Chapter 134 She is... (2)
Huaqiao didn't expect Piaoluo to be in such a posture, and she was so angry that she almost lost her breath, "I'll tell!"

"Then let me tell you, as long as I have something to do, my master will try his best to save me. If you are willing, feel free to spread the word." Piao Luo's mood suddenly improved, "Try it, will your way let my master know?" I hate you even more."

"Ah!" Huaqiao screamed.

Lian Xin rushed over from the west building, looked at Hua Qiao nervously, "What's wrong with you, little senior sister?"


Huaqiao was annoyed, staring at the direction where Piaoluo left, "I was bitten by a stinky mouse."

"Smelly rat?"

Lian Xin looked around, "Where is it? Where is the mouse?"

Hua Qiao was so angry that she didn't want to say anything, she turned the wheelchair and left.


Several immortals sat at the table, Xinghua didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, Caifeng made a show of flirting with Bai Yin.

Bai Yin looked at Xinghua and asked, "Xinghua, what do you think?"

"Is it any different from previous years?"


Xinghua nodded.Since there is no difference, what else does he need to say?
Xuanwu glanced at Xinghua, "Huaqiao has always lived in Lingxiao Shenshan, why does she come to Xiangong so often?"

Xinghua, who was dissatisfied with Huaqiao at first, didn't want to talk anymore after hearing Xuanwu's words. She could become what she is now because of the stimulation of her relationship with A Luo, and live in Xinghua Palace and watch him and A Luo in the long run. Ah Luo is getting more and more affectionate, and there is no guarantee that it will not become more serious. She is the biggest hidden danger of their relationship, and she may create a big event to destroy them someday.

Xinghua didn't know, when he was thinking about how to solve Huaqiao's trouble, Piaoluo, who had confronted Huaqiao again, was also thinking about Huaqiao in her room.

Piaoluo stood in front of the window looking at the scenery outside.Huaqiao is more stubborn and hates her when she comes to Xinghua Palace this time than last time. Last time she was able to hide her emotions. Now she seems to be an unreasonable market woman. She can't make sense at all. Being so angry, it is estimated that Master will be troubled by her again after he comes back.

Piao Luo thought, filing a complaint is still a trivial matter, anyway, she doesn't care, but if she is really stimulated too much, she will lose her mind and definitely reveal the matter between her and her master.She is not Gui Ran, her status is much higher, her words carry more weight than Gui Ran.


Piaoluo sighed, do you really have to move to another place to avoid meeting her?The current Xinghua Palace really makes her feel very uncomfortable. Once upon a time, this was the home she wanted to come back to no matter where she was, but now, she only feels that it is full of depression and indescribable depression, as if doing anything Everything has eyes on you.If you do it, people will use it as your handle.If you don't do it, people will think you are afraid of her.
When Xinghua returned to the palace, Piaoluo was just about to leave the palace to find him. She was bored in the palace alone and wanted to go for a walk with him, but before her, Huaqiao had already stopped Xinghua at the gate of the hall.

Piaoluo sticks behind the side door to listen to the conversation between the two.

"Xinghua, do you really dislike me living in Xinghua Palace? So, you let Piaoluo piss me off, the kind of pissed off?"

Xinghua looked at Huaqiao in the wheelchair with one hand behind his back, an unreasonable woman.

"Xinghua, she is your disciple. You two have a good relationship, so I can't talk, but have you forgotten our relationship? How could you treat me like this? You forgot how you treated me before you came to Lingxiaoshen Mountain Did Senior Sister Siyin guarantee it?"

The more Huaqiao talked, the more she felt wronged, her eyes were red, seeing that Xinghua just looked at her and didn't speak, thinking that he was moved by what she said, she continued: "When you are not in Xinghua Palace, I want to find Piaoluo Talk to relieve boredom, you can't imagine how she treats me. How can you like such an arrogant and unrestrained woman? What do you like about her? "

The faint resentment is like an abandoned wife, and Ai Ai is like a ghost of resentment.

Xinghua slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes looked even colder, without the slightest warmth, "Huaqiao, I'm a little tired, you should go to bed early."


Xinghua stopped her raised heels, "I brought up Ah Luo with my own hands. No one knows what kind of person she is better than me."

She is naughty and mischievous, but he is very clear about how kind, tenacious and persistent her heart is.If she grew up in the demon forest, she might really become a harmful fairy, but the reality is not, she has been living with him in the fairy world, and the person he taught will not be a girl who bullies others without reason, he believes she.

"You mean I'm planting her?"

Xinghua is too lazy to talk to Huaqiao, who is like a madman, and wants to leave after passing her. I don’t know if Ah Luo is hungry when I come back so late. Tomorrow’s once-in-ten-year mountain festival is a big event, and he can’t come back early To take care of her, if he had known that he would confront Huaqiao, he should have asked her to go to Yutiantai together when he woke up during his lunch break, so as not to be bullied.

"Xinghua! Why are you so obsessed with her? You're crazy, you know? You're really crazy."

"Huaqiao, I used to never understand why I liked Ah Luo. Now, I'm very glad that I fell in love with her." Xinghua said bluntly, "The more time passes, the more I feel how precious she is. .”

No matter how good the master is, if the disciples have insufficient wisdom, they will not be able to accomplish anything.No matter how perfect he is, Piaoluo's own essence is not good enough.

After being provoked by Piaoluo and Xinghua twice in a row, Huaqiao was already out of anger, and turned to Xinghua's back: "If I still see you together within two days, I will tell you about your affair." , you bullied me, I want you to pay for your actions!"

Hearing Huaqiao's words, Xinghua stopped.

Huaqiao thought her words had an effect, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose.

Piao Luo, who was behind the door, also became nervous, talking to an irrational person, they really can't expect her to just talk angry words, or Hua Qiao will really publicize their affairs thoroughly.

Xinghua, who was about to walk out of the hall, suddenly turned around and walked towards Huaqiao.

Piaoluo looked at Xinghua secretly from the side door, her heart was pulled by his actions, and seeing him getting closer, her heart became more and more nervous, Huaqiao's words were really important to him, Did he go back to promise her that they would be separated within two days?
Seeing Xinghua walking in front of her, Huaqiao's heart blossomed with joy, but he was still afraid of his threats.

Xinghua stopped in front of Huaqiao, looking at her face, no one can threaten him to separate from A Luo!Not anyone!
"Xinghua, can you separate from her?"

Xinghua bent down, approached Huaqiao's face, and said word by word: "Even if I die, I will never give up on A Luo!"

After speaking, Xinghua turned around and left without looking back.

Because the distance was a bit far, and Xinghua lowered his voice when he spoke, Piaoluo behind the side door didn't hear what Xinghua said, but saw him bend down and say something, Huaqiao's complexion became very bad , is much more serious than being angry at her.

Master, what did he tell Hua Qiao?
Xinghua went to Piaoluo's room to look for her, and found that she was not there, subconsciously worried about her.Just as he turned around and wanted to look for her elsewhere, he found that Piaoluo had appeared at the end of the corridor. He put his mind back to the original spot and watched Piaoluo walking towards him, with the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

When Piaoluo walked halfway, Xinghua felt that she was walking slowly, so he raised his leg and walked towards her. As soon as the two got closer, he stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, calling her softly with infinite tenderness, "Ah radish."

Piaoluo, who didn't expect Xinghua to be intimate suddenly, was puzzled, and replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Xinghua didn't know what kind of evil he had fallen into, so he shouted again, "My lady."

Piaoluo was stunned for a moment, why did she suddenly call this name?
"My husband's little lady."

Piaoluo raised her head and looked at Xinghua strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

"Nothing you keep calling me?"


Xinghua hugged Piaoluo tightly, pressed her head into his shoulder, and his heart was full of love for Piaoluo.I don't know if she was born by God to deal with him specially. She really dropped one thing at a time and fed him to death.I can't help thinking about her every day, I like her so much, and my feelings for her accumulate day by day, and now I really won't give up on her even if it means killing him.

"Hehe..." Piaoluo smiled softly.

Hearing Piaoluo's laughter, Xinghua felt even happier.I used to think that the little goblin was a pistachio, but when I grew up, I felt that she was more sensible. Now I feel... as time goes by, I find that she is getting better and better, so good that he... wants her.

As soon as he thought of that, Xinghua didn't hide it, and whispered in Piaoluo's ear: "Think about it."



Piao Luo was still a little dazed, not knowing what Xing Hua meant, "Huh?"

"Can we eat later?"


"Give me some time first."

Piaoluo came to her senses, "No way. I'm very hungry. Don't you think I've lost weight recently?"

Xinghua thought about it, her body was indeed more important.

"Okay, let's make you something to eat."

While watching Xinghua busy at the kitchen door, Piaoluo really wanted to ask him what he said to Huaqiao just now, why did her face look so bad?Although it can be deduced that they are definitely not promised to separate, another worry has arisen.

They stimulated Hua Qiao like this, she must be unwilling to do so, when the time comes, no one can guarantee that she will... destroy their love.

"A Luo, just wait a little longer, it will be fine soon."


Piaoluo looked aside inadvertently, and saw a head suddenly appearing in front of the window, which startled her, and found that it was Huaqiao who was staring at her fiercely.Although she doesn't know many people, she can feel the hatred gushing in Huaqiao's eyes, the waves of hatred and disgust rushing towards her from the bottom of her eyes.

"A Luo, what are you looking at?"

Piaoluo turned to look at Xinghua, "Look at the tree outside the window, it seems to have grown up."

After answering Xinghua's words, when Piaoluo went to visit Huaqiao again, she had already disappeared.

Piaoluo's heart skipped a beat, it's too bad!They really pissed her off, and now she doesn't know what to do.

Xinghua didn't shy away from Huaqiao and Lianxin living in Xinghua Palace at all. After they rested, they went to Piaoluo's room to find her without hesitation. Seeing her reading Buddhist scriptures, she was a little surprised, and sat next to her, gently laugh.


Piaoluo turned a page and continued to read her book, which was at an important point, so she didn't have time to talk to him.

Seeing that Piaoluo didn't care about him, Xinghua hugged her and sat on his lap, "Let me see, what is so fascinated by me, why does my husband come to serve my wife to bed and ignore me."

...Subhuti, don't make such thoughts, because the Tathagata has not attained Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi because of his perfect appearance.Subhuti, if you think this way and generate the mind of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, you will say that all dharmas will be destroyed.Don't think about it.Why?Those who have developed the mind of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi will not speak of extinction in the Dharma.

(End of this chapter)

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