Chapter 71 Arriving Home Early (2)
Standing at the gate of the main heart of the Demon Palace under the manjushahua shield, Moxin watched the two figures walking towards him in the distance. For some reason, he always felt that Duanyan seemed to have known him before.Moreover, his body always has a kind of arrogance that seems to be absent, and he has a feeling of disdain for everyone, including him, as if they are not worthy of his eyes.Heh, it's just a Demon Realm Left Protector, this identity can give him such a great sense of superiority?
"My lord." Mo Yuan walked up to Mo Xin, clasped his fists and saluted earnestly.

Duan Yan called out lightly, "Master."

"I've been practicing these days, has anything happened in the devil world?"

Duan Yan replied simply, "Everything is fine in the capital."

Mo Xin turned his gaze to Mo Yuan, who was dealing with affairs outside the capital, "What about you?"

"Returning to the Great Senior, the subordinates have been doing their best to deal with it, and it won't be long before all the demons who refuse to obey the Great Senior will be subdued."

Mo Xin waved his hands with a cold face, signaling Duan Yan and Mo Yuan to go down.

"Duanyan, wait a moment."

Duan Yan, who had walked away two steps, turned around, intentionally ignored Mo Yuan's puzzled gaze, and walked back to Mo Xin's side under his slightly dissatisfied gaze.


Mo Xin turned around and walked into the main hall, as if hesitating whether to ask, "Duan Yan, have you heard any rumors from other Five Realms these days?"


"Anything different?"

Duanyan nodded.As long as the demon world doesn't make trouble in the six realms, where can any major events happen?When he was in the Immortal Realm before, if something big happened somewhere, it must be caused by the Demon Realm. Now that the Demon Realm is still in the period of reorganization, it has no guts to make trouble.

Mo Xin walked to his big Jinxiong chair, threw off his robe, and sat down in a haughty manner.Neither let Duanyan leave, nor speak to him, but let his own thoughts wander.Unavoidably, he thought of a person, a woman who was more beautiful than he expected.He really didn't expect her to be so stunning, so that he, who only wanted to unify the six worlds and was full of dominance, could never forget her.It's a pity that that woman is in the fairy world, and she is the disciple of his strongest opponent Xinghuazuo.

"Hmph! Xinghua's apprentice..."

Unconsciously, Demon Heart said it in a low voice.

He is not very lustful, but he can never forget the woman named Piaoluo.Looking at the demon world, there are as many demon spirits as he sent, but if he is really in a catastrophe, like Xinghua who was attacked by surprise, it is difficult to find one or two people who are willing to risk their lives to save him.

Xinghua, how could he be saved by Piaoluo?
The more he thought of Piaoluo's eyes when he mentioned Xinghua, the more unwilling Moxin became, and the hands on the arm of the chair gradually clenched into fists. Why didn't he take Xinghua back to the magic palace after humiliating Xinghua with Piaoluo?She is not a fairy family, isn't life the same wherever she lives?If she could worship Xinghua as her teacher, couldn't she also worship him as her teacher?Or, instead of being her master, he could be someone else.

"Duanyan, may there be news from the fairy world recently?"


Duan Yan was taken aback, did Mo Xin want to attack the fairy world?

"Go and find out, especially the recent situation of Xinghua and...his apprentice."

Duan Yan was about to leave, Mo Xin said again, "Wait. No need. You don't have to go."

Him, go by yourself!

Moxin successfully sneaked into Piaoluo's room in Xinghua Palace, but he couldn't see her.When he wanted to go to other places in Xinghua Palace to look for Piaoluo, for some reason, bunches of arrows of immortal magic appeared and flew towards him densely.The red figure dodged quickly, but attracted more serious attacks. As a last resort, the demon heart flew out of the Xinghua Palace and hung on the roof of the palace.Looking at the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, they suddenly appeared and surrounded the Demon Heart.

Above the blue sky, Lie, Bai Yin, Gou Chen and Cai Feng quietly appeared, each occupying one side, looking at Mo Xin in the middle with chilling expressions.

He really came!
Mo Xinfang understands that Xinghua has set up an enchantment in the palace, he will be attacked as soon as he appears, and at the same time, other immortals will find that he has broken into the fairy world.

"Where's Xinghua?" Mo Xin's posture was arrogant and unruly.

Bai Yin chuckled, and looked back at Mo Xin with the same disdain, "Is the fairy head something you can see whenever you want?"

"Hmph. Just because you want to deal with me?"

Said, "Why not give it a try?"

"Haha... I will test your skills today and see if Xinghua will not show up until you are dying."

Without seeing Xinghua, Moxin had no fear of the four immortals besieging him.When the four of them shot at him at the same time, a bloodthirsty Manjusawa flower appeared in his palm, and weeping sounds that seemed to be mourning came from the stamens and penetrated into everyone's ears.

The magic sound entered the ears, and Bai Yin and the others became more careful, resisting the sound of Manzhushahua with the method of calming the mind, and the four beams of immortal magic powerfully impacted the method of Aihong Demon Spirit in the heart of the demon from all directions.

The demon heart resisting the four immortals found that the Taoism of these immortals was much higher than that of 50 years ago. It seems that when he was sealed, they had not slacked in their cultivation. If he hadn't been in the magic palace in advance Li recovered his vitality from being injured by Xinghua earlier, so he might not be able to defeat these four people today.

Facing Moxin, when Bai Yin and the other four were fighting with him, the heavenly soldiers unsheathed their weapons and flew towards him one by one.Although it is not worthy of great praise to win the few with the many, as long as you can successfully subdue the Demon Lord, it is so important to capture the few with the many.

When fighting with the four immortals, Mo Xin had to be distracted to deal with waves of heavenly soldiers and generals attacking him, and they seemed to be prepared for him, with tight formations and flexible attacks, letting him understand , Today, this group of people has long been lying in ambush waiting for him.

Suddenly, a figure flew from the sky.

Everyone fixed their eyes, who came dressed in light blue clothes, if not Xinghua, who else could it be?

Seeing that Xinghua arrived, all the immortals were overjoyed. Moxin knew that he might not be able to reach Xinghua and everyone in front of him today. The magic power in his palm suddenly increased, and the powerful spiritual power knocked away the heavenly soldiers and generals around his body. A few zhang away, the arrows of the red Manju Shahua branched out into four and flew towards the four immortals, and quickly disappeared while they were dodging.

Xinghua flew to Bai Yin and the others, and asked with concern, "Aren't you injured?"



"It's fine."

After the heavenly soldiers and generals were ordered to go down, several immortals flew down together and walked in through the gate of Xinghua Palace. In the front yard, Caifeng looked at Xinghua, "Xinghua, where have you been? See you soon, fortunately you came back today."

Looking at Bai Yin, Bai Yin smiled at Xinghua, "Xuanwu Shangxian's good spells have even fooled Caifeng."

A celestial light flashed on 'Xinghua', and the original Xinghua became Xuanwu.

Caifeng was surprised, "Xuanwu?"

Xuanwu nodded, "It's me."

Bai Yin explained, "Xinghua is not in the palace. He once hinted that we should be prepared to receive uninvited guests from the Demon Realm. We must not let the Demon Heart know that he is not in the Immortal Realm, lest he take the opportunity to harm the Immortal Realm. The enchantment in the palace is his What I set up by myself, let Xuanwu transform into his appearance and appear at the critical moment is what I thought and thought about, not only can scare away the devil's heart, but also temporarily prevent him from invading the fairy world."

Gou Chen nodded.

"Although Moxin escaped today, when I fought with him just now, I still felt that if we fought him alone, we might not win."

Caifeng said, "Xinghua should be able to."

"But now Xinghua is injured by his own spiritual power, and the return date is unknown." Liao looked at Caifeng, "We must not reveal Xinghua's healing."

All the immortals knew the seriousness of the situation, so they all nodded.

Magic Palace.

Demon Heart returned to the Demon Palace with an extremely stern expression on his face. None of the demon spirits in the palace dared to provoke him. Don't dare to breathe.

Mo Xin on Jin Xiong's big chair felt very angry.Xinghua, he actually plotted against him.Although he was not injured this time, it made him lose face. The group of heavenly soldiers and generals probably thought that he was not good enough as a demon king, right?If he hadn't been sealed by them for 50 years, how could his mana not increase but retreat?Today he was in a good mood to go to Piaoluo, Xinghua and the others were proud that no one saw him, he was really pissed off!

"Come here."

Immediately, the demon spirit waiting at the side stepped forward, "What orders does your lord have?"

"Go and call me Duanyan."


Duan Yan quickly walked in from the outside, feeling Mo Xin's anger, he restrained a little arrogance from the usually casual and unruly man.I don't know what kind of nerves this big demon king has, his mood goes from good to bad, which is completely incomprehensible.

"My lord, are you looking for me?"

Mo Xin slowly turned his head to look at His Highness Duan Yan, Yin Wu's eyes were full of hatred for Xinghua, that hatred made Duan Yan secretly surprised, Mo Xin's hatred for Xinghua, It is stronger than his hatred. From the perspective of common enemy, they are all the same, and the person they want to deal with is the same.

"From today onwards, you will do everything possible to inquire about the situation in the fairy world, especially the situation of Xinghua and his disciples in the Xinghua Palace. Once you have any news, report to me immediately." Mo Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, " If the opportunity permits, even if I'm not around, you can seize the opportunity to bring Xinghua's apprentice to the Demon Palace. If it succeeds, this deity will definitely reward you."

Duanyan was startled, "Xinghua's apprentice?"

Isn't that Piaoluo!

"Yes!" Thinking of Piaoluo, the anger in Mo Xin's eyes became slightly less, "That woman named Piaoluo."

"My lord, isn't Xinghua the person you hate?" Duanyan felt a little unbearable towards Piaoluo, "His disciple is very young, and he hasn't been with him for a long time, she..."

Mo Xin looked at Duan Yan coldly, "Are you resisting the deity's order?"

"Don't dare."

Duan Yan expressed his thoughts, "I just don't think innocent people should be involved."

Just like he didn't like Xinghua, but Piaoluo didn't do anything, she didn't know anything, even becoming Xinghua's disciple was a surprise for her who was less than 10 years old.He didn't want to hurt that silly and simple-minded woman again.


Mo Xin raised his voice, looked sideways at Duanyan, slowly stood up from the golden chair, looked at him, walked down the golden steps step by step, and stopped on the last step, with nothing in his eyes To hide her displeasure at Duanyan's words, "So what if she is innocent? She is now Xinghua's disciple and is by his side all day long. Xinghua loves her, and she respects Xinghua even more in her heart. Xinghua is perfect, and she is willing to sacrifice her life for him. No matter how innocent she is, she cannot escape the palm of this deity. Grab her! This deity wants to see her live in this magic palace. I believe that she lives in It is better, freer and happier here than in Xinghua Palace."

Duan Yan couldn't deny that in the Demon Realm she was indeed free without any restrictions, and it was indeed more suitable for her to live here with Piao Luo's temperament.But everyone can see how much she relies on Xinghua, she only trusts him, even if there are many precepts in the fairy world, she still will not leave there, as long as there is Xinghua.What's more, I asked my heart, I don't know how much better Xinghua's temper is than Moxin.Demon heart possible?His emotions are cloudy and cloudy. When he is happy, he may give her the whole magic palace to play with. If his heart becomes cruel, Piaoluo may not be able to live to the next breath.She may not be suitable to stay in the fairy world, but she is definitely not suitable to live beside the demon king.Most importantly, Duan Yan's selfish hope that Piaoluo would become a fairy instead of a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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