Chapter 232 Carefree (1)
There is a lake in front, a wall in the distance, and bare land with no grass under your feet. Can you still sing opera here?


As he said that, Xinghua formed a protective barrier to cover Piaoluo, fearing that she would be hurt later, with this protective body, she could look carefree.


Xinghua smiled lightly, "Look carefully."

After finishing speaking, Xinghua flew to the center of the lake filled with silver light, and the purple figure quickly fell into the water from the sky, so startled that Piaoluo's cry disappeared before Xinghua's shadow could be heard, and she lay down on the back of Ganghu. On the strong wall of the barrier, a pair of eyes stared closely at the rippling water surface of the lake. ,

Piaoluo knew in her head that there was no need to worry about Xinghua's safety, he was capable enough to protect herself, but she couldn't help worrying in her heart, no matter how powerful he was, she was worried whether he would be hurt when she couldn't see him. It is not impossible for a person to stumble and a horse to stumble with a slight injury.

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth." Piaoluo patted her own mouth, thinking of something inauspicious, and Xinghua would definitely have no problem.

A deep roar suddenly sounded in the quiet space, the sound seemed to come from the ground, Piaoluo felt the ground she was standing on was trembling, and as the sound got louder and louder, the ground trembled more violently. Ripples began to appear on the water surface, the water circle became more and more dense, gradually the wind and waves began to rise, the waves became bigger and bigger, and something seemed to emerge from the bottom of the water, and the ground shook so that she could hardly stand still.

Piaoluo thought to herself, wondering if Xinghua was coming out.Suddenly there was a loud bang, and a wave of water rushed out of the lake. A black shadow broke through the waves. It was not the purple figure she had been expecting, but a giant black dragon with four horns.The huge body rushed out of the water, almost covering half of the sky above Piaoluo's head, and a big black shadow enveloped her.

Before it was too late to be afraid, Piao Luo saw a purple light and shadow flashing in a large area of ​​black, and her eyes chased after it. Xinghua in fluttering robes stepped on a water column several feet high, and the bubbling water spray seemed to be in full bloom. The snow crystals were dazzling, and he standing there with a tall and tall figure made her reluctant to blink.Although the black four-horned dragon flew much higher than him, the aura emanating from his body strongly overwhelmed the violent four-horned dragon.

The two protagonists who were fighting came out, and Piaoluo was not as worried about Xinghua as before. She felt that he would be able to subdue this black four-horned dragon. He gave her a barrier for self-defense, so she didn't have to worry about them fighting fiercely. Hurt her, the next thing for her is to watch a fight scene of flying into the lake.There is a saying that people who watch dramas are not afraid of big things, and the same is true for watching fights.The kind where one side is particularly strong and the other is particularly weak, killing the other side instantly with a single swipe, is boring.The kind that can be weak on both sides, you bite me, I punch you, and after a long time of beating and listening to ouch, I have no energy.The so-called high-quality fight means that both sides are very strong, and the fight is turned upside down. The wonderful moves are applauded everywhere, so that the spectators can watch them with excitement, and they can talk about it endlessly in the future.

Piaoluo looked at the ground, chose a flat place to sit down, and looked up at the scene that had opened in the sky.

The black four-cornered dragon roared and swooped towards Xinghua. The two big eyeballs on his head reflected the two Xinghua's figures. His eyes seemed to be filled with disdain. What's more, his dream was disturbed. He probably never imagined that someone would dare to provoke him.

The figure of the man on the water column coincidentally avoided the attack of the evil dragon, and spread out his hands to summon the green dragon chant. The sound of the dragon chant, the swan song of heaven and earth, immediately spread throughout the sky, and a long sword glowing with golden light appeared in Xinghua. In his hand, on the hilt is a lifelike blue dragon head of a mythical beast, cold in its majesty, and murderous in its eyes.

Seeing Xinghua's aura of slashing Jiao, Piaoluo couldn't recognize her and clapped her hands, "Handsome!"

I have always thought that he is the kind of gentleman who is gentle and elegant, has no temper and can't wield a knife and stick. When encountering injustice, at most, he will use fairy magic to persuade him with a few Buddhist words. I didn't expect to fight, and he looks like an imitation Decent, let's not talk about how good he is at fighting, the airs outside are enough to be worthy of his name as a god.

The Four Corners Evil Jiao probably didn't expect that the weapon Xinghua summoned was Qinglongyin, and it was so excited that it could move its muscles and bones when it met a strong opponent. Although it didn't have many friends, it knew that only one person could summon Qinglongyin in the 33 Heavens , God of Stars.If he could eat him today, his mana and power would surely go up several steps, how could he let go of such an opportunity.

The black dragon dodged Xinghua Qinglongyin's slash, and the dragon's body quickly entangled and trapped Xinghua's body, tightening circles and circles. As the speed became faster and faster, the dragon fins on its back became a stroke. Er, at the moment when Xinghua's body was completely wrapped, the evil jiao opened his mouth and covered Xinghua's head, with a big mouthful to swallow him completely.

Piao Luo looked at it tightly, the male god wouldn't know...

The moment Jiaozui touched Xinghua, a cluster of scattered sword lights shot out from the bloody mouth of the evil Jiao, the sound of the dragon chant suddenly turned from clear to deep, before Piaoluo had time to see the star clearly. How did Hua get out of the siege of the black dragon? In the blink of an eye, he heard the four-cornered black dragon roar suddenly, and Xinghua, who was dressed in purple, appeared at the place where the dragon was five feet tall. Rong sang in a low voice, and a pair of long and narrow eyes looked coldly at the black dragon rushing from below.

After the black dragon screamed, Xinghua cut off four of its original eight whiskers, leaving two dragon whiskers on each side dancing in the air.A pair of big copper bell-like eyes turned red, showing how angry it was now.

The enraged black dragon started to kill Xinghua, and his reaction speed was much faster than before. From time to time, the long tail that was thrown into the lake caused huge waves in the lake. Attacking Xinghua with big waves one after another.

Piaoluo saw that the originally clear lake water turned black under the stirring of the black four-cornered dragon. The ink-like lake water rolled up violent waves and smashed towards Xinghua in the air. Several times, she felt that Xinghua would definitely be hit by the waves. Luo, but at the next moment, he flashed behind the black flood dragon and cast a burst of purple light.

Amidst the thunderous roars, the blue sky was filled with dark clouds at some point, covering the sky and the sun. It was still daytime but it seemed like a moonless night. The water vapor scraped against the strong wall of the Gangguard Barrier and made a humming sound, which made Piaoluo flustered a little bit uncontrollably.

It was dark and I couldn't see anything.

Piaoluo's eardrums were filled with the hissing of the black dragon and the singing of the swan song dragon. She could feel how fierce the fight between Xinghua and the evil dragon was. I can't even see it. If it wasn't for Xinghua, where would I see such a scene in the mortal world? It's a pity that Tiangong really didn't give face, and the rolling dark clouds came, so she could only feel that someone was so handsome in the enchantment. The demeanor of unable to close the legs.

Tiangong can't complain casually, it's good to complain, and if he complains, the old man is unhappy, and it will immediately make people feel that his mood is not beautiful.

The black flood dragon that was fighting with Xinghua in the dark clouds in the sky swung its tail fiercely, setting off a gust of wind and hitting it from the direction of the floating radish on the shore of a big wave of black lake water.Piaoluo in the darkness didn't know anything.


Gang Hu's barrier was hit by a huge wave. Due to the high mana of the black flood dragon, although it did not break the barrier, Xinghua Shi's strong wall was pressed down vigorously towards the ground.Piaoluo screamed when she felt that the strong wall was pressing her down. Before her brain could react to what happened, she felt a force appearing in her waist, hugging herself and flying upwards.

Smelling the familiar aroma of lotus flowers in her nose, Piaoluo felt at ease, she held onto Xinghua's skirt tightly, and the wind was blowing by her ears, making her eyes unable to open, she could only close them tightly.

Not only Xinghua heard Piaoluo's cry, but Heijiao also heard it. Unexpectedly, there was a woman watching the battle on the shore, which made her even more determined to kill Xinghua.Moreover, Piaoluo can't see things when the sky is covered with dark clouds, which doesn't mean that Xinghua and Heijiao can't see either.Seeing Xinghua tightly protecting Piaoluo in his arms, Heijiao realized that the woman was brought by Xinghua, and she was so beautiful that people can't say anything.

The four big fins on the back of the black four-horned dragon all opened up, blowing out a stronger wind to blow on the lake, Piaoluo felt that her weight was too light in this wind, like a feather being pulled out The feeling in the storm that lifted a big tree from the sky was similar. If it wasn't for the arms around her waist that held her securely, she wouldn't know that she flew to that corner to count mushrooms.

Seeing that the black dragon's four fins were all open, Xinghua squinted his eyes slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled up in an imperceptible arc. Holding the floating radish, he suddenly flew vertically high, causing the black dragon to straighten up and chase after them.

The purple figure flew into the thick black cloud, and the huge body of the black flood dragon quickly hid in the black cloud.

Piao Luo, with her eyes tightly closed, suddenly felt a ray of light bursting out of the darkness, causing her eyes to hurt slightly, and she felt her body spinning as if she was about to be thrown away.

The melodious voice of the dragon's chant suddenly lowered its tone from the rushing and sinking tone, and the moment the heart sound changed with the dragon's chant, the singing of the green dragon's chant suddenly rose, as if the ancient long voice came from the heaven, carrying World-shattering power.The green dragon chant in Xinghua's hand became translucent, the body of the sword swelled a hundred times, the sword pointed at the long river, the sound of the dragon pierced the air, a cyan-colored golden light band that was brought up when the long sword was cut down cut the black clouds, and the golden sunlight Shooting into the dark clouds, it illuminates a wide path of light on the dark lake.The black flood dragon was split by Xinghua's Qinglong Yin from the beginning to the end, and the straight line was the price for it to straighten its body and chase him.

Before it even had time to scream, the black four-cornered dragon split into two halves, and fell heavily toward the lake, bringing a gust of wind and rain of blood where it passed.

Pop, snap, twice.

The body of the black dragon smashed into the lake, and the blood of the dragon was stained into the black lake.

After accepting Qinglongyin, Xinghua put his arms around Piaoluo in his arms, and asked her softly, "A Luo, is there any discomfort?" She is currently a virtual human body, and it is difficult to bear the pressure, lest she It hurt her soul.

"No. I'm fine."

Piaoluo opened her eyes and looked at Junyan who was so close. If she hadn't looked at his face so close and listened to his voice, she would have found it hard to believe that he, who had gone through such a fight just now, could still be like this With a calm appearance, there is no feeling of panting or fatigue, as if he has been holding her to listen to the wind and admire the flowers, with an elegant posture and gentle eyes.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the blue sky reappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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