Chapter 85 Why be angry? (2)
Looking at Duanyan whose eyes were full of hatred, Xinghua, who used to think that he was too impulsive and disregarded the laws of the fairy world, seemed to understand his feelings a little. I live in my heart and want to be with her, love, resentment, anger and ignorance are fate, and I can't help getting into my heart at all.One wrong step, every step is wrong, but she is willing to make more mistakes, just hope that time can be inseparable with her hand in hand.If it was the state of mind at the moment, he might really spare Duanyan's life and let him fly away with the mirror Zen, and never step into the fairy world or the East China Sea, and just spend a lifetime of leisure.

"All the things in the past are borne by me, and have nothing to do with Piaoluo."

Duanyan suddenly raised his voice, "Of course it has nothing to do with Piaoluo! Do you know why Moxin is so interested in her? If she wasn't your disciple, you thought she would be forced to feed Manzhushahua's Ten Thousand Years Spirit Seed by Moxin ?”

"I can tell you the location of the prison, but I have to remind you that if you don't have a good way to get rid of the manjusawa seeds in her body, I suggest you not go look for her in the prison."

Xinghua narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Moxin is not a fool. Piaoluo is in his hands. He knows that you will not ignore it. What they are waiting for is you to come to the door." Duanyan kindly reminded Xinghua, "The Demon Palace is no better than Xinghua Palace. If you can't rescue Piaoluo successfully, Moxin will treat her more cruelly, so it's better to put her in prison now."

"Thank you."

After speaking, Xinghua intends to leave.

"I remind you that you just feel that Piaoluo is innocent. If she disappears because of you, I think I will probably look down on you."

As an immortal capital who is unable to protect his own disciple, it is extremely ridiculous to let his disciple be robbed by Moxin to become "Mrs. Yazhai".

Xinghua's expression was indifferent, and he disappeared before Duanyan's eyes without saying a word. He knew that he was dissatisfied with him, and he never thought of getting his forgiveness. In his heart, he didn't need him to forgive himself. , he did nothing wrong.Now, it's just a pity because I understand his feelings for Jingchan, that's all.

On the way to the prison of the Demon Palace, Xinghua remembered what Duan Yan said, if he couldn't rescue Piaoluo, he really couldn't scare the snake away.The demon heart is so despicable that she even let her eat the spirit of Manjushahua, how can she break away from the control of the magic flower Manjushahua now?

After dark palaces and dark palaces, the top of Hei Lingling's magic palace prison was finally exposed. After easily avoiding the demon spirits guarding the prison, Xinghua sneaked into the prison, looking for Piaoluo.

Finally, in the middle of the labyrinth-like prison, Xinghua saw the magic vine cage where Piaoluo was imprisoned.The vines are transformed from the stalks of the magic flower Manjusawa, intertwining the branches to form a prison that only allows a person to stretch out one arm.

Piaoluo sat quietly in the middle of the prison, and the appearance of not shouting or making trouble made Xinghua, who was hidden in the air, feel distressed. She should know that she ate the seeds of Manzhushahua, so she was so indifferent because she believed that she would definitely come to save her ?


Piaoluo put her hand into her mouth, hoping to make herself gag, so that she could spit out the seed that Moxin forcibly fed, "Ahem!"

Tried several times without success.


Piaoluo gave up torturing herself, and sat in the prison discouraged.It's night now, and she hasn't been back all day, and she doesn't know if Master has gone to Yurong's house to look for her.Won't.Master probably wouldn't go, he knew that Yurong was sick, if she didn't go back, she would think she was spending the night at Yurong's place.If this is the case, wouldn't she have to stay here for another day?I really want Master to come and rescue her as soon as possible.


Xinghua was startled, looking at Piaoluo, did she feel that she was coming?

But soon, Xinghua heard Piaoluo's second sentence.

"Hey, it's useless to shout now, Master and the old man will definitely not be able to hear anything." Piaoluo lowered her head, and it was rare for her to do a good deed, but she did not expect to meet Duan Yan, a good deed turned into a bad deed, after returning, I don't know if the master will find her annoying, causing trouble every time, "I am obviously very careful, and I will do well, hey..."

Piaoluo's stomach began to play empty tricks, she touched her stomach with her hand, and said to herself comfortingly, "Okay, okay, don't make trouble, I know you are hungry, but the big devil won't give me anything to eat , I can't help it. We are not in Xinghua Palace now, and we don't have Master by our side, so we can't do whatever we want. Be good and bear with me. Master will definitely come to save me after a while. When I get home, I will definitely pester you Let him make delicious food."

Xinghua in the air looked at Piaoluo in the prison, his heart ached so badly, how could his little fairy have been wronged like this when he was by his side, if he wanted something to eat, he could just run in front of him and shout hungry. He didn't cook food for her right away. Ever since she had her in the palace, she had been eating all kinds of snacks and snacks for a long time, but now he had to starve in prison. He really wanted to...


The belly sang loudly for the second time, and Piaoluo rubbed her belly again.If I had known, she should have stuffed some food in her pocket when she went out, even if she was caught, she wouldn't be so hungry.

Piaoluo stood up from the ground and walked around the cell surrounded by vines, and found that there was no loophole to break, and each cell was only big enough for her arm to stretch out. It is known that there are spells on the vines to prevent the people in the prison from escaping.


Piaoluo finally couldn't bear it anymore, subconsciously called Xinghua, "Master, where are you, I want to go back to the palace."

Looking at it now, Xinghua Palace is actually not that bad, at least there is no tick there.Yin Shifu's daughter doesn't have the demonic heart of mood swings, she won't be imprisoned in a prison, she won't be given food or drink, at most she should pay attention to what she says and do, at worst she won't hear other family affairs.


Amid Piaoluo's sad voice, Xinghua couldn't help showing up.


When she first heard Xinghua's voice, Piaoluo thought she had heard it wrong, until she heard Xinghua calling her a second time.

"Piaoluo, it's me."

Piaoluo turned around suddenly, and after seeing Xinghua outside the cage, she walked towards him in surprise, "Master, is it really you?"

Xinghua stretched out his hands to hold Piaoluo's white hands that stretched out from the prison, "It's me."

"Master, I was captured here by Mo Yuan, the right protector of Demon Heart, and the Qinglong Bixin hairpin sank in a small pond, so hurry up and get it back."

"The Qinglong hairpin is with me." Xinghua asked, "How did the god hairpin fall into the water?"

"Mo Yuan threw a passing farmer into the pond. I flew over to rescue him. The old farmer's arm accidentally touched my hairpin. When I dived into the water to find the god's hairpin, he intercepted me."

Piaoluo looked around, "Master, I want to go back to the palace."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause, and at the same time, Xinghua and Piaoluo heard a laughing male voice.

"Okay! That's great! It really is the two masters and apprentices with deep affection." Mo Xin, who suddenly walked in from the prison cell, said with a smile, "I only caught Piaoluo for half a day, and she was put in the prison, Xinghua He just followed, he really is a good master who loves his disciples dearly. The Immortal Xinghua let me watch an affectionate play, and it seems that I should return a good show to you."

Piaoluo frowned, did Moxin regard herself as the bait to lure Master to take the bait?

Compared to Piaoluo's resentment, Xinghua seemed extraordinarily calm, looking at Mo Xin a few meters away, he was not afraid of him, only worried about hurting Piaoluo.

"Despicable and shameless!"

Piao Luo stared at Mo Xin outside the prison. She was handsome, but she had a bad heart, which made people particularly disgusted. Compared with him, she felt that she was good and made people want to marry back home all the time.

Xinghua shook Piaoluo's hand hard, and put her arm into the prison. The fairy light hidden by him gradually began to shine out, dyeing his body with a layer of fairy energy. The holy appearance made the devil's heart secretly Add more hate.

Moxin secretly tightened her curled fingers, and looked at Xinghua. He looked so wretched and evil, and it was because of his goodness that in Piaoluo's heart, he, the Supreme Demon Realm, even her master Not even a single finger of mine is good enough.Is he noble and elegant?He will tear off all his good looks, and let her see that no matter how powerful the Shangxian is, he is just a defeated opponent in front of his demon heart.

"Shangxian Xinghua usually teaches his disciples to curse like this?"

Xinghua smiled lightly, "I didn't teach her to swear. Yes, the other party is! People."

Moxin couldn't understand Xinghua's words, held back his anger, and replied, "That's right. Like, I can't satisfy everyone, because not all people are human!"

Piaoluo asked back, "Has Master Mozun ever satisfied others?"

He seems to be just satisfying himself, does he still pretend to be other creatures in his heart?
"Piaoluo. This deity knows that you still misunderstand me for the time being, it's okay." Moxin smiled and approached Piaoluo's cage, "I have plenty of time to clear up your misunderstanding about me. I believe that in the future, we will get along It's very harmonious. What do you think? The Immortal Xinghua."

Xinghua looked at Mo Xin calmly, and said, "I don't know much about Mo Zun. However, I am very sure of one thing."

"Oh? Which point?"

"I like to grab other people's things and take them as my own." Xinghua raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "It seems that this characteristic will not be changed no matter how much time passes."

Demon Heart laughed, "Haha..."

"In fact, this deity also wants to get rid of this problem, but who made Xinghua Shangxian's things always so charming and pleasing. Everyone will flock to them for peerless good things, but it's a little embarrassing that this deity Others are a little bit taller, so they can have these beautiful things."

Without losing his voice, Moxin's figure suddenly entered Piaoluo's cage, and walked towards her step by step, forcing her to cling to the cage wall made of manzhushahua vines.

"Piaoluo, this deity kindly reminds you, don't lean against the cage wall for too long, be careful that those vines will wrap around your body and suck up your nutrients."


Piaoluo screamed, jumped away from the palm that Moxin stretched out while talking, and looked at some evil-smiling Moxin a few steps away, why can he come in but the master can't?Could these vines sense friend or foe?

Mo Xin leaned leisurely on the vines, and chatted with Xinghua who was outside the cage like an old friend.

"Xinghua, look, we are old enemies. We have known each other for so many years, but this is the first time you have come to my magic palace. I am not stingy, so I have to treat you well no matter what." Moxin smiled, " You sealed me for 50 years, and your disciple came to my prison for such a short time, don’t you think it’s inappropriate? Oh, no! You don’t have to answer, I know, you must think this prison is too It’s not gorgeous enough. Alright! I’ll take you and Piaoluo to another place!”

Before Piaoluo had time to say anything, she suddenly felt a figure flashing in front of her, and immediately flew up into the sky.


Xinghua reacted almost as soon as Moxin moved, and when Piaoluo saw clearly, she was caught by Moxin and flew out of the Demon Palace, while her master followed them closely.

"You let me go!"

Piaoluo struggled hard, not wanting Moxin to touch her.

"Seeing your master come to save you, I got even more angry."

"I don't care if my master comes or not." Piaoluo didn't hide her devilish dislike, "I don't like you! I don't want to stay in the devil's palace, and I don't want to see you."

Mo Xin clasped her hands tighter and tighter, "It doesn't matter if you don't like it, as long as I like you here."

Piaoluo couldn't control her demon heart, she was so angry that she lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite his hand.Because she didn't like him from the bottom of her heart, she bit down mercilessly until she tasted a little bit of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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