Chapter 294 So Poor (2)
Qilin immediately thinks of the three greens and two whites he saved in the fairy world before, didn't he give them to Piaodaidai?She is living in Xinghua's Xingqiong Palace, so she must be the pair of sisters. I didn't expect that they, who were [-] years old at the time, have all turned into human forms at this moment. It's really fast.

"You are the pair of three green and two white that Piaoluo Shangxian rescued?"

"It's us." The two girls were very happy. Qilin remembered them and stood up from the ground.

A girl in white clothes said: "My name is Su Bai. She is my younger sister, Su Chun."

Su Chunxu was so happy, took a step closer to Qilin, and couldn't wait to say: "God Qilin, we really want to thank you very much, if you hadn't saved us, let alone being in the immortal class, we would definitely die Moreover, it was you who took us to the Buddha’s Heaven that allowed us to be rescued by the World Honored One. The World Honored One’s Dharma is boundless. With his healing, we were transformed into human form ten thousand years in advance. We are very happy. The World Honored One and you are our great benefactor."

Qilin corrected and said: "You should thank Piaoluo Shangxian." If Piaodaidai hadn't pleaded with Xinghua for them, Xinghua would definitely not have made a move based on Xinghua's attitude towards alien species, let alone they were rescued by him. From Xinghua's point of view, he has to clean up.

"We thank God Piaoluo." Su Bai looked at the unicorn, "After transforming into a human form, we wanted to serve God Piaoluo to repay her kindness, but she didn't need us and drove us out of the Buddha's Heaven."

Qilin corrected again: "The one who doesn't keep you in Xingqiong Palace is the World Honored One." From his understanding, Piaodu's heart is easier to impress than Xinghua's, they are so cute, if you want to beg for nothing Dumb, she might have softened her heart, and Xinghua herself doesn't like others to disturb his life. If he didn't really dislike it, Piaodadai would have to let them go.How can they be grateful to the wrong person, and complain to the wrong person.

The two white snakes looked at each other again when they heard Qilin's words.Although he has only seen the World Honored One, a man who is illuminated by the Buddha's light does not look like a cruel person.On the contrary, Piaoluo Shangxian, there are many legends about her in the fairy world, and it is not at all ambiguous to hear about her integrity.A person who doesn't even want his own integrity must be very easy to be a bad guy.Of course, these are not important here, what is important is the Qilin God in front of him.

"Why did the Qilin God come down to earth today?" Su Bai looked around, "Is there any powerful monsters nearby?"

Suchun immediately showed interest, "Is it true? Qilin God, can I follow you to watch you take away demons? I often heard the legend of God in the fairy world, and I admire you very much, but I have no chance to meet you. I Guaranteed, I will not cause you any trouble when you collect the monster."

Seeing her younger sister being so active, Su Bai also joined the ranks of begging for mercy.

"God Qilin, our two sisters have always depended on each other, because we are three green and two white, no animals are willing to approach us, although the ancient gods and beasts are naturally immune to our poison, but you also know that the ancient gods and beasts He is a great god and immortal with high authority, and it is not something that small immortals like us can get in touch with." Su Bai's eyes revealed a faint sadness, "Our cultivation is all on our own, without companions, without a master, and we originally wanted to follow the World Honored One. , It’s a pity that Piaoluo Shangxian let us leave the Buddha’s Heaven. Right now, we come to the mortal world to help others, but we suffer from our low immortality, and we have not achieved any results after half a month. Please take us with you.” Su Bai said more and more Seemingly aggrieved and pitiful, "We two sisters will definitely not cause trouble for you, just follow you to this mortal world, and when you return to the 33rd Heaven, we will not follow you, okay?"

Qilin is not used to being cruel to women, and when he encounters a young woman like Su Bai Suchun pleading, he is naturally shaken in his heart.If I can save their lives by myself, it doesn't seem to be a difficult thing to take them for a walk in the mortal world.The slight inconvenience is that he came to look for Piao Daidai, and it felt a bit strange for them to follow.

"God Qilin, is that okay?" Su Chun looked up at Qilin.

Of course not!
But looking at Suchun's expectant eyes, Qilin didn't disappoint the little girl's hope, and replied, "Yeah." Before they had time to jump for joy, he said, "But this god didn't come to exorcise demons and subdue demons."

Su Bai and Su Chun were stunned.

"I don't know why the Qilin God came down to earth?"

"My God came to find Piaoluo Shangxian."

Piaoluo Shangxian?

Su Bai and Su Chun's expressions were unnatural for a moment, why did Qilin come to look for Piaoluo Shangxian?Why did the World Honored One let Piaoluo Shangxian live in Xingqiong Palace, and Qilin Shangshen came to the mortal world to look for her? Why did they all seem to be very kind to her?God Piaoluo didn't keep the two sisters by his side, and if God Qilin went to find her, he probably wouldn't want them to follow.

"Is Piaoluo Shangxian also in the mortal world?" Su Bai asked.

Qilin nodded, calculated the position of Piaoluo with a formula, and found that the distance between the two was not close, and suddenly, with Subai Suchun who hadn't had time to react, flashed directly to the place where Piaoluo was. come over.Qilin swayed the light with extraordinary speed, and looked at the two people who were fighting on the shore of the water not far away.

One is a pineapple, and the other is a handsome man.

The celestial lake all over Piaoluo emitted a dazzling purple light. The man on the other side wanted to get close to her to fight, but she kept attacking from a distance, preventing him from approaching within a distance of ten feet. Their sharp swords collide, and the stars are shining.

Suchun clasped his fists in front of his chest, "Wow, that man is so handsome."

Qilin specially looked at the man who was fighting with Piaoluo carefully, um, he is a bit handsome, but he is still much worse than him, I don’t know what kind of vision this little snake fairy has, why he thinks that man is handsome, can’t he see him Is such a handsome man standing by?
"I think that man's Taoism is not low." Su Bai said, "Look, he was able to fight so many rounds with Piaoluo Shangxian."

"Um. Yes. Awesome."

Qilin narrowed his eyes slightly, powerful?What is it?He is the formidable one, this kind of person has absolutely no room to fight back in front of his Qilin God, okay?Moreover, are they fairies or elves? Didn't you see that man was a elf?To actually admire the demon spirits is nothing more than the fact that their parents are better, they are just skins, and it makes them forget their identities, it is really naive.Quite naive, quite ignorant, quite indiscriminate between right and wrong.

Thinking about it, Qilin decided to help Piaoluo, so as not to hurt her by that demon spirit, it would be fine if he wasn't there, if he watched her get hurt under his nose, it would be detrimental to his style.Of course, in the future, if Xinghua knew that he watched his family fight with others and didn't help, I'm afraid he would turn himself into a 'beautiful bun boy'.

However, before Qilin could make a move, he saw a purple light flickering in the fight not far away. In the blink of an eye, Piaoluo's figure disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, a purple and white figure flashed around the man holding the sword several times. The sound of weapons clashing in the air stopped abruptly.

Taking a closer look, Piaoluo's figure appeared five steps behind the man, with her back turned to him in fluttering white clothes.

With a hiss, cracks appeared on the man's human figure, and there were a few clicks, and the body was divided, hands were hands, legs were legs.The corpse fell to the ground, and the real body of the man, a deep river black carp, was disassembled into five pieces.

Piaoluo raised her sleeve and swiped her backhand, and the fish body on the ground turned into green smoke and disappeared into the air.

Suchun said with great regret: "Such a handsome man, Piaoluo Shangxian, can kill without blinking an eye, what a pity."

Su Bai looked at his younger sister, and nodded in agreement, yes, he is really a good-looking man, even a goblin is also good-looking, and it will take a lot of time to cultivate him to be so powerful, Piaoluo Shangxian actually So ruthless, directly dismembering him, really doesn't look like a Shangxian at all.

Qilin, who stood by and didn't say a word, felt that Piaodadai's hands and feet were very neat, and his punches were beautiful, and he didn't forget his duties just because the opponent was a handsome man. This must be praised.What's the pity that a goblin man died?It's not a pity, it's a pity, it's just that a fairy like Piao Dadai who is not bewitched by beauty is needed to go down to the earth to eliminate demons, a little girl like Sanqing Shuangbai is too insensible, and she still wants to descend to the earth to eliminate demons and subdue demons , what a dream.He felt that it was best for the two of them to practice in the fairy world for a few hundred thousand years and then come down to see this sinister world, where dangers abound.

"Hey..." Su Chun sighed.

Su Bai answered, "No more, the soul is gone."

Qilin turned to look at the two girls beside him, "Let's see if you dare to offend Piaoluo Shangxian."

Su Bai and Su Chun didn't have time to shake their heads, Qi Lin flashed to Piao Luo's side, grinning.

"Good job!"

Piaoluo adjusted her wide sleeves, and looked at Qilin without surprise, "No wonder you often see the head and the tail. Beautiful women are by your side, if it were me, I would also like to play everywhere."

"I'm wronged." Qilin smiled and opened the folding fan, "I'm not the kind of person you think. I met them in the mortal world. You know how handsome I am, so I insist on following. With a kind heart, how can I refuse the warm entreaties of the little beauties." While speaking, Qilin glanced at Su Bai and Su Chun, "Such tender little girls are not the type I like to make friends with. I am old in front of them. Grandpa, you have to pay attention to a lot of things when you speak, it's not fun."

Piaoluo smiled, saw Su Bai and Su Chun approaching, and saluted.

"Piaoluo Shangxian."

"Suchun has seen Piaoluo Shangxian."

Piaoluo hummed, then turned to look at Qilin, "I have to leave beforehand, so take your time."

Qilin just saw Piaoluo's exorcising demons so freely, and couldn't help but feel a little itchy in his heart. Watching her fight, coupled with her stunning appearance, her movements are smooth and unrestrained, very natural and unrestrained, people have to admire her extraordinary.He still remembers her appearance in the last life when she was a mortal, she was protected by Xinghua everywhere, and now she is walking alone in the mortal world, and she dares to calmly face no matter how fierce the situation is, the independent and powerful she makes him more and more impressive .Before, I thought it was very immature for her to go to the Buddha's heaven to see Xinghua, and I didn't realize that she was really capable of injuring nine divine guards. It's her real ability, without Xinghua's help, she really put in a lot of effort to get to such a position.

"Wait." Qilin stopped Piaoluo, "What else do you need?"

"What's the matter?" Piaoluo asked.

Qilin said: "If it's about eliminating demons, I'll walk around with you."


"No?" Qilin was surprised, "Then why are you going? Xinghua is not by your side, let's get to know each other anyway, if there is anything I need to help, I am very happy."

Piaoluo smiled, "It's not a big deal. Thanks a lot."

I came to this place to eliminate demons before, and this time I wanted to see if the people here were happy, but I didn’t expect that they were not as good as before. After checking, I found out that the fish demon she eliminated a long time ago actually had a companion, that is, Black carp.And she took special care of a very poor family back then, and she didn't know how the situation of that family was now, so she wanted to go and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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