Chapter 159 Is it bad? (2)
At first, Caifeng still wanted to hold on, trying hard to escape from the imprisonment of the demon heart. When his hand grabbed her chest and skirt, the chanting formula transformed into her true form.

Seeing Caifeng, Moxin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed coldly, "Oh, I didn't expect it to be Caifeng Shangxian. It's strange that the lofty Caifeng Shangxian yearns so much for this deity's bed, and doesn't hesitate Volunteering to dedicate myself. Tell me, if I don’t do something, will I be sorry for your enthusiasm?”


Caifeng stopped Moxin's movements and looked at him, "I know where Piaoluo is, you pretend to be her in your heart, do you want her to know that you have met other women? Do you think that with you like this, she will do you accept?"

"threaten me?"

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing about it. Even if you kill me, you have always done something wrong with her in your heart, and you will give Piaoluo such an unclean self?"

Mo Xin squinted slightly, looking at Caifeng, what she said was right, his piaoluo was beautiful and pure, and his feelings were unique, he would never touch other women.

"Say, where is she?"

"Antarctic Misty Peak."

"Where is that?"

"Beyond the critical six realms, there is no competition with the world. Only the purest people can see it."

Mo Xin suddenly grabbed Caifeng, "Take me with you."

"You have to let me get dressed first."

Caifeng thought to herself, Moxin must not be able to see the Antarctic Misty Peak, and it is even more impossible to go in. She will bring him there, and if she finds the right opportunity, she will be able to fly into the Antarctic Misty Peak and get rid of him, maybe before Bai Yin and the others send someone Find Xinghua and Piaoluo.

"You'd better not play any tricks on this deity."

Moxin's anger has reached its peak, and now that he finds the real Piaoluo, he will be ordered to slaughter the immortal. These shameless immortals dare to deceive him with the fake Piaoluo. Is it just a fun game for him to kill the immortal?

Misty Peak, Antarctica.

Xuanxin did not dare to forget Xuanwu's confession, and knew that time was very urgent, and she had to find Xinghua as soon as possible. She woke up at dawn and began to look for Xinghua.

After two days of searching, Xuanxin didn't find Xinghua in Misty Peak, almost thinking that Xinghua was no longer in Misty Peak.He thought, maybe the master made a mistake, if Xinghua Shangxian was here, how could he not find it after searching for so long?

Xuanxin sighed, if Piaoluo hadn't gone to Motuo Tianshan to practice hard, Xinghua Shangxian would be easy to find, call Piaoluo, where can Xinghua Shangxian not be found.
In a cozy room.

A slender arm stretched out from the warm quilt, hugging the man who was about to get up, and a soft sleepy voice sounded.

"Husband, sleep with me for a while."

Xinghua smiled lightly, took the hands on his waist away, stuffed them into the quilt, looked at Piaoluo who didn't even open her sleepy eyes, "You sleep a little longer, I'll make breakfast."

"Sleep with me."

"It's three poles in the sun."

"You are not allowed to go up to the nine poles." Piaoluo opened her eyes, stretched out her arms from the bed and wrapped them around Xinghua's neck, "Husband, please sleep again, I slept so late last night, I am sleepy."

Xinghua smiled, "You sleep."

"You are sleepy too."

"I am not sleepy."

"I said if you are sleepy, you will be sleepy."

Piaoluo pulled Xinghua hard, causing him to have to sleep with her again.

Looking at the fair and flawless cheeks in the hollow of his shoulders, Xinghua's eyes became more and more gentle. There is a daughter in his family who is growing up and raised in a deep boudoir.Got her, no regrets.

After Piaoluo fell asleep, Xinghua slowly closed his eyes, and suddenly, they opened them suddenly.

Someone broke into the foggy forest halfway up the mountain!
Xinghua gently left Piaoluo with magic, helped her tuck up the quilt, read the formula and disappeared into the room.As soon as he left, Piaoluo opened her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared from the bed.
foggy forest.

Xinghua hid himself on a big tree in the sky, looking at Xuanxin flying in the air through layers of thick fog.

Why is he here?

Did Xuanwu send him here?Or is it because Frost Moon from the Immortal Realm has nothing to do?
Because Xuanxin was using the immortal formula to find the whereabouts of the immortal family all the way, Xinghua's immortal energy is not difficult to feel. When Xuanxin sensed that there was an immortal family near him, he immediately searched more carefully.

"Xiaxuanxin is a disciple of Xuanwu Shangxian in the fairy world. I don't know who is the master in the fog forest? Please show up, Xuanxin has an urgent matter." Xuanxin flew to the ground, clasped his fists and said loudly.


Xinghua flew down from the tree and suddenly appeared in front of Xuanxin.

The moment he saw Xinghua, Xuanxin almost couldn't believe his eyes, Xinghua is an immortal?
"Xinghua Shangxian!"

Xuan Xin suddenly knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Xuan Xin finally found you."

"What's the matter?" Xinghua's tone was as calm as ever.

"The devil's heart has slaughtered the immortal."

Xinghua frowned.


"About [-] days ago, Moxin broke into the fairyland suddenly, threatening to find Piaoluo, and fought with the immortals when he couldn't find it. When he left, he said that he would kill the immortal if he could not take Piaoluo away after ten days. Eight days ago, Moxin He really led the demons to besiege the fairy world. But, for some reason, he suddenly withdrew his troops when the battle was imminent." Xuan Xin frowned, "My master discussed countermeasures with several immortals, and while guarding the fairy world, he asked me to come to Antarctica Feng is looking for you, the Immortal Xinghua."

Xinghua thought, Caifeng would not have not informed him of the occurrence of such a major event, it must be because he did not hear her phoenix cry in the Misty Peak of Antarctica.

"Yeah." Xinghua responded, "I'll go back to Immortal Realm immediately."

After speaking, Xinghua disappeared.

Xuanxin couldn't see Xinghua at once, and couldn't help but marvel, so fast?

Piaoluo listened to what Xuanxin said to Xinghua in the thick fog, but before she could react, someone hugged her waist suddenly.

Xinghua flew back to their home with Piaoluo in his arms, and he didn't blame her for eavesdropping along the way. He knew she flew into the sea of ​​fog, and because he knew it was her, he didn't say anything.

"Husband, go back and have a look."

Xinghua nodded, Moxin Tuxian is not a trivial matter, this time because he couldn't find her, he had to go back and check the situation, if he counted well, if Moxin made a fuss, someone in the fairy world would already know that she is not in Moduo Tianshan is gone, or maybe everyone in the fairy world knows about it.

"Accompany you today again."

Piaoluo was surprised, "No, hurry back."

Moxin's temper is not a joke, he can do too many cruel things in one day.

"It's not a matter of a few days." Xing Hua said, "What's more, Bai Yin Shangxian and others are not idle people. If they can't stand it for a few days, the fairy world will perish a long time ago."

Piaoluo didn't know that Xinghua was just deliberately delaying the time.Going back too early, if the Immortal Realm is defending against enemies, those people think that he is just Xinghua, and saving them is a matter of course. Of course he will not abandon them, but he must also protect his own woman. Is it Xinghua, or A Luo's husband.The more severe the situation in the fairy world, the more they will know that he is indispensable.For protecting her after the war, it will get twice the result with half the effort.


Xinghua gently hugged Piaoluo into his arms, "Ah Luo, don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Piaoluo nodded slightly.

Knowing that we will be parting soon, Xinghua took Piaoluo to play around Misty Peak in Antarctica. In the afternoon, the sun was just right, Xinghua lay on the grass to rest in the morning, and Piaoluo ran to the stream to play in the water. Where, quietly, beautiful and quiet, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chasing a colorful little fish in the creek, Piaoluo ran farther and farther. At the end of the creek, the little fish jumped in the small pool, as if greeting Piaoluo, and she was in a good mood.

"Didn't you say that the Misty Antarctic Peak is here? Why can't you find it!"

An abrupt voice came into Piaoluo's ears, and the owner of the voice gave her a sense of familiarity.

Demon heart!

How did he get here?
Piaoluo flew over following the sound, hid behind a tree, and was shocked to find that Moxin was holding Caifeng, and the two looked around not far in front of her.

Caifeng said helplessly: "Antarctic Misty Peak must be a kind person with a very pure heart to see it. Even if I see it, you can't see it either."

Moxin shouted angrily, "I can't see how to find Piaoluo, Caifeng, I warn you, don't give me any tricks, find Piaoluo quickly. Otherwise, I will make you die an ugly death."

Caifeng felt uneasy from being restrained by the devil's heart, and her expression was pained.

Piaoluo behind the tree thinks, as long as she is in Misty Peak of Antarctica, Demon Heart will not be able to see her, nor can she catch her, so why not save Caifeng Shangxian by herself first, knowing that it is possible for Demon Heart to get angry Killing Caifeng Shangxian, both of them had some kindness to her, no matter the starting point, she owed them a little bit.

Piaoluo showed up and found that Caifeng didn't see her surprise at all. Her assumption was right, Caifeng Shangxian couldn't see the Antarctic Misty Realm either.

"Demon Heart." Piaoluo softly called out to Demon Heart.

When Moxin heard Piaoluo's voice, he was taken aback for a moment, "Piaoluo? Is that you?"


"Yeah. It's me. I can see you." Piaoluo tried to get closer, "Can't you see me?"

"Piaoluo, you show up." Mo Xin's emotions gradually became agitated.

Piaoluo stopped in her tracks, "I've appeared. I'm right beside you, but you can't see me in the Misty Antarctic Realm. Moxin, why did you catch Caifengshangxian?"

"She lied to me, she turned into you."

"Oh, does it look like it?" Piaoluo asked.

Mo Xin said angrily: "It's not like that. In the whole world, I only have one Piaoluo, and no one can be like you."

"Hehe, since it doesn't look like it, why don't you let her go?" Piaoluo asked softly, "She used to take care of me, if you let her go, I owe you a debt of gratitude, okay?"

"Piaoluo, show yourself, I will let her go if you show up."

Caifeng looked at the emptiness around her, what happened to her, how could she not even see the Antarctic Misty Peak, is her heart not pure enough?

"Moxin, I did show up. I'm by your side, you released Caifeng Shangxian, I'll find a way to meet you at Misty Peak in Antarctica, okay?"

"You're not lying to me?"


Piaoluo looked at Caifeng's painful appearance, and said: "Moxin, with your ability, do you think there is someone in the Six Realms that you can't catch? Let her go, and I will find the exit of Misty Peak in Antarctica and go find it." your."

Mo Xin thought for a while, and decided to trust Piao Luo, "Then I will wait for you in the Devil's Palace. How many days will you come out?"

"Ten days."

"Okay. Because you are Piaoluo, I believe you, and I will give you ten days. If you don't show up in the magic palace after ten days, I will wash the fairy world with blood in my stool, no nonsense."

Piaoluo pretended to be angry, "I don't like you killing immortals at every turn."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. I'll wait for you in the Demon Palace. If you can't find it, you'll be fine in the Demon Forest. I'll find you, no problem." Demon Heart seemed very innocent, "If you feel at ease In the devil's palace, why am I slaughtering immortals, I'm still unwilling to fight with them."

"Let her go."

Moxin looked at Caifeng, "If Piaoluo hadn't pleaded for you, I would never let you go." After speaking, he put away the magic spell covering Caifeng, and pushed her away fiercely, as if he disgusted her.

Caifeng, who was freed, disappeared in an instant, and she didn't even have time to say thank you to Piaoluo.With a demonic heart, she dared to do it no matter how much she wanted to catch Piaoluo back.What's more, she couldn't see her, so getting rid of the devil's heart was the first priority.

"Piaoluo, I let her go."

"Yeah. I see it."

Moxin looked around like a very obedient boy, "Piaoluo, where are you, are you really by my side?"

(End of this chapter)

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