Chapter 346 Sky Cloud Waterfall (1)

"Sky Cloud Waterfall."

"Why did this happen?"

Xinghua smiled, "I will give you a memory of the sky and the clouds as the bed and the rain as the curtain."

Piaoluo smiled, even though he still knew how to make up for the rudeness before, "You haven't put on your clothes yet. You know, Qilin likes to come to the palace day and night, if he sees your naked eyes, I'm afraid I'm going to laugh badly."

"I think he should be jealous."

"You got dressed."

Even if you don't mind being stared at by Qilin, at least you should consider her feelings. She is a woman, and she looks at him a little bit.I don't want to hang up, so sorry.

Xinghua smiled, "Excuse me?"

"I'm not as cheap as you."

"Then I won't wear it."

"Put it on. Husband, if you are like this, I really...I won't eat anymore."

When the two were talking, the Tianyun Waterfall disappeared, and the garden of Lingbo Pavilion returned to its original appearance. The full moon in the sky was illuminated by the Star Palace. The bedroom, no, their bedroom.

After entering the kitchen, Xinghua asked Piaoluo, "What do you want to eat?"

"There's nothing here, what can I eat?"

Xinghua breathed a breath of fairy air, and all the kitchen utensils that disappeared before returned to their original positions, and a lot of things were added.Seeing that the kitchen was full of everything, Piaoluo felt like she hadn't cooked for a long time, and she held Xinghua's hand in surprise, "Let me make something for you to eat."

Xinghua: "Speechless..."

"What do you want to eat?" Piaoluo asked.

"are you not hungry?"

"Hungry. But I'm not very hungry. I can still hold on. I'll make it for you. I haven't done it for a long time. I think my cooking skills may be a little raw. Don't be disgusted. I'll try to make a few dishes , and the craftsmanship will come back soon.”

Xinghua felt that it was a wrong decision for him to bring her to the kitchen. Her cooking skills must have declined, but at her peak, the porridge and soup would kill him. If the cooking skills are not as good as before, he will The result... one can imagine.

"I think your energy is very good, and you can withstand hunger. I thought about it, and I seem to be hungry too." Xinghua looked at Piaoluo with a smile. "Why don't you let me eat something else first."

Piaoluo looked at Xinghua puzzled, "Other? What else?" There is nothing ready-made in this kitchen, he has to cook whatever he wants, what else can he eat?

Xinghua laughed wildly, and stretched out his hand to hold Piaoluo. "Like... you!"

Piaoluo shook off Xinghua's hand in an instant, and looked at him from afar, "Don't come here, I'll run if you come here, to a place where you can't find me." However, such words must still be said, and it is also good to frighten people.Piaoluo protested, "You just ate me twice in a row, aren't you full yet?" Impossible!He is the World-Honored One who is pure-hearted and ascetic, he is the World-Honored One who has no desires and desires, the man in front of him who is insatiable is definitely not her World-Honored One. "Aren't you a Buddha? You are so high-minded, you are very hungry." Piaoluo watched Xinghua's body nervously as she said.

"Is it twice a lot?" Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, seeming to have different opinions on her protest.

Piaoluo nodded sharply, "Twice in a row is quite a lot."

"But I'm not full."

"Then this kind of thing can't be full at once. When you are full, I will not be exhausted. Maybe you will eat all the bones." At this time, Piaoluo thought very unkindly, and he still It is the cutest, the safest, and the most reassuring when you are not feeling well, but now it makes you feel insecure.The main reason is that she has no sense of security since then.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, her body remained motionless, and said honestly, "I am not a pure Buddha yet, and my fruit status has not been fully cultivated." Now it seems that his fruit status will not be full at all, and he should not be What a pure Buddha, just be a World-Honored One like this now, after marrying her in the world, and then give birth to a few cubs, life is too perfect, it is no exaggeration to say that if he really finishes these things, he will definitely be 33 times The first male god in the sky to ascend to the pinnacle of his life.

"Besides, whether you are hungry or not depends on what aspect you are in. Think about it. I drink tea and have snacks every day, so naturally I won't be too hungry. But this kind of thing is different, you have to think about it At my old age, five hundred thousand years old, I will have my first meal tonight, are you being too harsh on me?"

Piaoluo was annoyed, didn't he think he was young before?How come you call yourself an old man here?His standards are always changing with him, so cheap!The most irritating thing is, what does it mean to eat the first meal before five hundred thousand years old?He obviously started eating it 400 million years ago, but he didn't even remember eating it!


Piaoluo walked in front of Xinghua with her hands on her hips angrily, "You ate me when I was your disciple! In Shuiyue Bay in the fairy world, you forgot, but I remember. How dare you speak so shamelessly in front of me You just ate it for the first time. Your bones haven’t been changed in 400 million years. I’m so pitiful. I was eaten by you when I was a goblin, and I was eaten by you when I was a mortal. Now I have gone through a lot of hardships. Wan Ku ascended to the Supreme God, but you still eat him. Tell me, I am still harsh to you?"

Xinghua thought for a while, it turned out that he had pierced her body three times, so in terms of a normal man, he seemed a bit too lucky, it was the same woman three times.

"You were hurt by me three times to explain a problem."

"Explain the problem?" Piaoluo asked.

Xinghua sighed, stretched out his hand to wrap Piaoluo's shoulder, pretending to be preoccupied.

Piaoluo urged, "Say it."

"It means I haven't eaten enough of you."

Piaoluo: "Speechless..." What kind of nonsensical reasoning is this!
By the time Piaoluo realized it, it was already too late.Xinghua took her into his arms, and looked at her with a smile, "Should I be by my side and obediently watch me cook for you, or obediently let me eat you?"

Under such conditions, Piao Luo would be a fool to choose the latter.

"I'm hungry."

Xinghua restrained her mana, and then cast an enchantment in the kitchen, completely trapping Piaoluo in the kitchen, and then started cooking, smiling at the corner of her mouth, completely ignoring that there was a beautiful woman clenched into fists behind her. I was so angry that I wanted to kick him.


She was completely locked up. She wanted to escape, but she had no chance.She wanted to sneak into the God Realm, but she had no chance.She wanted to see if Qilin had killed Nangui, but she didn't have a chance.Xiao Xiao wanted to determine whether the magic heart was good or not, but there was no chance.

When Xinghua was cooking, he still didn't forget to look back at Piaoluo, "My lady, come and try my husband's cooking."

Piaoluo turned her head, she was too bullying!

"My wife, I'm so hungry for my husband."

Piaoluo was taken aback, and immediately ran to Xinghua's side, raised her face like a little pug to please her, "The lady is here, just tell me what your husband wants." Slut, slut!

"Come on, let's taste the craft of being a husband."

"I look forward to it very much, and I am very willing."

Slut, slut!
There is nothing wrong with Xinghua's food, even very delicious. Piaoluo herself finds this very incredible. They are also gods. His skills are obviously much higher than hers, so let's use cooking From this point of view, she couldn't understand how a big man could cook such delicious dishes?Ordinarily, he had never cooked before he met him, and he didn't expect to be able to learn this skill in a few days.Grabbing her stomach is one step closer to grabbing her heart.

Mouthing Xinghua's food, Piaoluo forgot that she thought he was too cheap, and pointed to the dish, "Let's have another piece."

Xinghua fed Piaoluo a little more as he said, "Eat less at night, if you eat too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable."

Piao Luo, who was so busy eating, said, "It's okay, if you eat too much and exercise, you'll be fine."

Seeing Piaoluo devoting herself to tasting the dishes she made, Xinghua raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, "That's right, exercise can digest."

Piaoluo chewed and felt that Xinghua's words didn't seem so right. When she said that she didn't feel anything when she was exercising, what she meant was just walking around and doing simple exercises. The movements coming out of his mouth seemed to bring Wearing a different color.The more I think about it, the more I feel that he is lying to himself, and he dug this hole himself.In order not to let Xinghua misunderstand, Piaoluo explained what was in her mouth before she swallowed it.

"The exercise I'm talking about is taking a walk after a meal. Don't mistake it for anything else."

Xinghua smiled, "It's a walk. What do you think I'm talking about?"

"I don't know what sport you're talking about."

"The exercise I'm talking about is that I accompany you to digest the things you eat too much."

Piaoluo nodded, "That's what I meant."

"That's good, we have reached an agreement." Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, "Come on, eat more, and then let's do some exercise."

Piaoluo emphasized, "It's a walk!"

"Well. Take a walk first."

Xinghua's words always made Piaoluo feel uneasy, so she added, "Let's take a walk first, and then we'll go back to our respective dens to sleep."

"Your nest?" Xinghua seemed to have heard a very strange saying, "Isn't your nest my nest?"

Piaoluo put a piece of delicious food into her mouth. Now that it was so delicious, she felt that she could talk about those things about walking and sleeping later, anyway, there was still more time, and filling her stomach was better than anything else.However, think about it, how could she still be hungry occasionally after becoming a god?In the final analysis, it was because Chef Xing's cooking skills were so good that she spoiled her stomach.So, after Piaoluo ate the food in her mouth, she looked at Xinghua, "My nest is my nest, Lingbo Pavilion. Your nest is your nest, your bedroom. Today, because we have happened It's very... that matter, so in order to take care of our respective bodies, I think it's better for us to live separately." Sleeping together again, isn't she a fool?What if he recovers his physical strength at night, regains his energy, and suddenly wants her, wouldn't that be very... inappropriate.Well, not right. "By the way, why do you only cook one dish for me?"

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo's serious appearance, he knew exactly what she was thinking and what little ideas she was thinking.Suddenly, why did I like her in the first place?When she was his apprentice.Probably because she has no secrets in front of him, no thoughts, just follow him.Just like now, she doesn't have to guess what's on her mind, she shows it on her face, and she can read her heart very well, and she doesn't have any pretense in front of him.

"Do you want to eat anything else?"

"It would be nice to have something else to eat."

Xinghua smiled, "Yes." As he spoke, he put his arms around Piaoluo's waist lightly, making her stare at him blankly in fright, and said foolishly, "I'm still eating, don't you You could do that to me and it would give me indigestion."

Originally, Xinghua didn't intend to do anything to Piaoluo, but just wanted to hug her and watch her eat happily, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly get involved in that matter, and immediately laughed like a thief.

"What kind of thing is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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