Chapter 380 Shenfeng III’s Heart (1)
Qianli and Qilin looked at each other, pleasantly surprised.

Qilin asked, "Then hurry up!"

"I'll forget it. The fifteenth day of this month is the most intense day for the Wuji Huangtian event. I will do it on that day."

Qianli frowned, "How likely are you to succeed?"

"To tell the truth?"

Qilin said: "Nonsense."

"One percent."

"So low!" Qilin was surprised.

"Brother, I am changing the sea, not changing the gate of your house to face east and west."

Qianli raised his hand and pressed Hegu's shoulder, "Be careful!"

Changing the sky and changing the world is a huge spell, how can it only be a matter of success or failure, it is also a very risky thing for the caster, if it is not successful, the loss of mana is not counted, and it is likely to be counterattacked by the infinite energy to be wiped out.

Qilin was also worried about He Gu, "I will help you that day."

"Haha, then I have [-]% hope."

Qilin looked at Qianli, but Hegu immediately stopped him.

"No, there must be one of us who is intact."

The actual reason Hegu didn’t say, if he didn’t succeed, both he and Qilin were ancient beasts, and they might still have a chance to survive when they were backlashed by the infinite energy, but Qianli was not an ancient beast, once he was hired, it might be...

Qilin nodded, "Yes."

Fifteen is coming soon.

The sky of Wuji Huangtian was cloudless, the blue sky was very pure, and the wind was blowing gently, and there was no abnormal phenomenon at all.

Because it was man-made to change the vicissitudes of life, Hegu did not bring a god attendant by his side. He set up an altar under the infinite yellow sky, and said to Qilin: "When you see Tianling Fuhai and Sangtian start to move, help me again."


"Also, don't give too much mana at once. If the speed is too fast, I'm afraid Xinghua will be too late."

"it is good."

There is indeed a change in Wuji Huangtian. Although it is not a change in the vicissitudes of life, it is really an excellent opportunity. Hegu originally controlled all the waters in the four seas, six ways and eight wastes. He who can motivate Tianhe can change the waters at will. It's just that he needs to pay more attention to replacing Sang Tian. If there is no Sang Tian, ​​it can be completed smoothly without Qilin's assistance.Now that Qilin was helping them, he calculated in his heart that the success rate was half, but he didn't want to give them too high expectations. If they didn't succeed, they would be disappointed.

When He Gu began to practice, a huge sea wind blew up from nowhere on the altar, blowing the robes of him and the unicorn, and the two men stood firmly on the altar like pillars of heaven, one by one. Pieces of Dharma light flew out from He Gu's hands, and clouds soon floated in the blue sky. Gradually, more and more clouds piled up, and the sky seemed to be under pressure.

The wind is getting stronger and the clouds are getting lower and lower.

When Qilin felt that his hand was about to touch the clouds, he heard Hegu shout, "Mountains of heaven and earth, move!"

In front of He Gu, his magical power formed a miniature floating map of Tianling Fuhai and Sangtian. The two palms were sending mana continuously towards the floating map. The sea slowly rose, and the mulberry field began to slowly descend. Sinking, the sea water flows from the original sea to the sinking Sangtian.Qilin suddenly felt a tremor under his feet, and the altar shook.He saw that the real Tianling Fuhai and Sangtian below are slowly changing. When the sea becomes Sangtian, this is the only chance for Xinghua to rewrite his destiny.Qilin immediately added his mana to the floating map, and it must be successful.

Buddha Heaven, Donggu Heaven.

Qianli stood on the edge of the frozen Donggutian, whether the ten thousand zhang ice layer could be broken by Xinghua today, and whether the legend could not be a legend, I just tried it here.

In the distant infinite yellow sky, when the mulberry field and the sea began to change, a red disk appeared in the sky of Buddha's Heaven, completely covering the sun's rays, and the disk began to rotate, getting bigger and faster, as if to Suck the entire sky into that enlarged red hole.

Click!Click click click!
Qianli saw that the Wanzhang ice layer in front of him began to crack, and with a sound, the ice layer cracked faster and faster, and finally the entire Wanzhang ice layer began to unseal toward Donggutian Peak, and the speed became faster and faster, and Donggutian was frozen. The previous scenery began to reproduce exactly.

When all the unsealed ice rushed to the Kowloon Throne at the top of Donggutian Peak, a loud noise shook the entire Donggutian, and the man in the golden robe on the Frozen Throne instantly turned into a streak of golden light. The ancient green dragon soared into the sky and flew towards the red hole in the Buddha's sky.

Seeing Xinghua's real body soaring into the sky, Qianli couldn't help trembling in his heart, it's unblocked!
The red hole in the sky is spinning rapidly, and all things in the world have become various patterns and prints appearing on the scene around the red hole, one by one, one by one, and one by one, they begin to re-distribute in the heaven, A new cycle begins.The huge ancient green dragon became smaller and smaller in the ever-larger red hole. The energy of the heavens absorbed everything, and the soaring green dragon shuttled through the sky patterns, trying to change the relationship between him and his beloved woman. fate.

Qianli looked up at Xinghua flickering in the red hole, he was never worried about him, this time, he was worried!You can't fight against anyone, you can't fight against the sky, this is something that too many people know, he fights against the sky, and only he knows the hardships of fighting all the way.It should be the first time for Xinghua, I hope his three years of spiritual energy absorption is enough.

The speed of Tiandao's incorporation is getting faster and faster. Originally, Qianli could still see Qinglong appearing, but in the end, Xinghua could not be seen at all, and his heart was tightly grasped.

Wuji Huangtian also had a bad situation.

He Gu looked at the faster and faster Sangtian Canghai changing speed, and said in surprise: "Kirin, withdraw your mana quickly."

Qilin stopped after hearing the words.

General He Gu was still speeding up, and he himself stopped.

"How did this happen?" Qilin looked at the floating map and asked He Gu why the changes in Canghai and Sangtian were still so fast after they all stopped.

He Gu shook his head, "I don't know! At this speed, I'm afraid it will take half the time I expected, and Xinghua's time may not be enough!"

"What should we do now?"

He Gu shook his head, "There's no other way, now it's Tianli changing, we can't control it."

"That Xinghua..."

Qilin Hegu looked at each other, and quickly rushed towards Donggutian.

When the new reincarnation of the Dao of Heaven was incorporated into Lihentian, cracks appeared on Piaoluo, who was completely sealed at the edge of Lihentian, and the cracks gradually widened, and the seal layer of the entire body began to break completely.

Suddenly, the Nine-tailed Tianluo Tianyin on Piaoluo's forehead suddenly glowed.

The red sky cave that rotates in the Buddha's sky almost occupies the entire eye and the sky where it is located. The rapidly rotating pattern of all things becomes more and more complicated. Qianli, who looks up and looks into the distance, becomes more and more nervous, and can't see the stars. , his heart became very uncertain. Changing the destiny has always been done only by the person concerned. If there is help from others, it is not a pure change of destiny. Seeing that the speed of the sky hole is getting faster and faster , I don’t know what happened to Xinghua, if it doesn’t work, then...

Worried about Xinghua, Qianli is also worried about Qilin and Hegu. Artificially urging the vicissitudes of life is not the initial development of Tianli, even if it succeeds, it will consume a lot of mana. If you can come back from cultivation, if you don't succeed, your life will be in jeopardy.The four of them, speaking of it, Qilin and Hegu knew each other because of their friendship with Xinghua. Qilin Hegu is an ancient beast. Although Xinghua doesn't like noisy environments, he is famous for his personality. The ancient gods and beasts did not pay him sincere respect, because of his relationship with Xinghua, the two gradually developed friendship with him. If it wasn't for Xinghua, he felt that he would not have any friends. The wolf king who was born in the wolf clan There are only subordinates, no friends, and the fighting race will not have eternal friendship, no eternal friends, and no eternal enemies.What's more, he is still the king of kings, and he is even more lonely.If this matter fails, he will lose not one, but three friends.

The extremely red sky suddenly emitted a circle of golden light. Qianli thought that Xinghua had succeeded and was about to leave the circle of reincarnation, but after the golden light disappeared into the sky, he saw that the cave began to close slowly.


Heavenly Dao reincarnation began to close!It seems that the vicissitudes of life on the other side of Wuji Huangtian have been completed.Qilin and Hegu succeeded, but how could it be so fast, why didn't Xinghua have enough time.

Qianli didn't know that it wasn't that the new reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao had too short a time to store Cangtu, but that he was too anxious to stand in the sky and look at the sky cave. The sun covered by the red light of the sky cave had already risen from the early morning position to noon. The sun was covered, and the red sky remained unchanged, as if a stick of incense had just passed.

Inside the whirling sky cave.

An ancient green dragon with golden light unleashed its mana, soaring through layers of imprints of the boundless heaven and earth, trying to stop the whirling circle of heaven, for a while, he almost succeeded, the speed of the circle of reincarnation slowed down, He thought he could stop the circle of heaven with a little more effort, but for some reason, the circle of reincarnation suddenly sped up again, consuming more and more of his mana.

The closing speed of the reincarnation circle of Heavenly Dao was much faster than its opening speed, and it took almost half an hour to close half of it. Seeing that Xinghua hadn't come out yet, Qianli became impatient.He never thought that one day he would be anxious about Xinghua's ability. He knew that he was the best of the best, but could he really be unable to win this time?Is destiny really irreversible?

Hegu and Qilin suddenly flew to Qianli's side, "How about it!"

"How about Xinghua!"

Qianli shook his head, "It's still inside."

Looking at He Gu, Qianli frowned, "Why is the time so short?"

"No way. Qilin and I can't control it later. I don't know why the power of the sky appeared. Even if we don't apply any mana, the sea can quickly change the fields." In He Gu's heart, he expected to delay it for one to two days. As long as Hua can survive, there will definitely be no problem with time. How could he be so stupid as to only give Xinghua half a day to fight with Tiandou.

Qilin looked at the tighter and tighter circle of reincarnation, and said anxiously: "What should we do now?"

He Gu said six words slowly and deeply, "We can't do anything." No one can help Xinghua in this matter, he can only break out by himself, or else he will be accepted by Heaven and disappear forever .

The reincarnation circle was so small that it was only the size of the sky above the heads of Qianli and the others, and all three of them had the urge to go in and save Xinghua and come out.If Xinghua finally came out, it would be a waste of help for them to help, but if they didn't pull him out, the consequence would be...

Seeing that the circle of heaven is getting smaller and smaller, Qilin finally couldn't help it, "No, I have to go."

Qianli grabbed Qilin, "Wait a little longer."

"What are you waiting for? It will be too late. Didn't you see how big that place is?"

He Gu frowned, he had come to this point, if he finally got an opportunity, if he failed, the price would be really too high.However, they couldn't afford to lose Xinghua after losing this opportunity, "Time is really running out, so we won't have to worry about no firewood if we keep the green hills."

The three men looked at each other, reached an unanimous choice, and went up to save people.Just when they were about to fly into the sky, a streak of emperor-colored purple suddenly appeared in the sky.A huge nine-tailed celestial flower pierced through the sky and flew towards the cave of reincarnation. On that ancient celestial flower, a flying woman in purple robes radiated purple light all over her body.


Qilin and the other two froze in place, watching Piaoluo fly into the cave, how did she break the seal?
Hegu had never seen Piaoluo before, so he looked at Qilin, "Have you seen it, a woman seems to have flown in."

Qilin gave Qilin a blank look, "We are not blind."

"That person from Xinghua?"


He Gu had a surprised expression, "She's not very powerful, so why follow her in, she's making trouble."

Qianli suddenly said, "Look."

In the sky cave that is gradually closing, a column of purple light that soars to the sky and splits the earth suddenly shines, piercing through the sky and the earth, from the sky to the underworld, reflecting the originally red sky and earth into an emperor-colored purple, and the fragrance of the nine-tailed radish blossoms from the sky. Spread out.A celestial song from distant antiquity sounded from nowhere, melodious and melodious, more pure and moving than Sanskrit, lighter and farther than Sanskrit, as if passing through layers of infinite time and finally came to this sky-defying change. In the sky of fate, a long chapter of love for the second generation of sorrow is sung, and the love of the third life is finally in one place.If you don't see Qingyan, you won't die.

The green dragon's mana in the Heavenly Dao reincarnation circle was almost half lost. Looking at the Heavenly Dao reincarnation circle that was about to be closed, he knew that his time was running out, and whether he could withdraw smoothly became a problem. Now, apart from keeping his own He has no better choice than life waiting for a chance.But when he thought that he had been frozen for three years and separated from Piaoluo for three years, his heart was unwilling to evacuate. Too much time had been wasted for them, so how could he be reconciled.

During the difficult choice of strength, Xinghua suddenly felt a force coming from behind, purple light appeared in his eyes, and a familiar feeling emerged from the deepest part of his heart.

Ah Luo!

Yes, Piaoluo her!coming!
Piaoluo, who stepped on the nine-tailed sky flower, flew to Xinghua's side and smiled tearfully at him.My husband, here I come. I once said that if I love someone, I will never leave.Let me scatter your loneliness. After you have me, you will never be asked to fight alone for happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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