Chapter 378 The Frozen Throne (1)
Without hesitation, I cast the Buddha Dharma Heart Jue, the golden light all over the sky is actually not very beautiful to me, but I miss A Luo so much that she can see it, and I miss her in everything I do Watching by my side, I like to see her smiling, and I also like to see her adore or despise or make faces to me, and I prefer her to be tuned by me.She looks so cute like that, without any worries. That's the life I want to give her. She can have everything but no worries.But I don't seem to be doing well enough. As long as she falls in love with me, she always has a lot of troubles.The unicorn was shaken out of Donggutian by my golden light, and 99 kinds of golden light changed in turn, and finally all the Donggutian above my head turned into gold. After the golden light returned to one, the freezing began.

After the opening of the Frozen Throne, my heart was surprisingly quiet, as if I already knew what was going to happen, but I didn't have any scruples, I didn't turn back when I opened the bow, so let's go on like this, no matter what the final result is, I will use the best Face it in a good state.But I didn't expect that when my heart had already calmed down, I felt that someone had broken into my frozen world. She was on the ice and had no magic power. I couldn't feel who it was, and I hoped It's her, but I don't want it to be her. It's very contradictory.

Until, I saw her figure!
Ah Luo!

She is coming!
Seeing her running towards me, my heart hurts. How could she run at my freezing speed, but I couldn't get up to meet her? It will be halved, and I can't afford to lose this opportunity.

But in my private heart, I really wanted to shake her hand again and ask her personally.

Ah Luo, can you wait for me?
Tens of thousands of years are so long, my heartache will follow her every day, but how can I bear to let her feel sad for thousands of years, she has been waiting for me for 200 million years.The way of heaven is ruthless, and if the sky is affectionate, the sky will also grow old.



Xinghua, don't!
Ah Luo's voice made me feel a sharp pain in my heart. I felt her anxiety and her panic. The deep panic can't be soothed by anyone but me, but how should I tell her that I will? Go to Lihentian to pick her up.She can't hear my voice.

Closer, closer.

The ten thousand feet of ice is getting faster and faster, I can already feel the cold air, and my A Luo is still ten feet away, I can hear despair in her voice, I can't control it, I raised my hand to give her a glimmer of hope And warm, I want to tell her how much I want to be with her, how much I want to stand by her side and protect her, even if I am no longer a perfect god, even if others think that I am a god who is too affectionate, I still want to protect her, and only her.

I want to ask God, isn't the merit I have accumulated for 500 million years not enough for me to stay with her?If not, this time, I will ask God for our happiness!

Looking at my A Luo, I want to ask.

"I boarded the Frozen Throne, put on the sorrow of my heart, and completely frozen myself. Will the love between us stay in the happiest moment forever?"

The happiness of staying, please be patient and wait for me, I will definitely come back to continue...

My A Luo, don’t worry, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, I’m just here waiting for you to come close, slow down, don’t fall down.

My Aluo, although Lihentian holds grudges, I won't let you stay there forever, please wait for me, obediently, wait for me!

My A Luo, I don't want to be a perfect god, I don't want to be the world-honored Xinghua respected by thousands of people, I just want to be your husband, with such a small hope, do you think I have no ambition?
My Aluo, my child and I have entered the seal of infinity, please be well!
Lady, wait for my return!
I will only have you, a little fairy, in my palm!

A Luo, I love you so much!I love it!

The third world who loves and hates settled, before the Frozen Throne, he was heartbroken!She burst into tears!
Tears blurred the frozen man in front of her eyes, and they all said that the high places were extremely cold, Piaoluo felt that no place with him would be cold, but without her, even a place where the sun shines every day would be as cold as an ice cave, She didn't have time to hold his outstretched hand, but she understood the meaning of his gesture.

Deeply, she was grateful to him.

No matter what time it came, he knew what he wanted and what would make her feel safe, even if it was a hand that he couldn't reach in time, that action filled her with a sense of happiness.Her happiness is in his eyes, in his smile, in the palm of his hand.

Piaoluo slowly stood up from the ground, looked at Xinghua who couldn't see her face, couldn't hear her voice, and suddenly smiled slightly.

Piaoluo articles.

I know he always treats me as a child, wants to pack everything for me, doesn’t worry about me doing anything, and doesn’t want to tell me about any dangerous things. I am very touched by the care he gave me. This touch is the touch of love. .But what I think in my heart is not to just enjoy the protection he gives, a woman without the ability to protect herself is very sad, and I don't want to be such a person.He is so outstanding, not to mention the world as big as the world, just the heavens, there are many goddesses who can match him, I want to be a person who is enough to match him, this kind of self-confidence until I become a god It was only when the God Zun fully appeared. I cherish the identity of the God Zun, so that I will not be criticized when I walk by his side.I don't care if I'm a god or not, if no one says behind my back that I'm too far from him, it's a pity not.

Xinghua understands me, but I feel that love cannot fully understand how deep a person's inner inferiority complex is. He was born from an ancient beast, and no one has ever dared to disrespect him, but I am not. Lin Li has been caught by him until now, how inferior he is every step of the way, I understand, but he can't fully understand, let alone a person who has forgotten the memory of our 200 million years of love.But, I don't blame him, I'm just a pity that I'm not an ancient beast.It's a pity that I haven't been able to catch up after two million years, but now I watch him freeze himself. I have never seen this throne, let alone know that it has such a function.He is really cunning, and he refuses to say it, because he knows that I can't agree with him to do so.

Yes, Xinghua, you have always been like this, unwilling to say bad things, but I am not a baby, how could I not know that there are still bad things in this world, your world is beautiful, but in your Outside the world, I know there is cruelty and helplessness.

I've never been able to stop you from doing anything, but even so, you don't even want me to worry. You would rather I misunderstand you. How can I... love you like this!

I heard that you will be frozen for thousands of years, I was thinking, are you really willing to let me miss you for so long?Do you think my child and I would be willing to do this?You know what kind of person I am. For you, I have always been self-willed and unrestrained. I like the life you have arranged, and I will live according to it. If I don’t like it, then I will Anan It's over.I am so naughty, I don't know how you fell in love with me.But, my husband, my husband, there is no possibility of returning the goods. I followed you to the Buddha’s Heaven, and you have done so much for me. I don’t want to go back to the demon world. Just like this, by your side, looking at you, be with you……

Ah, by the way, I seem to see what you did to my stomach. As for what, I really don’t care, because I trust you too much. For our baby, where can you hurt? There are some things that I don’t ask. You know, this is my love right now.That time Qilin went to find me, you don’t know, I didn’t seem very convinced on the surface, but I was very grateful to him in my heart, thank him for letting me know how to love you is a deeper love, thank him for letting me not do more Things that hurt you, thank you for letting me see how much you mean to me.

Love is complicated, and love is also very simple. Those who can't get out of it will think that love is the most difficult thing in the world, but those who get out of it will find that love is actually a simple matter of how two people find the love that suits them best The beautiful scenery and memories along the way are their most precious wealth.I am very glad that you walked with me on this journey. In the future, no matter what you do, I will support you, even if it is a risk, I will accompany you, and I will not ask you to walk alone without telling me.Your loneliness, let me disperse, just like, 400 million years ago, you waved away my loneliness in the demon forest, and gave me happiness and hope.

My husband, I am inseparable from you.

My husband, even if it is frozen for tens of thousands of years, if you are silent, I will be silent, and we will never say goodbye.

My husband, I love you so much!so love!

Piaoluo's smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and the smile gradually extended to the bottom of her eyes. Looking at the unscrupulous Xinghua, the purple tears in her eyes flowed down her cheeks and dripped onto the ice layer, turning into blossoming nine-tailed celestial flowers .

Finally, slowly, slowly, she raised her hand, put it on the hand that Xinghua extended to her, and held him tightly, the cold feeling spread from his palm to hers, This was the first time she held Xinghua's cold hand. In the past, his hand was always warm, giving her a warm and reassuring feeling.

"Husband, I'm the willful A Luo, no matter how many willful things I do to you, you won't blame me, will you?" Piao Luo's voice was soft, like a whisper, "This time, I You are also self-willed and do not live according to the life you arranged. You must be angry, right? Ha ha, but what should I do, I just know that you will not be angry with me. My husband, you once said that I am the palm of your hand Eternal little fairy, this time, I am also in your palm, and will accompany you for thousands of years."

Piao Luo condensed all her mana, silently absorbed the inner alchemy, flushed away the ten-mirror ice dragon pill in her body with aura, and then sealed the spiritual power of her inner alchemy, allowing the energy of the ten-mirror ice dragon pill to be released. Completely seal yourself.

Ice crystals slowly appeared from under Piaoluo's feet, and extended little by little. She has always been afraid of the cold, and it was too late to hide in freezing weather. This time, she felt that sealing herself with the Ten Mirror Ice Dragon Pill was not so uncomfortable. .Ice crystals flowed over Piaoluo's waist, and her purple hair that dragged the ground hung down behind her. The hair no longer fluttered, and the skirt no longer fluttered. The ice crystals spread over her neck, red lips, high nose, and her seal. When she closed her eyes, she firmly opened her eyes, looked at Xinghua in front of her, and told the heavens, she!not regret!
Xinghua, I will accompany you!

When Qianli and Qilin rushed to the Nine Dragons Frozen Throne in Donggutian Peak, what they saw was Xinghua sitting on the throne, holding Piaoluo standing in front of him with one hand, with a smile on his lips.And Piaoluo, with her eyes open, held Xinghua's hand and never left her.

Qilin's eyes turned red for a moment, although it disappeared quickly, but his heart was very stuffy.

In the end, she still didn't want to leave him alone!
When Qianli brought the sealed Piaoluo back to Lihentian, Qilin had a big fight with him, almost to the point of attacking Qianli.

"It's all like this, and you have to separate them! How can you bear it!"

"Because they did that, they couldn't be allowed to stay together."

(End of this chapter)

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