Chapter 357 Give? (1)
"I..." Qilin couldn't think of it either, "I don't know either."

It is impossible to separate Xinghua and Piaodaidai.But he has no experience in getting rid of Piaoluo's demon nature.The key is how did this happen, why did she still have demonic nature in her immortal body even though she had succeeded three times in dividing the universe?What an incredible question.

"I've already given the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pellet to Xinghua." Qianli said, looking at Qilin.

Qilin was taken aback, "Huh? I gave it?"



Qilin counted the sun and exclaimed, "That's today!"

Qianli was silent for a moment, as if it was really today.

"I'll look for them in Wujin Xinlian, will you go?"

"Don't go."

"You are so cruel."

Qianli smiled, "Can you boast that I have confidence in Xinghua?"

"No. Let's go."

Enlighten your heart.

Near noon, Xinghua took Piaoluo to the highest mountain in Wujinxin.In his eyes, the mountain peaks are green with luxuriant trees, but in Piaoluo's eyes, the peaks are bare with no green at all, let alone trees.

Piaoluo blocked the scorching sun with her hand, squinted her eyes and asked Xinghua beside her, "There is nothing here, are we here to cultivate?"

When Xinghua heard what Piaoluo said, he felt sad for a while. Piaoluo, who hadn't seen anything, made him feel very distressed.

"Ah Luo, listen, I will raise the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill to the top of your head later, you have to gather all your mana, no matter how cold it is later, you can't open the mana shield, We must persevere and endure the past, okay?"

"What is Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pellet?" Piaoluo didn't understand what Xinghua was saying, "Why should I condense my mana? If it's so cold, what if I can't hold back?"

Xinghua took out the small box given to him by Qianli from his sleeve, and opened it, "This is the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill. In the blue sea and sky, there is a place called Ten Color Magic Mirror, where ice dragons live. There is a dragon pill in the body of the ice dragon, which absorbs the aura of the ice and snow, accumulated over the years, the ice dragon pill has the effect of freezing the potential of people. You melt the ice dragon pill into your body and let it freeze your body If the demon nature succeeds, we will be able to leave the Wujin Heart Curtain today."

"Then what if I don't succeed?" Piaoluo couldn't help worrying, "Are there many of these Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pellets? If I don't succeed this time, can I get another one next time?"

Xinghua stroked Piaoluo's head and didn't speak for a while.

"Is it very difficult?"

Xinghua nodded.

"Ah Luo, an ice dragon only needs one grain of ice dragon pill in its life. After taking it out, it can't live. Moreover, the ten-color illusion mirror is not something we can enter if we want to. The opportunity is very rare. After entering, we have to wait until the ice dragon appears. It's even more difficult."

In order not to put Piaoluo under any pressure, Xinghua said again: "But don't worry, with me here, you can do what I say, and everything will go smoothly."

"But I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, my A Luo is very good, and she is good at everything. Be good, I have you."

Piaoluo hugged Xinghua's waist nervously, "Then, tell me carefully what I'm going to do."

"it is good."

"I'll gather my mana first, then what?"

"I will help you." Xinghua's voice was soft, as if he was saying something very ordinary, "After you have condensed your mana, take out your inner alchemy and bring the ten-mirror ice dragon outside Dan entered the body, controlled his mana to prevent it from being released, and I will help you after that."

Ordinarily, she should do the matter of making the ice seal potential of the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill, but once the Ice Dragon Pill enters her body, she will feel extremely cold. The worry was that she would not be able to successfully resist the cold.

Piaoluo nodded, Xinghua's last words gave her great encouragement, with his help, she felt that she was not afraid anymore.

"I see."

"A Luo, remember, you must not let your magic power be released a little bit, and use your body to resist the cold."

"What will happen if the mana comes out?"

Xinghua frowned, "Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pellet will not find the potential that needs the ice imprint. If the ice imprint is wrong, you will lose part of your body's functions."

"That means becoming disabled?"

Xinghua nodded.


She was afraid again.

"A Luo, if you can't bear the cold, just tell me."

Piaoluo bit her lower lip, and after telling him, would he take the risk to help her keep out the cold?He did something to save her regardless of his own life, but she didn't want him to get hurt for her again.

"Remember what I said?"


"Then let's begin."


Standing in the sun, Piaoluo felt uncomfortably hot all over, and all the clothes on her body were drenched with sweat. When she was extremely hot, she heard Xinghua's voice.

"A Luo, collect mana."


Regardless of the discomfort on her body, Piao Luo focused her attention, gathered all her mana, restrained it, and then slowly transported her inner alchemy out.

Xinghua held a finely carved small box in his palm, and when the lid was opened, the ice-colored Ten-mirror Ice Dragon Pellet flew out and flew to the sky above Piaoluo's head, shining brightly.As the sunlight approached the climax bit by bit, Piaoluo's inner alchemy also flew out of her mouth, and flew towards the ten-mirror ice dragon pill in the sky. When the noon sun reached the center, a beam of sunshine Shoot it down from the sky, pass through the ten-mirror ice dragon pill, and then pass through Piaoluo's inner alchemy, and send the two pills into Piaoluo's mouth.

Suddenly, Piaoluo felt a severe chill from her throat eroding towards her heart and lungs, it was so cold that she couldn't even tremble, she wished she could release all her mana to protect her body.

The Buddha's light created by Xinghua's formula shrouded Piaoluo, guiding the ten-mirror ice dragon pill in her body to start imprinting the demonic nature in her body. The reason why he did it himself had another purpose, that is, to take advantage of this time. Chance to use his Dharma to get rid of the evil nature in her, completely get rid of it.The ice imprint is just the result of his second best choice. If he can't get rid of it, he will choose the ice imprint.

After searching for the Dharma inch by inch, the floating radish is no longer the coldness of the body, a thin layer of ice crystals began to form on the clothes, and as time went by, the ice crystals became more and more thicker, even under the hot sun , she also felt the indescribable cold, so cold that she really wanted to ask Xinghua for help.

Xinghua searched quickly in Piaoluo's body, hoping to save her from suffering a little, but the demon in her body was too cunning, and when her mana was restrained, the demon disappeared without a trace, which made Xinghua feel relieved. I searched and couldn't find it.

Piaoluo was so frozen that she lost her consciousness, and felt that her consciousness was losing consciousness. Seeing ice crystals appear on her red lips, Xinghua gave up the plan to get rid of the demon in her body. He couldn't risk her life. If someone No, so what if he gets rid of his demon nature.After the Dharma was withdrawn from her body, the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill quickly circulated in Piaoluo's body, and found the source of her demon spirit under the third and fourth ribs on her left chest, and put the ice seal of the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill All the methods were explained, and the demonic nature in her body was sealed.

Xinghua walked to Piaoluo's side after recovering his mana, unbuttoned his clothes, unbuttoned his jacket and inner garment, put his arms around Piaoluo, which was already like a sculpture of ice, and put it in his arms, using his own body temperature to wrap it in his arms. The ice crystals on her body melted away.Under the scorching sun, the wind could not blow her hair, nor his deep love, no matter how cold the ice body was, it was melted by his persistent body temperature.

Feeling a trace of warmth, Piaoluo opened her eyes, looked at Xinghua who was protecting her with her bare chest, and called him softly, "Husband."

Xinghua was overjoyed, and looked down at Piaoluo, "Ah Luo, let go of your mana now."


After Shangshen's mana was fully activated, Xinghua watched Piaoluo's hair turn from purple to black in surprise, and the three thousand black hairs returned to her head. He couldn't help being happy, and he stretched out his hand to stroke a strand of her hair He put it in his hand and raised the corner of his mouth.

Piaoluo also noticed that her hair had turned black, and even the color of her hair was normal. Does that mean her eyes don't have to worry about turning purple anymore?

"I made it, right?"


Piaoluo happily jumped up and hugged Xinghua, "I am the God?"


"Am I a normal god?"


"Then we can go out today?"

Xinghua smiled, "Yes."

Piaoluo suddenly kissed Xinghua's lips, kissing him presumptuously and forcefully.

When Xinghua and Piaoluo embraced and kissed each other, Qilin floated down from the sky with his fan attached, seeing the two of them, he ouched loudly, and quickly opened the fan to cover his face.

"Ouch, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything." While talking, she peeked out two eyes from the edge of the fan to look at Xinghua and Piaoluo, seeing that they were still hugging and kissing, He never showed up when he was in the air, and Qilin became angry, "I said, do you want to do this, a handsome man like me appears in front of you, it's fine if you don't welcome him, now you are still kissing, dear, you should be Do I exist?"

Xinghua let go of Piaoluo, and did not loosen her arms at all. Looking at Piaoluo's half-blurred eyes, his voice was extremely gentle, as if he was afraid of scaring her, "Didn't you not see what you said?"

"I..." Qilin simply put down his fan, "You all dare to kiss, why don't you dare to look at it, I'll just look at it." Then, walking in front of Xinghua, he let out another loud cry, "Ouch!" Pointing at Xinghua's chest with trembling hands, "I said Xinghua you you you you, you are too shameless, right? Look at the sun in the sky and the surrounding environment, it's broad daylight now , you are a big man just showing your chest like this... Then what, why are you so embarrassed? You are the World-Honored One, do you understand the World-Honored One, that is the god who is revered by all in the Buddha's heaven, look at your current appearance, Holding a girl with her clothes off like this, I'm too embarrassed to say you, it's just that a pure lover like me won't be heartbroken when he sees it. If a girl with poor concentration sees it, you Be responsible!"

Piaoluo was a little embarrassed at first, but when Qilin first came, she wanted to stop, but Xinghua didn't let her go, she couldn't resist his enthusiasm and continued. Now that he heard what Qilin said, he would watch what he should see anyway. When she arrived, she had nothing to be ashamed of.So, a hand reached out to Qilin.

Qilin looked at Piaoluo's open palm in front of him, and asked puzzledly, "What?"


"what money?"

"You saw my kiss with Xinghua, don't you want to give money?" Piaoluo said very confidently, "Even if you want to go to a show, it still requires money, so why don't we let you for nothing? See, hurry up and give me the money."

Qilin looked at Xinghua, shook his head helplessly with an expression of 'children can't be taught', "Look at Xinghua, look at what kind of person your daughter-in-law is, she is really a petty person, she is very stingy, she makes the market small Min's true colors are fully displayed. Who am I, who are you, who is she, how can she talk to me about money? Talking about money hurts our feelings, doesn't it? Besides, I watch dramas Those who never give money, your drama, let alone give money, right?"

"Do you know why you don't have a girl with you?" Xinghua asked.


Xinghua smiled and tidied up his clothes, "Because you never pay for the theater, you are too stingy."

(End of this chapter)

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