Chapter 306 No Chance (2)
Involuntarily, Lingque opened her magic eye to see Su Bai's real body, and was surprised when she found that she and Su Chun beside her were three green and two white.Isn't Piaoluo Shangxian, Sanqing and Shuangbai accepted as fairy servants?This kind of real fairy can basically disappear if she can see her. Don't forget that she is not an ancient beast, and she has no inherent resistance to the poison in their bodies. If these two people are loyal to her, that's all. If she is unfaithful, there is no guarantee that she will not suffer.

Lingque leaned towards Piaoluo, and said in a low voice: "There are quite a few fairy attendants in my palace, how many would you choose?"

Piao Luo smiled, "It's okay. I'll keep it to serve you. You picked it yourself and are familiar with you. If they suddenly change masters, they won't be able to adapt."

The arrival of the Great Brahma King interrupted the conversation between Lingque and Piaoluo, and all the immortals stood up to greet him, and respectfully called the name of the Great Brahma King, until he took the main seat and spread his hands towards everyone, "Everyone sit down."

Except for the high wall on the side where Brahma King sits, there are no buildings on the other three sides of the main hall, and there are no tall trees that block the magic power. It is called the main hall just because of everyone's habits.After all fourteen immortals had arrived, the Great Brahma Dynasty looked down and found that all the immortals who should come had been bought.The Great Brahma King is quite satisfied, it seems that everyone is very concerned about the Xitian Grand Ceremony.

After finishing the sacrifice to heaven in the Xitian Grand Ceremony, the Great Brahma Heavenly King talked about the purpose of the Xitian Grand Ceremony, and he was more and more satisfied to see everyone's solemn expressions.

Piaoluo held a serious expression, but she didn't know why Brahma King hadn't changed his rhetoric for so many years, it was always the same way every time, didn't he think it looked like noise?Even a person like her who doesn't memorize very much can memorize his words verbatim.Especially the talking time is still very long, and when he finishes speaking, he always feels like he woke up all at once.After finally waiting for the Brahma King to finish speaking, Piaoluo suppressed a yawn, and glanced at the Lingque next to her. On the other side of her was the Changyou Shangxian who had returned from Xianxi Mountain, and looked at him with a solemn expression. His expression, he is definitely going to win this time.

Because the martial arts competition started from the low-ranking immortals, Piaoluo and the others sitting in the seats of the upper immortals and the major immortals looked very relaxed, chatting and eating while watching the martial arts competition below.

The Xitian Grand Ceremony is not something to be nervous about for immortals with low grades. On the contrary, it is a very good opportunity for fairies who want to be promoted. If they are played beautifully, it is likely to impress a certain immortal or Daxian, thus worshiping under his sect.Or, the martial arts cultivation base is very good, and he was promoted to a higher level by the Brahma King, thus rising to a higher level.To Shangxian, the Xitian Grand Ceremony is like an old master giving his students a big exam every three years. Those who do not do well in the exam will be punished, and the punishment is quite heavy.

Lingque saw the little fairy below who was flying up and down, leaned close to Piaoluo, and asked her in a low voice, "Where did you get the three greens and two whites?"

"Huh?" Piaoluo was a little surprised. Lingque looked at Su Bai and Su Chun's real bodies. After thinking about it, she felt that it was normal to look at their real bodies. After all, she rarely used fairy servants, so everyone should be curious." I didn't take it."

Lingque was even more surprised, "Then why did you let them become your fairy servants?"

"It was Qilin God who saved them. I saw them by chance. I want to accumulate Buddha virtue, so I'm coming." Hua Gong went to beg himself, and even more unexpectedly, he agreed softheartedly. Judging from the past time, it is not a bad thing to accept them. The two girls are quite sensible. The progress is very fast, especially in the Buddha's Heaven, the environment is very good, and it is very beneficial to increase their mana, "What?" Piaoluo looked at the expression of the sparrow, "You don't seem to like them very much?"

Because she has a good relationship with Lingque, it is a little bit for Piaoluo to get close to her. Moreover, Lingque has a pair of very sharp eyes, which can read people's hearts.There are almost no secrets for the gods of the immortal family who are not deep in Taoism, let alone those mortals and goblins.In front of her, Su Bai and Su Chun have no ability to hide.If Lingque made any comments on Su Bai and Su Chun, Piao Luo would definitely believe it.

"I can't say I hate it." Lingque secretly cast a spell and a gust of wind came over, disturbing the hearing of Su Bai and Su Chun not far behind Piaoluo, "It's just that I don't think it's right to keep them by my side as fairy servants practice."

Piaoluo raised her voice, "Oh?"

"The minds of the two are quite clear, but the one on the left doesn't seem to only respect you, but also has a trace of dissatisfaction. Her eyes are too cold, to be so cold for a fairy, Piaoluo, I I have to remind you that she is a ruthless person. Maybe she can't show it now, but once she is capable enough, she may do things that you and I can't even imagine." Ling Que doesn't know Su Bai and Su Bai. Chun's name can only be judged by their positions, "The one on the right in the green dress has no dislikes for you, but I can see that she cares about the girl next to her very much."

Piaoluo said: "The one on the left is my elder sister, Su Bai. The one on the right in green clothes is my younger sister Suchun."

"That's no wonder. My younger sister looks at everyone with cold eyes, without much emotion. When she looks at the elder sister next to her, there is warmth in her eyes. It means that nothing in her heart is more important than her elder sister." Ling Que smiled, "There is nothing wrong with this, who made them three green and double white. However, this also shows that no matter what sister Su Bai does in the future, younger sister Su Chun will support and help her. Maybe she has the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, but when it comes to her sister, she will automatically discard her own right and wrong, and only protect her own sister."

Lingque's words made Piaoluo silent. She knew that Sanqing and Shuangbai were not suitable for her to take care of, so she never wanted to take them as disciples. She had to guard against this.However, as for Su Bai doing something harmful, she doesn't think so.Now her morality is too low, and she is determined but powerless.If it comes to dissatisfaction with oneself, it is probably a little bit, blame yourself for not being their master?She can't change that.If you are dissatisfied, be dissatisfied.

After the wind passed, Lingque's words also disappeared in the wind, except for Piaoluo, no one heard anything.

Xitian Grand Ceremony is a grand ceremony in the fairy world after all, it is very serious to Shangxian, and he has to take it seriously. After watching the competition of Xiaoxian all day, no one left the ceremony early, not even the Great Brahma King.

Piaoluo kowtowed the melon seeds and glanced at the Brahma King, and smiled, wondering if the Brahma King was thinking "why haven't I finished today?" You know, the Brahma King has always been arrogant, everything Just flashing his face, as if people would suffer from kidney failure if they looked at him a few more times, seeing him sitting there with a sullen face, I really wanted to tease him.

Piaoluo leaned over to the Spirit Sparrow's side, and asked her in a low voice, "Guess what the Great Brahma King is thinking now?"

The Immortal Lingque cast her eyes on the face of the Great Brahma King, just in time, the Great Brahma King also looked at her, and the two eyes met in the air, so frightened that the Immortal Lingque immediately withdrew her gaze, pretending to look down A group of flower fairies, said in a low voice, "I was killed by you, Brahma King. Just looking at us."

Piaoluo's expression was very serious, her lips didn't move, and she said in ventriloquism: "You are destined. I saw him look at me for several times, but you just took one look and you were hit. Spirit Sparrow God, you I have a great relationship with him."

Lingque frowned, "Don't make fun of me. If you want to talk about fate, you have a lot of fate with the World Honored One in the Buddha's Heaven. You have always been in the Buddha's Heaven when you are not in the fairy world?"

"Well. Kind of."

"What is considered?"

"I also have to go to the mortal world and the demon world. I am a very responsible Piaoluo Shangxian."

Lingque burst out laughing, boasting is probably something she was born with, and she never forgets to praise herself.However, despite the relaxed appearance of this Xitian Grand Ceremony, there was a very serious situation on the last day, and I don't know if Piaoluo knew about it.

While the Immortal Attendant was pouring the immortal wine for him, Ling Que sneaked another look at the Brahma King, but was unfortunately caught by him again, and what made Ling Que Shang Xian feel creepy was that the Brahma King actually smiled, Although it was a faint smile, she was sure that she saw it, and he did smile at her.

"What's your expression?" Piaoluo looked at Lingque with a funny face.

"The expression of wanting to faint." Lingque ignored the gaze that felt pierced on her body, and asked Piaoluo, "Did you know that this year's Xitian Grand Ceremony, the final immortal competition, the Brahma King will also participate."

Piaoluo squirted out the tea she was drinking in her mouth, "Puff!" The sound made the people around her look at her, and she wiped the corner of her mouth pretending to be innocent and asked Lingque, "What did you say?" Da Brahma King Also participated in the final Shangxian martial arts competition, is there any mistake?

"You don't know yet?"

"what do you know?"

Lingque looked at Piaoluo in a daze, she really didn't know. "This time the Shangxian martial arts competition is not arranged according to the order of the seats from left to right, but everyone decides by drawing lots. The first and second competitions, the third and the losers of the first and second competitions, the Great Brahma King has set a first place. Give yourself the order of nine, it depends on who loses among the first eight."

Piaoluo frowned, what kind of wind is the Great Brahma King, wouldn't it be good to be his Great Brahma King, why not come to participate in their martial arts contest, is it to show how powerful he is?

"Yes. It's absolutely true. Brahma King himself said it in the Nantian Hall half a month ago. Everyone in the fairy world knows it."

Piaoluo added something in her heart, I don't know!However, it's okay to know now, as long as she is not in the top eight, even if she is in the top eight, it's fine if she wins the opponent, as long as she doesn't let herself meet the Great Brahma King.There is no need to think about it at all. If someone in the top eight loses and meets the ninth Brahma King, it must be a loss. The Brahma King's mana is much deeper than them.If he lost the fight with Brahma King, that person...

She got it!

Piaoluo suddenly understood why Brahma King chose the ninth place instead of the first one.

Now there are fourteen Shangxians in total, plus Brahma King, there are fifteen contestants, the first eight and the last seven, and one of the top eight lost one person, which happened to be the first seven and the last seven, and the first of the last seven to play The most important one is the Great Brahma King. Everyone knows his ways and deeds well. If he loses the match, he will lose a large part of his mana. If the loser goes to compete with the other six immortals, he will be a loser to the end. , the difference in mana between the immortals will not be very big, and whoever loses most of their mana will not be able to win.

In other words, the loser this time must be one of the top eight draws.Because no one can pass the test of the ninth Brahma King.

"Piaoluo, what are you thinking?"

Piaoluo came back to her senses, "I'm praying that I don't draw one of the top eight."

Lingque smiled, "I thought you worked hard in the Buddha's Heaven, didn't you?" As he spoke, he regretted, "It would be a pity if you didn't take the opportunity to ask the World Honored One for advice. I heard , when the World Honored One was the head of the Immortals, his martial arts cultivation was very good. I am afraid that the current Brahma King might not be his opponent in a fight with the World Honored One at that time. There is such a powerful person in the Buddha's Heaven, but you didn't study hard. ?”

(End of this chapter)

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