Chapter 197 I, I Don’t Allow (2)
"Piaoxiaoluo, if you really want to, I won't let you get out of bed every day." Xinghua's earnest expression made Piaoluo's heart tremble, "I will do what I say!"

"Why are you!"

Xinghua raised his eyebrows, "It's up to me."

"You are too domineering." As she said that, Piaoluo wanted to get up from Xinghua's arms, but she was hugged tightly by him, "You are unreasonable."

He is unreasonable?

Is it reasonable to let a woman find a hundred men?Wanting to enlarge her breasts, he is such a big living person waiting for her here, doesn't she know how to find him?I have to bring the 'result' to show off in front of him, I don't know, maybe he is more willing to participate in the 'process'.

With him, one is against a hundred.

Suddenly, a male voice laughed wildly.

"Ha ha……"

Piaoluo was taken aback, for there was still such lewdness in the cloud for a long time.The swaying laughter was really unbelievable, and then followed the sound and looked around, but there was no one.So, she turned to look at Xinghua again, and asked him, "Who was laughing just now?"

Xinghua slowly closed his eyes, opened them again, and said slowly: "Come out quickly, don't scare her."

Soon, a figure in pure white clothes with a golden light on his head appeared from a distance, because the distance was too far, Piaoluo couldn't see it clearly, and felt that the person coming was very illusory.After thinking about it, since Xinghua could sense the person coming and speak in a familiar tone, he must have known the person coming, and in this case, she had nothing to be afraid of.

Piaoluo watched the person approaching slowly, and when Ke Ke could see his face clearly, she thought that if Xinghua was not by her side, she would have rushed over.

This man looks too evil!

White moss flowers bloomed from the man's feet in white, and a flower path of tens of meters spread out in front of his footsteps. There were large and large flowers, the petals were so pure white that there was no trace of blemish. Walking slowly, with fluttering clothes, like a dream.

If Xinghua is, lure.People can't control the red lips and white teeth.The man in front of him will make people feel that he is a little uncomfortable, the color of his lips is light, the lip line of his thin lips is very fine, and he is tightly pursed.The slender eyebrows raised to the temples made his eyes look narrow and cold, almost inhumanly indifferent.

Piaoluo sighed sincerely, he is considered a god among gods, looking at him like this, no one would think that he is a mortal, such a peerless demeanor, what kind of person can he be if he is not a god.What surprised her was that, like Xinghua, this man's hair color.


Do not!no!

Xinghua is as pure white as Sai Xue's, but the man who came here is different, every strand of hair is almost transparent, and the long hair hanging over the heel looks like it is shining... silver .

Piaoluo couldn't believe it, such a fairy who looked so hard to breathe was actually the kinky one just now.The person who made the laughing sound didn't match his image too much.

"Ha ha……"

Another burst of prostitution that made goosebumps all over my body.Laughter.

Piaoluo saw clearly that the man in white clothes shining with golden light standing nearby did not make a sound.When she was puzzled, a dark green figure suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face.Lovely sneer.

A certain woman realized.That's right, it should be such a man with peach blossom eyes who looks like a playboy who can make such an unscrupulous smile.

Suddenly Piaoluo felt that the whole world was full of beautiful men, Xinghua was, Changbai was, Li Yanxuan was, and so were the two men who appeared in front of her.Of course, if you compare Changbai and Li Yanxuan with the three in front of you, it is a bit like comparing the appearance of the oiran of Qinghualou with the aunt who sells cabbage on the street. Are all the gods so handsome that they are not human?Especially her Xinghua and the man in white.

Qilin has been ignoring Xinghua sitting on Ruiyun since he appeared, staring at the fairy-like Piaoluo in a white gauze skirt in front of him. This girl is really too beautiful, even he lived in the heaven The god of more than 300 million years can't think of anyone who can match her.What's more, he felt half-familiar with her.

"Why are you here?" Xinghua's voice was clear.

Piaoluo wondered, there were two people here, why did Xinghua use "you" instead of "you", isn't it afraid that they won't understand?

However, her worry was obviously superfluous, because a clear but not soft but not waxy male voice passed over her eardrums lightly like clouds passing through the sky.

"Send the Mojin Sutra."

Xinghua thought, yes, once in a hundred years, he has to personally send it to the Buddha of the Western Paradise.If it wasn't for the fact that he had to go there personally this time, I'm afraid he could stay in Qianchen Palace and never come out.Compared with him, his trivial matters seem to be much more.

Qilin has been looking at Piaoluo all the time, wondering if he has seen her somewhere, he is in the prime of his life, and he is more confident in his memory, how could he not remember who this beautiful woman with closed moon is?As long as she is a beauty, there is nothing he can't remember.

"Have you seen enough?"

Xinghua's voice resounded leisurely, one arm was put around Piaoluo's waist, and he stood up while holding her up.

The moment he stood up, the white clothes with gold and purple borders were replaced by his divine robes. The emperor-colored purple satin clothes were of the highest quality, without a single wrinkle. , and his whole body is like a white-clothed fairy, dyed with a layer of divine light, on his forehead is a forehead ring that she didn't see when she met him in Hanshan Lingsi, and a purple lotus flower is in full bloom. Ruhuo made the already unbelievably handsome man even more suffocating.

Piaoluo stared blankly at Xinghua who hadn't recovered, and sighed secretly, even though he was sitting just now, his aura was not inferior to the other two, when he stood up, the aura emanating from his bones became more obvious, Compared with the fairies in white and the playboys in dark green clothes, his purple robes are so boring to the extreme.I have always thought that he is just a rascal who sometimes makes people hate it, but now I understand, people, it really needs to be compared, and one can see that he is a typical representative of the Mensao faction.

"Ah, I understand."

Qilin looked at Piaoluo as if he saw the expression of a big monster, and then at Xinghua, he even stuttered a little because he couldn't believe it.

"She...she is..."

Qilin begged for help and looked at Xinghua, hoping that he could give himself a negative and make him feel that the sky is not so magical.But Xinghua gave a word, like a thunderbolt struck Qilin's head.


He, admitted.

Qianli in white clothes couldn't help but glance at Piaoluo. Even if he didn't want to hear what happened to Xinghua 200 million years ago, it was impossible for him to hear about it. It has been spread all over the 33 heavens, and there are so many versions that are recorded in history books. not come.Fortunately, there is one thing in all the versions, his only disciple was pregnant with his child, and then jumped into Burning Immortal Cliff.As for the process of their love, it is depicted so that people don't know which is true and which is false.

He has seen Xinghua who practiced at a young age, he also knows Xinghua with black hair and indifferent Shangxian, and he also knows Xinghua with white hair who is autistic and insulated.There are only a handful of women who can get close to him in these 200 million years. He really doesn't think of a woman who can make him stretch his arms into his arms, and who can make him condescend and change into ordinary clothes to play with him.

Piaoluo may not know why Xinghua changed back to the divine robe, is he going to accompany her back to the mansion like this?

Xinghua took Piaoluo and flew high in the auspicious clouds, Baimohua under Qianli's feet also flew against the wind, Qilin followed in horror, and glanced at Piaoluo one after another.

"Where are we... going?" Piaoluo leaned into Xinghua's arms slightly scared, "My sister is still in the palace, the emperor may send someone to the mansion to check."

Xinghua's voice was not loud, and she was flying again, and she leaned closer to her ear, "It's okay."

No matter how impatient Li Yanxuan was, it was impossible for him to act today. He didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

When Qilin saw Xinghua and Piaoluo whispering, the heart of gossip cultivated in the long and boring years of the gods burst out. This is definitely the biggest accident that happened to Xinghua in 200 million years!Yes, an accident!For a god like him, Piaoluo was a catastrophe.I thought she had finished harming him 200 million years ago, but she reappeared again. I really feel sorry for the weirdness of reincarnation without gossip.

Yufeng was flying faster and faster, if Piaoluo's slender body hadn't been hugged by Xinghua, she would have been blown under the clouds, she turned her head and buried her face in his shoulder, feeling that the clothes on her body were being scraped It's like getting rid of it.

When the wind stopped, Piaoluo's heart finally settled down.Raising his head, he was immediately shocked by the scenery in front of him.

Yunjuanyunshu, smog misty, psychedelic and unreal.

The clear water of a lake is sparkling, and there is a tiny island in the middle of the lake, even Piaoluo thinks she can't call it an island, it's just a small mound protruding from the water.What makes this small mound look unique is that a very tall everlasting tree grows in the center of the island, and its leaves spread out, covering the entire island under its leaves. The thick leaves cannot penetrate the sunlight. Standing under the tree, the cool breeze is blowing, very comfortable.

Xinghua put his hands down from Piaoluo's waist, and sat down with Qianli on the stool formed by the thick stems protruding from the soil under the tree.The purple wide sleeves waved, and a tabletop floated between the two, on which appeared a set of tea sets and a game of chess.

Before collecting Piaoluo from the demon forest, Xinghua and Qianli used to meet each other every once in a while, playing chess, drinking wine and so on. Xinghua seldom interacts with others. Qianli has a heart that is beyond ten feet away from the world of mortals. In any sense, everything depends on his mood.Think, do it.I don't want to, I don't even bother to lift my eyelids.With the supreme mana coupled with his personality of not being near acquaintances or strangers, none of the 33 gods, big or small, dared to provoke him without fear of death.In particular, although he was born extremely beautiful, the reputation of being shameless, perverted, shameless and poisonous has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for millions of years, breaking the hearts of fairies and fairies in 33 heavens.He is the kind of master that everyone wants to keep for themselves, no matter how bad it is to get a little bit of relationship, but they dare not do anything wrong to him.

In layman's terms, Qianli Shangshen is a god that people love, hate, look up to and despise.

This time when Xinghua and Qianli met, the two came to Taixu Realm tacitly, intending to catch up, drink tea, and play chess.There is no suitable opponent to play chess for a long time, and life is very lonely and boring.

(End of this chapter)

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