Chapter 304 Help me? (2)
"Tch. Don't look down on people anymore." Piaoluo said seriously, "I have to go back to the fairyland the day after tomorrow, ten days. I have to show up for the Xitian Grand Ceremony in the fairyland." Then, Piaoluo worried, "This I haven't practiced much for half a year, and I don't know which immortal to fight with at that time, if I lose, I will be ashamed." Looking at Xinghua, Piaoluo became entangled, "I guess there are quite a few Many people know that I am in the Buddha Heaven. If I lose, they will say that you, the World Honored One, have not taught me well? Hey, when I think that I have to protect your reputation, there is an invisible pressure feel."

Xinghua smiled lightly, "It is certain that many people know that you are in the Buddha's Heaven. However, I think that everyone will not think that I have not taught you well. Instead, they will feel that you have slackened your cultivation because you patronize the deity."

"How can I have!"

"I don't know if there is a deity." Xinghua smiled, and walked in front of her, "Do you need me to practice martial arts with you today?"

Piao Luo thought of something, "Ah. Speaking of this, I remembered. This Xitian Grand Ceremony was established because of you. There was no such event in the original fairyland. Four million years ago, you sealed the demon heart on the Lotus Peak. Since then, the fairy world has always been vigilant, afraid of the third slaughter of immortals. If it weren't for you back then, I wouldn't have to go back the day after tomorrow."

"If it weren't for the deity back then, I don't know if the fairyland is now a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, or corpses are lying in a field, or it has been reduced to the territory of the demon world." Xinghua reached out and tapped Piaoluo, "I am not grateful"

Piaoluo laughed, she complained that he was of course a fake, he didn't even know how handsome he was when he was fighting against Moxin, one person is the hope of the whole fairy world.As long as she thought that her man was the most powerful figure in the entire fairy world at that time, a sense of pride rose from the bottom of her heart.How important he is, there is no need to say much.He has always been like this, attracting everyone's attention, a great hero admired by everyone.

"Let's go."

Piaoluo asked, "Where are you going?"

"Martial arts field."

Xinghua's eyes turned to Subai Suchun who was behind Piaoluo, "Go back."

Su Bai looked at Xinghua, "World Honored One, we want to take care of Piaoluo Shangxian."

"It's enough to have the deity."

Piaoluo said, "Su Bai, you guys go back. The day after tomorrow I will return to the fairyland with me."


After Su Bai and Su Chun left, Xinghua took Piaoluo's hand and walked towards the martial field. Not to mention that she hadn't practiced for half a year, he hadn't practiced seriously for almost a year. He read Buddhist books every day, Admiring the flowers, playing chess, the days are so leisurely that I don’t know the sun and the moon are sinking.If it was in the past, I really couldn't think that I could be so lazy.

"If you lose in the Xitian Grand Ceremony, is there any punishment?" Xinghua asked as he walked.


Hearing that Piaoluo said that there would be punishment for losing the Xitian Grand Ceremony, Xinghua asked with great interest, "What punishment?"

"I will be invited to go to Xianxi Mountain in the Immortal Realm to practice in seclusion for three years. I will come out to compete in the next Xitian Grand Ceremony. If I win, I will be free. Otherwise, I will have to go back to Xianxi Mountain to practice until I can beat my opponent."

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo and smiled, "Which immortal did you send to Xianxi Mountain last time?"

Piao Luo recalled, "I wasn't the one who defeated the last time. Shangxian's competition adopts a round-robin method. The first two fights, and the loser will play the next one. In the end, there will be only one loser. If it is a pair In sparring, at least half of the losers will appear, and half of the Shangxian will go to Xianxi Mountain. The Brahma King will feel that the fairyland is not safe enough. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, which is one of the rules of governance in the fairyland. " As he spoke, Piaoluo said worriedly, "Three years ago, Changyou Shangxian was defeated because of his injury. After three years, his injury must have healed. This time, he will definitely not lose. This year he will not lose. I know who will go to Xianxi Mountain."

Xinghua was speechless, and led Piaoluo all the way to the martial field. He had seen her fight in the illusion mirror transformed by Qianli. Compared with him in the fairy head, he is still a little worse.If the two are in the same period, she can't beat him.Of course, at that time, the other five immortals could not beat him who was 100 million years old but had a Taoism of 300 million years, and she might not be able to defeat the other immortals.However, today is not what it used to be, the level of the immortals back then is definitely different from the current level of immortals, and other walks of life are developing with each passing day, so the immortal world naturally has to improve its defense capabilities so as not to be slaughtered by other realms.Seeking balance is the eternity of the development of the world. No matter how long the world exists, once the balance is broken, war and abuse will appear.

Walking beside Xinghua, Piaoluo secretly thought, she has been a lot lazy in the past six months, can she do it in just these two days?If you lose, then...Piaoluo turns to look at Xinghua, she won't see him for three years.

Piaoluo knew the importance of the Xitian Grand Ceremony, and in the martial arts field, she took a very serious attitude, even Xinghua was a little surprised, she really had no other distractions when she was serious, and even his presence couldn't affect her.After watching for an hour, Xinghua suddenly flew in front of Piaoluo.

"bring it on."

Piaoluo retracted her sword, looked at Xinghua, "I won't fight you."

"Afraid of losing?"

"It's not a question of whether you are afraid of losing or not. It's about losing for sure. Who are you and who am I? I haven't reached that level of ignorance." The day is just practice, I don't want to blow away my self-confidence." Competing with him, wouldn't that be self-defeating?What's more, the grand ceremony is coming soon, if you lose, it will affect your mood very much.At that time, if you really fight with Shangxian, you will not be in a good mood, and your fighting level will definitely be affected.

Xinghua laughed, "What if I let you win?"

"Can you not waste my time?"

Piaoluo turned and walked away, and won the competition with him?Don't say that others don't believe this kind of thing, she herself doesn't believe it.How could it be possible to win.He let himself not show his strength, but just played with her, but how could he see her strength in this way?In the martial arts contest at the Xitian Grand Ceremony, everyone showed their true skills, and no one wanted to lose, especially Shangxian, who was invited to Xianxi Mountain to practice for three years is not a glorious thing.

The second round of martial arts practice began, Piaoluo swung her sword out, and heard a clang, the sound of sword blades touching together, and took a closer look, Xinghua was standing opposite her holding a silver sword, not waiting for her With a sound, the next move was used, which almost cut the hair on her cheek.Piaoluo dodged Xinghua's sword edge, raised her sword to meet his moves.

After attacking and avoiding three hundred moves, Piaoluo suddenly understood why Xinghua wanted to fight her.Because, after watching her round of moves, he saw where her weakness was, and attacked her at her weakness, making her hard to guard against, and also made her realize where she might be attacked in the Xitian Grand Ceremony.She remembered every point of being attacked by him.After another [-] consecutive rounds, Piaoluo found that Xinghua could find more and more loopholes in herself, and he took advantage of some very tricky loopholes.If it wasn't practice but a competition, she would have been beaten by Xinghua long ago, and she would have no strength to fight back.

On the martial arts field, a white figure and a golden figure attacked each other and retreated, and you hid and entered. Full of energy, he returned to the ground again.

Piao Luo swirled her long sword to catch Xinghua's stabbing swordsmanship, flashed for an instant, reached a height of ten feet, and the fierce sword fell headlong from the air, hitting Xinghua's head directly.Before the tip of the sword was close to his body, the golden figure suddenly disappeared, and she felt an unavoidable force hitting her waist from behind. It wasn't painful enough, but it was enough to make her unable to stabilize her body and face the ground. fall.

A golden light flashed suddenly, catching the white-clothed figure that was almost touching the ground, flying up from the ground, and stopping in the air.

Piaoluo looked at Xinghua who was hugging her, and came here without getting angry.

"let me go!"

Xinghua smiled, "Are you angry?"

He probably didn't hurt her, he was very careful, he just gave her the impact of strength, let her understand that it is not a very appropriate way to attack other people's fate in such a hasty way, although there may not be a fairy in the fairy world who can have himself Fast body, but as long as he is faster than her, he can counterattack her like him. At that time, she has no way to avoid it, and can only be beaten by others. If someone attacks him with high magic power, he will definitely lose .


How could she be angry? She knew early on that she was no match for him.Although she knew in her heart that she would not be Xinghua's opponent, when he knocked herself to the ground, she still felt inexplicable anger in her heart.Yes, it is anger.It seemed that he couldn't defeat himself no matter what, but he actually shot mercilessly.He was able to determine the winner so many times before when he found her flaws, why did he let her lose until now? Damn it!
Xinghua leaned his face closer, "Then I kiss one?"

"No!" Piaoluo resolutely refused, and she refused to let him kiss when she was angry.

"He said he wasn't angry."

Piaoluo didn't want Xinghua to look down on her, she thought she was a stingy girl, and defended herself, "I'm not angry because you beat me. I couldn't beat you, so why be angry. I'm just... just How do you think you can save me? We are in a martial arts competition. Do you understand the martial arts competition? Don’t have the idea of ​​pity. If you and I are enemies, I will definitely not show mercy to you. "

The smile on Xinghua's face persisted, "Okay! When you are my opponent, it doesn't matter if you show no mercy to me, as long as I show mercy to you. No matter what happens, I will never fight you with swords .”

Piaoluo gave Xinghua a blank look, and said that she was merciful to her, so she knocked her down just now.Fortunately, Subai Suchun was not here, otherwise they would find themselves defeated by Xinghua anytime and anywhere, and Shangxian would lose a lot of face.

"We won't be enemies." Seeing Xinghua's seriousness, Piaoluo quickly stopped the topic. When she was a fairy before, they might still have an antagonistic relationship, but now that she is an immortal, both of them are immortals. Ji, how could the situation he mentioned, that kind of scene, she didn't even want to think about it, and she didn't even want to assume it.Thinking that time is running out, Piaoluo said, "Let's practice again."

Xinghua hugged Piaoluo and fell to the ground, not only throwing away the sword he conjured up, but also took the sword in Piaoluo's hand and threw it away.Before the two swords hit the ground, they turned into a wisp of cigarette smoke.

"Hey, you?"

Xinghua walked down from the martial field with Piaoluo, "Just practice so much this morning, it's not good to be too impatient." Then, looking at Piaoluo, "You have to find a way to make up for the flaws I pointed out just now. Yet?"

He can not break through her flaws, but others will not.Shangxian is not a simple immortal, there are many powerful people, and the immortals who can ascend to the god position are all from the rank of Shangxian.If she loses, her face will be just a cloud, so she doesn't need to care about it, but if she loses, she must go to Xianxi Mountain to practice for three years, which makes him think a little bit.Three years, I used to think it was a short time, but now that I think about it, it is not so short, a thousand days.

Piaoluo recalled those problems exposed by Xinghua's attack, she thought, could it be because he is very powerful that she thinks she has a lot of problems?You know, she hasn't lost so many games in the past, so she may not lose this time.Just because the opponent is him, it seems that she is very useless.If you fight with the immortals, there should be no problem.Even if there is, it is not to the point of losing.The key is that the strength of the opponent is too great.

(End of this chapter)

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