Chapter 363 Do You Dislike Me? (1)
Piaoluo looked at Xinghua, wanted to say something, but found that it was her impatience that caused him to be complained by herself, thinking of her anger just now, she suddenly smiled.

"Ordinary people say that one's elbows cannot be turned outward. You are my insider, and Huaqiao is an outsider. Why don't you think about it with your little head, who will I protect?"

He wasn't so confused as to make her sad because of Hua Qiao.

Piaoluo leaned on Xinghua's shoulder and smiled softly. She felt better, and she was in a particularly good mood. She was indeed anxious, and she was even more anxious when she was his apprentice before. Very, now it can be regarded as a lot of changes, but facing Hua Qiao, she really couldn't calm down no matter what.

"I will think of you as my husband in the future."

Xinghua pretended to be angry, "Sure enough, he didn't take me seriously."

"I have!"

Xinghua snorted a little, and Piaoluo laughed out loud, "Husband, you can't even pretend to be angry. I know, you won't be angry with me."

Seeing that Piaoluo has so much confidence in herself, Xinghua can't help but smile. Indeed, he really won't get angry with her easily, and it's even more difficult to get angry because he knows how difficult it is for her to walk along the way, so he treats her She is very pampering, not making up, nor feeling owed, just because he has her in his heart, and hopes that she can live the way she wants, laugh when she is happy, cry when she is unhappy, and get angry when she is angry. Emotions are hidden.

"Still sleepy? Let me take a rest with you."

Piaoluo shook her head, "Go ahead if you have something to do, I'm fine by myself." Seeing the look of concern for herself in her eyes, she continued, "I'm not a child anymore, the one who can take care of myself is you, who cares about everything. On me, I haven't seen it for a long time, and I haven't concentrated on cultivation, so you are using me as an excuse to be lazy." In order to make Xinghua pay more attention to her own affairs, Piaoluo teased him, "I am now But you are a god, if you work harder, maybe you will become a god, then don't you be as good as me, if that's the case, I will despise you."

"Do you despise me?"

Piaoluo nodded seriously, "That's natural. My husband must be a hero who is thousands of times stronger than me. No matter what difficulties I encounter, he will have a way to solve them. Moreover, his actions are open and aboveboard, and his mind is wise and considers the overall situation. He is a perfect person, not only in my heart, but also in the eyes of others. No, God!" Looking at Xinghua, Piaoluo smiled, "If you are not as good as me, I will Why should I be with you, it's not enough for me to be a heroine myself."

"Are you such a person?"


"Hehe..." Xinghua supported Piaoluo and sat on the side of the bed, "Okay, you rest, work hard for your husband, and become a powerful person in your eyes."

Xinghua put down his hand, and just about to turn around and go out, Piaoluo stretched out her hand to hold him, "That..."

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo who hesitated to speak, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Well, is your current matter important?" She said that she hoped that he would go to work, but she thought in her heart that he could spend more time with her. Even though she could fall asleep alone, he would feel more at ease when he was by the side. Just now She didn't know why she retched, she was afraid that something might be wrong with her body.

"I'm fine now. There's no rush to use the incense, it can be prepared at any time. Are you okay?"

Piaoluo grasped Xinghua's hand tightly, "Since the incense is not urgent, can you stay?"

"I didn't know who wanted to drive me away just now."

"It was just now, and now is now." Piao Luo pretended to be stupid but her face did not blush, "Right now I feel afraid to be alone, and I especially hope that my husband can stay by my side, isn't this too much to ask? ?Um?"

Xinghua sat beside Piaoluo with a smile, and put his arms around her shoulders, "Not too much, not at all, facing such a request from my wife, I am very honored to be by your side."

Piaoluo raised her eyebrows, "It's not too bad."

With Xinghua by her side, Piaoluo's mind became much more peaceful. She didn't know if it was her own psychological effect, but when she smelled Xinghua's body, she felt that everything was safe, and even the previous retching feeling disappeared. fell asleep on his shoulder.

Half a month of leisurely life passed quickly.

Piaoluo found that except for two days of retching half a month ago, her body seemed to be back to health. When she thought so, a nauseating feeling suddenly surged in her stomach. heart.Just now I thought it was okay, why did it come again, what happened?

The second retching came up again, "Ugh..."

The uncomfortable feeling made Piaoluo have to admit that there must be something wrong with her body, she didn't have it before, this time it was much worse than the retching half a month ago.Not wanting Xinghua to worry, she decided to go to the bookstore to find medical books to look at her illness. If it was a minor ailment, she would cure it without telling Xinghua, and if the problem was serious, she would tell him about it.Ever since she knew that there was a demon soul in her body, she didn't dare to let Xinghua see that she was a little unhealthy. His thoughts were tied to her. If she was not good, he would be under great pressure. How could she be willing to let him so-so.

Xinghua, who was pruning branches in the garden, saw Piaoluo coming out of the bedroom, stopped what she was doing, and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Ah Luo."

"Well. I'll go to the bookstore to look for some books. Do you want me to find some for you?"

"No, I'll go find you later."

"it is good."

Piaoluo was worried that Xinghua would take the initiative to follow her, and deliberately made him feel that she was just passing the time. Seeing that he was not suspicious at all, she smiled at him, turned and walked towards the bookstore.

It is not difficult to find medical books in the bookstore, and you can find many casually, but it is not easy to find books on why people retch. I don’t know which medical books have such records on which pages. I can find the name of the medical book blindly.In order to find what she wanted as soon as possible, Piaoluo used magic to fly all the medical books in the bookstore from the bookshelves into the air, and the magic trick made the pages of the medical books flip through quickly. After finding three bookshelves, she was lucky enough to find them. I got what I wanted.

"The retching situation..."

Piaoluo read page by page, there were many cases of retching, some were accompanied by other symptoms, some symptoms she didn’t have at all. In the case of heart and lung dryness or loss of appetite, is it just inexplicable retching?
Piao Luo flipped through more than half of the book, but she still couldn't find the cause of her retching state. It seemed that except for retching, the problems mentioned in the book had nothing in common with her.

"I'll take another look..."

The symptoms of early pregnancy are retching, which does not happen to all pregnant women. The severity of morning sickness depends on the woman's personal constitution, and some women have no morning sickness when they are pregnant with male heirs, but very severe morning sickness when they are pregnant with female heirs. It was also the other way around.Likewise, some women do not experience morning sickness whether they are pregnant with a boy or a girl.In addition to symptoms of morning sickness, women who are pregnant with a son will also have...


Suddenly there was a thunder in Piaoluo's mind, holding a book in one hand, and touching her belly with the other. Could it be that she retched because she had Xinghua's child?Thinking about it carefully, 400 million years ago, she was also pregnant with his child in Misty Peak, Antarctica. At that time, she...

Suddenly, Piaoluo was stunned!

Didn't she retch for a while after Xinghua left?At that time, she was pregnant for the first time, and she didn't know that it was the first sign of having a baby. This time and that time, the shock was surprisingly similar. Apart from retching, she had no other problems. When it came to lethargy, it seemed that she had been They all like to sleep, and when it comes to eating, Xinghua's food tastes good, but she really didn't pay attention to whether she likes sour food.The only thing that can be more certain is that she seems to have not had a female monthly routine for quite a few days.

Piaoluo calculated in her heart the date of her last monthly routine, and it was two months ago!And two months ago, she and Xinghua were in the curtain of Wujin's heart.In the past few months, she and Xinghua hadn't had any intimate time, but two months ago, in Wujin Xinlian, the two of them would do that thing every day, especially on the last night, his passion was so intense that she could hardly bear it.If calculated in this way, the child came at that time.

Fearing that she might have misunderstood the symptoms, Piaoluo carefully looked at the part of pregnancy retching, and then counted her own monthly period, [-]%.Jiu felt that she and Xinghua should have her second child in her stomach now. Since their third life together, they have never guarded against this possibility. She doesn't know if Xinghua has no awareness of this, or He simply planned to have their child, and he never mentioned the issue of preventing the baby from coming.And she herself hoped to have a child belonging to them, so she certainly wouldn't do anything to stop her.

After putting the book on the shelf, Piaoluo rubbed her stomach and smiled foolishly.


After laughing, Piaoluo felt her own pulse. Although her medical skills were not as good as Xinghua's, if it was really a two-month-old happy pulse, she should be able to feel it.However, she didn't know if she was too excited, or because she felt that her heart was in sync, she didn't feel the pulse very clearly, and it felt similar to usual.

Footsteps came from the door of the Book Pavilion, Piaoluo quickly took a medical book from the bookshelf, and pretended to read it.

Xinghua walked to Piaoluo's side, saw that she was so serious, smiled softly, walked to the side without disturbing her, and found the book he wanted to read.

Piaoluo took the medical book and started to lose her mind, should she tell Xinghua now?Now if she pretended to be uncomfortable, stretched out her hand in front of him, and asked him to feel her pulse, the truth would definitely come out immediately.Or, she can retch a few times to make him nervous, and he will definitely check what's wrong with her body, and if so, he will know.Seeing that she was pregnant with their child, what expression would he have?Back then when he heard that they had a child, he was so happy that he would take her away even if he didn't want Xiandu. Now if he knew...

Thinking of this, Piaoluo frowned.

He was the head of the fairy back then, so he gave up his identity so simply.Now that he is the World Honored One, she is not yet a God Venerable, and she is not yet qualified to marry him. If he finds out now, won't he be asked to do something against the heavens.In this way, she really hurt him time and time again.


Piaoluo sighed softly, let's not talk about it for now!
Xinghua heard Piaoluo's sigh, and walked over with the tome, "What's wrong?"

", nothing."

"Do you think it's boring to be in Star Palace?"

Piaoluo shook her head lightly, "It's not boredom, it's happiness."

"Hehe, there is a flower viewing party in God Realm tomorrow, let's go and see it?"

Piaoluo closed the book and looked at Xinghua, "Didn't you always dislike this kind of activities?"

"I don't like it very much, but you haven't shown your face in the God Realm since you were promoted to God, and you have been recuperating in the Xingqiong Palace for two months. Let me go out with you for a walk." Xinghua smiled. Holding Piaoluo's hand, "If you like the things in Xinghua Palace and Xingluo Palace, I'll help you get some back."

(End of this chapter)

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