Heavenly Song, Three Lives of Love and Three World Tribulations

Chapter 273 It's Not Difficult to Guess

Chapter 273 It's Not Difficult to Guess (2)
In the silence between the two, Piaoluo suddenly made a sound.Originally, she didn't really want to learn, but she was curious about how he did it.And he took the initiative to ask her to learn, but he thought of an excuse to catch up with him and say a few more words. It was an unexpected harvest for him to tie her belt with his own hands.If you cling too much to him, he will get annoyed.She remembered that when the colorful phoenix flower turned the snake back to look for him, his expression did not change, but his heart was very cold. Isn't he treating himself the same way he treats others now?I couldn't understand their feelings at that time, but now I taste it, it's really uncomfortable.

The color of the sky outside the corridor is much darker, and it will be completely dark in a moment. If she doesn't leave, she will not be able to tell the direction when she is driving late at night.

"You just have to live well in Xingqiong Palace. Today, don't bother me." Piaoluo tried hard to dare to look Xinghua in the eyes, "Thank you for your tolerance today, I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, Piaoluo nodded to Xinghua, turned and left.

Piaoluo walked very slowly, she felt that if Xinghua remembered her at all or was even curious about herself at all, she should stop her, and just let out a sound without saying anything.

However, what made Piaoluo unable to help but want to cry was that until she walked out of the gate of Xingqiong Palace, she didn't hear Xinghua persuade her to stay, not even a word.


Standing under the words Xingqionggong, Piaoluo sighed.He really doesn't like her disturbing him here.From the moment she appeared in front of his eyes until she left, he didn't even ask her what she was called, and he didn't even want to know her name, so what else could he hope for.He has completely let go of their feelings.However, what was annoying was that even with Xinghua like this, she still didn't want to leave.

Piao Luo sat in front of the gate of the Star Palace, watching the stars come out one by one, and counting, her heart became more and more empty, as if something was being hollowed out from her heart little by little, she clearly felt That thing is getting less and less, but it can't stop it.

A crystal clear teardrop just flowed down Piaoluo's cheek.

After Piaoluo left, Xinghua went to Shuge.

After a long time, I looked at the book in my hand again, it was still the first page.

It's not uncommon for an immortal to go to the demon forest, perhaps to slay demons and accumulate good deeds, but why did she break into the Wanli Zonglin at the western foot of the God Realm?The ferocious beasts in the God Realm are more ferocious than the goblins in the Demon Forest. With her brain, it is impossible not to think of it.Why, dare to take risks alone?
'You practice one day more than I practice one year. '

'When I was ignorant, you didn't strictly tell me to learn. Now that you are no longer by my side, you can't even see how hard I work.It's fine if you can't see it, but it actually makes me unable to catch up with you no matter how hard I try. '

Xinghua closed the book on Buddhism and said to himself, he didn't expect that he was her master, and he was also a kind master, who didn't ask her anything.In his daily practice, he just treats it with excellence, but he doesn't want to know that there is a woman in a place he can't see who is working hard to catch up with him.

'Two million years ago, you remembered love for us. Today, 200 million years later, I remember love for us. Two million years against two million years, Xinghua, I don't need to feel guilty. '

In the past, he didn't understand why he entered Lingjingtian to retreat and contemplate for thousands of years. If calculated according to the time she said, he was the God of God 200 million years ago, and the time he was God of God was exactly 200 million years. To say that he remembered their relationship for 200 million years, it should be that their relationship had an accident when he became a god.And after he came out of Lingjingtian, she remembered their stories, but he forgot.Entering Lingjingtian should be punished because the relationship with her is not tolerated by the way of heaven.

'Husband, I chased you too hard!I... I'm so afraid that I'll be so tired that I can't see hope and give up! '

The book in Xinghua's hand was squeezed tightly by him unknowingly. He was obviously very calm, but why did he keep thinking of the words she said to him on the jade dragon chair?If she hadn't misunderstood that she couldn't see him, she might not have said it.


Xinghua read it in a low voice, and the heart that does not provoke the world of mortals does not feel the two words, but if a man in the world of mortals hears his beloved woman calling him like this, he should be extremely happy.

'I learned it today, but I may not have the opportunity to meet you in the future. '

There was a flash of golden light in the bookstore, and looking again, there was only a Buddhist book left on the chair, with a trace of warmth on the pages, and Xinghua's figure was no longer in the bookstore.

Piaoluo felt that the stars in the sky became very blurred, each one flickering, and her eyes felt so painful.

"not like this."

"It wasn't like this before."

How could Xinghua in the past be willing to let her suffer a little bit of grievance? Everyone felt that she was not qualified to be by his side, and he took her by his side against all odds. Now Xinghua...


Piaoluo wiped her tears, she really didn't want to cry, her eyes hurt too much from crying, but she couldn't help it, she felt sad when she thought that she had the same weight for Xinghua as Caifeng and Snake.

"If you used to cry like this, it would be really unpleasant."

Piaoluo was startled, she recognized whose voice it was, quickly stood up, turned around and looked at the door of Xingqiong Palace, Xinghua, who was wearing a golden and luxurious robe, was walking towards her with graceful steps, and stopped when she reached her. In front of her, looking at her glowing red eyes with the light from the night pearl on the top of the Star Palace, she would cry like this every now and then. Don't you want such a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes?
Xinghua raised his hand, and lightly covered Piaoluo's open eyes with the palm of his hand, trying to help her heal her painful eyes.When his palm touched her long curled eyelashes, a moderate force slammed into his arms.

Piaoluo didn't know whether it was Xinghua who didn't want to see her red eyes from crying or helping her to heal her eye pain. She wanted to hug him after his movements. It was a subconscious reaction for no reason.It was as if she finally waited until he came out, no matter whether it was specially for her or not, when he came, she would treat him as because of her.

Xinghua slowly lowered his hand raised in mid-air, feeling the tighter and tighter waist, his brows frowned slightly.The heart is peaceful.But he fought fiercely in his mind. He knew what was rational and what to do, but the little sensibility in his bones produced an unexpected effect when facing her.

To what extent did he once love her?
After hesitating for a long time, Xinghua's two hands hanging by his side finally slowly lifted up and put them together on Piaoluo's shoulders. She pushed away.Slowly, Xinghua closed his eyes, slipped his hand on Piaoluo's shoulder, wrapped one arm around her back shoulder, and wrapped one arm around her slender waist, and finally chose to embrace her.

Xinghua couldn't tell what was going on in his heart. Qingming's state of mind didn't change. He didn't feel any abnormal throbbing in his heart. The woman's warm fragrance in his arms was very clear. He admitted that she was extremely beautiful. But none of these gave him any signs of touching the world of mortals.What he wanted in his heart was not to hug her, but to look at her like an outsider.However, his brain is not controlled by his heart, the brain dominates his actions.

This is a very strange phenomenon. It stands to reason that the heart must control the brain to make decisions, but his heart is as calm as water, but the brain will take care of her in an anti-cold and normal way.In fact, even he himself couldn't figure it out, it was as if his heart had become a Buddha, but his behavior seemed to be an instinctive habit.

Yes, he felt, being unusual to her was a habit he hadn't noticed before.

Hugging Xinghua tightly, Piaoluo was actually very nervous.He is now the World Honored One who is admired by all. The key point is that he does not have her in his memory. She knows too well his attitude towards a woman who has nothing to do with him.If he still has the memory of her, he will let her do whatever she wants. Unfortunately, today is not the same as before.Today, it can be said that he has tolerated her to the extreme. It's not that she is lucky that she is lucky.Embracing him, she was waiting to be pushed away. In the end, she was not rejected by him. How could she be unhappy in her heart?It's like taking a big advantage.But, obviously he didn't get the advantage, didn't he?Instead, she felt that she had made money.

Feeling apprehensive, when Xinghua hugged her back after a long time, Piaoluo's inner joy rose to ecstasy.The tears that were about to come out of the eyes were quickly withdrawn.

This is a real personal charm!Her charm was so good that she didn't even want to admit it. The Lord World Honored One who met for the first time in 200 million years, even if he forgot her, he was still taken down by her.If it gets out, wouldn't it be another glorious stroke in her legendary life experience ceremony?

The corners of Piaoluo's mouth curled up.It's really annoying, I don't want to be so capable, she has always wanted to be a low-key example for the younger generations, it seems that she can't do it, the charm is too great, even the door can't stop it.

After giving herself great affirmation and praise, Piaoluo tightened her arms confidently. Since Xinghua responded to her enthusiasm, of course she couldn't be polite.I really didn't expect that Lord World Honored One also has the nature of a man.Just when she was complacent and thought she had discovered Xinghua's little secret, Piaoluo heard a voice above her head suddenly.

"Back then, you used such an unscrupulous way to deceive this deity."

Piaoluo raised her head from Xinghua's embrace very dissatisfied, and looked at him with a natural expression.In front of a woman who is as beautiful as a flower and has a thin skin, he is so naked.bare.Is it really good to be naked?What is such an unscrupulous way?Although she feels that her bottom line is not very high, she still has some points for things like integrity, although she is not sure how many points she has, but she definitely has them.Furthermore, what does it mean to deceive him?He was the master back then, how could a little disciple like her have the ability to deceive him?Between them, the truth is that he used abnormal means to deceive her young and innocent heart.In terms of objective facts, he abducted her as a young apprentice without respect for his teacher.Well, that's it.

"That's not true!" Piaoluo denied it righteously, she felt it was necessary to tell him the truth back then, "You chased me!"

Xinghua looked up at her pretty face looking up at her seriously. When she was not crying, her expression changed a lot, changing from moment to moment, with vivid, bright and seductive eyes.However, he will take the initiative to chase her?Although he couldn't remember the past, but thinking about it with his toes, it must be impossible. He had too much confidence in himself, in her!Too unsure.

"This deity knows that you are the one who chased me."

Piaoluo corrected, "Yes! You, chasing, me!" Afraid that he might misunderstand, she emphasized, "I didn't chase you. You take the initiative, and I am passive."

"Are you sure you are the passive one emotionally?"

He felt that he was being chased emotionally, and if it was about the activeness and passiveness of the bodies of men and women...he would not be able to take the initiative.

"That's right." Piaoluo couldn't remember the past at all relying on Xinghua, and looked at him very seriously, "A long time ago, more than 400 million years ago, you were the head of the fairy, and I was a flower in the demon forest , the most beautiful one, I walk around in the demon forest casually, and I have to follow a large group of admirers behind my buttocks, crying and shouting for me to like them. You are very popular, but my heart is very pure and my feelings are very single-minded. No one would look down on you as my master at that time. I felt like I was really like that at that time, "You don't know, how many immortal families in the fairy world envy you for accepting a good apprentice like me, there is no one in ten thousand miles. It is completely unprecedented."

(End of this chapter)

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