Chapter 79
After waiting for a while, Piaoluo whispered: "It can only be you."

"Of course it's just me!"

In the emerald morning light, Xinghua hugged Piaoluo and watched the mountains become brighter by the lake, enjoying their carefree time, and the years seemed no longer as sad as before.

When the last ray of morning glow drifted away from the sky, Xinghua and Piaoluo returned to the wooden house.

"Oh." Piaoluo suddenly remembered that she had trapped Yu Rong with a barrier, and hurriedly walked towards her wing, hoping she didn't wake up.

After breaking the barrier outside the door, Piaoluo knocked on the door.


"Yurong, are you up yet?"

Piao Luo was secretly thankful that Yu Rong didn't wake up, when she heard a slight voice from the room, it seemed to be calling her, she hurriedly opened the door and walked in.


Yu Rong sat on the bed with a pale face, looking very weak.

Piaoluo walked to the bed and supported Yu Rong, "What's wrong with you?"

Yurong shook her head, "I don't know, I wake up in the morning and feel uncomfortable all over, I don't have any strength at all."

"Lie down first. I'll ask Senior Brother to come and see you."

After last night, Piaoluo didn't worry about Xinghua and Yurong anymore, Master's heart has never left her, so why should she worry?
Yurong shook her head resolutely, "No! Piaoluo, I have to get up, I have very important things to do today."

Piaoluo persuaded her a few words, but she still couldn't hold back Yurong who suddenly became very stubborn. After helping her put on her clothes, she helped her out of the room.What puzzled Piaoluo was that even if it was Xinghua's breakfast, Yurong refused to eat it and insisted on going back to her home.

Helpless, Piaoluo had no choice but to send Yurong home.

Xinghua took a closer look at Yurong, and seemed to understand something. She was not sick, but was absorbed by the enchantment laid by Piaoluo. , her magic is even more not the pure fairy school, how can the mortal body withstand their enchantment.Then he said to Piaoluo: "Just wait a moment, I'll go get the horse."

Piaoluo nodded.

After Xinghua left, he told her the reason of Yurong's illness through sound transmission using the fairy technique, and told her not to cast spells on Yurong again, so as not to hurt her more.

For a moment, Piaoluo felt quite sorry for Yurong.

In the front yard.

Piaoluo helped Yurong get on the horse, and with Xinghua's help, she herself sat on the big white horse he had pulled out, holding the rein with both hands.

"You don't have to do anything, it will take you down the mountain. If you need anything, call me." Xinghua told Piaoluo immediately.

"Well. I'll go then."

"Come back sooner."


Xinghua stood in the courtyard and watched Piaoluo send Yurong down the mountain, he never expected that this farewell would cause Piaoluo to part with him for a long time.When he saw her again, she was already covered with scars, and the pity and pain for her penetrated to the deepest part of his heart, almost extending into his bones.

Piao Luo sent Yu Rong home, originally wanted to take care of her to have a good rest, but Yu Rong kept packing her homemade pills and various dried herbs.

"Yurong, what are you doing?"

Yu Rong put all the medicines she had made into a bag, tied them up, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, and said to Piao Luo with a little panting: "I have to go out of Antarctic Misty Peak once a year. The medicines made are sent to the mortal world to relieve those poor people who are too poor to hire a doctor. Today is the day I agreed to meet with my benefactor. I must send these things out, and he will distribute them to those who need help. people."

"Why are you so sick?"

Yurong shook her head, "No matter what the situation is, rain or shine. It's been more than ten years, and I haven't missed an appointment once, and I certainly can't today."

Piaoluo supported Yurong, she was so ill, let alone going to the mortal world, even walking out of Misty Peak in Antarctica would be difficult.

"Yurong, can't we go tomorrow?"

Yurong shook her head.

Feeling sorry for Yurong, Piaoluo frowned and made a decision.

"Yurong, tell me, where are you and your benefactor meeting, what does he look like, you give me the burden, and I will send you the Misty Antarctic Peak."

Yurong looked at Piaoluo, "You? Can you?"

"Of course. There is my senior brother's horse outside the house. I will send it there much faster than you."

Yurong thought for a while, then handed the bag to Piaoluo, "At the western end of Misty Peak in Antarctica, you will see a bamboo forest. Don't worry about the intricate paths in the bamboo forest, you just need to follow a path paved with black stones all the way. Go, there is a small town at the end of the road, by the pond outside the town, the benefactors who have helped me do good deeds and taught me how to practice for many years will be waiting there."

Piaoluo put the burden on her back and nodded, "Understood. You have a good rest at home, and I will definitely deliver the things for you."

Yurong nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Piaoluo."

"Okay, I'll help you lie down first."

After securing Yurong, Piaoluo walked out of her hut, led the white horse for a distance, and glanced back to make sure that Yurong couldn't see her, then cast a spell to melt the white horse, and flew into the air, heading towards the Antarctic Misty Peak. to the west.

Don't worry about it, it's really much faster to fly with the fairy method. It didn't take long for Piaoluo to see the bamboo forest at the west end of the Antarctic Misty Peak that Yurong said. According to her instructions, she flew along the black path, and she came out of the bamboo forest in a while , a bustling town appeared in front of my eyes.

At a glance, Piaoluo didn't find the small pond that Yurong mentioned, she stopped while flying under the law, and stood gracefully in the air, carefully checking the situation on the ground.

small pond... small pond...

Piaoluo's eyes fell on a small silver disc, there seemed to be a glowing water surface in the distance, it should be there.

Thinking of being in the human world, some mortals would inevitably see her flying around in the sky, and Piao Luo used teleportation to appear beside the small pond.The pool is a small pool, but I just haven't seen the benefactor that Yu Rong mentioned.Ordinarily, Yu Rong had remembered to send things today for more than ten years, so her benefactor should not have forgotten, but why didn't anyone see anyone waiting here?Could it be that she came too early?

Piaoluo held the bundle in her hand, and waited alone by the pool for the benefactor that Yurong spoke of.

At the entrance of the town, a handsome young man in a gray gown walked steadily towards the small pond outside the town. He saw a figure of a woman by the pond, with the corners of her mouth slightly upturned, but his pace did not speed up, as if he was very I am sure the woman will wait patiently for him.

The closer he got to Piaoluo in pink clothes, the more leisurely the man's steps were, but when he got close enough, he saw the green dragon and green heart hairpin on Piaoluo's head, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

how come!
How could there be Xinghua's divine hairpin on her head?

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Piaoluo turned around with her bundle in her hand, saw a handsome young man standing a few steps behind her, and smiled slightly, "Are you Yurong's benefactor?"

The handsome young master looked at Piaoluo in surprise, and looked at her in does she look so similar to that her?The only difference is that she looks more mature than her, with a natural seductive look between her brows and eyes, and her figure is much taller than her, as if she looked like an adult when she grew up.And the green dragon and bixin hairpin on her head, is it an imitation?It's almost real.

"Girl, you... what's your name?"

Piaoluo said softly: "Piaoluo, Yurong is very unwell, I will bring you something for her."

Hearing Piaoluo say her name, the young man in gray seemed extremely excited, and suddenly smiled and took a few steps towards her, "Piaoluo! Is it really you? I'm not dreaming, I actually met you in this place gone."

Seeing the man she had never seen approaching her, Piaoluo was slightly refreshed, "Master, do we know each other?"

"I'm... oh, look at me careless."

The man suddenly recited the formula, and in the blink of an eye he became another person, a person Piaoluo knew.


Piaoluo was amazed, how could it be Duanyan?

"Piaoluo, I'm Duanyan. Don't you remember?"

" are Yurong's benefactor?"

Duan Yan nodded, "I once saw her painstakingly cultivating when I was eliminating demons in the world. I felt that her pure heart was rare, so I gave some advice and help. She has a good understanding, a kind heart, and her practice is getting better and better. Later, she Said that she hoped to cultivate the ultimate mind Zen, I told her that if successful, she might be able to find the holy land of Taoyuan beyond the six realms, Antarctic Misty Peak. In fact, it was just that, but who knew that she had really cultivated it .”

"She told me before looking for Misty Peak in Antarctica that no matter where she is, whether she arrives successfully or not, she will give me something here every year today to help the poor. I think she has a kind heart, so I agreed. However, When I was a fairy, I didn't want her to see my true face, so I took on the appearance of a mortal son just now, and I will see her with that face every year since then."

Hearing that, Piaoluo looked at Duanyan's forehead. After he transformed into his true form, there was a red flame flower. She knew that red color was a symbol of entering the magic way. He stole Shahua Chi practice beads for her. On one point, she thanked him, and was willing to forgive him for pushing her into the prison of Wangxinhai, but the most important thing is to thank Master, if he hadn't eaten Shahua Chi Lianzhu into his body to eliminate the demonic nature, she would be with her now. He is also a man of magic.After becoming a demon, she will be at odds with her master forever, how could she be willing to do so!
"Yurong can't come today." Piaoluo handed the bundle in her hand to Duanyan, "Here you are!"

Duanyan glanced at the bundle in Piaoluo's hand, but didn't take it immediately, looked at her, and asked: "How do you know Yu Rong? She is in Misty Peak in Antarctica, if she didn't come out to see me, she would definitely not come out of the mountain, you Have you been in Misty Peak, Antarctica, haven’t you?”


It's not that Piaoluo didn't pay attention. Duanyan was originally a fire dragon from the immortal family, so he naturally knew about Misty Peak in Antarctica, and he was familiar with Yurong. Go there, she had an excuse to answer.

"Why did you go there?"

"You should know about the devil's heart."

Duanyan nodded.Letting go of Demon Heart, it is really not easy for her to survive such a big matter.

"I have caused such a big disaster, if I don't come to the Antarctic Misty Peak to avoid it, how can the people in the fairy world hate me?"

"Xinghua brought you here?"

Piaoluo nodded, "If Master hadn't sent me here, I wouldn't have been able to find that place myself."

"Then... does Xinghua live with you in the Antarctic Misty Peak?"

Piaoluo smiled and asked Duanyan, "There are so many things in the fairy world, and the devil's heart has been unsealed again, does the master still dare not be in the fairyland?" Then, she sighed softly, "I really believe that the devil's heart is lying People's lies, I'm afraid that the Six Realms will not be peaceful in a long time."

Looking at Piaoluo's worried face, Duanyan didn't answer her, not wanting to burden her even more.The rebirth of the devil's heart is really hard to relax. Although he is the left protector of the devil world, his heart is in the fairy world. It is only because he was poisoned by Manzhushahua that he changed the color of his sky seal but could not change his heart. Otherwise, she would not come to Yurong on time for her appointment.As for Moxin, he does have the hegemony to regroup and fight for the top again, his unwillingness, his desire.Look, his hatred, everything prevents him from giving up his plan to slaughter the fairy world.If you ask yourself, how should he deal with the bloody battle between the demon world and the fairy world that happened 50 years ago?Fire Dragon, the brave general of the fairy world back then, became the left protector of the devil world. Can he really destroy those fairies in the fairy world?

(End of this chapter)

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