Chapter 324 If I Were You (2)
Piaoluo didn't answer Qilin's words immediately, but just looked at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence, she felt that Qilin was very serious when he came to her this time.It can be seen from the name he calls himself.

"Ordinarily, I shouldn't be in charge of your affairs with Xinghua, and I'm not qualified to intervene." Qilin said in his heart, "I'm the one who watched you come over in your first and second lives, to be honest. , I don't agree with you living with Xinghua. Xinghua is cold and cold to others, but I think you feel it too. He is very gentle to you no matter what. I don't understand why it is like this, even after he lost You can still treat you like this after you remember, but I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will not have any problems this time. I believe that neither you nor Xinghua can bear the third separation. I also can't bear to see .”

"Qilin, what is your purpose for coming to me?"

"There is no purpose. I just came to you and told you that if possible, don't give Xinghua any hope, pack up your feelings as soon as possible, and leave him."

Piaoluo was startled, she suddenly stood up from the chair, looked at Qilin, she couldn't believe that he said such a thing.He looked at what he and Xinghua had experienced, didn't he feel cruel when he said such a thing? "Qilin, I have always respected you. I thought you understood the relationship between me and Xinghua. Since you have seen what we have encountered, don't you know how precious my life with him is now? You let me Let go of Xinghua, are you worthy of him?" How could she give up Xinghua, she couldn't do it!

Qilin looked at Piaoluo with clear eyes, without the usual cynical smile on his face, his serious look made Piaoluo feel that Qilin was serious about letting her give up Xinghua.

"Very good! You still remember what happened to you and Xinghua, you also know how difficult your life with him is now, and you also know that it is cruel to let go of Xinghua." Qilin's eyes became cold, "But you Do you cherish what you are doing to Xinghua now?"

"I..." Piaoluo paused for a moment, and quickly regained her momentum, "Why don't I cherish him?" In her heart, Xinghua was still the most important person.

Qilin smiled half-heartedly, "Why don't you cherish him? Piaoluo, if Xinghua was here, he would definitely be hurt by your words. What you call cherishing is to say that every time you put him on your lips Is it important to cherish? Are your feelings just a few verbal calls? Do you have a heart to understand him? Really, see what kind of person he is from his bones." Before Piaoluo could answer , Qilin judged Piaoluo, "You didn't!"

Piaoluo looked at Qilin in surprise, didn't she understand Xinghua?
"Xinghua is a person who rarely talks. Most of the time he just uses his eyes to see everything around him. Compared with Qianli and me, he is more silent. But he talks a lot in front of you. , I shouldn’t need to talk about it. Why? It’s not that he wants to talk too much, but that he doesn’t want you to be bored, and you don’t want him to be boring. Piaoluo, it’s not easy for a grown man to change his old habits If he is not very attentive, he can get along with you at his own pace."

"Compared to what other people do, Xinghua likes to show his character more or less. Xinghua is too low-key. Whatever he does, he just does it silently. He doesn't care if you find it or not, as long as you are good. You can be confused, sloppy, and careless in small things, but you can't ignore his dedication on the most heart-wrenching things." Qilin took a deep breath, he felt that Piaoluo was really too sloppy with Xinghua, "Your body I feel uncomfortable. You want to accept outsiders in the Xingqiong Palace. You have an accident and danger. You don’t even know the seriousness of it. Xinghua is protecting you. You are happy, comfortable, and satisfied. But you threw all your worries and fears to Xinghua. Yes, he is a man, and he is also willing to bear these for you. I just want you to live a carefree life. I have nothing to say about these things. He What you choose, you can only let him. But, Piaoluo, you can't hurt his self-esteem on this basis!"

"Everyone's bottom line of self-esteem is different. Xinghua is not an ordinary person, he is the world-honored Buddha, and he has the qualifications to look down on the world. Similarly, his self-esteem is higher than those ordinary people, and it is much higher. What do you think? Things that don't matter may mean harm to him. He is introverted, and his emotions are extremely slow, but he has never rejected you thousands of miles away. Regarding your appearance, he used to let nature take its course. Don't you realize what a breakthrough it was for him to go with the flow?"

If Xinghua took the same attitude towards other goddesses, Piaoluo would not even see him face to face. He had pampered her from the very beginning, and he followed the habit in his bones to get close to her. She is already blessed enough up.

"Take you to forcibly realize the heart curtain. Do you know how much mana he consumes every time you open that thing? Do you know that Xinghua hasn't practiced since you appeared in the Buddha's Heaven. Why, you Think about it. Things you don’t know, he knows, and he protects you with fear, just in case you make a mistake. His feelings, in his behavior, in his eyes, but do you really understand him? ?”

Qilin stared into Piaoluo's eyes, "I made a fuss about him taking you out of Wujinxin's Curtain and secretly going to meet Moxin, didn't you do this? Since you know he won't allow you to go to see Moxin, why are you still doing it?" Go! What is the difference between you and those men in the world who know that their wives don’t want to see their lovers but secretly go for a tryst? You must think that you have done nothing to offend Xinghua, you are right, right? But, the problem Right here, why don't you think about it carefully, when you are with Xinghua, which time did you ask him not to meet you? Ah, when did he not compromise with you? He is always the one who fights with you and gives in. This One point, I'm pretty sure. Xinghua is not a bully, especially for the woman he cares about, he can't do anything to make you sad. Why don't you want to, if you confess, he might go with you. You are When sneaking away, you underestimate him!"

Xinghua may not care what others think of him, but he is attracted to her at this time, and he himself admits that he has feelings for her. At this time, she despises him, so how can he not be angry.Some sadness can only be given by a specific person, and it is a specific relationship that hurts severely.

Qilin put away the fan, put it on the table at hand, took a sip from the teacup, moisturized his throat, and sighed, "Piaoluo, you have caught the most perfect man in the 33 heavens, but you are ruining him this time." Xinghua."

Piaoluo's heart suddenly trembled, and there was a convulsive pain.

Did she really ignore Xinghua during this time?

"Piaoluo, not everyone is as careless as you, and not everyone will take it for granted that you won't be sad or sad. Xinghua has a good temper and a good personality, but that doesn't mean you can squander his money wantonly. Kind and tolerant. Since he accepted you as an apprentice, what he gave you was not the best he could do. I heard that you relied on him as your master in the fairy world, but everyone dared to bully you. You Can you really look like an apprentice? You are a mortal, and he has worked so hard for you, even daring to violate the law of heaven. Look again, how self-willed you have been in the past few months, think about it carefully, and think about it again. How did he treat you in the curtain?"

Piaoluo's heart gradually sank, "Are you also in the curtain of Wujin's heart?"

"I've been there once."

From that time on, I saw that Xinghua would not tolerate any stimulation, so one can imagine how much he pampered her in the days when she was completely enlightened.

"I understand what kind of person Xinghua is. But I think your true understanding of him is what he wants most now. If you can't really understand what kind of person Xinghua is, you can't use your heart Go read his great book in the Buddha’s Heaven, I think you might as well let go. It’s good for him and you.” Qilin stood up from the chair, took his own Baise fan on the table, and walked to Piaoluo’s room. In front of him, "If you continue like this for a long time, I might as well send you a word."


Qilin laughed, "You are not worthy of Xinghua!"

If she still has someone like Demon Heart in her heart, she is not qualified to stand by Xinghua's side!
Piaoluo's heart trembled violently.This is not the first time she has heard someone say this.When others said this, she had low self-esteem, and she also felt that she was not worthy of Xinghua.However, after the Xitian Grand Ceremony, she felt that she was not so incompetent.Hearing what Qilin said now, she didn't feel inferior, but blamed herself.Hearing what he said, she finally understood why Xinghua was so angry this time. She must have neglected to see him get hurt again and again.And he, apart from asking her not to see Mo Xin, didn't say a word.

"Piaodaidai, not all men's feelings can be seen with the eyes. Those who see with the eyes and hear with the ears may not be true, lasting and eternal feelings. And those who will take practical actions The man who protects you is really worth your time to understand." Qilin said inexplicably, "It is only said that cultivating in the heart of enlightenment will dilute people's desire. Desire makes people cut off love, but I have never heard of it. It makes people restless and mentally disordered. I don’t know if your mana has grown or not after you stayed in it for a few months, but I think your mind has become chaotic instead. Hehe, it’s really puzzling.”


Qilin's face slowly dyed into a smile, "Why don't you think carefully about whether Xinghua is really the only one in your heart. Are you really not pretending to be other men at all?" Xinghua has been so many years, but just She is a woman, his heart is purer than Liuli.

"Others are not love!"

She has other people in her heart, but she is very clear that what she likes is Xinghua, not others.

"I don't know if it's love or not. Xinghua doesn't know either. Only you know. Even if it's not love, but you hurt Xinghua with someone else, you can think about it. Xinghua once took the initiative to provoke other goddess Xian'e." Hurt your heart?" Qilin patted Piaoluo's shoulder, "Girl, no one has to treat you well, even if he is Xinghua. You can see it if I treat you a little bit better. Just like you see the devil Heart now, you feel sorry for him, you think it’s okay for you to go to see him, he may be good to you. But you ignore Xinghua who treats you every day like this, and treat his endless sacrifices as ordinary things, who would give you this s right?"

When Xinghua cares about her, she can look down on the entire 33 heavens, but if Xinghua doesn't care about her anymore, she is just a fairy in the fairy world.

"Piaoluo, take a closer look at what Xinghua has paid for you and how much you have given. Use your heart to understand him, instead of just relying on his goodness and not taking him seriously." Qilin turned to the outside of Xinghua Palace Go, and said while walking, "You really don't understand Xinghua!"

"Hey, that's right, don't want Xinghua, I'm here to find you."

Qilin walked to the gate of Xinghua Palace, and said again: "Also, why are you so nervous that you came to the fairy world. You can keep him in Xingqiong Palace, and you can really do it."

Piaoluo turned around and looked at Qilin's back, and said loudly: "I didn't come here in a panic, I have something to do. I want to tell Xinghua that you came to me, and I will tell, I will tell!"

"Ha ha……"

Qilin laughed, this aunt, bad temper and willful stubbornness are what Xinghua is used to!

After Qilin left, Piaoluo sat in the main hall of Xinghua Palace for a long time, recalling Qilin's words, recalling every little thing about her being the Buddha Queen and Xinghua.In the beginning, she really noticed every slight change in Xinghua, although she might not understand every intention of him, but her eyes could only see him.I don't know since when, she gradually cared less about him, as if she understood that he would protect himself no matter what, no one can snatch him from her hands, in the exclusive place of him In her self-confidence, she began to slowly become negligent.

(End of this chapter)

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