Chapter 195 Is This Enough? (1)
Hey... what is this guy doing?No response at all.Is it not enough to dislike her kiss?

Piaoluo asked again, "More?"

Well, he is a master, and it is okay to ask for more, whoever asks himself for him.

Piaoluo leaned over and kissed Xinghua's lips again.

"Is this enough?"

Xinghua still just looked at her and said nothing.

Piaoluo was annoyed, "Hey, what's wrong with you, I asked you if you wanted a reward but didn't say anything, I kissed you twice, and I didn't fart a single fart, who knows what you really want."

"Girl, be gentle."

"That's all."

Xinghua chuckled, put down the hand supporting her head, gently supported Piaoluo's shoulders, and made her face him, "A Luo, if you promise me one thing, I will take you to see Piaosu."

She was a carrot and a winter melon, but he didn't want to reward her but asked her to agree to the conditions, causing her to send two sweet kisses for nothing. If she had known it earlier, she would not have taken the initiative. This guy is a liar.

"I kissed you twice."

Xinghua said seriously: "I will kiss you later and return the gift to you. I will never let you suffer."

Piaoluo raised her chin, it was more or less the same.

"Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"From now on, no matter what happens at any time, you are not allowed to stay alone with Mu Changbai."

Xinghua spoke to Piaoluo very solemnly. Mu Changbai is the spirit of the underworld flower. He is the person who has condensed all the evil souls and resentful spirits of the underworld for 100 million years and cultivated them into essence. Once this year is over, his spiritual power and memory will fade When it is fully opened, he will understand why he came to the world, and the disaster in the world will no longer be one or two deaths, but may be the destruction of a city.

When he was at King Yama's place in the underworld, he only noticed that Piaoluo had no record of life and death, but he didn't notice Mu Changbai.In retrospect, he initially counted the marriage for Mu Changbai at the Hanshan Spirit Temple, and when he found out that he had no marriage, he thought it was because he was a killer that he was doomed to be alone all his life, but now he realized that he was not an ordinary person at all.

Piaoluo frowned, Changbai didn't like her being with Xinghua, and now Xinghua told her not to be alone with Changbai, why did they dislike each other so much?They are all people she cares about. Is it so difficult for them to get along peacefully?
"A Luo, do you believe me?"

Piaoluo nodded, "I believe."

"Promise me that you will either stay by my side in the future, or stay with Xue'er Yuexin obediently. You can't go out alone, and you can't be alone with Mu Changbai."

As time goes by, Mu Changbai's calamity is getting closer to completion. If he is not by her side when his spiritual power is activated, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Changbai is very good to me, he is not a bad person."

"Ah Luo, he is indeed a good person now."

Piaoluo had a headache, one said not to kill him now, the other said he was a good person now, they all used "now", did they tell her that Changbai would definitely kill Xinghua in the future, and Xinghua predicted that Changbai would turn bad in the future.

Compared to Piaoluo's headache, Xinghua felt that he was really going to have a headache.She is not a divine book, it is not easy to bring her to Xingluo Palace, and it is impossible for him to stay with her forever in the mortal world. Now a king of the mortal world is interested in her, and a spirit of the underworld treats her as his own. , none of them were easy characters to deal with, which made his heart tightened.

As for Li Yanxuan, Xinghua couldn't make him disappear. Leaving aside his status as the Son of Heaven, a country has no ruler, and it is the people who suffer. It is impossible for him to do something that goes against the way of heaven.If he really found out the existence of Piaoluo, Liu Mansion would be in trouble.

Although A Luo was not born to Liu Zhuangyin and Su Luo, but the kindness of nurturing should be remembered, how could A Luo watch the Liu family be wiped out because of her.He will take care of her affairs.

For Mu Changbai, before his spiritual power was activated, he was a mortal. He could not kill innocent people indiscriminately, let alone seal an ordinary person. He could only watch his calamity be overcome day by day, and finally wake up all his memories.Only now did he understand why Mu Changbai was the number one killer of the Ghost Sect. After killing so many people, his hands were stained with blood, yet he was still able to wear plain white clothes and look like a spotless Pian Pianjia son.

The son of Tumi flower, one of the four major smallpoxes, how can he not be spotless and resplendent.

"Xue'er and Yue Xin follow me, I can't go anywhere." Piaoluo complained, "Only when I'm with Changbai can I go around. I don't want to be bored in the mansion all day long."

Xinghua knows that letting Piaoluo stay in the mansion for many years will really bore her, so she is used to being free in the demon forest, and after taking her to Xinghua Palace, she is always reluctant to treat her harshly, and makes her jump around when she wants to play with him , develop a habit of her doing everything.But Mu Changbai is not a kind person, how can he rest assured of her.

"I promise you, if you want to go out to play, I will take you."

"Anytime you call?"

"As long as I'm free."

Piaoluo pouted, "You are not idle."

"I'm your man."

The short five words made Piaoluo seem to be dead in place, looking at Xinghua's face, she didn't realize it for a long time, what did he say?
Piaoluo felt that she was going to be like the girl in the blue and white building, swinging her handkerchief and twisting her waist, shouting coquettishly, "Wow, what a bold declaration, what a domineering declaration." 'It made her feel like a deer was bumping around in her heart, and made her want to pounce on him and bite him.What should I do?rush.The movement is really strong.An evildoer is an evildoer, knowing when to make what gestures for her, what kind of words to say to her, it's too bad, this guy is really a scourge, specially here to hook.Take your own.

Xinghua's long and narrow eyes fixedly stared at Piaoluo, her clear eyes made her heart beat faster and faster.Didn't this guy say he was her man?If it's yours, what are you waiting for?

Piaoluo raised her butt and rushed towards Xinghua, he seemed to know that she would make this move, he hugged her body with one arm, and laughed softly.


Facing Xinghua, Piaoluo stuck her small mouth to his lips, and when she touched him, she began to gnaw, muttering, "My, my, my man."

Well, yours yours, I'm yours.

Piao Luo, who almost bit Xinghua's lips, suddenly felt a chill, let go of his lips and saw that she was sitting with him on a cloud and flying in the air, looking down, it was the welcoming procession going to the palace.

In an instant, Piaoluo's playful mood was gone.Watching the gorgeous red sedan walking towards Li Chao's palace, she seemed to be able to see the appearance of her sister in the sedan chair wanting to cry without tears. Heartbreak is the greatest sadness. She doesn't see her on the face, but she is in great pain in her heart.For any woman, it is a great helplessness and heartache for any woman to be separated from the person she loves.

"Am I cruel?"

Piaoluo asked in a low voice, whether she was asking herself or Xinghua, her sad tone made Xinghua feel distressed, she hugged her to her chest, and comforted her softly.

"A Luo, you can't change the fate of mortals."

Piao Su is a mortal, and it is her destiny to enter the palace. She will live strong in the palace of the Li Dynasty, and finally reach a position that no one expected today. She has such wisdom and tolerance.

"But you can." Piaoluo turned her head to look at Xinghua, the meaning in her eyes was quite obvious.

A pair of eyes as gentle as water looked at Piaoluo.Yes, he is capable enough to change Piao Su's fate.But after the change, is it still Piao Su?A person's life needs to be experienced by her.This life has changed, and when she is reincarnated in the underworld, she still cannot escape the fate of entering the palace, but because of his actions, she will experience more hardships and beliefs in the next life.

God is the fairest judge.

"A Luo, if Piao Su enters the palace, she may not be happy."

"The emperor is not the man she loves."

Xinghua said: "For some women, love is not the most important thing in her life."

There are several types of people, and some value love more than anything else.And some people have great ambitions, and love is just a foil to life in their eyes. It is very good, and they don’t care if they don’t. What they value is whether other things can be done better.

People who live for love are destined to be more hurt and sad than others.

Obviously, Piao Su would not be that kind of person.

She cares about the relationship between men and women, but she will not ignore her relatives because of it.In the face of making many women lose their love, she has amazing reason.Such a woman is suitable for the harem where women struggle the most. She is a concubine because of her nature.

Piaoluo looked at Xinghua half-understood, what he meant was that Changbai was not the one my sister pursued wholeheartedly?Or, her sister is a woman who loves power?

"A Luo, just bless Piaosu. Don't think too much about the rest." Xinghua said earnestly, "One day, she will understand that today's decision seems to be accidental, but in fact it is inevitable that you brought Li Yanxuan to her. .”

Every chance encounter is an inevitable experience.

Piaoluo will not know now what an excellent woman her sister Piaosu is.Liu Zhuangyin would never have imagined that his own daughter was a daughter who was enough to make him proud.

And the woman named Piao Su who was walking on the wheel of fortune would not even know that she not only entered the palace as a concubine, but also became a generation of empress of the Li Dynasty after going through various battles of wits and courage.When the country's disasters came one after another, she seized the opportunity to stabilize the overall situation and calm the morale of the army. With her wisdom, she turned her hands into clouds and rain, established a generation of female emperor dynasty, and aspired to the world.

However, what even Xinghua at this moment did not expect is that in the long future, there will be anomalies in the fate of generations of empresses. A baby girl born on a night full of stars will lead the empress dynasty to an unknown path .

"Then just watch my sister enter the palace like this now?"

Xinghua asked, "Do you want to follow?"

Piaoluo nodded, and left after seeing that Piaosu was safe, she might be able to help a bit by watching in the dark.

Xinghua really didn't want to meddle in ordinary people's affairs, but looking into Piaoluo's eyes, he didn't want to disappoint her, so he hesitated for a while, and talked to her about the conditions.

"After entering the palace, no matter what you see, you must be obedient."


As soon as Piaosu's sedan chair entered the gate of the palace, the news spread throughout the palace, especially in the harem, and all the concubines guessed what kind of woman it was that could make the emperor directly confer her concubine.

Women do not touch politics.

The brigade of the Ministry of Rites avoided the main hall where the government was discussed and the palace where Li Yanxuan lived, and sent Piaosu directly to the Wanhua Palace where she was given to stay.

"The concubine Xi is here."

All the palace people waiting outside Wanhua Palace knelt down under the leadership of the aunt in charge of the palace, Jingren.

"Congratulations, Concubine Xi."

Piao Su's heart was a little nervous, once she entered the palace, she couldn't go out casually.And she also didn't want to be carried out by others, if she left sideways, the Liu Manor would be ransacked and beheaded.

(End of this chapter)

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