Chapter 40 Is it Fun (2)
In the hazy night, looking at Xinghua's sleeping peaceful face, Piaoluo recalled the scene of kissing him just now, um...well, she has to admit, in fact, she is a person with low self-control, and is Very low.For example, looking at Master's face now, she felt the urge to kiss again.move.However, although she is a person with low self-control, her action is much stronger than self-control.As the saying goes, people with strong hands-on ability are the ones who really can't starve to death. There are many things, it is impossible to succeed by just talking about them or thinking about them in your head.

For example, want to kiss Master again!If you don't do it, you can't steal the incense.

Staring at Xinghua's face, Piaoluo slowly bent down, her soft red lips kissed his cheek, and she paused for a moment before retreating.

These days, disciples who don't know how to steal a kiss from their master are not good disciples anymore.

After all, it was a guilty conscience. After the kiss, Piaoluo wanted to evacuate Xinghua's room, tentatively trying to pull her hand out of Xinghua's, and she moved a little. Let her cry out.How insecure does Master feel when he is sleeping?Or is he dreaming, and there is something in the dream that he wants to hold on to?

Piaoluo, who couldn't escape, just sat quietly by Xinghua's bed, accompanied him, looked at him, and couldn't help but think of Duanyan who grabbed her wrist and flew quickly, she didn't like it with her sleeves hanging After being touched by him, when she came to Master's place, she didn't feel happy at all. Instead, she stole Master's tofu again and again.Feeling drowsy, Piaoluo slowly lay down on Xinghua's chest, listening to his even heartbeat, and slowly closed her eyes.

Before being completely swept away by drowsiness, Piaoluo sighed softly and whispered, "Master, you will never know how important you are to me! You won't know... how lucky I am to be in the demon that day. I met you by Lin's lotus lake, if I can only get into trouble once in my life, it must be in your hands."

After Piaoluo finished talking to herself, the room became very quiet, she fell asleep before thinking about the shock of Xinghua waking up to see her sitting on his bed the next day.Too sleepy, let's think of an excuse tomorrow before Xinghua wakes up.

I don't know when it was, a palm with slender fingers landed on the top of Piaoluo's head like a feather, and stroked her long hair from top to bottom very slowly, one stroke after another...

Vaguely, Piaoluo seems to hear someone whispering in her ear, my heart is like a mirror, and you will always be in my palm.

Who is talking to her?She wanted to ask, is it the prey that he can't escape or the treasure that he can't let go of once he holds it?

The next morning.

Piaoluo wanted to turn over and lie down in a comfortable position, but couldn't find it. She opened her hazy eyes, and when she saw something unfamiliar in front of her, she suddenly remembered where she was. An arm rests on her back.Not daring to wake up the person on the bed, she slowly raised her body while holding Xinghua's arm with her hand and gently lifted it away, placing it on his chest.Seeing her hand being held by Xinghua, Piaoluo was anxious and angry, why was he still holding her, did she really have to wait until he woke up?What is angry is that he is not tired after pinching all night?What surprised her was that Xinghua probably had become a habit of holding her, this time she easily withdrew her hand from his palm, while his hand was still holding her.Hehe, it worked, get out quickly.

Piaoluo, who stood up from the bed and walked away a few steps, was about to cast a spell to leave, when she thought of something, she walked back, bent down and kissed Xinghua's face quickly.Well, now she can leave with peace of mind.A faint blue light flashed, and Piaoluo disappeared into Xinghua's room.

As soon as the girl disappeared, the man on the bed opened his eyes. His eyes were as clear as stars, not at all like someone who just woke up from sleep, and his thin lips curled into a slight arc.Turning over lightly, Xinghua was in a good mood and planned to squint for a while.

Piaoluo, who returned to her room, lay down on her bed without saying a word, and rolled into the bed.She didn't sleep well last night, she needs to make up for it.

This time I woke up, and it was noon when the sun was shining.Piaoluo still woke up from hunger.

Xinghua was nowhere to be found in Xinghua Palace, Piaoluo went to the kitchen to look for food, but found nothing.No way, I still have to find a virtuous and unparalleled Master Gong Gong.Piaoluo began to search again in the palace, and this time she found the master who appeared out of nowhere in the meditation room.


Piaoluo walked in from the door, stood in front of Xinghua who was holding a book in her hand that she couldn't understand the words on it, and said pitifully, "I'm so hungry."

Xinghua flipped through the book and asked casually, "Did you become a thief last night?"


"Strange." Xinghua raised his head, looked at the front, seemed to be thinking, and said with a serious expression, "Accordingly, if you don't become a thief, you usually don't wake up and cry hungry."

Piaoluo's mind is spinning fast now, and she doesn't even have a belly script when she lies, "Is there any place in the fairy world that is better than Xinghua Palace? I don't like things outside, and there is no need to be a thief."

"What about Xinghua Palace?"

"Do I still need to steal things from Xinghua Palace?" Piaoluo said in a matter-of-fact way, "Master's is mine, and mine is mine."

Xinghua thought for a while, and nodded when she felt that Piaoluo's words seemed quite reasonable. She didn't know if she was talking to her, so she turned around with her book in her hand and said casually, "There seems to be no treasures in Xinghua Palace. If you have to say there is, then there is only one person who is a teacher."

What does it feel like to be shot into the depths of your heart with a word?

It was Piaoluo's feeling at the moment, and it hit her guilty conscience right to the point.

"You won't steal as a teacher, will you?" Xinghua suddenly turned around and looked at Piaoluo, with sharp eyes full of doubts, as if he was still thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Piaoluo immediately expressed her loyalty and respect, "Of course! No!"


Xinghua nodded.

Piaoluo found that there seemed to be a smile hidden in Xinghua's eyes, it was a narrow smile, but when she looked carefully, there was nothing, Master Gong still had that face that hadn't changed much for thousands of years, calm and gentle, happy or angry.

"Hey hey." Piaoluo reached out and grabbed Xinghua who was about to leave, "Master, I'm hungry."

"so what?"

"Master Zong Gong, you haven't cooked for me for a long time. I want to eat fried peanuts."

Xinghua closed the book and said patiently, "Piaoluo, you are already an adult."

"No matter how big you are, it's not as big as your master."

What is his age and what is her age? The difference between the two is not a year or two.What's wrong with an adult? Does she not need to eat when she becomes an adult?It's okay to eat more.

"Wrong, you have a place that is definitely better than Weishi University, a lot!"


Piaoluo didn't react for a moment.No matter, first solve the stomach problem.

"Master, didn't you say that you are a teacher for a day and a husband for life?" Piaoluo raised her chin and asked Xinghua, "Have you ever seen a husband starve to death of his wife? Even if there is, it is not a role model for you to follow." , You are Xianshou Xinghua, if you want to starve your disciple and wife to death, if you spread the word, you will make others laugh."

Due to the fact that there is still the Ghost Valley Master locked in the Lock Heart Barrier in the meditation room, Xinghua does not want outsiders to see how he gets along with Piaoluo in Xinghua Palace.Outside the palace, he has to carry it around everywhere, and maintain the master-student ritual with her; in the palace, he likes to tease her by putting down the fairy tales, and he also likes her begging for nothing. Jiner, although her thick skin always challenged his patience, it was interesting to observe her expression, she refused to admit everything clearly written on her face.

Xinghua walked out of the meditation room without saying a word, and only after turning a corner after going out did he talk to Piaoluo who was beside him with a happy face, "Didn't you see that in the mortal world, women at home make soup?"

"did not see it."

She just dragged him around to buy new things, so she didn't pay so much attention.

"In a family in the world, the men go out to hunt, and the women stay at home and take care of their husbands and children." Xinghua looked at Piaoluo and said, "Including cooking."

"We are not mortals."

Piaoluo smiled proudly, "Besides, I don't have a son to teach me."

Xinghua endured and endured so that he didn't say what was in his heart, Piao Xiaoluo, are you an adult now?Can you talk nonsense!The most important thing is, which husband dares to teach his son to a mother like Piaoluo?The fairy world must not be turned upside down.

After watching Xinghua fry peanuts for her, Piaoluo happily followed behind his buttocks with a plate. Seeing that he saw the Zen room, she also went in. After the Wu Zang Temple stopped singing, she was free to observe the Ghost Valley Lord.

What on earth is this man doing here?Let's say she was Master's old lover, but I didn't see her talking to Master, nor did I see Master getting upset because of her.Well, maybe the sea of ​​Master's heart is surging at the moment, but she can't see it.But if she had nothing to do with Master, then why did she live in Xinghua Palace for so long?It made her feel a lump in her heart, since she came here, she never practiced Zen in the meditation room, but the master came here diligently.

Although the owner of Ghost Valley closed his eyes and meditated, he heard the conversation between Xinghua and Piaoluo clearly just now. He felt that Piaoluo had been standing outside her barrier, slowly opened his eyes, and saw her When he saw the appearance, he was taken aback.I haven't seen her for a while, but she has grown up?And it's so beautiful.If nothing else, standing together with Xinghua, she felt a sense of perfection created by nature.

Piaoluo stretched out her hand and poked at the enchantment covering Ghost Valley Master. Out of curiosity, she read the formula to cast a spell, only to hear a bang, and the enchantment of Locking Heart was broken by her.


Xinghua walked over, glanced at the ghost valley owner who stood up from the ground, and his eyes fell on Piaoluo's face, this annoying thing, she came to make trouble without paying attention for a while, it was impossible to guard against.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Piaoluo frowned, "I poked it once, just to try my magic power out of boredom, and it broke."

How did she know that she could break the barrier set by her master? She had poked it before, but it didn't break.Naturally, Piao Luo didn't understand, before she was her own messy practice, now her spells follow Xinghua, and the enchantment he set up, it is not difficult for her with 30 years of mana to break.

Ghost Valley Master said, "Shangxian Xinghua don't want to get angry, if you set it up again, I'll start from scratch."

With Piaoluo's poke, the master of Ghost Valley's previous cultivation of mind fell short. If he wanted to completely meditate, he had to start all over again.

Hearing the words of Ghost Valley Master, Piaoluo became unhappy, what does it mean that Xinghua Shangxian should not be angry?Her master was obviously not angry with her, but just called her, breaking the barrier is not a big deal, she bullied his master Xingjun or did him a disservice in the mortal world, the master never scolded her At most, he pretended to let her go back to the palace and face the wall to think about her mistakes in front of outsiders. He would come to see her in the Zen room as soon as others left, and she would let her out as long as she misunderstood a few sentences with soft words. She was suspected of sowing discord.

(End of this chapter)

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