264 Chapter 1 Live Well ([-])
The corner of Xinghua's mouth twitched slightly. It's not bad to have a gossip dictionary occasionally. He can always hear a lot of strange things outside in his clean ears. It's a little tasteful to use it as a pastime. of.

Qilin, who returned to the God Realm from Xingqiong Palace, went to the prison to watch Piaoluo non-stop.

The gods of the younger generation didn't know that Piaoluo was the woman that the World Honored One had forgotten after three million years of memory, but he understood exactly that Xinghua had no choice but to forget her, and she was not wrong.The only mistake is that they met at the wrong time and fell in love in surprise regardless of their identities.Let me ask, what's wrong with a love?Now, Xinghua can't protect her anymore. As Xinghua's brother, he can't watch Piaoluo being bullied by others. If her status permits, she might be his sister-in-law now.

Qilin closed his fan and walked in front of Piaoluo who was bound by the binding rope, his fingertips shone, and the binding rope was opened.

"follow me."

Piaoluo rubbed her sore arm, followed Qilin out of the dungeon without asking any further questions.

"Can you take me to meet him?" Piaoluo asked.

Thinking of the Xinghua he had just met, Qilin shook his head.What if she sees Xinghua?Xinghua has already forgotten her, even if she appears in front of him now, she is just someone who has nothing to do with her. She has been infatuated for 200 million years, how sad is it to see her lover who has forgotten her?With Xinghua's current temperament, he might not feel pity for her.Why bother?

"I just wanted to meet him."

Qilin took Piaoluo and flew towards the fairy world, "Have you ever heard a saying? Seeing each other is worse than missing. Seeing is better than not seeing."

"200 years."

Piaoluo said that her heart hurts at this time. When she remembered everything just 200 years ago, she felt sorry for him and waited for her for 200 million years. Now she has missed him for 200 million years, but he is not like herself back then. Such an unexpected appearance in front of you, isn't Heaven's way of paying attention to reincarnation?Shouldn't he be reincarnated to her side?
"I don't know if he's doing well or not."

"Don't worry. He's doing fine."

Xinghua, who has no love to disturb her state of mind, has a heart like still water. She meditates and sits every day, and her life is very quiet.Although I don't know how much he likes the current life, but from his expression, he doesn't hate the life in the Buddha's Heaven.

Qilin looked at Piaoluo, the person he forgot in love was much happier than the person he remembered, and it was fair for each of them to be 200 million years old.Compared with the current Xinghua, she is obviously not doing well.

"Piaoluo Shangxian. Listen to my god's words and forget what should be forgotten. Rather than you caring about how well he is doing, I think you should think about how well you have lived in the past 200 million years."

Piaoluo smiled, "I'm fine."

"Really good?" Qilin raised his eyebrows and looked at Piaoluo.

"Hmm. Very good." Piaoluo was full of fighting spirit, "I decided to work harder in cultivation, maybe in 200 million years I will be able to reach the God Realm and become a god." At that time, she will be closer to Xinghua up.

Qilin smiled, "You are still thinking, when you reach Shangshen, you will work hard for another 200 million years to reach the position of the god, and after another 200 million years of hard work, you may be able to dominate the wild world like Qianli Emperor! , to become the second god who is not a beast but ranks among the Buddhas in the Buddha Heaven?"

Piaoluo giggled, "Yeah, yeah. That's what I thought."

Qilin opened the folding fan with a snap, wondering if it should be said that Piaoluo is very naive, she must have followed Xinghua's footsteps with such thoughts before.

"Stupid, my god kindly advises you, if you think like this, die as soon as possible."


"The model of Emperor Zun Qianli is not obtained by hard work alone. It is very, very, very rare to have him as a miracle in the 33rd Heaven. There is no one before, and there will be no one after. You, don't have this dream."

What Qilin didn't tell Piaoluo was that he and Qianli had known each other for a long time, Qianli's abilities and skills were much higher than hers, no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible for her to have the same result as Qianli.

"Besides, haven't you thought about it?" Qilin asked Piaoluo with a firm face, "During the 200 million years you ascended to the gods, Xinghua is likely to achieve full fruit status, from the Buddha's heaven to the 33rd heaven. You have become a pure Buddha in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Even if you reach the Supreme God, you still have a god to be promoted. For 400 million years, based on your understanding of Xinghua, do you feel that the Buddha's status is not enough for him to accumulate?"

Piaoluo's eyes slowly filled with sadness, that's right, Xinghua is now the World Honored One, what he lacks is the fruit status, 400 million years should be more than enough for him.

"Piaoluo, I know your story. I don't want to embarrass you, but I have to remind you that the World Honored One is already the god of the Buddha Heaven. His pace is not something you can catch up with." Qilin knew himself What she said was very sad to Piaoluo, but if she didn't say it, she would keep deceiving herself and others, wouldn't it hurt even more in the future? "If you have not yet reached the position of the Supreme God and he has cultivated to the full level, do you think it will be more painful at that time? When you reach the true and pure Buddha body, Xinghua's heart is completely full of four elements and nine hearts. It's empty. You, your love, is nothing to him."

Piaoluo was silent. What Qilin said was something she had never dared to think about. Of course she knew how powerful Xinghua was. Even if she practiced day and night, she might not be able to catch up with him. They are equal, just hope to go to the heaven where he lives, and watch him from a distance.

When parting from Qilin, Piaoluo stood in front of the gate of Xinghua Palace, looked at the shining Qilin, and said softly, "I haven't seen him for a long, long time."

Qilin looked at Piaoluo and sighed inwardly.

"I don't know what will happen in the future. Will I always remember him like this? Or will I forget him through love? All I can do is to grasp the present and do what I can do now. No one knows the result of hard work. But if I don’t work hard, I’m sure I’ll regret it.”

She didn't work too hard in the previous two lives. Whether she was a disciple, a mortal lady, or a princess, she always felt that she could rely on him for everything, without a sense of crisis, and she didn't know that he guarded their love carefully by himself. It was such a hard job, and once he guarded it, he guarded it for two lifetimes.Now how she strives to catch up is the cause and effect she planted herself, and she has no complaints.

Qilin doesn't understand love, in his opinion, Piaoluo will not turn back until she hits the south wall, so she can try it if she wants to.

"Don't lurk in the God Realm if you have nothing to do in the future." Qilin warned, "Don't even go to Xingluo Palace."

Although the juniors don't know the history, those middle-aged and senior immortals have not forgotten that she just needs to be a fairy in the fairy world. If she becomes famous, it is inevitable that some people will not remember who she is.

After Qilin finished speaking, he flew away.

Piaoluo turned around and walked towards the Xinghua Palace, and heard the sound of the Qilin turning back.

"What are you looking for in Xingluo Palace?"

Piaoluo looked back at Qilin and shook her head, "Nothing. Just go in and have a look."

What she was looking for, she couldn't find.

When he ascended to God, he didn't take away the Xinghua Palace, and he didn't take away the Xingluo Palace when he went to the Buddha's Heaven. She thought that thing should still be in the Xingluo Palace, but she couldn't find it where it should be stored in memory. Elsewhere?Or take it to Buddha Heaven?If it's the former, she still wants to look for it.But if it's the latter, it seems a little unreasonable. After retreating for a thousand years, he has forgotten himself, and it is impossible to take that thing away.

Qilin nodded, and flew away without saying anything.

Piao Luo stared at the Qilin's fluttering clothes, suddenly jumped, and the Qilin flying in mid-air smelled a burning smell.

"What is the taste?"

Qilin turned his head to look around, and found a puff of smoke rising from behind him. He lowered his head and said, "Ah!", and immediately put out the fire for himself.

"Who! Who is it?" How dare he burn his clothes!
It was quiet all around, no sound, no one.

Qilin turned his gaze to the Xinghua Palace a little further away, her?


But if it wasn't for her, no one in this fairy world would dare to provoke him!

Conscious that his image of magnificence and majesty cannot be destroyed, Qilin turned around and flew towards the Xinghua Palace. A little idiot burned the robe behind his buttocks and spread the word, which would damage his reputation. How could he let Such a thing happened?
Qilin, who asked the teacher for his crime, walked into the Xinghua Palace and found something, just like the Xingqiong Palace in the Buddha's Heaven, there was no fairy servant in the Xinghua Palace.With Piaoluo's current status, it doesn't matter if there are several fairy servants, and she lives alone. She is really similar to Xinghua in this respect.



"Little Xingxing, woohoo, my little Xingxing..."

Qilin frowned, crying so sadly and desolately, could it be Piaoluo?

Although Qilin didn't believe that Piaoluo could cry, but when he saw Piaoluo crying hysterically in front of a Buddha statue with a pillow in his arms at the door, he couldn't help but not believe it.

Dumb guy will cry!It's just that crying looks a bit ugly.

"My little star, you and I have been separated for 200 million years, do you know how much I miss my lady, my little star..."

Qilin had goosebumps and shivered, imagined Xinghua's appearance, and then thought about what Piaoluo called her, little star?

Qilin shook his shoulders. At Xinghua's age, can he still be called a little star?Gorillas are about the same.


Piao Luo hugged the pillow and cried, her shoulders trembling, "What on earth is God thinking, but I just want to see you and don't give me a chance. Will I lose my kidneys if I see you? Will it increase my breasts? Are you guilty of treating us so frenziedly? Huh..."

Kidney deficiency?

Breast enlargement?

Hearing Piaoluo's words, Qilin stopped in his steps to enter the Xinghua Palace, he felt that it was inappropriate to go in at this moment.This...Piao Xiaoluo doesn't seem to have any integrity, this, this...such a sentence that makes abnormal men can't help but cast their eyes on her chest can be said so grandly, I think she is a very unrestrained person.To deal with an unrestrained woman, you have to be more unrestrained than her.Although he is very skillful in dealing with women, how can he bully his sister-in-law?That's very immoral, Qilin can't do unkind things.


When Piaoluo called, Qilin trembled.

"My little star..."

Qilin looked at Piaoluo and shook his head. This guy is completely a sign of going crazy. He should not care too much about a mentally abnormal person, otherwise he will appear to be very tasteless.God robe... burn it if it burns.

"Ah! I just want to see you once."

Qilin frowned, crying like this, thinking that he really wanted to see Xinghua, in fact, it wasn't that he couldn't take her to Buddha Heaven, others couldn't, he was Qilin.bring?Without?
"Ah! Little Xingxing..."

(End of this chapter)

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