Chapter 248 I Wrong You (2)
Li Yanxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking in the direction of Piaosu's bedroom.Concubine Xi, you must live up to it!

The empress dowager comforted Li Yanxuan. In fact, she was even more nervous than Li Yanxuan. Otherwise, it was just a concubine giving birth, so she didn't have to come here in person.The reason is not just the emperor's grandson who has been delayed for three months, she wants to see what it is.If it's the emperor's grandson, it's not in vain for her to come here.If it's the granddaughter of the emperor, it's good or bad, but she still can't figure out why it's delayed for three months.However, it's strange to think about it, I don't know why, since a certain day a month ago, she suddenly no longer worried that the child in Concubine Xi's belly is a monster, as if someone whispered in her ear.

The child in Concubine Xi's belly is not a her.

Listening to Piaosu's cry, Ulawan wondered, why didn't she suddenly worry a month ago?not understand.

Piao Su's cry continued to be heard, and the people outside were extremely nervous.
The outside of Wanhua Palace Piaosu's bedroom.Standing quietly in a purple robe.

Xinghua listened to Piao Su's cry, his face was calm, but he knew very well that he was nervous, and his heart trembled slightly when he was nervous.In his heart, he really wanted Piaoluo to be born at full term, but that would be unfair to Piaosu and her child.So, after thinking about it, he used magic to stop some of the piaoluo from absorbing the prince's essence.The prince's birth was delayed by three months, so that although his body was not completely healthy, his life was saved. As for how he would grow up after birth, that was a matter for Piaosu Li Yanxuan.As long as the prince is born alive, Piao Su's position will be considered stable.And Piaoluo, who was born at six months, is a premature baby, and the original body of the fetal bead itself is weak, so her body will be even more delicate.Of course, she is not the responsibility of Li Yanxuan and Piao Su, he will ensure her healthy growth.After all, he couldn't do the cruel thing of watching Piaoluo drain the little prince's essence.He has already acted contrary to the way of heaven for mortals, so how could he be willing to let her bear another sin.

He, protect her from growing up! .
Piao Su's cry became more and more heart-wrenching, and Li Yanxuan couldn't help but want to go in. When he reached the door, he was stopped by the maid's eyes several times. He was really worried that something would happen to Concubine Xi.Compared with the prince's safety, he valued her alive more. If the child is gone, he can conceive again. If she is gone, he will really be gone.

"Your majesty, would you like to sit down for a while?" Xi Duohai looked at Li Yanxuan who was so nervous that beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. When the first little princess was born, the emperor was not so worried. After all, it was the concubine Xi, called the emperor. Full of love, "Concubine Xi and Your Highness will definitely be born safely." He couldn't help Concubine Xi by walking around like this, but made everyone in the room panic with him, really afraid of Concubine Xi Something went wrong.

Xinghua listened to Piaosu's voice outside the house, and was really worried, Piaoluo was born prematurely, he was really afraid that Piaoluo would not be able to bear it.However, Piaosu is not his own woman, it is really inconvenient for him to go in and find out, if it is his A Luo...

Unable to bear it, Xinghua smiled wryly.

Can he and A Luo have such a day?She gave birth to their child for him, that... what a happy thing.Probably not.

The wind of early summer blows, with the smell of sunshine, blowing Xinghua's clothes fluttering gently, and the air is also dyed with the fragrance of lotus, quietly waiting, waiting...

Finally, after Piao Su's hysterical cry, a baby's cry was heard.

The midwife held the newborn child and looked down. It was a baby girl.

"Hehe, come on, take Wen Jin to wrap up the little princess."

Piao Su raised her head slightly from the bed, looked at the midwife, and asked her feebly, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

The midwife said happily: "Report to Madam, she is a very beautiful little princess." Just as she was speaking, the midwife looked at the little baby girl in surprise, "She..."

Piao Su found out that something was wrong with the midwife, and she couldn't believe it was a girl, so she struggled to sit up, "Show me. Bengong, look at her."

The midwife nurse carried the baby girl in front of Piao Su, and said doubtfully: "Mother, the little princess is really... a doll from heaven."


After confirming that it was really a girl, Piao Su only felt that her heart was getting cold. Why did Xinghua say it was a boy?How could he be wrong?
"Your Majesty, look at the hands and feet of the little princess."

Only then did Piao Su turn her gaze to the baby girl's hand.On her left wrist, a thin black and white string wears one black and one white spirit beads.And on her left ankle, there is actually a bell tied. The rope is very delicate, and there seems to be Buddhist scriptures on it.

"How did that happen?"

The midwife smiled and said, "Mother, the little princess was born with this thing, it must be a blessing from God."

Piao Su looked at the baby girl, wanted to hug her, but couldn't.She remembered that it belonged to the prince. Why did the prince become a princess? How... is it possible?Also, how could the baby in her womb be born with things on his wrists and ankles?

The midwife ordered someone to take good care of Piaosu, carried the child out of Piaosu's bedroom, and carried the baby girl in front of Li Yanxuan.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, Concubine Xi has given birth to a little princess."

Li Yanxuan looked down at the baby girl in the midwife's arms, and his joy was beyond words, and he asked, "How is Madam Xi?"

"Go back to the emperor, concubine Xi is still fine."

"Come on, let me give you a hug, my daughter."

Li Yanxuan was happy, as long as Piaosu and the child were safe for him, but the other woman who had been waiting was not happy. Wulawan looked at the baby girl in Li Yanxuan's arms with a calm expression on her face. .Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a princess. In this way, the emperor had two princesses, but he did not have a son.Thinking about it, the Empress Dowager became more and more unhappy and got up to leave.

"Your Majesty, this little princess is no ordinary little princess." The midwife said as if offering a treasure, "She was born with a fetish."

"Oh?" Li Yanxuan was surprised.

The empress dowager also stopped, looked at the baby girl, and walked over.

"You said this little princess was born with a fetish, where is it?"

The midwife immediately showed it to the empress dowager and Li Yanxuan, "Please look at the emperor and the empress dowager. The little princess was born with something on her wrist and ankle. Judging from the color of the spirit beads on her wrist, it is the best in the world. And the one on her ankle The string seems to be written in Buddhist scriptures, which has never happened before, the little princess gave birth three months late, so she must be a blessed baby sent by the gods."

Li Yanxuan and the empress dowager carefully looked at the things on the baby girl's wrists and ankles. They were all people who had lived in the palace for many years. The thing he owns is indeed the best of the best. It is really strange to have this thing with him since he was born.Especially, to the Empress Dowager, the string on the baby girl's ankle still looks like Buddhist scriptures. Is this... a goddess sent by the Buddha?

"Quick, give Aijia a hug."

The empress dowager Ulawan's attitude towards the baby girl immediately changed drastically. She felt that the baby girl must have been sent by the gods and was a lucky child. Being born three months late is different.

Li Yanxuan hurriedly gave the baby girl to his mother, and was about to say something when Piao Su called from inside.A court lady rushed out stepping on the sound.

"The midwife, hurry up and check on the empress, it seems that there is still a child in the empress' womb."


The midwife's face changed.

Li Yanxuan and the empress dowager glanced at each other, two children?

Li Yanxuan drank, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry in and see Concubine Xi, what's wrong with Concubine Xi, I'll let you nine clans..."

The empress dowager stopped Li Yanxuan, "Emperor! It's a great event, don't say anything unlucky."

Li Yanxuan endured it, and watched the midwife run into Piao Su's bedroom.

Piao Su's cries are still catching people's hearts, but the Empress Dowager is very happy holding her granddaughter. Although it is a baby girl, but this baby girl is a child sent by the gods, she is naturally very satisfied.Right now, it doesn't really matter what her second child will be. It is very rare for her to have two children in one birth. It would be too greedy to be entangled with men and women. If the second child is also a goddess, that would be great.

"Emperor, look, isn't the granddaughter of the Ai family very beautiful?"

Li Yanxuan leaned over and looked at the baby girl in her infancy. She was so small that she couldn't tell if she was very beautiful, but she guessed that it was her and Concubine Xi's child, so it must be very beautiful.Concubine Xi is very beautiful, but she is one of the best in the harem.

"Hmm. Pretty."

Because of the baby girl, Piao Su's second birth was not as painful and long as the first birth. The midwife nurse came out holding the baby not long after entering. This time she came out with more joy on her face than the first time. He almost rushed in front of Li Yanxuan.

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, the concubine Xi gave birth to another little prince for the emperor."


Li Yanxuan and the empress dowager were both stunned, boy?

Li Chao finally had a prince!
Li Yanxuan hugged his prince, unable to say anything, only knew how to keep saying yes.

"Good! Good! Really good!"

The empress dowager gave the baby girl in her arms to someone else, asked the little prince from Li Yanxuan's hand, checked it for confirmation, and cried out of joy when she saw that it was the real prince.

"It's great, it's great, the Ai family finally had their first grandson. Emperor, the Ai family really didn't come in vain today. They actually got the grandson and granddaughter of the Ai family at the same time." The empress dowager was very happy. Excited, "Concubine Xi, is an excellent child, adding two at a time is a great contribution. Come here, pass on the edict of Ai's family."

Empress Dowager Ulawan admired Piaosu's many treasures in Wanhua Palace, and even all the maids in Wanhua Palace gave them big prizes. The depression caused by Piaosu's three-month late delivery disappeared all of a sudden, and she only thought that she was pregnant. Twins have to take longer than others.

"Ouch, grandson of the Ai family, Grandma Huang is looking forward to you."

Li Yanxuan was so happy. Seeing that he had two sons at once, he really didn't know how to express his gratitude to Piao Su. He didn't expect her to be so competitive.Thinking about being happy, regardless of the sheer blood she had just given birth to prevent the emperor from seeing her, he strode towards her bedroom, stopped at the bead curtain, and turned to look at the happy empress dowager who was hugging the emperor's grandson.

"Mother, Concubine Xi has given birth to two imperial sons for me this time, one boy and one girl. It's really hard work." Li Yanxuan said with some self-blame, "Before, I wondered why she didn't give birth in March, and she suffered a lot. It turns out that the truth is this. I think that Concubine Xi should be compensated well."

The Empress Dowager felt that everything should be rewarded to Piao Su at the moment, and she asked with a smile, "It should be compensated, it should be compensated, and she should be compensated greatly."

"Yes. What the mother said is true." Li Yanxuan smiled, "My son wants Concubine Jin Xi to be a noble concubine."


The Empress Dowager said without even thinking about it: "Dang! Should!"

Two emperors were added at a time. If this Concubine Xi does not sit in the position of noble concubine, who can sit?She entered the palace for the least amount of time, but she had the most children in the palace. At such a young age, she was the mother and concubine of the two emperors. She had worked so hard to conceive before, and the position of imperial concubine was her compensation.Thinking about it, the empress dowager went to see the baby girl who had been carefully tidied up by the nanny again.

(End of this chapter)

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