Chapter 180
Piaoluo looked at Xinghua in disbelief, "You! You are a great god, so gods don't have emotions, how can you want a woman?" Piaoluo said, making a heartbroken look, "Looking for a woman is a bad man You can't do things that only you can do!"

"Why can't I?"

"I said, you are a great god, you can't."

Xinghua suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand to pull Piaoluo, and slightly lowered his head to look at her on his chest, "It's true that I am a god. But in front of you, I am a man first."

Piaoluo looked up at Xinghua, thinking about his words.


The two of them didn't mean to, but for some reason, they just stared at each other, and they couldn't bear to look away. They kept staring at each other for a long, long time...

Gradually, Xinghua lowered his head, and gently kissed Piaoluo's forehead.

His kiss brought her back from her absence.

But his kiss suddenly softened her girlish heart.

Piaoluo blinked and smiled, and after another blink, she and Xinghua appeared high in the sky.

Suddenly seeing that she was not in the carriage, Piaoluo looked around, she and Xinghua were flying under the pale blue sky.

"Hey, what about my sister and the others?"

"Look at that."

Following Xinghua's line of sight, Piaoluo looked over, and Piaosu and his party were left far behind.

"I didn't give you anything, why are you willing to take me to fly?"

"You've already given it."

Seeing Xinghua staring intently at her, Piaoluo's face blushed slightly, thinking of the time he just kissed her.It turned out that what he wanted was that.

"You can't kiss me again in the future." Piaoluo looked at Xinghua seriously, showing that her attitude is very serious now, not joking with him, "Let me tell you a little secret, I like Changbai. When my sister gets married, I will marry him, be his bride, and be in love with him until the end of life. If a man and a woman can't kiss each other, I have to protect him like a jade. I just pretended that it never happened when you kissed me, and you are not allowed to remember it. "

Xinghua was hanging in the air with Piaoluo in his arms, looking at her, he didn't know what to say for a while, he just felt his heart was hurting, being pulled slightly, this pain, he didn't even say a word She couldn't come out, A Luo in front of her was completely unfamiliar with him, and in her heart Mu Changbai was her favorite man, and she even wanted to marry him.

He wanted to say that no man in this world could marry her.

But he can't say it.

She is obviously his exclusive person, but he cannot have her because of the law of heaven. This pain has reached every trace of his heart.


A Luo, you are mine.

"What did you say?"

Xinghua asked, "A Luo, what is liking?"

"Uh... If you like it, you like it." Piaoluo felt it should be taken for granted, "If you have a crush on a person, you must like it. I like to be with him, it's the easiest way to be with him, and I can do whatever I want Just do it, I like that feeling very much.”

Xinghua asked again, "Then, what is love?"


Piaoluo looked surprised.

"What do I want love for?"

"If you love a man, you can marry him."

Piaoluo shook her head, "I've lived together for a long time, so I'm in love. Now, I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I haven't seen love before. How can I know what love is like?"

Xinghua found that Piaoluo's love for Mu Changbai was only based on the dependence and love of childhood sweethearts. Mu Changbai should like her very much, the kind of love a man has for a woman, and his A Luo, I'm afraid it hasn't risen yet. To the extent of love between men and women.

"A Luo, you have to find a man you love before marrying, you know?"

"What is love?" Piaoluo asked Xinghua back.

Xinghua flew a certain distance with Piaoluo, looked ahead, and left her a profile with deep memories.

"Love is the only one!"

"The only one?" Piaoluo asked, "Then how do I know if that person is the only one?"

"The only thing is..."

Xinghua paused for a moment, looked at Piaoluo, and said slowly: "When there is a choice, it is him; Your one and only."

Piaoluo silently recited Xinghua's words, he has a choice, and he has no choice?
"A Luo, ask yourself, if you were to choose from many excellent men, would you choose Mu Changbai? Or, because you only dated him in your life, you chose him."

Piaoluo asked herself, the answer...but no.

She really didn't know if Changbai was her only one among all the men up for election.

Xinghua flew in the air with Piaoluo, and when he stopped to rest at night, he took her back to the car, sat on the roof of the carriage and watched her eat and drink under the service of her personal maid, and then watched Mu Changbai's treatment of her. Considerate care, thinking of her past life in Xiangong, life at that time was really monotonous and boring, every day was either practicing or studying, look at her now, eating, drinking, playing, touching everything, and there are many people with her she.

Piaoluo sat beside the fire, without saying a word, she turned her head to look at Xinghua from time to time, she was relieved to see him there.

Piao Su saw that her sister who was always talkative didn't say a word, so she smiled, "Piao Luo, why are you always looking at the carriage?"


Yue Xin said: "Second Miss, I'm afraid she was frightened by the night when she came here."

Piao Su asked, "What happened that night?"

Mu Changbai looked at Piao Su, "I met a robber. Simply, Piao Luo was not hurt."

Piao Su nodded, thinking about it, he wouldn't let her have an accident even if he died.

After resting, Mu Changbai led everyone to continue on their way, planning to enter the city as soon as the capital opened during the day.

In the carriage at night, Piaoluo lay comfortably in Xinghua's arms, sleeping very peacefully.

The gate of Lidu opened the next day, and Piaoluo and his party became the first batch of people to enter the city.

A day's life begins in the bustling street, and Piaoluo is woken up by the cries of the early-rising hawkers on the street. She wakes up from Xinghua's arms, sits by the window, lifts the curtain, and smells the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.


Mu Changbai asked, "Piaoluo, do you want to eat?"


"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

"Changbai, sister likes to eat fried chestnuts, you should buy some for her too."

Mu Changbai smiled, "Okay."

After eating the cake, not long after, the sisters of the Liu family returned to the mansion.

Liu Zhuangyin and Guibo came out from the hall, Piao Su immediately saluted, "Father."

"Yeah. Back."

Mu Changbai greeted Liu Zhuangyin with clasped fists, "Master Yin."

"Well. It's been a hard journey."

Piaoluo yawned and greeted Liu Zhuangyin, "Good morning, Dad."

Liu Zhuangyin felt sorry for his daughter who had been on the road all night, and said to Piaoluo and Piaosu: "After all night's driving, go and have a good rest."

"Yes, Dad."

Piao Su saw that Liu Zhuangyin was wearing court clothes, and asked: "Father, are you going to court so early today?"

"Not yet. Have breakfast with you first."

"Father, I don't want to eat." Piao Luoyang raised the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand, "I'm full."

Liu Zhuangyin looked at Piaoluo disapprovingly, how could he be full with just such a small amount?It is estimated that after driving all night, she was sleepy and had no appetite.

Then, nod.

"Father, I'm going to rest." Piaoluo turned around and walked towards the small garden where she lived.

At the breakfast table, Liu Zhuangyin asked Piaosu some questions about going out.


"Father, there is something, I don't know if I should tell you old man?"

Liu Zhuangyin drank the porridge, hummed, and looked up at Piaosu.

"You said."

Piao Su decides to tell Liu Zhuangyin about Piao Luo's 'evil'. She is afraid that Piao Luo's situation will become more serious, and now she finds that the problem can be solved in time.

"Father, Piaoluo seems to be 'bewitched'?"

"What?" Liu Zhuangyin's face immediately darkened.

"I heard from Changbai that on their way to Hanshan Lingsi, they met robbers in the woods at night. Although Piaoluo was not hurt, but the next day, Piaoluo got lost with him as soon as they arrived at Hanshan Lingsi. Although we found her afterwards, she became abnormal."

When Liu Zhuangyin heard that Piaoluo was robbed, his complexion changed a lot, and when he heard that she was abnormal, he became even more serious.

"On the way down the mountain and back, she would talk to empty places from time to time, sometimes she looked at a place and smiled inexplicably, and even if she spoke, she said something we couldn't understand at all." Piao Su looked sad, "I asked her what she said, and she didn't remember saying anything."

Liu Zhuangyin asked, "Do you think she is bewitched?"

"Yes. If not, she is so good, why did this happen?"

Liu Zhuangyin, dressed in official uniform, was silent and thinking...

Piaoluo herself is a patient who sees no strangers at all. If she calls the doctor, she may find out the clues, but if she doesn't call, what if she is really sick?
"Father, should we invite a sorcerer to drive Piaoluo away?"

Liu Zhuangyin thought, this method is feasible.

"Okay, I'll let Uncle Ghost go outside the city to invite Master to come over." Liu Zhuangyin confessed, "Don't start before I go back to the mansion."

Liu Zhuangyin did his best to protect his little daughter.

"Okay, Dad."

"Okay, I'm going to court."

Piao Su gets up and sees them off.
When Uncle Gui went to invite the master outside the city, Mu Changbai accompanied him.

The ghost uncle said: "Why did you accidentally let the second lady meet the robbers? Although the master didn't say anything, he was definitely not happy. I asked you to accompany me because I wanted to protect the second lady."

Mu Changbai frowned, "I have neglected my duty."

"Hey." Uncle Gui sighed, "I feel restless today, but I hope nothing will happen."

Piaoluo went back to her room, let Xueer and Yuexin go out, and sat alone in front of the window, looking at the lush green flowers and plants in the yard, her mind was empty, as if there were many people and things to think about, but it seemed I don't know where to think of anything, and my head is full of chaos.

"When there is a choice, it is him, when there is no choice, it is also him..."

Does such a person exist?

If according to what he said, you can't marry until the only man you love appears, then wouldn't Changbai not be able to marry now?However, she really likes Changbai. If not, she would first marry him with the heart of liking, and then fall in love with him when the days are long enough, wouldn't it be fine?

"What if the right person doesn't show up until after you get married?"

Suddenly, Xinghua's voice resounded in the room, Piaoluo knew it was him, she didn't turn her head, and kept looking out of the window.

"If he shows up after I'm married, then he's not the right person."

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo with great interest, walked to her side and sat down.


"The so-called right person, doesn't he just appear at the right place at the right time?" Piaoluo turned to look at Xinghua, and asked him confidently, "If he didn't show up until I married someone else, he wouldn't be right." of."

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo's resolute eyes, yes, that's right, the right person just shows up just right, neither early nor late, how can the late person be the right person?
Ah Luo, am I the one who miscalculated?

"Aren't you sleepy?" Xinghua asked.

"Enough sleeping in the carriage at night, how about you?"

Xinghua leaned back on the chair, lazily, "I've... rested for too long."

(End of this chapter)

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