Chapter 374: Lonely (1)
"Don't come here!"

Xinghua, who flew closer, angered Piaoluo, and Zi Tianling emitted a faint purple light. The purple light in her pair of purple phoenix eyes was breathtaking. With her current mana, if she stabbed impartially, Xinghua would It's hard to guarantee that it wasn't a serious injury. Seeing this, the unicorn that had been in the distance flew close in an instant and grabbed Xinghua.

"Let me come!" He couldn't do anything to Piaoluo. At this moment, Piaoluo's demonic nature has controlled her heart. Anyone who gets close will only be hurt by her. He has to save his body to do the next thing. It is absolutely impossible to get hurt here.

Xinghua shook his head, "I'll come in person!"

"Can't you see that she is not Shangshen Piaoluo now?" Qilin shouted anxiously, "She is now a demon!"

"Qilin, it doesn't matter to me whether she is a god or a demon, all I know is that she is my wife!"

Qilin flicked Xinghua's hand, turned around and wanted to grab Piaoluo, regardless of whether she was Xinghua's woman, he came to do this, Xinghua was too persistent, he couldn't handle her!

Xinghua quickly grabbed Qilin's hand, opened his palm, and flew towards Piaoluo. No one can catch his Aluo, only him!She is currently controlling her mind with a demonic nature, and her magic power is hard to estimate. If she hurts the head of the god again, and all these crimes are suppressed one by one, one can imagine the severity of her sins. He is not afraid of her hurting him!If he forgives, who dare not forgive her!It is safer to hurt him than to hurt anyone else.

Seeing Xinghua insisting on chasing her, the cold-hearted Piaoluo greeted her with a sword. He taught her moves, so he must know every step, but if she uses the simplest one, how can he defend against it?

With a straight thrust, the tip of the sword pierces the skin and passes through the body.

Seeing the long sword transformed into Zi Tianling pass through Xinghua's chest, Piaoluo's hands kept shaking, why...why didn't she hide?Why doesn't he hide!
Piaoluo asked Xinghua in a trembling voice, "Do you think I won't kill you?"

Xinghua slowly raised his hand to wipe away the tears on Piaoluo's face, "I haven't thought about this problem, I just want to be close to you."

In an instant, Piaoluo's heart ached unbearably, and the hand on the hilt of the sword trembled violently. This man, whom she did not allow others to hurt a single hair, was now stabbed by her with the long sword. He didn't know that when he was young, Did she ever receive such an injury when she was young, but after he became the head of the fairy, she was sure that this was the first time he was pierced by a sword.How cruel she must be so that she will not let go of her hand, how decisive he must be so that he will not avoid her sword, why not dodge, she just guesses that he will dodge...

Suddenly a white light flew towards Piaoluo in the blue sky, Xinghua grabbed her arm with one hand, took her to fly high, and cast a round of golden light and white light together with the backhand of his palm , making a loud noise, and the flowing swords formed by the light spread out densely towards the surroundings.The magic power of that beam of white light was so strong that it broke through one round of golden light and then the second round, and approached Piaoluo rapidly.The golden light in Xinghua's palm became stronger and stronger, and more golden light flew out to stop Bai Limang from flying towards them.Xinghua flew so fast that Piaoluo didn't have time to react. It was the first time she discovered that his transformation speed could reach such a level. If you use tricks, she will be taken down by him within three moves.

In the sky outside Lihentian, the rays of light scattered, reflecting the white clouds into colorful colors. Although Piaoluo was not attacked, she clearly felt how advanced the person who wanted to attack her was. This was the first time she saw him. It wasn't until Xinghua used such a fast figure to protect her that the last clear sky Hunyuan Buddha light flew out of Xinghua's hand to disperse the beam of white light.

The light dissipated, the sky returned to the blue color, a white shadow fluttered down, the robes fluttered, Jinze was shining, Piao Luo was surprised to find that it was Emperor Qianli, no wonder Xinghua was so serious.

Qianli looked at Xinghua, and his voice was soft enough for them to hear clearly, "Children love each other, and they are procrastinating."

Xinghua doesn't want to argue with Qianli, he and Qilin are the same, they will not understand what love is in the world if they don't have the hearts of the mortals, and they can't understand his mood at this time, maybe when a woman gets into his In his heart, when he can't pull out the roots there, he will know how difficult it is to do anything to hurt his beloved woman.Maybe then he will understand how heartbreaking it is to separate each other with his own hands. Those who are not involved in the matter will not understand that feeling at all.People like them who regard love as trouble, how can they have the opportunity to taste love.What's more, his A Luo is pregnant with Liujia now, so it's fine if he can't take care of her, but now he sent her to Lihentian with his own hands, he can understand her anger, and he has long been mentally prepared to bear all her reactions.

"No one can hurt her!"

Xinghua didn't look at Qianli, but told Qianli and Qilin next to him to listen to every word. He knew their cultivation bases, and they couldn't do anything without love for Piaoluo, who was showing her demonic nature now. There will be any scruples, it is inevitable to hurt her, it is not a matter of seriousness or not, she is pregnant with his child, she is his own woman, how can he watch others touch her, even though their starting point is to They are good, but if they don't allow it, they don't allow it. No matter when and where, if a man can't protect his woman, what face does he have to be her man.

"Do you think that if you treat me like this, I will forgive you?" Piaoluo looked at Xinghua coldly, and paused every word, "I, no, yes!"

"I don't expect you to forgive me, I just ask you and the baby to live well."

Piaoluo smiled wryly, "After you hurt me, tell me to let me and the baby live well. Xinghua, I want to praise you for being too kind or too good at acting. I don't care about your kindness. Put away your hypocrisy and be a good one." Your World Honored One, from now on we will never have any relationship."

Xinghua's hand holding Piaoluo's arm slowly tightened, and her figure suddenly moved, grabbing her and flying towards Tianyuan, the entrance to Lihentian, the long sword transformed into Zitianling was still in her hand , and stabbed him in the chest.He locked her eyes, her purple pupils stared at him fixedly, her fast retreat made her unable to see how far she was from Li Hentian, she didn't want to look, and even had the last glimmer of hope that he would be there In the end, he gave up and personally sent himself into Lihentian.Yes, she hoped, hoped he would finally give up.

Flying in the wind, the fluttering purple hair was blown from behind to the front of the body, drifted over Xinghua's shoulders, and got tangled up with the fluttering black hair behind him. She saw the determination in his eyes, and also saw the tenderness on his neck. The blue silk knotted hair chain she gave, he saw the two selves in his eyes, and saw himself reflected in the gemstone on his forehead.She saw so much of him, but his heart, she...


no closer.


On the edge of Lihentian, Piaoluo seemed to be able to feel the desperate parting. She slapped Xinghua on the shoulder and pulled out the Zitianling from his chest. The faster speed than her was Xinghua's. Palm strength, before she could pull out the long sword, his strength shook her back quickly.After the blade was pulled out of his body, the blood gushing from the wound soon stained his golden robe red.

The wind is blowing, the clouds are falling, the distance between Xinghua and Piaoluo is getting bigger and bigger, the tears in Piaoluo's purple pupils are falling down one by one quickly, looking at Xinghua, she refuses to move a little.

Xinghua, I have seen so many selves in you, but how much I wish I hadn't seen your heart!I thought about it, I didn't see it!

When Piaoluo's body touched the edge of Li Hentian, streaks of purple light radiated from her body, and she began to be absorbed by Li Hentian.


Xinghua finally flew forward uncontrollably, "Ah Luo wait for me!"

The purple Tianling in Piaoluo's hand turned back into a long satin water chestnut, wrapping around her body, dancing all over the sky.

Piaoluo, who was absorbed more and more by Li Hentian, blew out a breath of fairy air, and words formed of white mist floated in the sky.

Casting is now in love with mistakes, but at the beginning, it took a lot of effort.

There is so much love in the fairy world, there are thousands of swords and soldiers, but only thoughts and feelings.

Looking at the mountains and rivers, the lovesickness is like a fog. I have always boasted that there is a green dragon singing, and the lovesickness will be broken if I try to cut it.

Flowing water and flowers fall, love is deep and lifeless.

The heart of spring strives for flowers and hair, and every inch of lovesickness is exhausted.

Xinghua looked at the words Piaoluoxian's gasification, and the pain was so deep that he couldn't feel what it was like. He just watched her figure getting farther and farther away, so far away that he couldn't catch it. Cutting it apart by himself was his only way.

At the last moment when Piaoluo's body entered Lihentian, Xinghua cast two golden Suo Tian Jue on her stomach with his palm. The child in her belly was locked in his Buddha Heart Art Realm, which saved his life but prevented him from continuing to grow.

Leave hate to the sky, leave people to enter.

Lihen Tianhe, do not meet each other.

Piaoluo stood in Lihentian territory, looking at Xinghua outside, how could she not see the pain in his eyes, but she would rather not see it.Not all the sadness will be understood, not all the efforts will be accepted with joy, not all the concealment will be complete, not all his actions will be satisfied with her.

Flying close to the realm of hate, Xinghua looked at Piaoluo who was only one realm away, but felt that they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, unable to hold her hand, touch her face, let alone hear her. Her heartbeat, and for a long time after that, her emotions will be without him.But he, no regrets!He can wait for some things, wait for him to pick her up one day, then stay with her, take care of her, and wait for their child to grow up in her belly. This time, he doesn't want to miss their child's growth , One year, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years...even longer, he will wait, and he hopes she can wait, waiting for him to unlock the magic formula that locks their baby's growth.


Even though he knew that Piaoluo couldn't hear his voice, Xinghua still called her from Lihentianwai.


Piaoluo looked at Xinghua coldly, not letting herself have the slightest emotion, her red lips parted slightly, "I won't wait for you!"

After finishing speaking, Piaoluo turned her head and left without looking back.

Xinghua didn't see that Piaoluo immediately burst into tears after turning around, biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying, and also kept her shoulders from shaking, she walked very resolutely with every step.

(End of this chapter)

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