Chapter 302 Immortal servant (2)
Su Chun felt that the gap between them and the World Honored One was too far. Even though the World Honored One was really perfect, no woman who saw him would be able to resist his charm.However, he would not like his sister.Among other things, even if he likes it, it is more likely that he likes Piaoluo Shangxian, otherwise why let her live in Xingqiong Palace all the time.There are some things that everyone tacitly understands. They are young, but it doesn't mean they don't understand anything.They don't know if the World Honored One has feelings for Piaoluo Shangxian, but they must be very kind to Piaoluo Shangxian, she is a special existence to him.

"I know he is the World Honored One. In the past six months, I have borrowed a lot of books from Piaoluo Shangxian. Although they are all celestial scriptures, which are not to my liking, they are not completely useless." Su Bai said with a faint smile He said, "I know that the gods above the gods can marry wives and have children. Thinking that the gods can only be ancient beasts, the status of the world is higher than the gods, so he can marry a wife."

"Even so, he wouldn't choose you."

Su Bai said: "The position of Empress Dowager in Xingqiong Palace has always been vacant. Everyone has no hope, but it can also be said that everyone has a chance. It just depends on who can impress the World-Honored One." Thinking, Su Bai was a little discouraged, "However, the descendants of the world can only be the descendants of the ancient gods and beasts. I really don't understand this point. Doesn't the World Honored One only need to see who he likes in getting a wife?"

Su Chun said: "If you can only be a descendant of the ancient gods and beasts, then Piaoluo Shangxian doesn't seem to be qualified either."

"Hehe..." Su Bai smiled, "Yes. I am inexplicably happy when I think that even though Piaoluo Shangxian is so beautiful, it is impossible to be with the World Honored One. Now I am working hard to learn the tea ceremony and practice hard every day. I didn't feel it. When the World Honored One drank my tea today, although he didn't directly praise me, his expression was very calm, and he drank several cups. This is a good sign, and it means that he thinks the tea I made is acceptable." Xiang Subai became more and more excited, "Especially when I served him tea today, he took a special look at me."

Su Chun thought, the World Honored One still looks at Piaoluo Shangxian a lot every day, and he has never seen Piaoluo Shangxian so happy as she is.

"It turns out that the reason why you study tea ceremony every day is to make tea for the World Honored One?" Suchun suddenly realized, no wonder her sister was very interested in tea scriptures in the past five months, she thought she really liked it.

Su Bai answered Su Chun's words with a smile.

"Sister, you said that a god can marry a wife, so the Qilin god can't? He's not a god."

Su Bai thought for a while, and said: "When I was in the fairy world, I heard that Qilin God's cultivation and mana had already reached the level of a god, but he has not allowed his virtue to be fully cultivated, because he deliberately did not think of the god. grades."


"Shangshen Qilin is a person who likes freedom and travels around the mountains and rivers every day. The god is not in an ordinary position. He probably feels that everyone will respect him after sitting on it, so he is afraid to play with him." Su Bai disagreed. Thinking of the Qilin God without gratitude, "In the 33rd day, I really think that the Qilin God is an excellent person, and has saved us many times. Hey, why did you suddenly mention the Qilin God? You can't be... ..."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, Su Chun stopped him, "What, I just think that Qilin God is also very powerful. The World Honored One has already reached the Buddha's Heaven, so why is he still God. Don't think wrongly. Ah, yes Now, sister, it is autumn now, and it will be winter soon, are you afraid?"

Su Bai was silent.

Winter is really not a good season for them snakes. I don't know if the winter in Buddha's day is very cold. It would be bad if their real bodies were frozen.

"Sister, if the winter in Buddha's Heaven is very cold, let's tell God Piaoluo about it."

Su Bai asked, "What did you say?"

"Just let us go back to the fairyland, or we can go to find a warm place in the world, and come back to serve her after the winter is over. I think Piaoluo Shangxian will agree."

Unexpectedly, Su Bai rejected Su Chun's proposal without even thinking about it.

"No! We will stay in Buddha's Heaven without leaving."

"But, I'm afraid of the cold."

Su Bai encouraged her younger sister, "Don't be afraid, my sister is here with you. In winter, we can stick together. If not, we can make a fire. I think Piaoluo Shangxian will allow it." Just a little, They do not leave the Buddha's Heaven.It's not like anyone can come in here if they want to. If those people in the fairy world know that their sisters are in the Xingqiong Palace, they don't know how jealous and envious they are.

Suchun couldn't resist Subai, so he could only dispel the idea of ​​leaving the Buddha's Heaven in winter.There was also an extra thought in her heart, she didn't know why she hadn't seen Qilin Shangshen here for half a year, didn't he have a close relationship with the World Honored One?Why haven't you come to Star Palace for so long.If she saw him, she felt that she would feel that the winter in the Buddha's day was not so terrible.

Lingbo Pavilion.

Xinghua sent Piaoluo to the room, and saw her yawn, with the corners of her mouth lightly twitching.

"Sleep more tomorrow."

Piaoluo took two steps, raised her arms to hug Xinghua, and rubbed against his shoulder, "I don't know why I've been sleeping restlessly lately."

Xinghua also naturally hugged Piaoluo in his arms, "Are you dreaming?"

"No. I just feel dizzy."

"I'll make you some medicine tomorrow."

"No. It's too bitter."

Xinghua chuckled, "It's not hard."

Piaoluo didn't deny it anymore.

In the past three months, their relationship has grown through such small intimacy.After the first kiss, Piaoluo's feelings for Xinghua gradually became unentangled. She didn't want to see if they could be together, and cherished the time they had at this moment. Moreover, her behavior and words towards him gradually became the same as before.As for Xinghua, although his complexion was always light, there was a subtle change after kissing Piaoluo. He didn't ask what was going on in his heart, but he understood that she was too unusual for him, and she was not his. After the world, she won his heart more than any woman in 33 Chongtian.

For her now, hugging him is already a very common behavior, as long as Su Bai and Su Chun are not around, when she wants to hug him, she can open her arms and grab him, so she doesn't worry that he will push her away.

And Xinghua also had a new habit from four months ago.

After sending Piaoluo back to Lingbo Pavilion, before returning to his bedroom, he would kiss her lightly.

This day was no exception, Xinghua lowered his head to find Piaoluo's lips, kissed her tenderly for a while, and slowly let her go.

"have a rest."


Xinghua didn't leave until Piaoluo fell asleep.

As dawn approached, the sky was extremely dark, and suddenly there was an exclamation from the room in Lingbo Pavilion, the sound was not loud, but it was full of panic.

Piaoluo sat on the bed covered in cold sweat, breathing rapidly.

What was the sound just now?
Confidently listening to the noises around her, Piaoluo didn't hear anything.

how can that be possible?Just now she felt something screaming in her ears, it was very demonic, not like a normal wind noise.She wanted to wave it away, but there was no way to wave it away.

"Could it be a dream?" Piaoluo asked herself.

If it's a dream, it's a bit too real.

After that, Piaoluo couldn't sleep anymore.He simply got up and stood by the window of Lingbo Pavilion, smelling the fragrance of flowers, his mind gradually calmed down.However, there is still the feeling of the voice hovering in my mind, not as strong as when I was sleeping, but I can't forget it for a while.

Under the moon, Piaoluo flew down from Lingbo Pavilion and walked slowly in the garden below Lingbo Pavilion, trying to use the fragrance of flowers to dilute her inner turmoil.

Piaoluo was walking aimlessly by herself, when suddenly she felt a person appeared by her side.

Turning her head suddenly and seeing the face beside her clearly, Piaoluo's nervous heart eased, "Why are you here?"

Xinghua approached Piaoluo, and her golden clothes brushed against the flower cluster beside her, making a small sound, seeing her unnatural expression, she asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Xinghua raised his hand and placed it on top of Piaoluo's head, his voice was extremely gentle, "Didn't sleep well?"


Xinghua hugged Piaoluo very gently with his arms, how could such a situation happen?It is impossible for the environment of Xingqiong Palace to make her uneasy.I haven't heard her say that she can't sleep well at night before, why did such a thing happen recently.

"Nightmare?" Xinghua asked Piaoluo, lowering her voice, as if afraid of scaring her.

Piaoluo denied, "No. It's not a nightmare." If it was a dream, she wouldn't have walked for so long without calming down. This is different from the past, she has reached the rank of Shangxian, and the little dreams will not be wiped away, disturbing her Something restless seemed to be beside her, and even when she woke up, she still felt that voice was still there. "I can't say what it feels like, I don't have specific words to describe it, I just feel that something surrounds me."

Saying that, Piaoluo cuddled closer to Xinghua, the warmth from him could make her feel better, with him, her mood was not as restless as before.

"Remember when this feeling started?" You shouldn't be able to sleep at night for no reason.Her Taoism is not low, and it is impossible for ordinary heart-disturbing spells to work on her.What's more, this is the Buddha's Palace of Celestial Stars, and there should be no one who has the courage to dare to do small tricks in his palace.

Piaoluo thought for a while, "I can't remember the exact time, this happened about a long time ago, and it wasn't obvious at that time, so I just woke up hazy once and a half at night, and didn't take it seriously. , the situation has worsened." Then, Piaoluo asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's about to dawn, get up and prepare for morning meditation, come and have a look when you hear voices from your side."

Piaoluo raised her head from Xinghua's arms, "Go and do your work, I'm fine."

"Morning meditation can be done or not. I will accompany you."

Said to be with her for a while, Xinghua Piaoluo never left for a whole day, even if it was to boil medicine, Xinghua took Piaoluo by her side, told her how to mix some rare and rare elixir medicines, and carefully prepared them in secret. Observe her physical condition.

Su Bai and Su Chun didn't see Xing Hua and Piao Luo all day long, Su Chun didn't think much about it, but Su Bai felt that something was wrong, she was always distracted when she was practicing in the small hall, and always thought of Xing Hua What are you doing with Piaoluo, the results of the whole day's practice are very poor.

At night, Su Bai walked up and down in the courtyard of the small hall, hesitating whether to go to Piaoluo or not, she knew that it would definitely not work to go to the World Honored One directly, after all, she is Piaoluo's fairy attendant, it would be very difficult to go to the World Honored One alone. It is easy to show her mind.And she still doesn't have enough capital to make the World Honored One fall in love with her. She must know more about the World Honored One's preferences, match him up, and slowly let him see her excellence.Just like, he is willing to drink the tea she is brewing now.She just knew that he liked to drink tea so she studied hard, and Piaoluo Shangxian was not interested in tea ceremony.

"Sister, it's late, aren't you going to sleep?" Su Chun came out of the house, stood at the door with her clothes on, and looked at Su Bai in the courtyard, "Go to rest early, I saw your face is not good during the day today." how good."

(End of this chapter)

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