, Piaoluo's interest in the morning class becomes less and less day by day, and the sitting position also changes day by day, from the rock closest to Xinghua to the farthest away from him.Finally one day, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Piaoluo, who closed her eyes and meditated in the morning class, opened one eyelid and observed Xinghua secretly for a while, making sure that he was concentrating on meditating, she tiptoed up from the stone, and was about to cast a spell to go away when she heard Xinghua speak.


"Ouch." Piaoluo covered her belly and bent down, "Master, I... am anxious."

Seeing that Xinghua stopped talking, Piaoluo ran out of the Water Curtain Garden with an 'anxious face'.

Since then, Piaoluo in the morning class has had problems every day, such as leg cramps, soles of the soles of the feet, stomach cramps, and if it is not for headaches and brain fever, she will not be healthy every day.

One day, she simply stayed in bed and didn't even go to morning class.You must know that she is also very tired looking for excuses to deal with Master every day. She has used all kinds of excuses, and she really can't think of where she can make something wrong.Lying down, the door was pushed open.


Piaoluo coughed weakly, opened her eyes very slowly, saw Xinghua standing by the bed, struggling to sit up, and said weakly: "Master..."

"Why are you so sick?" Xinghua frowned slightly worriedly, "Didn't you feel well before going to bed yesterday?"

"It should be because I caught a cold while I was asleep." Piaoluo looked at Xinghua regretfully, "Master, it's all due to my poor body, I can't go to morning class today."

Xinghua's voice was so gentle that even the nervous Piaoluo could easily feel his concern for her in his words.

"It's okay, you take care of your illness in the palace. I have something to do with my teacher today, so I won't do morning classes."

As soon as she heard that Master didn't do morning classes, Piaoluo became interested in his affairs and asked, "Master, what are you going to do?"

"Go to the Peony Banquet."

Peony feast?It sounds like a lot of fun.

"Master, I..."

Xinghua put his hand on Piaoluo's head, with an expression of "Master understands you", "Piaoluo, I know what you want to say, don't worry, I will protect myself."

"Master, I mean..."

"Good boy, lie down." Xinghua looked at her with pity in his eyes, "The annual peony banquet, the fairy world peonies are in full bloom today, I wanted to take you to participate as a teacher, alas, what a pity..."

Little boy, I can't cure you yet!

After speaking, Xinghua put down his hands, turned and left.As soon as he went out, there was a fluttering sound from the room behind him, and Piaoluo who rushed out after throwing off the quilt and wearing obscene trousers in a bellyband grabbed Xinghua's hand.

"Master, master, wait a minute."

Xinghua turned around, saw Piaoluo's appearance, and quickly looked away, "Okay?"

"Yeah, okay, master, you are always a fairy in the fairy world, and I feel refreshed when I talk to you, especially mentioning the spirit. Look at me, if you don't take medicine or acupuncture, your words will be sick remove."

"Put on clothes."

Piaoluo nodded happily, "Hey!" When she entered the room, she turned around worriedly and called Xinghua who walked away a step, "Master, you must wait for me."

Xinghua turned his back to Piaoluo and nodded.Is he a master who doesn't count his words?

Because it was the first time she came out of Xinghua Palace after arriving in the fairy world, Piaoluo hesitated for a long time before her wardrobe, and it was the first time to attend a grand occasion where all the immortals gathered. As the disciple of the first immortal, she could not embarrass her master Ah, the master is so handsome, if she can't be a great beauty, she must occupy the position of a little beauty.

After picking out a few clothes and not being satisfied, Piao Luo chose the pink silk embroidered clothes that she flew out after passing through the nine spirit fires in Xiling Pond. She asked her master why she came out pink when she jumped into the pool with white clothes of?The master said that the spirit fire broke her demon roots and gave her a new color, which symbolized a new start.

Xinghua stood in front of the front hall with her hands behind her back, Piaoluo flew over with her skirt in her hands, opened her arms in front of him and twirled a few times, and smiled at him with a pink face, "Master, I'm a beauty, right?" ?”

"Did you forget to bring your drills?"

Seeing Xinghua who walked forward after finishing speaking, Piaoluo stomped her feet and said something nice against her conscience!
Piaoluo who came out of Xinghua Palace was curious about everything, turned her head to look around, and sometimes reached out to touch the fairy flowers and grasses on the side of the road.She made Xinghua have to wait a long way in front of her several times. Everything in Xinghua Palace is considered the best in the fairy world, except for the first three days when she lived in it. Now she turns a blind eye to it.These are nothing in the fairy world, she is as happy as a mouse, no, she is a mouse.

Seeing that Xinghua was waiting for her, Piaoluo quickly lifted her skirt to catch up with her. Just as she made a 'running' posture, she saw a group of fairies flying over not far away, and she changed her steps to walk towards Xinghua lightly, like her Where can I find a disciple like this who is enlightened and pays attention to his image?

"Master, will all the immortals in the fairy world come to the Peony Banquet today?"

Xinghua raised his hand to tidy up the crooked Qinglong Bixin hairpin on Piaoluo's head, and replied, "It depends on the status of the immortals."

What does Master mean to say, you can't participate in the Immortals yet?
Piaoluo said happily: "I didn't expect my status to be so high, what a surprise."

"The fried peanuts made for the teacher can not only fill the stomach, but also help people grow thicker?"


Piaoluo, who wanted to refute, was interrupted by the voices of several fairies who flew down from the sky and said hello to Xinghua, "Xiaoxian has seen Xinghua."

Xinghua nodded slightly, "Yes."

Later, on the way to Peony Garden, Xinghua was surrounded by a group of flower fairies with exquisite appearance and graceful gait. Seeing them quiet and gentle, Piaoluo put away her playfulness and followed Xinghua silently.Approaching the entrance of the garden, the colorful phoenix flew down from the sky on a cloud of seven colors


The flower fairies around Xinghua saluted Caifeng respectfully, "Xiaoxian has seen Caifeng Shangxian."

Caifeng nodded, with a smile on her face, "I saw you in the distance, I was afraid of admitting my mistake, so I didn't call out, I didn't expect it to be true, you came really early this year."

"Piaoluo has never seen a peony flower before, so I want to take her here for a stroll."

You have never seen a peony flower, your whole family has never seen a peony flower, Piaoluo is beeping in her heart, Master, do you really want to take me to see the flowers earlier?

"Piaoluo, quickly pay respects to Caifeng Shangxian."

Piaoluo, who had been standing behind Xinghua, took two steps forward and bowed to Caifeng, "Piaoluo pays homage to Caifeng Shangxian."

The moment Caifeng's eyes fell on Piaoluo, she was stunned, and her eyes were fixed on the green dragon and green hairpin on her head.Before Xinghua returned to Tiangong, she wondered why the green dragon and bixin hairpin on his head had disappeared. On the head of Shangxian, there was a unique hair ornament of Liudao that belonged to him, which was extremely precious.When she saw Piaoluo for the first time, she didn't look straight at her, because she didn't want the green dragon hairpin to be on her head.

Suppressing the idea of ​​asking Xinghua why his green dragon hairpin is on Piaoluo's head, Caifeng smiled at him, "Let's go, I just want to go to the Peony Garden."

Xinghua and Caifeng walked in front, and Piaoluo and Caifeng's apprentice Que Ling walked side by side behind their respective masters.

"Hey, what's your name?" Piaoluo asked.

Que Ling glanced at Piao Luo, his eyes were cold, and he didn't speak.

After a while, Piaoluo asked again, "What's your name?"

Que Ling looked at her coldly again.

After a while, Piaoluo asked, "What's your name?"

Que Ling asked coldly, "Why do you keep asking a question?"

"After you answer, I'll ask the next one."

"Magpie spirit."

Piaoluo volunteered her own name, "My name is..."

"I do not want to know."

After finishing talking, Que Ling walked a few steps quickly and followed Caifeng. How could the Immortal Xinghua not receive any disciples and chose her?
After entering the peony garden, the garden is full of fragrance, but there is not a single blooming flower.Piaoluo wondered, didn't he mean to appreciate peonies?Not a single one was missing.Because Magpie Ling followed her master Caifeng closely, and the fairies around her were all expressionless, Piaoluo didn't know who to ask, and the only master who dared to disturb walked very close to Shangxian Caifeng. .

"Caifeng, I have something to do, let's go first."

Caifeng was puzzled, "Isn't there a peony banquet today? Are you still busy?"


Xinghua walked towards the side road, and casually called, "Piaoluo."


Piaoluo responded, bowed to Caifeng, and followed Xinghua.

On the way, the fragrance in the air was getting stronger and stronger, and Piao Luo heard the voice of the master beside her, "You will sit at the master's back table later, don't make noise, don't run around, and don't get at odds with the other five disciples of the celestial beings."

"Understood, Master."

It turned out that the master made a special detour to tell her. After the master and the apprentice made a detour, they went to the gate of the peony garden. When they saw many beautiful fairies inside, Piaoluo couldn't help sighing, "It really feels like there are 3000 beauties in the harem."

A laugh came from the side, "More beauties may not be good."

(End of this chapter)

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