Chapter 73 You have to be good (1)
"Only one day, when the sun sets, you will come back quickly."

"You have to be fine."

Xinghua smiled lowly, "Okay."

On the second day at Yurong's house, Piaoluo was completely in the state of Cao Ying's heart in Han. Yurong didn't hear her talk to her several times, which made Yurong think she was sick.After lunch, Piaoluo followed Yurong to run around in the garden she planted herself, wondering why the sun set so slowly today.

"Okay, everything is planted. Piaoluo, thank you for your help."

"It's a small thing. You brought me so many delicious things, what do I do?"

Yurong took Piaoluo's hand, "Come on, come inside and I'll make sake and tea for you."

Under the eaves of the wooden house by the holy lake.

Xinghua looked at the sky dotted with a few stars, and frowned slightly. It's already time, why hasn't Piaoluo returned yet?Just as he was about to calculate, he heard Yurong's voice coming from the front of the house.

"Don't worry, Piaoluo, we'll be there soon."

When he saw Piaoluo being supported by Yurong, Xinghua walked down the porch like a star.

When Xinghua in fluttering white clothes came up to meet her, Yu Rong breathed a sigh of relief, and when Xinghua supported Piaoluo's body with both hands, she quickly explained, "I made sake tea for Piaoluo in the afternoon, I don't know that she is completely incapable of drinking, but Sake tea made her so drunk, I helped her to my room to rest, she must come back, I had no choice but to...send her back."

Xinghua nodded, indicating that he understood.

The drunken Piaoluo lay on Xinghua's chest, smelling the lotus scent on his body, stared at his face hard, and laughed, "Hey, you! It's you! It doesn't matter if you are an immortal, you are the master So what, my mother has fallen in love with you. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and I have never seen a man who is more beautiful than you. I have to take you as my own, or I will feel too insecure. I want to eat and eat Eat, eat, eat you!"

While talking, Piaoluo tore Xinghua's clothes vigorously.

Xinghua stood with one hand behind his back like a pine and cypress, and wrapped his other hand around her waist to prevent her from falling down, allowing her to grab his clothes and rip his waistband.

Yu Rong, who was on the side, looked terrified, "This...she..."

Xinghua's eyes under the mask kept looking at Piaoluo's cheeks stained red by sake, and said softly, "Nonsense."

The first time she heard Xinghua's voice, Yu Rong was taken aback. So he can talk?In the days since she came to the wooden house, she only saw him once, and that time he hadn't made a sound, and she thought he was dumb for a while, but she didn't know that his voice was so clear, like the sound of nature.

"Piaoluo, let's go back to the room."

Yurong went to pull Piaoluo's tearing hand, but she didn't want Piaoluo to shake it hard, and accidentally knocked off the mask on Xinghua's face while swaying Yurong's arm away.

Piaoluo, fluttering her little paws, not only shook off Yu Rong, but also knocked Xinghua's mask off, and also caused her body to lose balance, sliding crookedly across Xinghua's chest and falling to the ground.

Xinghua grabbed Piaoluo's drunken body with quick eyes and hands, and let her head rest on his shoulder socket, his eyes were full of intoxicating tenderness that he didn't even realize.When I was in Tiangong before, I never thought of letting her drink Xianniang, but I really didn't know that her drinking capacity was so low, and the wine didn't seem to be very good.The only thing that made him lucky was that even though she was drunk, she still remembered to come back no matter what.

The mask that fell to the ground fully exposed Xinghua's face in front of Yu Rong, looking at his face, his heart, which had always been good to the Tao without distracting thoughts, couldn't stop throbbing, even his breathing seemed to be suffocated.She didn't know that there was a man with such an outstanding appearance in the world, and it was not too much to be shocked by heaven and man. She even thought that it would be difficult to find such a good-looking man after searching all over the heavens!

Piaoluo was still in a drunken frenzy, waving her arms wildly, muttering in her mouth, "Eat master, eat, eat, eat... eat you..."

Xinghua leaned over, put his arms through Piaoluo's knees, picked her up, turned around and walked into the room.

Yu Rong regained her senses in amazement and aphasia, watched Xinghua enter the room with Piaoluo in her arms, and hurriedly followed in.

Xinghua went straight into the bedroom and put Piaoluo on the bed, Yu Rong said behind him: "I'll fetch water."

"No need."

Xinghua turned to look at Yurong, his face was like the surface of clear water without wind and trace, his leisurely and cold voice was very alienated, "Miss Yurong sent my little junior sister back, I am very grateful. You should send the girl home in person, but Piaoluo can't leave anyone at the moment, I trouble you to ride home on the horse alone, I hope Miss Yurong will forgive me."

Hearing Xinghua say such a long speech, and looking at her again, Yurong heard his voice clearly, it is indeed a very nice male voice, it makes people want to listen to it, not tired of it. Not greasy.

Yurong looked at Piaoluo, and quickly returned her gaze to Xinghua's face, "Master, you don't have to be so polite with me. I have a good relationship with Piaoluo. I feel sorry for her drunk today. Why don't I stay and take care of her?" Well, I'm a woman, so it's more convenient to take care of her."

"Need not."

Piaoluo on the bed couldn't lie down at all, got up from the bed, and continued to get drunk, "Master, I want Master, Master..."

Xinghua turned around and pressed Piaoluo back on the bed, stretched out his hand to pull the quilt to cover her, "Piaoluo, sleep well."

"I want master, master. I eat... eat eat eat..."

A fairy light flashed in his pupils, in order to avoid Yurong's suspicion, Xinghua quietly fixed Piaoluo's body, only allowing her arms to swing back and forth, stood up and looked at Yurong who had never left behind.

"Miss Yurong, please."

"Master, I think it might be more appropriate for me to take care of Piaoluo, and it can save me from feeling guilty about her. Do you need to..."

Xinghua walked out of the room without saying a word, he doesn't need others to take care of his... Piaoluo.

Yurong had no choice but to follow Xinghua out of the wooden house.In the courtyard, there is already a white horse waiting.

Xinghua walked to the side of the snow-white horse, and said to Yurong, "You just need to let go of its rein when you get home, and it will find its way back."



Seeing that she couldn't convince Xinghua, Yu Rong got on the horse, and the moment the horse's hooves were about to leave, she looked at Xing Hua and asked, "I wonder if Yu Rong can take the liberty to ask, master, you are Piao Luo's master, not a senior brother." ?”

"Miss, have you ever seen a master who would allow his disciples to mess up their seniority so much?"

"This..." Yu Rong said, "I have never seen it before."

"Thank you girl today."

After speaking, Xinghua stepped into the room without further words.

The white horse briskly ran out of the wooden house compound, and ran down the mountain with Yu Rong.

The wide sleeves of Xinghua under the verandah waved past, and an invisible light immediately enveloped the wooden house, and the mansion instantly disappeared in the forest, without a trace to be found.

Thinking of Piaoluo in his heart, Xinghua rushed into the house with a few steps, took a cup of tea and walked into the bedroom, untied the body-holding technique on her, leaned over to help Piaoluo, and blew a breath of fairy air into the water cup, thinking Feed her hangover tea.

But once the immobilization spell on Piaoluo disappeared, she became dishonest. She twisted her body in order not to be restrained, and almost knocked over the teacup in Xinghua's hand twice with her waving hands.

"I want my master."

Piaoluo stepped on the ground with both feet, "I'm going to find my master."

Xinghua held her back, isn't he right here, where else would she want to find him?

"Piaoluo, come drink tea."

"I don't want you. I want my master, I only want my master." The drunken Piaoluo shook off Xinghua's hand, "I want to find my master and husband."

Xinghua found that she really couldn't talk to a drunk person, she didn't listen to a word he said, she couldn't even recognize his face when she was so drunk, but she knew very well who she wanted to be by her side.

"Piaoluo, take a good look at who I am?"

Hearing these words, Piaoluo swayed her body and squinted her eyes to get closer to Xinghua's face, looking and looking, "Ah, I know who you are now. You are the master, haha, you are my husband." , Piaoluo reached out and hugged Xinghua's neck, "Husband."


"Husband, please answer me."

Xinghua raised one hand to support Piaoluo's waist, "I will answer you after you drink this glass of water."

Piaoluo turned her head to look at the water in the glass, and she didn't know if she remembered the sake tea that Yurong gave her this afternoon, or if she didn't want to drink it at all, so she kept shaking her head, "No."


"I don't want to drink. Ah, by the way, my husband, I'll sing for you." Piaoluo giggled, "It's absolutely delicious, just listen."

So, a female music voice with no instrumental music, no score, and no words came out from the wooden house by the holy lake. It was said that the music had really flattered her, but the uneven voice made people feel that the voice was reluctant. It is quite difficult to say that he is singing.

"Ah ah ah ah."


"Yiyiyi Yaya Yaya."

Xinghua sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Piaoluo who was singing in the room and suddenly laughed. Is this what she meant by singing to him?The singing of the fairies in the fairy world is pleasing to the ears. With her voice, she can really howl away ghosts.

"Okay, Piaoluo, the singing is over, let's have tea."

Piaoluo waved her hand, her sleeves fluttering, "I haven't finished singing yet. Wait, Master, I'll dance to you again."

Xinghua really didn't want her eyes to be poisoned while her ears were being tortured, so she reached out to pull Piaoluo, but before she touched her, the excited woman dodged deftly, dodged his hand, and ran out of the bedroom , the bell-like laughter made the corners of Xinghua's mouth twitch.

" can't catch me, husband, you can't catch me."

This drunken madman who is having fun, worry!
Xinghua followed with the teacup in her hand, the excited Piaoluo seemed to think that Xinghua was playing with her, and avoided him everywhere, and ran away when he walked by, with a light figure and a pleasant smile , Xinghua suddenly stopped forcing her to drink hangover tea.For more than a month, I seldom played with her, and I haven’t seen her so happy for a long time. In the Xinghua Palace, when the Tianyin was not opened, I could see her happy like a little mouse all day long. Yesterday, in the blink of an eye, she became an adult, worried about him, and learned to be more defensive.But today, she was really careless.Sake tea is said to be tea, but it is actually brewed with sake, the spirit of the wine has not completely dissipated, she is an idiot.Fortunately, Yu Rong was not boiled with Qingxiong water wine, otherwise Qingxiong who has the effect of realgar would make her show her original shape, her sky seal is Jiuwei Tianluo, and Jiuwei flew open to show her real body Her temperament is mainly snake-like, supplemented by rat-like, and today's danger is dangerous. Even if a mortal can't hurt her when she sees her demon body, it's not a good thing.


Piaoluo poked her head out from behind the tree in the yard to look at Xinghua, "I'm here."

"Be careful to be caught by me."

"Come here." Piaoluo deliberately flew past Xinghua's eyes with her skirt, and landed at the end of the veranda, "Haha, you didn't catch me."

Xinghua flew the porcelain cup in his hand to the table in the room, followed Piaoluo's figure with his eyes, "Wait and see if I can catch you."


Xinghua, who took the opportunity to play with Piaoluo, deliberately almost caught her every time, making Piaoluo more and more happy, and listening to her laughter, Xinghua's mood became much lighter.

(End of this chapter)

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