Chapter 76: Learning Chinese Characters (2)
Xinghua returned to the house after Piaoluo left, and when she entered the fasting room late at night, she saw Piaoluo's writing.

Looking at the handwriting with his fingertips, he really taught it by himself, and her handwriting is almost a third like his.

"Biwu is just falling, the osmanthus is spewing out, and the water on the pond is just withering. The needle-throwing man is reuniting. The building of joy, the dew of the first month is high."

"Spiders are busy and lazy, tired of plowing and weaving, making no effort to make ancient and modern anecdotes. The world is just like the next year, and I am afraid that the sky will only be overnight."

Xinghua chuckled, heh... little goblin, have you been sad, disappointed and suspicious of our relationship in just a few days?
In Yurong's hut.

Although she followed Yurong to her home, Piaoluo's heart was not on her at all, she sat by the window looking out at the yard with her chin in her hands, and didn't talk to Yurong who was busy making second meals for the she-wolf. .

It wasn't until late at night that Yurong came over voluntarily after finishing her work.


"Does Piaoluo drink tea?"

Piaoluo looked back at Yurong slowly, shook her head, "Don't drink."

Yurong smiled and said, "You are really different from your elder brother in habits. He loves to drink tea and is very knowledgeable."

Hearing Yurong praise Xinghua, Piaoluo couldn't tell what she felt in her heart, she must be angry, that is her master, the man she likes, he is good, she has always known.Listen to it happily, but you are obviously not happy that they are walking very close. If you really want to quarrel with Master, there is nothing between him and Yurong. They are just playing chess, drinking tea and meditating together. After a while, they will be together Wrote a poem about Magpie Bridge Immortal, what can she say to Master Xingshi?It seems that they are all very ordinary things, and they are all done under her nose. Is she really trying to make trouble for no reason?
"Piaoluo, it's getting late, let's rest earlier."

Piaoluo nodded, "Yeah." Seeing Yurong cover the lunch box, she asked, "Have you prepared everything for the wolf cubs tomorrow?"


Yurong washed her hands, walked to Piaoluo, and smiled slightly at her, "The wolf cubs have grown up a lot, I guess if there are no accidents, they will all survive. Besides, the medicine I give to the female wolf every day The juice worked, and I rubbed it every day, and its breast milk began to fill up, and you didn't see how happy those cubs were eating."

breast milk?

Piao Luo recalled her previous pursuit, when she gave birth to ten or eight litters of cubs, she didn't worry about them running out of milk, so she asked her master for big breasts, and Yu Rong in front of her knew how to rub and press to promote lactation?
"Hey, how did you knead the she-wolf?" Piaoluo became interested, "Teach me too. If I have cubs in the future, maybe I can use it too."

Yu Rong froze for a moment, her cheeks suddenly flushed red.

"Piaoluo, do you still be with your master?"

Piaoluo waved her hand, "Don't mention my master in front of me now, I don't want to hear his name."

"Piaoluo, what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, just teach me how to press it."

Yu Rong thought for a while, but she didn't think it was too difficult, so she nodded, "Okay. Let's sit on the bed."

On Yurong's embroidery bed.

Piaoluo and Yurong sat facing each other, Yurong was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw Piaoluo's serious appearance, she gradually relaxed herself, and gently rubbed her soft breasts through her clothes, rubbing her breasts as she went. Tell her some pressing positions and strengths that need attention...

the next day.

When Yurong went up the mountain, Piaoluo walked very slowly. Yurong thought she was not strong enough, so she led her all the way to the top of the mountain.Fearing that she would not want to leave when she saw Xinghua, Yurong sent Piaoluo to the door and said, "Piaoluo, you go home first, I'll come to you after delivering the food for the wolf cubs."


Back in the wooden house, Piaoluo didn't know what she was going to do.

Xinghua's figure appeared when Piaoluo lowered her head and entered the bedroom. He stood in front of her, "Don't go to sleep elsewhere at night from now on!"

As a result, he didn't sleep well all night, he was so empty without her around him, he was so unaccustomed to it, he almost stole her back from Yurong!

Piaoluo sideways walked around Xinghua, "Let's go."

Xinghua grabbed her wrist, "I don't allow it!"

Piaoluo, who was already suppressing anger in her heart, stared at Xinghua, "I don't want you to care!" After speaking, she shook Xinghua's hand vigorously, and walked out of the room quickly.

After Xinghua walked out of the room, Piaoluo had disappeared. He searched for her inside and out, but there was no one around.What a short-tempered little girl, she trusted Yu Rong so much before, but after only a few days, she just acted resentful that he did something wrong to her, and really didn't believe him at all.So impatient, what will happen in the fairy world in the future.


Xinghua sighed softly, it’s good to use the matter of Yurong to grind her temper, growth always requires personal experience to be able to remember deeply, let her remember not to trust a person completely easily, and also let her learn to face things You have to control your emotions from time to time, otherwise, if others notice something, you will only add a lot of unnecessary trouble to yourself, especially, let her remember not to mistrust him!
However, Xinghua underestimated Piaoluo's temper.

There was no sign of Piaoluo for the whole morning. After Yu Rong came back from the wolf den, she stayed in the wooden house and stayed by Xinghua's side. Piaoluo's disappearance made her mistakenly think that she deliberately created a chance for her and Xinghua to be alone. , I am very grateful to Piaoluo in my heart.

"Master, I found that the air on the mountain is better than that on the mountainside, and the scenery seems to be more pleasing to the eye. I think..." Yurong observed Xinghua's expression carefully, "Move to live on the mountain."

She thought that after hearing her words, he must have expressed something.The courtyard of this wooden house is deep and there are many rooms. He and Piaoluo live in a very large house, and it is not a problem to live with her alone.If she could really live here, it would be much more convenient for her to discuss Zen with him every day, and it would also be convenient for her to take care of his daily life.

Xinghua drank his tea expressionlessly, seemingly not hearing Yurong's words, and after a while, said softly, "This playful little guy."

After finishing speaking, Xinghua put down his teacup, got up and went out to look for Piaoluo.

Yurong looked at Xinghua's back, put down the porcelain cup in her hand and followed, just about to ask him what he thinks about her living on the mountain, when Piaoluo came back from the courtyard kicking pebbles.

"I'm hungry." Piaoluo walked to the steps in front of Xinghua, looked up at him, and looked not polite at all.

Xinghua looked at Piaoluo, there was a slight anger in his eyes, if he didn't look closely, it was hard to notice, after a while, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen without saying a word.

Piaoluo grinned, followed Xinghua back into the kitchen, and the master and apprentice seemed to have only each other in their eyes since they met, which made Yurong a little embarrassed, as if she was like a transparent person generally.

In the kitchen, Piaoluo followed Xinghua, watched him reheat the soup that he didn't know when he washed his hands, and clicked his mouth twice with greed. Hua saw.


Xinghua raised his hand to touch the top of Piaoluo's head, rubbed it twice, "Don't play outside alone for so long in the future."

"It won't be dangerous." You won't appear even if there is danger, you can only see Yurong now.

Looking at Piaoluo's dissatisfied expression, he could guess what was in her heart even if she didn't say it out loud, Xinghua said helplessly, "What if."

"Are you worried?"

"What do you say?"

Piaoluo pursed her mouth, "Don't ask me back every time, I want you to answer directly."


Piaoluo's expression was stubborn for a while, but she couldn't hold back anymore, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she smiled.

"Husband..." Thinking that there are outsiders in the family, Piaoluo hastily stopped addressing Xinghua, "I'm confused. Senior brother, dish."

"You go outside and wait, you can eat soon."

Really not hungry and refused to go home.

Piaoluo was probably really hungry, so when Xinghua turned to serve the soup, she stretched out her hand to pick up the peanuts in the frying pan, and before she even touched the peanut kernels, she was scalded by the heat in the pan.

"Ah. It's hot."

Xinghua, who was busy making soup, put down the soup jar in his hand when he heard the sound, turned around and pulled Piaoluo's reddened fingers, and scolded her in a low voice, "Greedy and playful, it's definitely not worry-free." He said, Pulling Piaoluo's fingers to her mouth, the soft tip of her tongue gently licked her hot red spot.

There was a cool feeling on her fingertips, and Piaoluo's face was flushed with crimson. It seemed that Master really cared about her, as if she wasn't snatched away by Yurong.

Coincidentally, Piaoluo turned her back to the door, and Yurong didn't see her expression at all, but took a closer look at Xinghua's expression, and when she saw his tongue licking Piaoluo's fingers, Yurong by the door Suddenly startled in my heart, I quickly turned my back to avoid what I saw, and leaned my back against the wall outside the door.Impossible, she must have misunderstood, Piao Luo's senior brother's love for her is just the love of a senior brother for a senior sister, and it must not be the love between a man and a woman.Her senior brother knew that what she admired was her master, so he would definitely not have any unreasonable thoughts about her.However, he was really gentle towards Piaoluo, she had seen that caring and extremely gentle look in his eyes twice.

"Does it still hurt?"

Hearing Xinghua's voice asking Piaoluo, Yu Rong slowly turned around and looked into the kitchen. The two people in the room had returned to their usual appearance.

"Very hungry, very hungry."

Xinghua glanced at the fried peanuts, "Okay, I'll cook boiled fish for you and then we'll eat."



Hearing that Xinghua was making boiled fish, Yu Rong at the door walked in, looked at Piaoluo and said, "I am very good at boiled fish, why don't I cook it for Piaoluo, try my handicraft, it's a fresh change ah."

Piaoluo, who has no resistance to food, naturally would not object, and Xinghua is not a person who cares too much about these trivial matters. Yu Rong took the initiative to take the things in his hand, and he didn't say anything.Just looking at Yurong's skillful cooking, Piaoluo's original recovery mood is not beautiful anymore, Yurong can do everything, she can't do anything, Yurong will take care of Master everywhere, but she can only quarrel with Master.

Seeing Piaoluo's unhappy look, Xinghua thought to herself, she still spent too little time with him, or in other words, after she understood her feelings for him, the time they spent together was too short, and there was no difference in life and affairs. She has learned to be smooth and mature, and now she has touched the most difficult feeling to control. She has no sense of security everywhere. He doesn't blame her, and he can fully understand her and tolerate her, but he can't stop worrying about her, so young and tender How can she stay with him in the fairy world forever.But it would not be feasible to leave her alone in the Antarctic Misty Peak.She couldn't live without him, and he wasn't used to her absence.


Piaoluo didn't hear Xinghua's call, she lowered her head and continued walking.

Worth mentioning.Have a good talk with her later in the evening.Xinghua thought, tonight she is not allowed to go to Yurong's place to rub the bed again.

on the lunch table.

Yurong kept picking up vegetables for Xinghua, and occasionally some for Piaoluo, but Piaoluo didn't know where the thought came from, and she even counted the number of times Yurong put vegetables for her and Xinghua.

Five times for her, eleven times for Xinghua.

Piaoluo chewed what was in her mouth and thought to herself, the amount has more than doubled. For someone whose master doesn’t eat, it’s a waste to give him so much. She, who is so hungry that her chest is on her back, should eat more. It is estimated that her breasts are now a little thinner from hunger, and she can't raise a litter of cubs without the master's help.

(End of this chapter)

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