Chapter 207 More Than This (2)
The bed was too short, Piaoluo turned over in a daze, put one arm on Xinghua's leg, she heard some words in her mouth, but couldn't hear clearly, and the room returned to tranquility.

Xinghua untied his robe, lay down, hugged the soft woman into his arms, smelled the faint orchid fragrance in her hair, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Feeling the warmth surrounding her, Piaoluo opened her eyes in a half-dream and half-awake state, and stuck to the warmth. Feeling very comfortable, she stuck again.Is it because you had a good day today?Why do I feel like the feeling of sleeping.
After Mu Changbai withdrew the ghost order, he came to the small garden where Piaoluo lived, stood in the garden and looked at Piaoluo's room, without moving.

He felt that she was changing, but he didn't know how to pull her back.I never thought that someone would appear by her side before, no one was more powerful than him, if he appeared, just kill him.But Xinghua, he felt that he didn't have the confidence to deal with it cleanly at once. He always felt that Xinghua let himself stab him deliberately to make Piaoluo nervous.If he really used his ability, he would definitely be able to hide with her, without using his body to save her.

Mu Changbai wanted to go forward to look for Piaoluo, but saw that the light in her room had gone out, after a while Yue Xin and Xue'er came out of her room and went to rest together.

Since she is asleep, let's look for her tomorrow.

Mu Changbai stood outside Piaoluo's window for a long, long time...

The sound of footsteps outside the house gradually faded away. Lying on the bed and hugging the puffing stars, I opened my eyes in the darkness, and then slowly closed them again.

If he hadn't come to the Hanshan Spirit Temple, hadn't been on tour outside the temple, and hadn't rescued her, the current her... walking around every step of the way, would be nothing wrong at all.

Day two.

In the Imperial Palace of the Li Dynasty, in the Imperial Study Room.

Kneeling in front of Li Yanxuan, Liu Zhuangyin was so nervous that he didn't dare to raise his head. In the early court, he felt a bunch of sharp eyes from the dragon chair shooting towards him from time to time. After the court, he was indeed called to the imperial study by Eunuch Xi inside.

"Deputy Envoy Liu raised his head."

Li Yanxuan's voice was deep, and he couldn't hear too much anger, and of course he wasn't very happy. He just felt that he was very serious at the moment.

Liu Zhuangyin quickly raised his head, looked at Li Yanxuan's face, and suddenly thought of Xinghua. Ever since he saw his demeanor last night, he was so scared that he couldn't fall asleep all night.No wonder he is so handsome, so he is not a mortal person, I really offended him, fortunately he still has the kindness to raise Piaoluo, otherwise I really don't know what to do.Looking at the Son of Heaven on the Dragon Throne, I immediately felt that he was not that scary. At least compared to Shangshen Xinghua, he was still an ordinary person. He was said to be the Son of Heaven. Everyone knew that the Emperor was also a mortal, and experienced life, old age, sickness and death.

"Vice Envoy Liu should know why I called you here, right?" Li Yanxuan asked tentatively, to see if he could get some clues from Liu Zhuangyin's body.

Liu Zhuangyin had already made preparations for Li Yanxuan to find him, and his voice was smooth and smooth, without any abnormality, "The humble minister is dull, I don't know why the emperor is looking for the humble minister."

"I really don't know?"

Liu Zhuangyin shook his head, "I don't know."

"Can Vice Envoy Liu know who my Concubine Xi is?"

"It's Weichen's eldest daughter, Liu Piaosu."

Liu Zhuangyin didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't seem to be worried about what happened to Concubine Xi, she really looked normal.Li Yanxuan had to think, maybe Liu Zhuangyin really didn't know anything, he didn't know that it wasn't his daughter Liu Piaosu who he wanted to be canonized, and he didn't know who he wanted to be canonized.It was confirmed that it was Liu Piaoluo before, but according to Chenfeng and Xi Duohai, they have all seen Liu Piaoluo, she has a very ordinary appearance, and she is much worse than Liu Piaosu, especially her body is really seriously ill. My son has been ill for many years, and I don't know how long he can live.

Thinking of leaving a seriously ill daughter to Liu Zhuangyin, Li Yanxuan felt that he felt a little sorry for him. If Liu Piaosu didn't enter the palace, he could still take care of his old father. After returning, his wife died many years ago. If the second daughter is gone, he will be alone.

"Deputy Envoy Liu, the daughter you teach is not bad."

Li Yanxuan's tone suddenly relaxed, and Liu Zhuangyin's heart also relaxed a little.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

"I know, you still have a little girl, I don't know if you are married?"

Liu Zhuangyin trembled, what?Alright, why is Piaoluo's marriage involved? Could it be that the emperor wants to marry Piaoluo?That would be too bad, Piaoluo is the wife of God Xinghua, she can't just marry anyone casually.

"Go back to the emperor, yes."

Li Yanxuan was taken aback, "I don't understand this. Your eldest daughter is not married, so why does your younger daughter have someone else?"

"Reporting to the emperor, my daughter has been sick since she was a child. My minister and my mother took her around to seek medical treatment when she was very young. Later, I found a master and went to him every year to get medicine. My daughter grew up gradually. , the condition gradually became serious, there was no other way, we put our little girl to live with him for a period of time. Until later, Wei Chen went to Beijing to take a post, and he didn't want the little girl to be too far away from me, so he invited the master back. After a long time , the little girl and the master also have feelings, thinking that he is the only one who can take good care of the little girl in this life, so my wife betrothed the little girl Piaoluo to him before she died."

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhuangyin was amazed by his wit. In this way, as long as the God of Xinghua pretended to be Piaoluo's master, he would be able to pass by. Although such an identity is not very appropriate, it can prevent Piaoluo from being given a marriage He should be willing to cooperate with God, right?

Li Yanxuan looked at Liu Zhuangyin, but couldn't find the question in his words, "So, he and Piaoluo both live in your house?"

"Now it is."

Li Yanxuan asked, "From your tone, it won't be in the future?"

"Back to the emperor, my daughter's health is getting worse and worse. In a few days, she will be taken back to the deep mountains where Master lives to recuperate."

Li Yanxuan nodded, looking at Liu Zhuangyin's body, it would be no problem to serve the court for another ten years, but he seemed to be over-concerned.

"Yes. Deputy Envoy Liu."

"Wei Chen is here."

Li Yanxuan glanced at Xi Duohai, "I wonder if you know the woman in the painting?"

Xi Duohai walked up to Liu Zhuangyin with the scroll and unfolded it.

The woman in the picture scroll is exactly the Piaoluo that Li Yanxuan drew when he was in lovesickness.

Seeing the portrait, Liu Zhuangyin was startled for a moment, it seems that the emperor's favorite concubine Yuzhe is indeed Piaoluo.

Li Yanxuan carefully observed Liu Zhuangyin's expression, seeing him surprised, thinking he knew him, "How?"

Liu Zhuangyin cupped his fists and bowed, "Back to the emperor, the woman in the painting is unknown to me."

"You really don't know?"

"Your Majesty, the woman in the painting can be said to be a shameful flower that overwhelms the country, the city, the moon and the moon. How can this humble minister be so blessed?"

Li Yanxuan stared at Liu Zhuangyin for a moment, in disbelief.

Liu Zhuangyin denied knowing Piaoluo, and Li Yanxuan couldn't judge whether he was lying. He said some digressions, and then promoted him to become the third-rank inspector's right governor, so he asked him to step down.

Back in the mansion, Liu Zhuangyin thought about it back and forth, and decided to tell Xinghua the portrait that Li Yanxuan showed him, and also tell him how he replied.When he arrived at the guest room and didn't see him open the door, he suddenly thought that he was really forgetful.Piaoluo is the wife of God, he must be with her in Xiaoyuan now.

While walking Liu Zhuangyin couldn't believe it, he and Su Luo actually raised a heavenly fairy who had gone through many calamities, no wonder Piaoluo was so beautiful, she turned out to be a girl from heaven.There is a saying that is as beautiful as a fairy, which is actually true after thinking about it.

In Liu Zhuangyin's heart, Piaoluo was placed in the same level as Xinghua, thinking that sooner or later she would go back to the sky after going through the calamity, and if he treats her well now, maybe she will repay her kindness in the future.

Sure enough, on the grass in the small garden where Piaoluo lived, Liu Zhuangyin saw Xinghua who was basking in the sun with Piaoluo. She was sitting on the grass and eating melon seeds, while he was lazily lying beside her With his hands crossed and his fingers resting behind his head, the white hair was scattered under his body and sides, looking like a fairy.

Liu Zhuangyin couldn't help but feel annoyed, why didn't he think of it in the first place when he was so obvious like a fairy?How stupid to actually make him look good in front of him.Fortunately, however, no irreparable mistakes have been made.

"On Xinghua..." Seeing Yue Xin walking towards this side, Liu Zhuangyin immediately changed his words, "Young Master Xinghua, let's bask in the sun."

Piaoluo stood up from the ground, threw a handful of melon seeds in her hand onto the plate on the grass, and called softly, "Father."

Liu Zhuangyin shivered for a moment, and suddenly felt that he really couldn't afford to say "Dad", but he couldn't tell Piaoluo that she was not his daughter, so he bit the bullet and agreed, looking at Xinghua on the grass, lest he would be dissatisfied .The man on the ground didn't react at all, Liu Zhuangyin's heart was relieved, it seemed that it was indeed a good thing for God to take Piaoluo away, if she called him 'Daddy' every day, he would definitely lose his life.

"Mr. Xinghua." Liu Zhuangyin didn't know how to call himself. It would be disrespectful to call him big, but it would definitely feel weird to call him Piaoluo, "Well... I have something I want to talk to you about."

Piaoluo looked at her father, and felt that he was a bit abnormal. Yesterday's attitude was not like this, why did she become like a little white rabbit in front of a big bad wolf overnight, cautious and respectful with a hint of ……Fear.Could it be that the emperor Li Yanxuan forced him to say something he shouldn't say in the court today, so he came here to ask Xinghua for help?The more she thinks about it, the more Piaoluo feels that her guess is right, and only when she needs help from others, will she lower her posture.But, is Dad's posture too low this time?

Xinghua's closed eyes did not open, and his voice was more lazy than his posture, "lift your feet."

Piaoluo looked down at her feet, it was nothing.

Liu Zhuangyin also looked down at his feet, and suddenly found that he had stepped on a part of Xinghua's purple robe, his face changed in fright, and he jumped away like a big male rabbit, his posture was so exaggerated that Piaoluo and Yuexin opened their eyes wide eyes.

Dad... he jumped so far.

Grandpa can jump so high.

After Liu Zhuangyin's long jump, seeing Piaoluo and Yuexin's gazes on him, he felt that he had really lost his composure, so he walked back quickly, feeling a little helpless, but he held his face and looked at Xinghua.

"Master Xinghua." Liu Zhuangyin took a special look at the ground so as not to step on Xinghua's clothes again, and after making sure he didn't step on it, he said, "Your Majesty..."

Xinghua's voice was soft, interrupting Liu Zhuangyin's words, "Give way a little."

Liu Zhuangyin looked at the ground, then at Piaoluo, what gave way?
Xinghua opened his eyes and looked at Liu Zhuangyin, "You are blocking the sun."

"Uh, oh."

Liu Zhuangyin stepped back two steps.

Xinghua sat up from the grass, the leg that was propped up was not flat, and an arm was casually put on it. It looked like a handsome and unrestrained posture in a lazy way, which made Piaoluo feel obsessed with it Huanxi, this product looks better and better now, no matter how you look at it, it is not enough.

"Li Yanxuan asked if you knew A Luo."

Liu Zhuangyin was a little surprised, and soon realized that Xinghua was a god, and he must have guessed about this, "Yes, yes. I showed the old man a portrait of Piaoluo drawn by him."

Xinghua's gaze turned to Piaoluo's face.Seeing him looking at her, Piaoluo's gaze met him in mid-air, smiling gently.While laughing, I remembered what Liu Zhuangyin said, what did he say?Li Yanxuan drew a portrait of her?Then if he posted portraits all over the street, how could he go out to play?
(End of this chapter)

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