Chapter 114 Can You Push Me (1)
Huaqiao agreed softly, "Yes."

Piaoluo hurriedly stepped forward to help Huaqiao sit on the wheelchair with Lianxin, and Lianxin pushed her out of the door.

In the past, Lianxin pushed Huaqiao only on flat ground, but if he was flying through the clouds and fog, Huaqiao would cast spells, and Lianxin's Taoism could not allow the two of them to fly too far.The same goes for the new wheelchair. After reaching the door, Huaqiao lightly recited the formula, and flew with Lianxin from the second floor to the ground, and then she pushed it towards the back garden of Xinghua Palace.

After Piaoluo flew down from the upstairs, she didn't know whether she should follow or not. It seemed that she, a junior, had no manners and would not greet her uncle in the palace. But if she followed Lianxin, she really I don't know what I can say to Hua Qiao, the two have no grievances, but the conversation is not speculative, so I can't talk.

After Lian Xin pushed Hua Qiao for a while, Hua Qiao suddenly said to Lian Xin: "Lian Xin, you go and get my long flute."

"Okay, little sister."

Huaqiao suddenly called out to Piaoluo who was still undecided downstairs, "Piaoluo, can you push me?"


"it is good."

Piaoluo walked over and pushed Huaqiao slowly towards the back garden. She never thought that Huaqiao would take the initiative to let herself push her, but pushing her would also reduce her embarrassment of having nothing to say to her.

At the edge of the fantasy lake, Huaqiao asked Piaoluo to stop, and sat in a wheelchair looking at the quiet lake, silent.

Huaqiao didn't speak, and Piaoluo couldn't find anything to say to her, she just stood quietly behind her wheelchair, hoping that Lianxin could come quickly to help them break the current tranquility.

"Do you like Xinghua?" Huaqiao suddenly asked a question that Piaoluo didn't expect.

Piao Luo calmed down, and replied: "Master is the head of the fairy, he is deeply loved and respected by all the fairy families in the fairy world, and I am no exception."

"I don't mean love."

"The disciple doesn't understand what you mean, uncle."

Hua Qiao smiled lightly, "Are you really not knowing or are you pretending not to know?"

"Uncle Shi, you are a fairy from Lingxiao Shenshan, you should know more about fairy rules than me."

Piaoluo calmed down and used the big rules to resist Huaqiao's temptation. She didn't know how she became suspicious. No matter if she really discovered something or was cheating her, she would never admit that she and her master were not allowed. Relationship.

"Immortal rules are dead, but people are alive, especially people's hearts." Hua Qiao's expression became colder and colder, "We get along day and night, men are handsome and women are beautiful, I really believe in Xinghua's determination, but are you sure you only treat him like that?" Is it the relationship between master and apprentice?"

Piaoluo stood aside and saluted Huaqiao earnestly, "Disciple Piaoluo dares to ask Uncle Huaqiao, what is your feeling for my master?"

Huaqiao's face suddenly changed, and she turned to look at her coldly.

"How dare you question me?"


Piaoluo met Huaqiao's slightly angry gaze with open eyes, "Master, you are a fairy of Shenshan, you should know that there should be no love between immortals, you believe in my master, but your doubts about me are doubts about him." .Could it be that Uncle Master thinks you can see something that my Master can't see? If he corrects me, it means that I have something wrong. But I have never heard Master reprimand me for something wrong with him. thoughts."

After a pause, Piaoluo said again, "I understand very well that everyone is jealous of my good luck, and I know that it is not easy for me to be in Xinghua Palace. Such a rare good thing. Uncle thought that I would violate the fairy rules and die." Bring trouble to yourself, to Master?"

"I am not doubting you, but reminding you."

Piaoluo smiled lightly and bowed, "Disciple, thank you Master Huaqiao for your vigilance."

Looking at Huaqiao who was questioned by herself, Piaoluo breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she didn't know about her relationship with Master at all, but only guessed that she had unusual feelings for Master.

Although Huaqiao didn't find out the truth, Piaoluo knew that she had to be more careful to protect her relationship with Xinghua, and not let others sniff out anything.

After Lianxin came, Piaoluo saw the long flute in her hand and felt a sense of déjà vu.

"Little sister, your flute."

Huaqiao took the flute from Lianxin, looked at Piaoluo, and asked, "Will you?"

Piaoluo smiled faintly and shook her head.

Hua Qiao looked quite surprised.

"What?" Piao Luo was puzzled, "Master Hua Qiao thinks it's wrong that I don't know how to play flute?"

"That's not it."

Light white slender fingers brushed her long flute, Hua Qiao looked at the flute body with infinite nostalgia, "Xinghua is very good at this. The sound of the flute that he blows can be heard for three days without end. I can blow the flute, and it is him I taught it by hand. This flute was also a gift he gave me back then. I thought he would teach you this, and I wanted you to play a tune to listen to it." Huaqiao smiled leisurely, "Hehe, it seems that I can't hear it anymore."

Piaoluo's eyes fell on Huaqiao's long flute, no wonder she felt that the long flute looked familiar, her long flute was very similar to Master's long flute, the master played a song for her, it was indeed As Hua Qiao said, the sound of the flute is beautiful.It turned out that the master had personally taught her to play the flute.

"I'm stupid. Master knows that I can't play with these things." Piaoluo laughed at herself, "I don't know poetry, I'm too tired. I'm not a good apprentice."

Hua Qiao asked, "Then why did Xinghua accept you as his disciple?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid, uncle, you have to ask my master."

Huaqiao smiled lightly.

By the lakeside of the illusion, the sound of the flute is melodious and endless.

One person's mood is excellent.

One person is in a low mood.

After listening to Huaqiao playing the flute at the lakeside of the illusion, Piaoluo was depressed for a few days. She knew that it was a thing of the past, and she couldn't stop it, and she couldn't interfere. Besides, Xinghua only taught Huaqiao to play the flute. If she cares too much about her behavior, she will appear narrow-minded.She is not angry with Xinghua, nor is she angry with Huaqiao, she only blames herself for being born too late, so she can't blame anyone, but mood is not necessarily related to not being able to understand things clearly, sometimes it is more clear when she thinks clearly in her heart. sad.

Seeing through, but being unable to change the mood of anything, is the most uncomfortable.

Gui Ran and Luo Chen obviously sensed that Piao Luo was not in a good state, and they teased her for several days, but found that nothing had improved, and they really had no choice.

"Piaoluo, do you miss your master?"

Piaoluo thought of Xinghua, he had been away for more than [-] days, and he would not come back for more than two months, counting the days, it was really long.

"Don't be like this. He will be back soon." Gui Ran enlightened Piaoluo who was sitting on the grass, "Every year, Shangxian has to go to the Daqian Realm for three months, and next time it will be my master, Gou Chen Shangxian and Cai Feng Shangxian, if you don't deliberately think about your master's life, it will be over soon."

Luochen, who was meditating beside him, slowly opened his eyes and said, "Piaoluo, when you came to the fairy world with Shangxian Xinghua last year, it seemed that he met you not long after he came back from his tour to eliminate demons in the mortal world. You are not used to him." It's reasonable to walk for so long suddenly. But, you are not an immortal, you can't follow your master to the Great Thousand Realm. When you become an immortal, you can follow your master wherever he goes. Naturally, you don't have to be separated from him for so long about you……"

Luochen started talking endlessly, and Piaoluo had to interrupt him, "Brother, I don't miss my master, I just feel stupid and useless."


Gui Ran seemed quite angry, and jumped in front of Piaoluo, "Who dares to say that you are stupid or that you are useless? I think those people are envious and jealous. Some people don't cultivate their hearts and virtues well. I am not balanced, I always think that good luck is useless to fall on me. You know, my master said that if a person succeeds, don't just look at his glamorous appearance. It is possible that he has paid more behind the scenes than everyone else. Otherwise, it is impossible to excel. God is fair, and he will not give all the rotten fruits to one person, nor will he let one person occupy all the gold."

Luo Chen agreed with Gui Ran's words.

"Piaoxiaoluo, don't be affected by some people's gossip. There are gossips and rumors everywhere in the six worlds. As long as you don't do anything harmful to nature and reason, you don't need to be sad. Belittle yourself, especially bad. It's easy for a People lose their will to fight."

Luo Chen nodded again.

"Oh, what do you think I'm depressed about? You don't understand."

Piaoluo stood up from the grass and looked at the sunset. It is difficult for a person with a big secret in her heart to laugh freely. Without Master, she has no sense of security. She is always worried about what she does or says. How can the day survive.

Gui Ranxiao eagerly walked up to Piaoluo and asked her, "I don't understand, if you just say it, I'll understand, just tell me."

"I'm going back to the palace." After saying that, Piaoluo yawned, "You guys should go back to rest earlier."

Gui Ran took the initiative and said, "Luochen, I'll send her back to Xinghua Palace, you go back to the palace first."


Luochen took two steps and then turned back to Piaoluo, "I will send Piaoluo back to the palace with you, but Mo Xin has not been caught, we must always be vigilant, if Piaoluo is taken away again, we will not be afraid." I can't bear the responsibility, and when the Xinghua Immortal comes back and won't see her, how can we explain it?"

Gui Ran rolled her eyes at Luochen, thought he was too wordy, and felt that it was... troublesome for him to come back, but considering Piaoluo's safety, there should be one more person and a layer of protection.

Outside the Star Palace.

"Okay, I'm here, Senior Brother and Gui Ran Senior Brother, thank you."

Seeing Piaoluo enter the door, Luochen and Gui Ran leave, the gate of Xinghua Palace closes slowly behind Piaoluo, and walking into the main hall of the palace group, Piaoluo sees a figure sitting quietly.

Uncle Huaqiao?

Huaqiao watched Piaoluo walk in front of her, saluted, and the corner of her mouth moved slightly, which was her smile and greeting.

Piaoluo just wanted to say that she was too tired to go back to her room to rest, Huaqiao said: "Piaoluo, Lianxin is a little tired today, can you walk around with me?"

"of course can."

In the huge Xinghua Palace, Piaoluo pushed Huaqiao's wheelchair and walked slowly. The two of them were silent. The embarrassment of the two has also been reduced a lot.

Piaoluo thought, could it be that the five years that Master and Uncle Huaqiao have been together have been silent like this?Was he assimilating her?Or did she assimilate him?
Under the cang tree in the front yard, Huaqiao asked Piaoluo to stop, and the two quietly watched the moonlight.

Piaoluo sat on the stone bench with strong spirit, looking at Huaqiao's side face, she had to admit that she was really delicate, with a very cute little face, could it be true that Master has seen this face for five years? Have you ever had a heart attack?

"Piaoluo, do you want to know why I lost my legs?"

Piaoluo couldn't help being surprised, anyone who lost her legs would be a painful memory in her heart, she and Huaqiao didn't seem to know her well enough to tell her such a thing, although she was curious, she wouldn't be too persistent in digging one Because of human wounds, when she asked the first time Master didn't answer, she didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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