255 Chapter 2 All together ([-])
Well, even if she thinks he is the best man she has ever seen, then he can't just because she has a crush on him first from his appearance that he doesn't really like him.Although she still doesn't know how much she likes him, after thinking all night last night, she feels that she really likes him.At least, if someone asks her now which man in the world wins her heart the most, she will say him without hesitation.Although she didn't know his name, didn't know his age, didn't know where he came from, didn't know if he liked her, and didn't know if they could be together.

Girl Huaichun always dreams.

She dreamed of being with him.In Wen crepe's words, it means staying together forever.


Piaoluo scratched her hair angrily, does it mean that people will think about these things that they never thought about when they were young?Why does she think about whether he likes her now?It should be that when I went to the Central Palace to find my mother last month, I overheard my mother discussing her marriage with Concubine Xian.She resisted not showing up to deny it at that time, she was only 16 years old, and the queen mother wanted to marry her off?At that time, she felt that as long as she didn't want to marry and told her father, no one would be able to marry her off.However, it is one thing to know that she will not marry easily. Since then, she has thought about it, if she gets married in the future, who will she marry?
The conclusion is that there is only one choice in her mind.

The descendants of princes and aristocrats in the court are not empty. She knows too many princes and brothers in the big mansions above the second rank of Beijing official, but no one like her 'grandpa' attracts her.It can be seen that if you like this kind of thing, it has nothing to do with the time you spend together. If you spend a short time, you may not be able to get your sincerity. If you don’t like it for a long time, you just don’t like it.

"Forget it." Piaoluo waved her hand, "If you don't understand, you don't understand. It's still early."

When she gets older in two years, if he doesn't understand anymore, she'll just say it.Now, bear with it.

Piaoluo turned around in her heart's sorrow, and suddenly her arm was pulled, and then a warm embrace wrapped her around her, and her favorite lotus fragrance wafted into her nostrils.Xinghua's voice with a slight smile sounded above her head, "I miss you so much! Ah Luo."


Piaoluo chuckled happily, put away her smile, put on a very serious expression, looked up at Xinghua, coughed intentionally, cleared her throat, "This princess is so beautiful, you think I should too."

The smile on the corner of Xinghua's mouth widened, is it really okay for her to be so narcissistic?
"Why, don't you think I'm not pretty?"

"How dare you."

Xinghua smiled, "My Ah Luo's beauty has never been unmatched."

Piaoluo was elated, Ren, she had to endure, she couldn't be too happy, otherwise he would be complacent.She was happy not because he said how amazing his beauty was, but because he said: My A Luo.Did he take her as his?

"I'm not yours." Piaoluo put on airs on purpose.

Xinghua smiled slightly.Yes, she is not his, he does not have such a good fortune.

"Well. It doesn't matter if it's not mine, as long as you're happy."

The shyness on Piaoluo's face froze suddenly, she looked at Xinghua, what did he just say?

Piaoluo really wanted to be angry, she said she wasn't his, and he really thought he wasn't his, did he give up his heart so easily?She was just joking. Isn't it okay for a girl to be a little hypocritical in front of the man she likes?Let go casually, his relationship is so unstable, how can she persist?She fell in love with him without knowing the east and west of the gate of his house. She didn't know how to tell her father, queen and queen about him like this?At that time, she will have to choose a husband, and she will have to think about it.Even in such a situation, she didn't give up liking him. How could he...below her heart.

With force, Piaoluo pushed Xinghua away, don't look away from him.

Xinghua pulled the stubborn Piaoluo into his arms again, he didn't know what she was thinking.

But A Luo, it is more important for you to live well than whether we can love each other.

Piaoluo couldn't break free from Xinghua's embrace, and felt that his arms holding her were getting stronger and stronger, and her heart gradually softened.He likes himself, right?Slowly, she raised her arms around his waist, protesting softly.

"I was just joking about 'I'm not yours'."

They meet every year, counting the time, he has known each other much longer than those ministers and sons.There are many things she doesn't know about him.But liking in such a situation where you don't know anything is the purest liking, isn't it?
Xinghua's arms are so tight that Piaoluo can't breathe, he understands, he has lived a lot of years, can't he really see her girlish heart?
Piaoluo felt that she and Xinghua had established a relationship, because she said, 'She was joking that she was not his. 'That's right, she also admits that she is his.She admitted it herself, so he should also express his opinion.

"Are... are you my man?" Piaoluo wanted Xinghua to give a clean answer.

Xinghua was silent.

It wasn't that he didn't want to answer her, or that he couldn't answer her. When he answered, she felt at ease, and for the rest of her life, he was just a guardian and couldn't be her husband.

"Answer me!" Piaoluo looked up at Xinghua.

Xinghua frowned slowly.

How much he wanted to say, Ah Luo, I have always been your man!

After waiting for a long time before Xinghua spoke, Piaoluo began to feel nervous.

"Do you not understand what I mean? Or, do you think you don't belong to me?"


Of course he belonged to her.However, it cannot be her husband.The position next to her was something he had always dreamed of standing on, but no matter how beautiful his dreams were, he couldn't get it.The closer he was to her, the more danger he would bring her, and if he didn't pay attention, it would kill her.

Piaoluo didn't understand, "Since you understand my words and feel that you belong to me, why can't you give me a clear answer?"

"I am a person who belongs to you but cannot live by your side."

Xinghua's voice was very soft, and she spoke slowly, enough for Piaoluo to hear clearly.

"What do you mean?"

Since he is her person, why can't he live by her side?

"Do you think father and queen will object to us being together?" Piaoluo brushed away Xinghua's inner worries, "You don't have to worry about this at all. Father loves me very much, as long as it's what I want, no matter what he wants They will all agree. It is impossible for my mother to object to my father's decision. I am confident that I can persuade my father to accept you, and the person I like, he will also like. We can live together in the palace without going out."

"Or, do you think your... age might make them object? That's okay, your face will never grow old. I think you will still look so good-looking when I get old in the future. I'm more worried. "

Piaoluo guessed what Xinghua might be worried about, "Or, you are not from Li Chao, it doesn't matter, don't be afraid. We are not xenophobic and can accept people from other countries."

"and also……"


Xinghua interrupted Piaoluo, and what she said was not a problem.

"If we are allowed to be together by heaven, Li Yanxuan and Piao Su will not be an obstacle between us at all."

If the emperor Li Yanxuan and the empress Piaosu were counted according to their ages, they would not know how many generations younger than themselves.In terms of status, they are not even qualified to mention it in front of him.If Heaven allowed him to be with Ah Luo, the two of them might not be able to stand in line to oppose their chance to be together.

Piaoluo finally understood.

"You mean we can't be together."

Difficult, Xinghua admitted with pain in his heart,


"It's not because you don't like me, nor because I'm afraid that my father and queen will object, but we just can't be together, then..." Piaoluo bit her lower lip and asked, "Is it because of our identities?"

There are only a few reasons why a pair of passionate lovers can't be together.One party doesn't love so they can't be together; if they love each other but can't be together, it's either because they don't match each other, or they are separated by yin and yang.They are not in the previous situations, only their identities are wrong.And this difference in identity has reached the point where the father, queen and empress do not agree enough.

She really didn't know what was it that decided that they couldn't be together?Speak louder, is there a man the princess can't have?

Who is he?

Facing Piaoluo's conjecture, Xinghua nodded and admitted.

"who are you?"

Piaoluo doesn't believe that she and Xinghua can't be together, he is lying, he must be deceiving her, she is a princess, with such a noble status, there is no one who can't be together, as long as she is willing to condescend, who is he It doesn't matter.

"Where are you from?"

"It's been 16 years, and you haven't told me your identity. If you don't care about me, why do you come to accompany me on my birthday every year? If you care about me, why are you guarding against me?" Piaoluo couldn't figure out Xinghua's behavior, " Are you a spy sent by the enemy country to spy on Li Chao?"

Xinghua was helpless.

"A Luo, you think too much."

"I don't know you at all."

"It's enough for me to know you. I'm not anyone who is hostile to you. It doesn't matter where I come from or what my name is." Xinghua raised a hand and stroked the top of Piaoluo's head, "The important thing is that I will always guarding you."

Piaoluo feels that Xinghua doesn't understand her heart, what she wants is not his protection, but his living by her side, not the way of getting along with only seeing one side every year.However, anyway, she is only 16 years old, still young, she has plenty of time, so she can wait a few more years.Now maybe his feelings for her are not very deep, and when she works hard to make him love her to death, she must obediently tell herself everything.

Thinking of this, Piaoluo felt better.

"It's good that you are here all the time." Piaoluo acted like a baby, "Just don't leave me alone someday."

"Heh..." Xinghua chuckled, "Don't worry, that kind of thing won't happen."

Although the 16th birthday was not as grand as imagined, Piaoluo was very satisfied. Her heart was known to the people in her heart. This is the most important point in her opinion. Even if he did not respond with the same affirmative feelings, It can be seen that he also likes himself.Although his hair is gray, he is a one-in-a-million person. If she doesn't hurry up and let someone else snatch him away, she will regret it.This is where she is different from other women. Although she is not sure what her deepest sincerity is, as long as there is any sign of that, she will act quickly.In Father Emperor's hunting ground, only the fast-moving leopards have meat, and those slow-moving ones are the ones who are hungry.She must not become a sad woman who sees the man she likes being snatched away by others.

At night, sitting on the rockery under the starry sky, Piaoluo leaned against Xinghua's arms and looked up at the stars in the sky.

"You said, are there really immortals living in the sky?"

"Why doubt?"

"I've never seen a god come down to earth, so I have to doubt it."

As she said that, Piaoluo remembered something and turned her head to look at Xinghua, "Ah, that's right. It's my birthday today, so you have to follow me no matter what."


"When you were 14 years old, you came back to life with a wave of your hand. I asked you if you were a god. You said that we would discuss this issue later. It has been two years. Should you tell me?"

Xinghua looked into Piaoluo's shining eyes, and said casually at that time, thinking that she would not remember meeting again in a year, but she did not expect that after the past two years, she could still remember, if her memory is used in her studies, That will definitely not be taught by the old master.

"Didn't it mean that there are no gods?"

"Of course I doubt it. But the way you saved him looks like a fairy."

(End of this chapter)

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