Heavenly Song, Three Lives of Love and Three World Tribulations

Chapter 224 The servant girl knew she was wrong

Chapter 224 The servant girl knew she was wrong (2)
When the empress dowager and the queen saw Li Yanxuan's appearance, they suddenly felt different.The queen mother asked aloud, "What painting is the emperor looking at?"

Empress Xi Xilian even walked towards Li Yanxuan curiously, "Your Majesty."

The rich fragrance wafted over, Li Yanxuan quickly put away the painting in his hand, looked at Xi Xilian who was approaching, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he was very displeased.It's okay for her to see Cao Xi's appearance. She can't tolerate Concubine Xi anymore, and feels that her beauty makes her feel uneasy. If Cao Xi finds out for her, then how can it be just a hindrance, sending someone to kill her? It may be possible to do it, the struggle of women in the harem, he saw too much during his mother's period.Hmph, if Cao Xi enters the palace and she dares to touch her, he will ask her to hand over the phoenix seal of the middle palace lord.

When Xi Xilian received Li Yanxuan's gaze, she paused, unable to ask a word, and watched him walk towards Xifei Piaosu with the painting.

"Concubine Xi."

"My concubine is here."

Li Yanxuan stared at Piao Su's face, hoping to see something from her expression, "I ask you, did you draw this painting?"

"It was painted by my concubine."

"The person in the painting, who are you?"

Piao Su's expression was calm, "Back to the emperor, the person in the painting is not someone from my concubine, and my concubine does not know the woman in the painting."

Li Yanxuan looked at Piaosu's face, he naturally wouldn't be convinced by her words that she really didn't know the person in the painting, but he also felt that there really wouldn't be a third lady in the Liu family, and that Cao Xi might have something to do with their family. It's related, but it's not her own sister, maybe it's just a cousin or something, and she took the name of Piaoluo, the second miss of the Liu Mansion. After all, Piaoluo is sick in bed all year round, and no one has seen her. Her name is the best. Counterfeit.

"Are you sure you don't know him?"

Piao Su acted very calmly, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Concubine Xi, do you know what crime it is to deceive the emperor?"

"The concubine knows. But if the concubine lies about knowing her, but cannot find the woman in the painting to prove to the emperor, then she is really deceiving the emperor."

The Empress Dowager looked at Li Yanxuan and Piao Su impatiently. Of course, she was impatient that Piao Su's painting had attracted her son's attention, "Emperor, are you still looking for things with Ai's family?"

Li Yanxuan took a deep look at Piao Su, "You come with me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Piao Su walked beside Li Yanxuan, he seemed to be looking for something as he walked, but in fact, everyone could see that he was just calling Concubine Xi by his side to ask about something.

"You said you didn't know the person in the painting, so why can you draw this painting?"

Piao Su had already figured out a countermeasure, "Back to the emperor, earlier in the side garden in the northwest corner of the imperial study, the concubine accidentally picked up a broken painting, which was exactly this woman. Because the paper was burnt The woman in the painting is completely unrecognizable, but even though she can't see clearly, the courtiers can still see that she looks like a fairy, so they thought, if they can repair the person in the painting, wouldn't it be a good thing." After a pause, in order to make her own words believable, Piao Su said again, "In order to be able to draw the fairy girl well, my concubine carefully copied it every day in Wanhua Palace, and it was not until this last one that I could barely feel the same as the one I picked up that day. It's kind of similar to that one."

Seeing that Li Yanxuan seemed to be wavering, Piao Su stepped up and said, "The concubine invited the emperor to Wanhua Palace before, thinking that the painting was picked up from the northwest corner of the imperial study room. It might be a fairy drawn by the emperor in some historical books. I wanted to ask the emperor for advice, but I didn't expect the emperor to..." Piao Su made a sad expression, "Ignore my concubines."

Li Yanxuan remembered that Piao Su had indeed approached him a few times before, and he had indeed ignored her. If he had known that she was seeking him for this painting, he would have gone there too.

"Chen Qie was at a loss at the time, and didn't know how to write. The dilapidated painting, somehow, suddenly caught fire one day. Chen Qie could only rely on the image of the woman in his memory to draw, and it was very hard work." As she spoke, Piao Su deliberately slowed down her speaking speed, with grievances in her eyes, "I was fascinated by the painting today, and I don't want the emperor to order someone to call my concubine in a hurry. If I give my concubine more time, I can probably draw better OK."

Piao Suzhi decided that Li Yanxuan would not blame her in Piao Luo's portrait, so he deliberately pointed the finger at him, so as to suppress his previous arrogance towards her.

Sure enough, Li Yanxuan immediately explained to himself.

"I ordered the Queen to inform you earlier, but she forgot too many things at the moment. Before leaving, I saw that you hadn't arrived, and after asking, she remembered that she missed reminding you."

Piao Su nodded understandingly, "The empress is in charge of the harem, and there are many affairs, and the concubines are quiet, so it is really rare to get her attention. Perhaps the empress thinks that it has little to do with whether the concubines come or not on Tiankuang Festival today."

Li Yanxuan frowned slightly. Concubine Xi was complaining to him.

"You have been wronged today, and I will make it up to you."

Piao Su just set up a ladder for Li Yanxuan, and he also wanted to understand why he was able to draw the portrait of Cao Xi. She gave the stairs that seemed to complain but was actually to get close, and he was naturally happy to go down.

Coming out of the Tiankuang Palace, everyone who accompanied him could see that the emperor had regained favor with Concubine Xi, so he ordered her to follow him without saying anything. It is to ask her to talk to him about her experience after reading it.This, didn't it make it clear that he wanted to see Concubine Xi more, and he wanted to see her more.

In the group, only Piao Su followed Li Yanxuan to his imperial study at the end. Piao Su looked at the scroll tightly in his hand twice, and felt that Li Yanxuan really had an extraordinary obsession with Piaoluo, and she suddenly didn't know what to do. Crying or laughing, based on Piaoluo's portrait, she is sure to get the emperor's attention again, but in this way, he will inevitably ask herself what is the relationship with Piaoluo, she doesn't think her answer in the Jingge of Tiankuang Palace Has made him give up.It's not difficult for her to keep her mouth shut, and her father and Liu's house will have no problems, but I don't know if Xinghua really hid Piaoluo. If Li Yanxuan finds it out, everyone can't eat it and walk away.

Li Yanxuan stepped into the door of the imperial study room with one foot, thinking that many paintings of Piaoluo that he had drawn were burned by fire, so he retracted his foot and looked at Piaosu beside him, "Let's go to Wanhua Palace."

He already has a psychological shadow, thinking that if he looks at the portrait of Piaoluo in the imperial study, he will be burned.

Li Yanxuan, who positioned himself in the position of being diligent and caring for the people, felt that God must be afraid that he would be obsessed with beauty and disregard the lives of the people, so he would destroy the picture scroll as long as he ignored the government in the imperial study and was greedy for the beauty's appearance. God is urging him to be a good emperor.Well, yes, a wise gentleman really shouldn't invest too much in beauties, and he thinks it's right.However, it is no problem to see a beauty in the concubine's womb. His concubine is a beauty in her own right.

He didn't show Piaoluo's portrait to any concubine before, because he didn't want rumors that he fell in love with a fairy to spread in the harem. Now that Concubine Xi can draw a picture of the woman in his heart, he has nothing to hide.In particular, he felt that Concubine Xi was not an unreasonable person, and she would definitely accept him as a concubine again.Queen, it's hard to say.Hey... Li Yanxuan sincerely felt how important it is to marry a wise queen, but it's a pity that his... the queen chose the wrong one for him.

Piao Su was overjoyed in her heart, but kept calm on her face.


Xi Duohai shouted, "The emperor drives Wanhua Palace."


After returning to the palace, Xi Xilian slapped the maidservant who bumped into her in Jingge severely, and took all her anger on her head.

She felt that if the maid hadn't bumped into her, she would have lost her composure.Since he didn't lose his composure, he naturally couldn't imply that the damned slave would take revenge on Concubine Xi's people.If there is no revenge, the picture scroll must not be thrown out. If the picture scroll does not go out, it will not attract Li Yanxuan's attention.It was not easy for the emperor to neglect Concubine Xi, and now a painting made him interested in her again, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

She didn't know what kind of woman was painted on the scroll, but she only had a vague glimpse, which was not real.I didn't realize that the emperor loved pictures of ladies so much before, but it's really incredible how he regained his favor for Concubine Xi just by seeing the pictures this time.

"Useless slave."

Xi Xilian kicked the maid who was kneeling by her feet in disbelief, "If it wasn't for you, how could I let Concubine Xi win back the emperor's heart again today?" And snubbed.

"The Queen Mother calm down."

"Calm your anger? How do you ask me to calm your anger?" The queen was so angry that she didn't even drink the fire-reducing tea brought by the maid, and sat down on the chair angrily, watching the trembling maid on the ground became more and more angry, "Go down!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Xi Xilian was really curious about what kind of painting Li Yanxuan was holding in his hand. Why did the emperor turn a little bit wrong when he mentioned the person in the painting?It seems... special tenderness, special... longing.

Yes, that is longing.It seemed that he hadn't got what he had been thinking about for a long time, but it was a coincidence that Concubine Xi happened to hit his heart.

Xi Xilian snorted coldly, in this harem, every woman who wanted to attract the emperor's attention would do nothing by accident.Concubine Xi probably did it on purpose.If not, why would she let her maidservant hold the zither and the painting when she arrived at the Tiankuang Palace? Could it be that she just wanted to show off in front of the emperor and the empress dowager? She probably didn't expect that a painting would take the emperor's hand. My heart is hooked.What a scheming woman.

"Silk heart."

Xi Xilian's personal maid came over, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"From today onwards, you will send someone to closely monitor every move in Wanhua Palace, and report to this Palace if there is anything unusual."

"Yes. Ma'am."

In Wanhua Palace, Piao Su frowned slightly when she smelled the familiar fragrance in the palace.

She is familiar with the fragrance she uses herself. The emperor's body is ambergris. Why did she smell another fragrance? When she was in Tiankuang Palace, she thought it was the fragrance used by other concubines. How did it end up in her bedroom? , The aroma is not weak but has become stronger?For people who have no kung fu skills, this fragrance is nothing, but for those who practice martial arts, even a little bit of fragrance is very obvious.

"My concubine, you have changed the incense well." Li Yanxuan sat in front of the window with a picture scroll, and praised the fragrance in Piaosu's room. He could feel her fragrance in Tiankuang Palace. Fenli didn't realize it yet, but now that she was in her room, she really felt that the smell was very good, sweet but not greasy, and it smelled very comfortable. "I'm here to take a good look at your painting." After speaking, he opened the scroll and began to appreciate it.

Before Piao Su had time to talk about the incense, she saw Li Yanxuan looking at Piao Luo's portrait.

She smelled the fragrance, but this smell is really not what she used, but it reminded her of...


Suddenly, Piao Su's heart trembled, this smell was Piao Luo's.

It's not wrong, she felt a sense of familiarity when she smelled it in Jingge, but she didn't realize it at that time, but now she smells it carefully, it is her sister's.

But, how could Piaoluo's smell be in her room?

Piao Su put the calming tea brought by the flower stamens on the low table beside Li Yanxuan, "Your Majesty, try this calming tea. The concubine made it herself. It has a very good soothing effect."


(End of this chapter)

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