Chapter 186 Don't Blame You (1)
Looking at her sister and the man she loves, for a moment, Piaoluo felt that she was cruel. Since she was a child, her eldest sister had always taken care of her carefully, but now she was brought into the palace that she didn't want to go to.


Xinghua put his arms around Piaoluo's shoulders, "I don't blame you."

She really doesn't need to blame herself, this is Piao Su's fate.

However, no matter what Xinghua said, Piaoluo blamed herself.

After waiting for a long time at the door, Piao Su finally spoke out as Mu Changbai.

"Do you really have nothing to say to me?"

Mu Changbai thought for a while, it's not that he didn't want to say it at the moment, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't want to upset her at this time, but he didn't talk much with her usually, and now he couldn't find words.How can I comfort her to make her feel better now?
"Piao Su."

Mu Changbai shouted, and after waiting for a long time, he said, "Protect yourself well."

The harem is not a calm and scenic lake. It is a sea that can cause storms at any time. It is a deep sea where ordinary people cannot survive. I hope she can live wisely in it until she grows old.

"This, is what you want to say?" Piao Su looked at Mu Changbai, "Are you so sure that I will enter the palace?"

"If you don't enter, won't you be resisting the decree?"

Piao Su asked anxiously and angrily: "Am I afraid?"

Mu Changbai's eyes brightened. Looking at Piao Su who suddenly became strong, he knew that she was quite courageous, but resisting the decree did not affect her alone. Has she thought about it?He is not afraid, and I believe the master is not afraid, but there are dozens of lives in Liu's house, they are afraid.Where's Piaoluo?Does she care about her safety?Let her live the days of fleeing, hiding and hunting?
"I know you are a brave man."

Piao Su smiled wryly, so what if she was brave?No matter how brave he is, he can't touch his heart.No matter how brave she is, she will become vulnerable when facing his unlove, but he can't see it.

Mu Changbai realized that he really didn't know what else to say, so he let out a long breath, "Piao Su, I'll come back the day after tomorrow."

"What are you doing here?"

Piaoluo walked out of the room and walked up to Mu Changbai, "Will you take me into the palace?"

"That's the only thing I can do for you."

"Mu Changbai!"

Piao Su looked at Mu Changbai, his attitude was very clear, why she couldn't give up, gave herself hope again and again, and was wiped out by him again and again.

"You go." Piao Su made up her mind, "Don't come the day after tomorrow. I don't want to see you."

"it is good."

Mu Changbai turned and left.Seeing Piaoluo walking from the opposite side, her footsteps gradually slowed down.

Piao Luo walked up to Piao Su who had tears in her eyes, her heart ached so much that even her voice trembled.

"Sister, I'm sorry."

Piao Su burst into tears suddenly, but she misunderstood Piao Luo, she thought she was apologizing for Mu Changbai's liking for her, but she didn't know that Piao Luo's apology was for Li Yanxuan to call her his concubine.

"Piaoluo, it has nothing to do with you."

Love, how can you force it, Mu Changbai doesn't like her, and she can't get into his heart to make him like her.

"How can you say it has nothing to do with me? I caused it. If I hadn't slipped out to play, I wouldn't have met the current emperor, and my sister wouldn't have been named a concubine."

Piao Su was stunned by Piao Luo's words, even Mu Changbai, who was walking away, stood still, turned around and looked at Piao Luo, what did she say?
Piao Su's tears were printed on her cheeks, she looked at Piao Luo in surprise, "What did you say?"

"On the day you went to Hanshan Lingsi to burn incense, I disguised myself as a man and went out to play. I accidentally bumped into the emperor on the way. I didn't know his identity. I just thought he was a noble son of some family and called him brother and brother. Unexpectedly, he He actually found it." Piaoluo regretted a lot, "I didn't give him a name, I just said I was from Liufu, how could he know that he mistook my sister for me."

Mu Changbai, who had walked away, turned back nervously, looked at Piaoluo, "Piaoluo, tell me what happened that day carefully."

Afterwards, Piaoluo recounted what happened that day, and Piaosu and Mu Changbai frowned deeply.

She thought, it was his character that Piaoluo met the emperor by coincidence, recognized her woman but didn't reveal her identity?Or he had set his sights on the Liu Mansion early on and waited for Piao Luo to deliver it automatically.Door?Judging from what Piaoluo said, the new emperor Li Yanxuan should not be the kind of tyrant who disregards human life regardless of right and wrong.Piaoluo is pretending to be a man, how can he be so sure that she is pretending?
Because the Second Miss of the Liu Mansion is seriously ill?The only one who is healthy is her, so I assume it is her.

He thought, since the emperor Li Yanxuan had seen Piaoluo's appearance, he would definitely not give up easily. Although Piaoluo had disguised herself, Li Yanxuan could see that the fact that she was a daughter could not be changed. Even if Piaosu entered the palace, he would definitely Still won't give up.Being able to decree that Piaoluo canonize her as a concubine when she was still in men's clothing, it can be seen that Li Yanxuan has a heart for Piaoluo.

I'm afraid that Piao Su's entry into the palace as a concubine is just the beginning of troubles. Li Yanxuan's goal is Piao Luo. If he can't get her, how can he be willing to be the king of a country.

"Sister, I'm sorry." Piaoluo lowered her head, "I hurt you."

Compared with the fierce resistance before, after listening to Piaoluo's words, Piaosu calmed down, looked at Piaoluo with gentle eyes, and said that it was impossible not to blame her sister at all, but it was just a complaint, not a hatred.Why is she so playful?If you don't like going out to play, maybe you won't meet the emperor, and naturally there won't be such disturbing things.

But things are coming, what else can she do?Since it was her own sister who caused the trouble, how could she, as an older sister, ignore her.

Piao Su's voice was soft, but enough for Piao Luo and Mu Changbai to hear, "I'm entering the palace."

Piaoluo looked at Piaosu in surprise, "Sister?"

Piao Su took Piao Luo's hand and smiled.

Entering the palace is a crime of deceiving the emperor, but there may be a chance to plead with Li Yanxuan and survive.If she doesn't enter the palace as a concubine, she will be executed for resisting the decree. At that time, her situation will be seen by everyone in the world. It is the same crime of deceiving the emperor, and after the truth is revealed, she may be declared into the palace as a concubine. concubine.It's not that she doesn't want her to marry someone other than Mu Changbai, it's just that she is not suitable for the harem. With her personality, she will be killed soon after entering.

"I'm going to find my father." Piao Su let go of Piao Luo's hand, glanced at Mu Changbai when passing by, left without saying anything.


Piaoluo wanted to chase after her, but Xinghua quietly pulled her, shaking her head.

She can't change Piao Su's decision. For her own sake, she will not enter the palace, but for her safety, she will definitely enter the palace. This elder sister of the Liu family treats her younger sister as her own daughter.

late at night.

Xinghua sat on the roof of the mountain, looked down at Piaoluo who was in the room with Piaosu, she thought about sleeping with her sister for the last two nights, he understood and supported her.

They have a long way to go.

The two sisters sat on the bed, Piao Luo leaned against Piao Su's arms, and asked her in a low voice, "Sister, will you blame me?"

"A little. It's true. But not a lot."


"Being a concubine is both good and bad. The bad thing is that you are no longer so free. There are many rules in the palace. The good thing is that your husband is a master. It is something that many women in the world dream of. I have nothing to be picky about." Piao Su thought about Mu Changbai's face in his mind, let out a long breath, and smiled slightly, "You have met the emperor, how does he look? Very old?"

Piaoluo thought about Li Yanxuan's appearance and shook her head.

"Not old. At first I thought he would be very old, but not at all. He is imposing, handsome, and from my conversation with him, he has a pretty good temper, not a feeling that is difficult for a dragon face." Piaoluo He muttered, "On the contrary, it's the bodyguard next to him. He always has a dark face. It looks like someone has robbed his wife. He always keeps people away from him."

Piao Su smiled faintly, trying her best to look relaxed.

No matter how nice Li Yanxuan is, what does it have to do with her?All she wanted was Mu Changbai, except for him, everyone was the same in her eyes.If the matter was not caused by her sister, she would have thought of a countermeasure, but now it seems that there is no need to think about the escape plan at all.She couldn't leave, at least she couldn't leave before entering the palace, she couldn't implicate the people in Liufu, let alone let Li Yanxuan find Piaoluo.

"Piaoluo, it's getting late, go to bed."

"I don't want to sleep."

Piaoluo hugged her sister even more tightly, "I'm afraid I'll fall asleep, and I won't have time to talk to you in the future."

"Fool, even if you enter the palace, you can still find me in the palace in the future." Piao Su coaxed Piao Luo, "Or I can visit my relatives and come back."

"That's the treatment only a concubine can get."

Piao Su pretended to be angry, "Are you so sure that I won't become the emperor's favorite concubine?"

"No. Sister, you are so beautiful, well-educated, and extremely intelligent. Unless the emperor is blind, he can't see your goodness. Who else can he spoil if he doesn't spoil you." Piaoluo worried, "What I'm worried about is not that he doesn't pay attention. You, if you don't pay attention to him, you will not care about becoming his favorite concubine."

Piao Su was silent.

After all, it was sisters connecting hearts, she knew that she had no feelings for the emperor.But what if you don't feel it anymore?In the harem, if you want to live well, you probably have to rely on the nobility of your natal family, or the empress dowager. The empress is handpicked by the empress dowager. Li Chao is well known, but what about the emperor?The king's heart is unpredictable, and he still doesn't know if he is sincere, so how can he be counted on.Maternal family?Hehe, she doesn't think that a fourth-rank Beijing official is nothing among those beauties in the harem.

"Piaoluo, don't worry about me, I know how to deal with it."

She decided to enter the palace, no matter who it was for, she made up her mind and would try her best to do it well.She is Liu Piaosu, the daughter of Liu Zhuangyin, she is responsible for the Liu family, and she has to protect her younger sister.Even if he doesn't like Li Yanxuan, as long as he enters the palace the day after tomorrow and sees that she is not Piaoluo, he will not want her life, and if he doesn't anger the Liu family, she must gain a firm foothold in the harem.Piaoluo is not suitable for the harem, it doesn't mean she is not suitable, she, Liu Piaosu, never wanted to be a good person, although a concubine Xi is not the tallest, but she is enough to save her life from being bullied by most of the harem women.Those delicate ladies had better not provoke her, come to one to kill one, come to two to kill one pair, killing such things is no longer a rare thing for her.

In Liu's family, Piaoluo was the worst in kung fu, she had no intention of practicing martial arts, she often went to play, and practiced hard, Liu Zhuangyin was reluctant, and Mu Changbai felt even more distressed.Piao Su, on the other hand, was taught martial arts by Liu Zhuangyin and Su Luo since she was a child, and she has learned solidly. She can protect herself in a chaotic situation.

Piao Su secretly smiled, it seemed that Li Yanxuan really cared about Piao Luo, and she was made a concubine right away.

Now her reputation must have spread in the harem long ago, before the person arrives, her name will be heard first.Li Yanxuan's move undoubtedly created too many enemies for 'Xi Concubine Empress', and it also made those people full of curiosity about her.




Piao Su looked at Piao Luo, whose eyes were half closed, and pulled some quilts for her, "No need to apologize. You are my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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