Chapter 89 The Living Maze (2)
Piaoluo was so hungry that her eyes were dim, she shook her body and said softly: "Do you want your magic palace?"

Looking at the stubborn Piaoluo, Mo Xin stretched out her hand, but stopped in the air, because she saw her very guarded eyes, "You always talk so hard, men won't like it. Sometimes, if you talk softly, you will be less hurt." A lot of sins. For example, I can feed you."

Piaoluo wanted to refute the demon heart, but she really needed to eat, the temperature fluctuated from high to low, and she could not hibernate at all, and her physical energy consumption fluctuated. There is no evil heart imposed on her so much, even if it is to remove the demon roots in the spirit washing pool, it is not like this. I can't see the end, I don't know where the end is, and I don't know what the ending will be. No matter how painful it is in the spirit washing pool , She knows what is waiting for her, and what rewards she can get, and in the labyrinth of the devil's heart, except for death, nothing else covers her. Although she is not desperate, it makes people wait without a deadline.

"I can't believe you."

"Ha ha……"

Moxin suddenly pulled Piaoluo up quickly, and when she realized it, she had already arrived in Moxin's golden bedroom, a place where she could breathe freely without needing Duanyan's fire dragon ball to warm her body.

Piaoluo watched Mo Xin walk towards the palace gate, and at the door ordered the demon spirit who served him to prepare wine and food. She finally heard a word from Mo Xin that made her happy.

Soon, Mo Xin stood in front of a round table with tangy coriander and looked at Piao Luo, "Don't you want to eat?"

Piaoluo took a step forward, fell to the ground weakly, tried to stand up but felt powerless, Mo Xin watched Piaoluo try again and again with cold eyes, but didn't give any help.If she doesn't speak, he won't help her.How could a little demon who didn't even have a celestial status stand proudly like this in front of him, making him lower his figure to cater to her?can't do it!There was more and more Xinghua's shadow on her body, and she didn't learn anything else, but the arrogance that made his teeth itch with hatred had copied a lot of the past.Xinghua can stand out from the crowd because of his status and personal cultivation ability. Only such a man can become his opponent. As a woman, she doesn't need any other character except submitting to him.

After failing several times, Piaoluo recited the formula with the little strength left, and moved herself to the chair by the table in an instant, lying on the table weakly, even lacking the strength to pick up the chopsticks.Fortunately, she never thought about maintaining a dignified image in front of Moxin, so she just reached out and took a ball into her mouth, regardless of whether the food was poisonous or whether Moxin had tampered with it, just filled her stomach. is the key.

After swallowing a few balls without chewing much, Piaoluo felt that she was finally on the road to survival, picked up some other dishes with chopsticks, tasted them, and said, "Your palace cooking skills are good. tasty."

Moxin finally heard Piaoluo praise him, well, even if he didn't praise him directly, but everything in the devil world belongs to him, which is an improvement compared to her picking and rejecting everything in the devil palace.

"To your liking?"

Piaoluo nodded while eating, "Yeah."

Doesn't he know that when a person is hungry, everything tastes delicious, even porridge and cabbage are delicious.

However, Mo Xin, who didn't know why, became in a better mood, and even Piaoluo had a smooth meal, and it was rare for Mo Xin to sit by the side and watch her eat without saying a word. I have to admit that these days she She was really hungry in the underground labyrinth, the originally slender person became slender, and her complexion was not as good as before. If she could be as obedient as eating every day, then he wouldn't have to embarrass her.

After the meal was full, Piaoluo put down her chopsticks and looked at the plate in front of her. It was really like wind and clouds. If the master saw it, he would definitely make fun of her for not acting like a lady.

Mo Xin asked softly beside him, "Do you still want to eat in the future?"


"If you are obedient, the deity will not embarrass you."

Piaoluo asked, "What do you want to listen to?" She only listened to Master.

"Don't leave the magic palace."

Piaoluo has learned to be smart and doesn't directly confront the devil's heart. He said that it is his personal idea not to leave the devil's palace, but she will definitely return to Xinghua palace with her master. She won't stay here forever, what he wants to say Whatever he wants.

The silent Piaoluo made Mo Xin think that she was tempted, so she smiled a little, stood up and said to her, "Come with me."

Although Piaoluo didn't want to, she didn't disobey Moxin's will, and followed him into the bedroom.In front of a majestic cold iron gate, the demon heart activated the mechanism next to it, the gate slowly rose upwards, and a staircase that only allowed one person to pass appeared, leading to the ground. The demon heart glanced at Piaoluo and walked in front , take her down to the basement.

All kinds of gold, silver, jewels and peerless collections appeared in front of Piaoluo, she didn't understand why Moxin wanted to show her his treasury, to make her envious?That really disappointed him, he had no interest in these things, the only thing he wanted was to be alone.

Moxin casually picked up a finely carved jade article, and the transparent body was priceless at a glance, "You stay with me in the devil palace, and everything here is yours. In the devil world, I can give you whatever you want." You. If you like things from other worlds, as long as you want, I can bring them to you." A pair of deep black eyes looked at Piaoluo, "You just need to forget about Xinghua and concentrate on me. Yes, it's all yours."

Piaoluo looked at the things in front of her. If she lived in the demon forest, she would never have these things.Even if he is with Xinghua now, he will not give her these things, because he doesn't have them, and she doesn't need them, money is something outside of her body, too much of it will get in the way.What's more, the immortal family doesn't need money for food and clothing, and can turn stones into gold in the mortal world. For her, wealth is really useless. When she is with Master, she doesn't need to think about anything, just live a simple life.

"What use are these things to me?"

Mo Xin picked up a necklace and wanted to put it on Piao Luo's neck, but she dodged it, watching her standing a few steps away, Mo Xin frowned slightly.Still can't accept him?
Piaoluo thought how could she let Moxin accept her inner thoughts without angering him?

After turning around in the same place for a few times, Piaoluo made her voice as gentle as possible, neither aggressive nor contemptuous, "Master Mozun, do you know the duckling? The first thing the duckling saw when he opened his eyes Living creatures, they will treat her as a mother duck."

Moxin wondered why Piaoluo said duck.

"When I lived alone in the demon forest, I was timid and afraid of getting into trouble. I had no friends. Every day I thought about how to feed myself and survive. It was Master who appeared when I had nothing. He gave me something that I couldn't even dream of. The warmth and care of him. Now in my heart, no one can take his place." Piao Luohuan looked at the surrounding treasures, "Now what you want to give me, my master is capable of giving me, even better .but I really don't need to."

She remembered that in the sunny and warm season, Xinghua suddenly descended from the immortals.

Recalling all the days in the past, he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Although he was cold and cold, he had the most gentle eyes, his lips were full of words, and the spring was hanging in the sky.His voice is like the sound of nature, and his chuckle is hard to see, but he has the posture of "capturing the hearts of immature girls with a show, and thousands of beauties are lost for the king".

Once you see it, you will miss it forever!
Entering the fairy pavilion shallowly, talking about obsession and illusory, vowed to hold hands in front of the court, she will never leave, he will never abandon, forever!

"Are you sure, no one will be able to replace Xinghua?"

Piaoluo nodded.

Before she could blink, a light flashed, and she returned to the previous underground labyrinth.Reach out and touch the fire dragon ball in your arms, it's still there!

For the next five days, Piaoluo never saw Mo Xin come to her room again, and she had no way of knowing that it was Mo Xin who hugged her to her chest to warm her during the first ten days when it was the coldest.She only treated Mo Xin as a hostage to threaten Xinghua, but she didn't know that Mo Xin couldn't figure out her own intentions.When he was so angry with her, Mo Xin really wanted to kill her to vent his anger, but seeing her quiet and desolate face, he felt that it would be good to keep her. He has seen many beautiful scenery and treasures, and this is the first time he has seen her so beautiful. It is a sight to stay in the palace to watch.And what he couldn't be more angry about was the friendship between her and Xinghua, maybe it was a master-student, maybe it surpassed a master-student, no matter whether they admitted it or not, he hated to see their tenderness and dependence on each other. They are all alone and lonely, he is, so is Xinghua, every monster and fairy is, but why is he grateful that Xinghua is no longer lonely with Piaoluo? The sense of possession when they stare at each other makes him unhappy ,very!

Duan Yan walked back and forth anxiously in the magic palace.It's been five days, and another five days have passed, Piaoluo in the underground labyrinth must not be able to bear it, no, he can't wait any longer, the devil's heart doesn't go out, he can't get in, now he can only create things to induce.Lure him out, and then sneak in to rescue Piaoluo, she can't live in the magic palace, it's too pitiful.

late at night.

The main hall of the Demon Palace suddenly ignited a raging fire, and all the demons panicked to save them.

Duan Yan led the crowd to put out the fire in the burning hall, his clothes were burnt in several places, and his arms were injured in several places.

"Guardian Zuo, it's too dangerous here, you'd better go out and leave it to us."

"No need." Duan Yan said, "Hurry up and send someone to inform Dazun, let him come out in time, the fire is spreading towards his bedroom."


Duan Yan rushed into the side room of the main hall where the flames were even bigger, and his figure disappeared behind the fire.

When Moxin came from the bedroom, a huge fireball was thrown at the main hall of the Demon Palace, which almost burned the manjusawa in the sky, so the magic flower was damaged, so he immediately flew onto the stamen and began to cast spells to put out the fire.

In the underground labyrinth, Piaoluo was so hot that she couldn't breathe.

When she was in a daze and felt like she was going to die, she heard a footstep approaching from far to near while lying on the ground, stopped beside her, and then hugged her horizontally.

I know you will come, no matter how bad I am, you will definitely come to save me!

She whispered weakly, "Master..."

The "Master" made the person holding Piaoluo, who was enduring the burning pain in his body, slightly stiff.

Duanyan looked at Piaoluo who was unconscious in her arms, she really relied on Xinghua, she would think of saying his name when she was dying, Jingchan was the same as her back then, she would call his name when she was seriously ill, The princess's temper could not be restrained in front of him, she always treated him gently, practiced with him, did good deeds, and played together.

Piaoluo trembled all over, pulled back Duanyan's sanity, carried her and flew out of the maze.In order to prevent the demon heart from finding Piaoluo, Duanyan plans to send Piaoluo to the edge of the demon world. Although the source of the demon spirit there is not as strong as that of the Demon Palace, if Xinghua finds it, it will be much more convenient to take her away. In the hands of Mo Xin, there is always fear that many unexpected things will happen. If Mo Xin was not seriously injured, the days she was imprisoned would have been...

Taking advantage of the flames all over the sky to attract everyone's attention, Duan Yan wrapped Piao Luo with a piece of red brocade cloth, avoided the eyes and ears of all the demons, and quickly disappeared at the end of the magic palace, leaving the magic palace behind him at a distance. Only then did Yan dare to expose Piaoluo's head, making sure no one would find them, and flew into the air, rushing towards the edge of the demon world.

The cool wind was blowing on her face, Piaoluo trembled her thick eyelashes, she wanted to open her eyes but she didn't have enough strength, she could feel that she was flying, was it Demon Heart?Or did Master come to rescue her?Wanting to know who was with her, Piaoluo opened her eyes forcefully, and saw half of a knife-sharpened side face, with a pair of piercing eyes looking forward, with extraordinary seriousness in it.

(End of this chapter)

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