Chapter 350 Sincerity (1)
"I don't want these eyes, I don't want, I don't want!" Piaoluo began to struggle uncontrollably in Xinghua's arms, "I'm not a demon, I'm not, I'm a god! I don't want to be a demon!"

"Yes, not a demon, you are not."

Xinghua let go of Piaoluo, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and stared at her eyes, "Your eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen, for me, slowly liking your own eyes, okay? "

"But what do other people think of me? They think I'm a demon."

"We live in the Star Palace, there is no one else, only you and me."

"But we will go out eventually. It is impossible to stay in the Xingqiong Palace all the time. Others will always have a chance to discover my secret."

Xinghua touched the top of Piaoluo's hair with one hand, "No, tomorrow we will go to Wujinxinlian, where we will control your demonic nature, and come out when the color of your eyes returns to normal, okay? good?"

"Will it really bring me back to normal?" Piao Luo was a little unconvinced.

"As long as we are sincere, we can do it." Xinghua looked at Piaoluo whose emotions were slowly being stabilized, and did not dare to raise his voice when speaking, coaxing her gently, "Ah Luo, believe me, there is And me. Huh?"

Piaoluo nodded slightly, yes, she had him, and they started to touch happiness, and it was impossible to part ways with happiness like this.

"Let's have a good rest today, and go to Wujinxinlian tomorrow. Don't think about other things. I will think about everything. All you have to do is feel at ease, be obedient, and stay by my side."

Piaoluo nodded again.

"Me, why did this happen?" Piaoluo grabbed Xinghua's belt, "Tell me, don't lie to me."

"A Luo, to be honest, this is the first time I've seen you in such a situation." In order not to make Piaoluo worry, Xinghua continued to say softly, "However, don't be afraid, you have passed through the Qiankun Peak three times. Jie, your celestial body was produced after three celestial calamities, so it is a celestial body in itself, but your celestial spirit is slightly impure, and there is a trace of demon hidden in it that was not discovered by the celestial calamity. As your mana increases, then The demonic nature has also become stronger. If your mind returns to the Buddha in tranquility, the demonic nature will naturally go away."

Piaoluo frowned, if she obtained the fairy body after crossing the catastrophe, then it should be a complete fairy book, how could there be a hidden demon nature, "Can the catastrophe also make mistakes? Can people who live in this world also become immortals? Why did it appear on me when no one else appeared?"

Xinghua really couldn't answer Piaoluo's words, yes, no one else had such a situation, why did it happen to her alone?Ordinarily, it is impossible for Tianjie to make mistakes, and this is what he couldn't figure out for a while, it was very unimaginable.If there is no problem with Tianjie, then the rest is Piaoluo's own problem.

"Ah Luo, come on, let's sit down, if I ask you something, you just think about it slowly, and tell me if you can remember it, if you can't remember it, let's not think about it, okay?"

"it is good."

By the window under the luxuriant tree, Xinghua sat on the side of the beauty, holding the soft and soft floating radish on his lap.He thought, since the matter cannot be concealed, it is better to have a serious talk with her and find out what her problem is.

"Do you still remember the first time you broke off the demon root and went to heaven?" Xinghua asked Piaoluo, he decided to start looking for it from her first life.

First time going to heaven...

Piao Luo recalled that it was all 400 million years ago. If she hadn't died, she would be 400 million years old now, but now she is only 200 million years old. It was all caused by the way of heaven. She really didn't understand why she would It doesn't like it so much.

"I was only [-] years old at the time, and I was not yet an adult, let alone my mana. Without the teaching of my master, and without proper cultivation, if I kept my demon roots, you wouldn't be able to take me up there." Piaoluo recalled, " You went back to the fairyland for a while, and I was tempted by the promise of 'starry sky and moon'. I was so tempted, I decided to cut off the root of my ancestorless demon spirit and go to heaven with you."

The moon in the starry sky?

Xinghua interrupted Piaoluo, "I promised you this?"

"Yeah." Thinking of this, Piao Luo lost her expression. She remembered the first promise he made for 400 million years, but now he doesn't remember it at all.

"Did I achieve this?"

Piaoluo shook her head and smiled wryly, "Where is there any opportunity and time for you to realize this? Things in the fairy world are very busy. After I arrived in the fairy world, many people accepted me at first, but later it got better, and then I got a devil's heart Things, followed by Hua Qiao also came looking for you, and Duanyan's troubles, people and things looking for you have never stopped, when we fell in love and finally could do this thing, the devil's heart caused trouble again, I I also went to Motuo Tianshan for ten years to practice hard in closed doors because of some things. Of course, when I went in, I was blocked from the sky because I was not a pure fairy body. For the rest of my life, I will follow you in the sky as neither embarrassing nor embarrassing, neither demon nor immortal."

Hearing Piaoluo's last words, Xinghua blamed herself terribly.

"Actually, husband, it's really none of your business. You've done a good job. I wasn't old enough at that time. It's not your problem that I can't cultivate my status as a pure immortal."

Xinghua was silent, the Xiling Pond on Tianyan Mountain cut off the demon roots very cleanly every time, those who survived were not demons, if they couldn't survive, they died, since she survived, then don't have demon roots , but why is the demon still there?Moreover, ordinary goblins only need to be burned by the spiritual fire for 81 days in the spirit washing pool. She is an ancestorless demon spirit, and she has been burned for [-] times, so this kind of problem is even less likely to occur.

"A Luo, think about it, what other abnormal things happened after you cut off your demon roots?" Xinghua reminded, "For example, what did you practice, what did you encounter, or what did the demon heart do to you to hurt you?" Even if you ate something abnormal? Think about it and tell me.” Xinghua said guiltily, “Ah Luo, I’m sorry I can’t remember anything, I can only Make you think about these unhappy things."

"Hehe, what are you talking about? There is nothing unhappy in the days with you." Piaoluo hugged Xinghua's neck with both hands, "The luckiest thing for me is that I met you."

Xinghua smiled lightly, and pressed Piaoluo's head into his shoulder socket. What is the problem?

After recalling her own life and death in the first life, Piaoluo told Yu Xinghua about her second life, which was only a complete soul condensed from the dragon soul heart, and then reincarnated as a human, using a mortal body to inherit the life he gave him. However, when she crossed the Qiankun Peak three times, her mortal body was scattered, and what was completely new was the brand-new fairy body given to her by the Dao of Heaven. How could she have a demonic nature like this, and she woke up without knowing it? Demonic, without warning, she suddenly saw her purple eyes.At first, I was curious about why she had purple hair, but now that I think about it, when she was promoted to a god, her demon nature was awakening, and she didn't expect that she had demon nature at all, thinking that she was just like Qianli Emperor Zun. The color follows the color of the real body.

After listening to Piao Luo's transformation experience in the first and second lives, Xinghua thought for a while silently. If her memory is not wrong, then her body should not have the problem of hidden demon nature.But now, they can't help but believe that there is indeed a demon in her body that has been sealed for many years. The most worrying thing is that now her demon has fully awakened, but he doesn't know what method to use to get rid of it. Get rid of the demon spirit in her body.Now she is a god, and the cognition that she will completely break away from the demon clan after cultivating to become an immortal has no effect.She is also a god and a demon now, if her demon nature continues to develop, she will fall into the demon way and stand in the opposite position to him.At that time, it was really impossible for them to love each other.

"Xinghua, am I...a very troublesome person?" Piaoluo began to doubt herself, she felt that she had encountered too many problems, and none of them were good things. Follow the head-scratching bad, "Am I an inherently unlucky person?"


Xinghua looked at Piaoluo seriously, "How can my A Luo be an unlucky person, you are a very lucky and beautiful person, don't you often say that meeting me is the luckiest thing? You have such a How can you doubt yourself because of your luck?" In order to relieve Piaoluo's psychological pressure, Xinghua continued to comfort her, "You are a special person, and your specialness allows you to get the most precious things in this world. Ah Luo, believe me Me, don't be afraid, don't think too much, there is me."

Piaoluo was silent for a long time without speaking, she was afraid that if she became a goblin, she would not be able to be by his side, and she was also afraid that her identity as a goblin would be discovered by others.

"Xinghua, if I were an elf, would I have to go back to the demon forest?"

"A Luo, remember, you are not a fairy, you are a god."

Don't say that she is not a demon, even if she is a demon, she still lives in the Star Palace in the Buddha's Heaven. She doesn't live anywhere, but lives by his side.

Piaoluo became very concerned about her purple hair and purple eyes, she raised her head from Xinghua's shoulder socket, looked into his eyes, "But my eyes and hair are not normal, I'm not really a god, husband ..." After shouting a word, Piaoluo stopped, and asked Xinghua with some uncertainty, "Can I still call you husband?"

Xinghua was almost pissed off by Piaoluo, she didn't really listen to what he said, didn't she, "A Luo, listen carefully, no matter what you become or what your identity is , my feelings for you are unchanged. You are my A Luo, and I am your husband, and it has nothing to do with who you are, unless you really don't want me anymore, otherwise I will be your husband. "

Piaoluo asked Xinghua stubbornly, "Then why don't you still be my husband even if I don't want you?"

"You don't want me anymore, will you still regard me as your husband?"

"I don't treat you as my husband, you can treat yourself as my husband."

Xinghua stroked Piaoluo's head, of course he would do this, even if she didn't want him, he couldn't do it, he would always treat her as his wife and his responsibility, he would guard her.But of course he didn't want her to abandon him.

"A Luo, you are my wife and will always be."

This time, he won't let himself forget every bit of them.


Piaoluo nodded.

"If you have any discomfort in your body, tell me immediately, don't hold back, and don't hide it from me." Xinghua worried that Piaoluo would secretly deal with her body situation. She didn't know how to deal with many things, and it was too difficult for him. Don't worry, "This time, it's a major event that we have to face together. Trust me, and believe that we will handle it together."

Piaoluo nodded again.

Xinghua always insisted that Piaoluo's problem must be left over from before, there must be something wrong, but she didn't remember it, and he didn't remember anything, maybe it wasn't that part of her memory that was missing, but It was her question that was in his memory, and it happened that he had forgotten it, so neither of them could find the problem.If so, then the trouble is really big.

"Ah Luo, let's go somewhere tonight."


Xinghua was afraid of scaring Piaoluo, she definitely didn't want to see other people now, but it was fine if he didn't know before, now that he knew, he must make up for what he promised her earlier.


"Aren't we in the sky right now?"

(End of this chapter)

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