Chapter 49: You Are Here (2)
It was Piaoluo's turn to play chess, she didn't pay attention even though she was not in a good mood, she just took a step casually, just as the chess piece was settled, an important 'army' chess piece was eaten by Xi Yang who walked behind her, originally she The chess game, which was not too bad, suddenly became full of loopholes, and it could be eaten up within a few moves.

"Hey, hey, that doesn't count, it doesn't count, I'll play another game."

Piaoluo stretched out her hand to regret the move, but Bai Yin restrained her with fairy magic, and looked at her.

"Piaoluo, you think this is a chess game that you and your brothers and sisters are playing around." Bai Yin looked around, "The six of us are all here, and you openly regret the game, so there is no fairness in this game . No way! Absolutely can’t regret chess!” In order to show his attitude, Bai Yin looked at Xinghua, “Don’t blame me for not giving Xinghua Shangxian your face, don’t say that Piaoluo can’t regret chess, it’s you Xinghua Shangxian If you make a mistake, you can’t regret it.”

Xinghua smiled slightly, "Shangxian Bai Yin said so. The chess game must be fair before it can proceed."

Piaoluo tugged at Xinghua's sleeve, "But Master..." Her important chess piece was eaten, and maybe it was eaten in a few moves. She didn't want to warm the bed for others, and she herself I still can't sleep in the warm bed.

Xinghua patted Piaoluo's waist lightly with his hand, and smiled at her.

"I don't want to warm Xiyang's bed."

Xinghua cast his eyes on the chess game and asked, "Do you not want to warm Xiyang's bed? Or do you not want to warm the bed?"

"I don't want to warm the bed." Piaoluo thought for a while, then smiled wickedly, and leaned into Xinghua's ear again, "I want to see Lord Bai Yin warm his disciple Xiyang's bed."

Xinghua still looked at the chessboard, heard Piaoluo's words, looked at Bai Yin's chess board, and then at Xi Yang's.Well, I have to say that Xi Yang is a very good kid. Compared with his master, he acts more calmly. Every move is very solid, and there are no major problems.

Piaoluo, who was biting her ear with Xinghua, felt someone's gaze on her, she glanced over from the corner of her eye, and was startled.When did Caifeng Shangxian pick up Magpie Ling's chessboard?Where did the magpie go?
"Master, Caifeng Shangxian."


Caifeng sent the Tianxian fruit to the fruit trays of the gods and walked to her position, because the chess game has already started, and she can't play again.Entering, Que Ling gave up her chess game, while she watched from the sidelines, probably satisfied with her apprentice's understanding, Caifeng asked Que Ling not to be by her side, and she could play wherever she wanted. Restrict her freedom, and will not assign her work.

Que Ling had always been thinking about someone in her heart, so she got Master's permission, so she was very happy in her heart. She said her respectful farewell and went down a long step, but when she left, Piaoluo was caught in her panties with Xinghua. Throwing things away, didn't notice she was gone.

Xinghua surveyed the entire chessboard and found that Piaoluo, who originally occupied the upper part, was besieged by several people around because of a wrong move. A few moves of unworthy chess pieces can make her lose completely.

"Piaoluo, let me ask you this, if you have to warm one person's bed unavoidably, among ten people, who would you choose?"

Piaoluo looked at her own chess, "I don't choose anyone." Is her chess that bad?
"Is it a must?"

"If you have to choose..."

Piaoluo thought for a while, logically she should choose the only female Caifeng Shangxian, but the Shangxian was quite critical of her, why should she go to Tianfeng Palace to make fun of herself, and the others are all men, anyway she I don't even want to, if she is the one who loses in the end, then...

While waiting for Piaoluo's answer, Xinghua raised his hand and picked up the angel fruit that Caifeng put in from the fruit plate next to it. The red fruit ball and smooth skin looked very delicious. Piaoluo looked from Xinghua I haven’t left the ball since I picked up the Angel Fruit, and I heard him say, “The Angel Fruit only bears fruit once every five years. Beauty and beauty, do you try it?"

"Isn't it only the Shangxian and the main palace immortal who can eat it?"

"You should say that you are already beautiful enough, you don't need to eat this beauty." After saying that, Xinghua was about to put the angelica fruit back into the fruit plate.

Piaoluo stretched out her hand and grabbed the red fairy fruit in Xinghua's hand, "Hey. Master's words made me feel ashamed, and I am a little bit prettier than ordinary fairies. I am a low-key person, especially as a fairy head Your disciple, although you are too high-profile, you will not be beaten like Gui Ran, but the influence is not good. People will say that Master, you have not taught me well. Therefore, I think I should try the heavenly fairy fruit. Keep fit, right, Master."

After taking the fairy fruit Piaoluo, he was ready to eat, but after searching for a long time, he didn't know where to start. When he was thinking about it, he heard Gui Ran shouting, "Piaoluo is playing chess."

Piaoluo looked up at the chess game, and found that she couldn't see clearly, so she simply put the Angelica on Xinghua's body, got up and walked to the edge of the chessboard, looked at her own chess pieces, thought for a moment, and made a bold offensive move The so-called best defense is offense. Although she cannot turn the tide and change her current situation, it should not make the chess situation more ugly.In particular, the next person to pick her up was Xi Yang, and she became more and more sure that Xi Yang would not 'kill her'. She had already experienced the gentleness of senior brother Xi Yang, and she was a gentle and clean man.

After playing the chess, Piaoluo walked back to Xinghua's side, endured the chilly feeling under her skirt and sat on Xinghua's lap again, took the angel fruit from his hand, frowned, "This thing is so hard."

Hearing this, Xinghua took the celestial fairy fruit, squeezed it hard, and heard a click sound, the celestial fairy fruit split in two, and round and jade-like red transparent fruit pieces appeared in Piaoluo's eyes, and a strange sound spread When he came out, he could smell Piaoluo so much that he wanted to swallow his saliva.

Xinghua put half in Piaoluo's hand, and put the other half in the fruit plate, seeing that Piaoluo's eyes were still staring at the other half in the fruit plate, "The other half is also yours, eat this half first."

"Thank you Master."

After finishing speaking, Piaoluo, who was in a good mood, pursed her lips and moved towards Xinghua.

Xinghua stretched out his index finger to touch Piaoluo's soft red lips, preventing her from kissing her, looked at her angrily and funny, and said in a low voice, "There is someone."

Why is it becoming more and more shameless? At first, it was shouting and hugging, then it was a sneak kiss in the middle of the night, later it became a stealth kiss in broad daylight, and then it was just sticking your mouth up. Morality, you have to keep a little bit in front of outsiders.

Piaoluo backed away, wanting to kiss her master whenever she was excited, this kind of mood couldn't be stopped, and the master definitely couldn't understand.

The words and deeds of Xinghua and Piaoluo fell into the eyes of Caifeng on the left. Although they couldn't hear what they said, it was an indisputable fact that Xinghua actually gave Piaoluo the best angel fruit. How could he? Treat her like this?The fairy fruit is so rare, but he gave it to Piaoluo casually as an ordinary thing, no matter how much he loves him, he can't love it like this, especially his Qinglong Bixin hairpin, whenever she sees Piaoluo hairpin on her head, her heart will feel fire Hua is too kind to Piaoluo.And look at that apprentice of his, he dared to poke his mouth up and want to kiss his master under the watchful eyes of everyone, how decent is that!

Piaoluo took a celestial fairy fruit and put it in her mouth. She was about to praise how delicious it was, when a ring pendant tied around Xinghua's waist fell to the ground for some reason, and made a jingling sound. Before she could look down, Xinghua Hua bent down to pick it up, and when he leaned forward, his cheek brushed Piaoluo's lips, making her slightly startled.Xinghua stood up, brushing her fair side face again.

Seeing Xinghua hang up the waist pendant, Piaoluo smiled delicately, "Master, let's drop the jade pendant again."

Xinghua pretended to be serious, "Enough is enough."

"Ha ha……"

Piaoluo smiled like a peach blossom, her heart was filled with joy, she suddenly raised her hands to hug Xinghua's neck, threw herself into his chest, and rubbed his cheek, "Master is the best. If you have to choose a warm bed, I choose Master."

Xinghua raised the corner of his mouth, hugged her with one arm, finished the chess with the other hand, and took half of Bai Yin's territory in one move, watching Bai Yin's vitality rise, the Immortal Xinghua wanted him to lose.

"Piaoluo, play chess after you don't want to warm the bed."


Afterwards, Piaoluo carefully analyzed the chessboard while eating the angel fruit. Under her own thinking, and Xinghua secretly protected her every move, she made it to the end without any danger. On the fighting chessboard, except for Xinghua In addition to not losing any chess pieces after the tie, the other nine players all suffered losses to varying degrees.

When Piaoluo hugged Xinghua, all the immortals had some thoughts in their hearts. A great fairy like Wenqu Xingjun only felt that Xinghua was too loose in discipline to Piaoluo. After leaving him, she, who has never been under the control of her elders, met the kind-hearted Xinghua, so she naturally became lawless.A young man like Bai Yin felt that Xinghua was really lucky.However, all kinds of fairies dislike Piaoluo more and more, but they have no choice but to envy and hate her.


Suddenly, Piaoluo let out a low cry, and a piercing pain came from her fingertips. Looking down, she saw that the tip of her index finger was hardened.The hard peel cut a wound, and bright red blood dripped out.

Xinghua said angrily, "How could you be so careless."

Piaoluo frowned in pain, remembering Xinghua sucking her finger before, raised her head, and put her finger in front of Xinghua's eyes, "Master, it hurts."

Glancing at Piaoluo's finger, Xinghua looked at her with deep and unclear eyes.

Seeing Xinghua kept looking at her, Piaoluo didn't know why, so she slowly put down her hands, she thought, maybe the master thought she was too presumptuous, and she just didn't want to look for him.

Although Xinghua didn't say anything about Piaoluo's injured finger, his arms around her waist tightened silently until she felt the force that almost strangled her waist.


"Piaoluo, remember, not every place is Xinghua Palace."

Piaoluo is not stupid. Hearing what Xinghua said, she understood what he meant and nodded.

Seeing Piaoluo's well-behaved appearance, Xinghua was a little relieved.It's not that he doesn't love her, it's that he can't do too much in front of the immortals. He let her play with those harmless frolics, and he can only tease her intimately. He knows that she knows that she has gone too far today , and he also played with her for a while because she was happy, so he can no longer provoke behaviors that make others think.Get rid of Caifeng who has been looking at them, there are a group of immortals below who seem to have not observed them. They can't do anything to him, but they will be dissatisfied with her. At this time, someone may be accusing her of crimes. up.

"Put your hands behind your back under the cloak."

Piaoluo didn't understand what Xinghua meant for a moment, but felt his hand around her waist lightly tap her back, and immediately understood, she turned her injured hand behind her back.The injured finger was grabbed by Xinghua, and his fingertips gently stroked it, instantly healing her wound.Letting go of Piaoluo's hand, Xinghua embraced Piaoluo again under the cloak.

Taking out her hand from behind, Piaoluo looked down at her fingertips that were no longer scarred. Did she bring trouble to Master?

Xinghua made a move, and Bai Yin's exclamation sounded immediately.

"and many more!"

Immortal Bai Yin looked at Xinghua's chess piece in horror, "Wait, wait, how could you be so cruel to me, Immortal Xinghua?" He actually ate his very important piece, The next step is obviously to attack his main general and destroy him directly. "No, no, you can't go like this. Regret the move, regret it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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