Chapter 149: Love and Love (2)
After looking around the bamboo house, Moxin's heart began to feel unsure whether it was disappointment or anger. He wanted to get angry, but also wanted to see Piaoluo. No matter whether she was with Xinghua or not, first let her He saw her, saw that she was fine and said nothing else.He knew that if Piaoluo and Xinghua were together, she would definitely not be harmed, but he would never give up until he saw Piaoluo and Xinghua together.

Mo Xin returned to the house and checked the contents of the house one by one, wanting to see what Piao Luo took away?
What made Moxin's heart ache suddenly was that Piaoluo didn't take anything away.He didn't understand, did Piaoluo come back without taking anything away?Or did she not come back at all?

Mo Xin's hand landed on a white porcelain figurine that she had bought for Piao Luo at the mortal market. She was dressed in spotless white clothes and was a handsome young man.He remembered that he laughed at her for buying a man home, and she replied yes!It looked like 'her', he also asked the peddler if there was a man in red, and almost beat the peddler because there was no porcelain man in red, now looking back, she said 'looks like 'she'' that 'She' was what he misheard.Her words should have been: Looks like him.

She always wanted Xinghua.

Even if she lives by his side, as long as Xinghua appears, she will easily go with him without hesitation, even the demon forest Lianhu where she lives can be abandoned at any time.

Xinghua is more important to her than anyone else.

A crisp sound.

Mo Xin smashed the white porcelain figurine to pieces, looking at the fragments on the ground, Mo Xin couldn't let go of his hatred, and trampled it into powder.

Xinghua, I won't let you go!no way!
Piaoluo is mine, she likes me, she has me in her heart, if you don’t find her, she will be mine, she treats me as a friend, she cares if I’m busy, she feeds me Eating, she is willing to get close to me in a friendly way, all these good things were broken by you, why did you show up, why did you find me?

Moxin raised his hand, wanting to destroy everything in the bamboo house, but at the moment when the magic shot, he gave up and dropped his arm.

Xinghua took away Piaoluo, how could she be angry with Piaoluo?These things are all she likes. When she comes back in the future, she might be sad to see that these things are gone.What's more, these things are not mixed with Xinghua's memories, they are left by him and her, they belong to them, Xinghua can't take away the time they spent together in the past year.If he stayed, he had to keep all these things, if one day he took Piaoluo to the magic palace, maybe they could still be placed in her room.

Mo Xin took a look around the things in the house, walked out of the bamboo house, and closed the door.

Not in the mortal world, not in the demon forest, where can Xinghua take Piaoluo?

Without further ado, Mo Xin flew to the fairyland.


The arrival of the Frost Moon turned the fairy world into a vast expanse of whiteness, and the cold air was threatening, but there was a different kind of extreme scenery wrapped in plain silver. It was a resting month, and the mood of the fairy family seemed very good.

Xinghua Palace.

Lian Xin and Hua Qiao also seemed to be infected by Hanyue's briskness. Both of them had different moods of relaxation, especially Lian Xin, who was very happy, facing the snowman in the bloody snow, and Hua Qiao under the eaves looked at Lian Xin. Running and jumping in the snow.

Tired from playing, Lian Xin ran back to Hua Qiao's side.

"Little sister, look at this snow, it's so white."

"Isn't it like this every year?"

Lian Xin said the stubborn words of a child, "But I think this year's ones seem to be particularly white, even whiter than previous years. Little sister, can we go back to Lingxiao Shenshan?" Seemingly afraid of Huaqiao's overthinking, Lianxin hurriedly He explained, "Just go back for this month. There are no seniors or juniors here. It's not fun to be alone. Let's go back and play with them, shall we? We'll come back after the Frost Moon."

Hua Qiao looked at Lian Xin, she had a word that she used very well, so come back again.It seems that in Lianxin's heart, Xinghua Palace has become theirs, and this place has become their home.

"Little sister, do you agree?"

Huaqiao looked at the gate of Xinghua Palace in the distance, "You let me think about it."

It's the Frost Moon, a year ago in the Frost Moon, she was waiting for him alone in the Xinghua Palace, and now she is waiting alone again, has he really forgotten that she is the owner of the Xinghua Palace?Could it be that without Piaoluo, he really has no nostalgia for Xinghua Palace?It's been a year, how many times has he met her in this year?How many times have you spoken?Once, only once.Was she that annoying to him?Hate so much that you don't even want to see her? .
When Moxin sneaked into Xinghua Palace, Lianxin was still sleeping because she was too tired from playing the night before, Huaqiao sat alone in the garden of the west building, looking at the frozen tree, the icicles hung on the branches, crystal clear bright.

Hua Qiao poured a cup of tea for herself, not aware that someone was slowly approaching her.

Suddenly, a silver light shot out, Huaqiao shouted in a deep voice, "Who?" Seeing Caifeng standing in the corridor, she asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

"The cold moon is coming, and seeing Xinghua Palace is deserted, come in to see you."

Hua Qiao snorted softly, "You don't need your fake kindness."

Caifeng came down from the corridor and sat across from Huaqiao, "No matter how much I don't like you, I won't take the initiative to look for you for a year. Hehe, do the math, this year, I will look for you Is he looking for you more times than him?"

Huaqiao glared at Caifeng, and came early in the morning to spoil people's interest.

"Oh, I was wrong. He never took the initiative to find you once."

"It seems that you are in a good mood today."

The smile on Caifeng's face grew more and more, "That is, I was in a bad mood one day. Huaqiao, to be honest, I think you are beautiful, although there is still a gap between you and Piaoluo, but Xinghua is definitely not Fairy who judges people by appearance, you are too cold, smile more, everyone likes a girl in a good mood, who is always sad, not to mention Xinghua, even I, I am not very willing to get close."

Hua Qiao sneered, "If you could disappear from my sight, I might smile."

"Ha ha."

Caifeng chuckled, "Why are you like this? We are old acquaintances no matter what. You have been in the fairyland for more than a year and haven't been with you properly. Why don't I accompany you around today? I met Xinghua."

Sure enough, Caifeng's words successfully aroused Huaqiao's interest.

"Xinghua is in the fairy world?"

"I'm not sure about that. However, in the Frost Moon of the year before last, he was in the fairy palace for a whole month. Last year's Frost Moon..." Caifeng smiled, "Although I didn't see him every day, he did come back to look for him. Passed us five immortals. Think about it, he is the head of the immortal. If there is something, the immortal must be looking for us. He has been missing for a while. It is time to come to us to talk about something serious in this cold moon. For example, prevent The attack of the demon world."

Huaqiao thought, what Caifeng said was right, Xinghua would only show up on important occasions, and he must first get together with Wushangxian. If she was with Caifeng, she would be more likely to see him than in Xinghua Palace. Waiting for him to be much taller.only……

"You are so kind?" Huaqiao looked at Caifeng suspiciously.

"Is this considered kind?" Caifeng asked back, "I will accompany you, but there is no guarantee that Xinghua will appear. Besides, even if you see it, there is no way there will be anything."

Hua Qiao raised her eyebrows, "You!"

"Isn't it?"

Huaqiao was so angry that she turned her head away.

Caifeng stood up, walked behind Huaqiao's wheelchair, and pushed her towards the outside of Xinghua Palace.

Moxin lurked into Xinghua Palace, heard the footsteps coming from the main hall, and immediately hid himself in the corner, looking at the great gate of the main hall, is it Xinghua?

When Caifeng and Huaqiao appeared in Mo Xin's eyes, he was slightly taken aback, Caifeng knew him, who was the woman in the wheelchair?This Xinghua is quite blessed, and there are many fairies in the palace.

Thinking about his purpose of coming to Xinghua Palace, Moxin didn't want to alarm Caifeng, she is a god, and it is difficult to kill her with one move, if she recruits other gods and heavenly soldiers and generals, it will be more difficult for him to find Piaoluo, Now his mind only wants to find her and take her away.

Caifeng pushed Huaqiao to the gate of Xinghua Palace and stopped suddenly.

Hua Qiao was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Caifeng remained silent, carefully feeling something strange around her body, and Huaqiao also noticed something wrong in her silence.

"Let's go." Hua Qiao whispered.


Caifeng pushed Huaqiao out of Xinghua Palace as if nothing had happened.

Seeing them walking away, Mo Xin showed his figure and sneaked into the hall.

When Moxin came out of Piaoluo's room and was about to walk towards Xinghua's room, he suddenly stopped in the long corridor, turned around and looked at Caifeng and Huaqiao with cold eyes behind him, they came back?

Seeing Moxin, Caifeng was surprised.

It turned out to be a devil's heart!
Huaqiao knows Manzhushahua's seal of heaven, a person from the demon world?

Mo Xin sneered, "Unexpectedly, you guys are actually cheating."

"If you don't pretend to be okay and leave, how can you, the big devil, show up?"

"So what if I let the deity show up?" Mo Xin didn't take Caifeng and Hua Qiao into his eyes at all, "You think it's just the two of you who can catch the deity?"


Hua Qiao paused, is he the Demon Lord Demon Heart?
More than 50 years ago, she was still inexperienced, and she was the youngest disciple of the master. The master left her alone in Lingxiaoshen Mountain during the battle between immortals and demons. She had never seen the appearance of the demon king, but she did not want to be so handsome and beautiful.

Caifeng knew that it was not easy to catch the devil's heart at the moment, so she decisively cast spells to summon other fairy families. For a while, the phoenix blew forever, and all the fairy families who lived a carefree life in the frosty moon heard her urgent call. Hurry up to Xinghua Palace.

Moxin knows that it is impossible to find Piaoluo this time, but he still has the last hope in his heart. Maybe Xinghua will appear when he hears Caifeng's call, or maybe Piaoluo will appear with him. He wants to confirm with his own eyes. Are they together.If they do show up, then...

Mo Xin's eyes fell on Hua Qiao, if Xing Hua really showed up with Piao Luo, how could he do without any chips in his hand?
A ray of red magic spell shot at Huaqiao and Caifeng, and Caifeng and Huaqiao avoided in two directions respectively.Hua Qiao just stabilized her wheelchair when Mo Xin suddenly appeared beside her, stretched out his hand to grab her neck, and pinched her hard, forcing her face to blush.

"Say, who are you?"

Hua Qiao looked at Mo Xin, and was frightened by the fierceness in his eyes. Fear suddenly arose in her heart. Mo Xin slaughtered immortals happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. He is not someone who dare not kill immortals. To die by his hands?

"Say!" Moxin pressed his fingers again.

Hua Qiao grabbed Mo Xin's arm with both hands, and he pinched her so tightly that she couldn't speak, but her face became more and more red, and her eyes showed more and more painful feelings.

Caifeng saw Moxin holding Huaqiao, and quickly cast a spell.

Facing Caifeng's fairy art, Mo Xin sneered disdainfully, and caught her spell with one hand, the hand clasped around Hua Qiao's neck did not relax at all, feeling that many fairy families came from outside the palace, grabbed Hua Qiao and flew out Leaving the Xinghua Palace, hanging in the high sky outside the palace.

Hehe, these fairy families are not slow to come.

"Little sister."

Lian Xin flew out from Xinghua Palace, saw Huaqiao being caught by Xinghua, and shouted anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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