Heavenly Song, Three Lives of Love and Three World Tribulations

Chapter 91 Relieving the Spirit Seed for Her

Chapter 91 Relieving the Spirit Seed for Her (1)
Xinghua bent down, gently holding Piaoluo's cheeks with both hands, sticking her thin lips to her lips, sticking out the tip of her tongue, pressing against her teeth, spitting out her golden-green alchemy and feeding it into her mouth , pressed lightly with his fingertips, allowing his inner alchemy to slip into her throat.

"Siyin, it's done." Xinghua returned to his standing posture, "Let's release the spirit seed for her."

Hearing the sound, Si Yin turned around and looked at the woman on the stone, "Xinghua, what did you do?"

"Use my inner alchemy to protect her body."

Siyin and Duanyan were slightly surprised, did they condescend so much just to save her?

With Xinghua's millions of years of cultivation, Piaoluo, who was protected by the inner alchemy of the divine beast, woke up slowly, her breathing was much smoother, and she felt a steady stream of spiritual power being released from the position of the inner alchemy. The body gradually recovered a little strength.


Xinghua breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at Piaoluo, but because of the presence of Siyin and Duanyan, he had no choice but to suppress his desire to hug her.move.

When Piaoluo heard Xinghua's shout and saw his face, she couldn't tell what she felt for a moment, she just felt so sad, tears rushed out of her eyes.She waited for him for so long, no matter what abuse she received, she never gave up her life, but why was he not there when she missed him the most!Why Duanyan, not him!

The tears gushing out of Piaoluo's eyes instantly hurt Xinghua's heart, he knew that she was wronged, and he also knew that she had suffered too much, he knew it all.

I don't know if Piaoluo has resentment in her heart, but she never reached out to Xinghua, she just looked at him with tears.Back then when she came out of Wangxinhai's prison, she was so weak, even though Bai Yinshangxian and Taibaixing Lord were there, she insisted on hugging him, but now she had the strength to hold his hand but she was determined not to move.

Xinghua read her sadness at a glance, closed his eyes slowly, frowned, and clenched the hands in his sleeves tightly.

Siyin walked over from the side, and said to Xinghua: "It takes twelve hours for ten thousand poisonous insects to devour Manzhushahua's spiritual seed. We start now, and we must finish at this time tomorrow. During this period, we cannot let her What an accident."

Xinghua looked around the cave, and the fairy magic flew away from his fingertips. The entrance of the cave, which was originally a unique cave, was sealed, and the cold cave was divided into several stone houses.

"let's start."

Siyin nodded, and turned to look at Piaoluo. Her appearance of pear blossoms and rain made her feel helpless, but what had to be said had to be said.

"You are Xinghua's apprentice, right? I'm his senior sister, that is, your uncle. You now have your master's inner alchemy in your body, and the mana is enough to suppress the poison of the ten thousand poisonous insects. But even so, when the ten thousand poisonous insects When devouring Manjushahua's spiritual seed in your body, you will still feel... pain."

Hearing Siyin's words, it was not Piaoluo who spoke first.

Xinghua asked, "How much pain?"

Siyin looked at Xinghua and didn't know how to answer, "This... Junior brother, I have never experienced it. However, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. After twelve hours, she will be able to return to the fairy world, which is better than staying in the demon world."

Xinghua glanced at Piaoluo, and stepped aside, it seemed that this was the only way to release the confinement in her body.

Siyin spread out the palm of his right hand, and summoned his ten thousand poisonous worms by reciting the formula, held the poisonous insects to Piaoluo's mouth and asked her to open her mouth at the same time. Luo screamed, "Ah!" She opened Siyin's hand in horror, and sat up from the thick blanket.

"I don't want to eat bugs."

Xinghua hurriedly stepped to the side of the stone, his body just walked over, at first Piaoluo, who was stubbornly refusing to touch him, reached out and grabbed his sleeve, "Master, I don't eat bugs, I don't eat them."

Siyin looked at Xinghua holding Wandu Chong, where did such an ignorant disciple come from, there is no chance for others to eat this Wandu Chong, it can remove any toxins in the six realms, it is an absolute insect that cleanses poison, not to mention her day-to-day Poisonous insects cultivated daily.

Xinghua put his hand on Piaoluo's arm, and softly persuaded him, "Piaoluo, that bug is going to eat the seeds of Manjusawa in your body, it's not harming you, don't be afraid."

Piaoluo, who was frightened by the appearance of the ten thousand poisonous insects, couldn't listen at all, and her hand holding Xinghua became tighter and tighter. Siyin approached with the insect. Buried in the hollow of his shoulder, weeping and screaming.

"Ah! I don't want to eat that, I don't want to eat that."

Xinghua pulled Piaoluo's arm with both hands, trying to lift her out of her arms, but the harder he tried, the harder Piaoluo became, wrapping her tightly around his neck, no matter how much he persuaded her, she would not let go.

"Piaoluo, be obedient. Come on, don't be afraid."

"I don't eat, I don't eat."

Si Yin was speechless watching from the sidelines, it was the first time she had seen such a disciple.

Duanyan got a little headache from Piaoluo's voice, it's just a detoxifying bug, she just doesn't look at it if it looks a little ugly, if you repel it like this, you won't be able to leave the demon world.

Unable to pull Piaoluo away, Xinghua changed his way, wrapping one arm around Piaoluo's waist, and gently patted her back with the other palm, telling her the truth.

"Piaoluo, my uncle came from Lingxiao Shenshan to detoxify you. You scared her badly before you thanked her. Is that okay?"

"The Demon Realm is not a place we can look forward to for a long time. We can go back to Xinghua Palace only after we undo the Manjusawa's spiritual seed. Do you still remember the pain of Manjusawa's seeds devouring mana in your body after leaving the Demon Realm?"

Piao Luo's voice nodded Weng Weng, "Yeah."

"We'll only be in pain for one day this time, and we'll go back when the pain is over." Xinghua coaxed softly, "Go back and recuperate well, and I'll make delicious food for you."

"I want blue lotus seeds."

"it is good."

"I want chicken legs."

"it is good."

"I also want braised fish."

"it is good."

"I still want..."

Xinghua's voice became more and more gentle, "I'll make whatever you want, let's detoxify first, shall we?"

Hearing Piaoluo's order, Siyin and Duanyan looked at each other in blank dismay. This... what kind of strange way of master-student relationship is this?

"Okay, Piaoluo, let go, let's detoxify first."

Piaoluo secretly glanced at the Wandu bug in Siyin's hand, said ah in a low voice, and then buried her head in the hollow of his shoulder, her arms tightening him again.There seemed to be a bit of crying in the urn's voice, "I don't want to eat big meat worms, I don't want..."

"That's not a big meat worm. Piaoluo, look into my eyes, if you still don't want to eat after listening to me, can we just stop eating?"


Piaoluo looked up at Xinghua's narrow and deep eyes, and heard Xinghua say.

"That's candy, not bugs."

Xinghua smiled slightly, "Now take a look at what uncle is holding."

Piaoluo slowly turned her head to look, hey, the thing in the uncle's hand is really candy.

"Piaoluo, what did you see?"


"Eat it."


Both Siyin and Duanyan were laughing inwardly, Xinghua, you are so good at deceiving, you actually used the trick of mind-set to deceive your disciple, he instilled in her the understanding that what she was about to see was 'candy', no matter what it was actually Anything, in Piaoluo's eyes, there will be candy.

Jin Siyin flew the ten thousand poisonous insects into Piaoluo's mouth, Xinghua heaved a sigh of relief, finally he was half successful.

It didn't take long for Wandu Chong to find the Manjusawa Spirit Seed in Piaoluo's body, and began to nibble on it bit by bit.


Piaoluo clutched her chest in pain and lay down on the boulder, "It hurts!"

Xinghua knelt on the stone with one leg and pulled Piaoluo, who was writhing in pain, from the other side of the boulder to his side, frowned slightly and looked at Siyin, "Is there no way to relieve her pain?"

Si Yin shook his head.

"Master, I hurt."

Piaoluo, who was grasped by Xinghua's hands, didn't care about her image, and writhed in pain. The groaning sound from the twisted eyebrows and throat made Xinghua's heart pulled together, and she wished she could do it for her. pain.

Duanyan couldn't bear to watch Piaoluo's painful look, and walked to Xinghua's side, "Xinghua, why don't you let her go and let her go."

Looking at Dashi, Xinghua said: "Rolled twice and fell to the ground."

Seeing Duanyan who was seriously injured, Siyin walked up to him, "Don't worry about her, I'll check your injury."

Duan Yan smiled wryly, "My inner alchemy is gone, so why should I treat it?"

"It is because the inner alchemy is gone that it is better to heal your injury. Without the inner alchemy, you can still live if you are in good health. Although the use of mana is no longer the same as before, it is better than death from injury."

Xinghua turned his head to look at Duanyan, he thanked him for saving Piaoluo repeatedly, and said: "Siyin is right. I will take care of Piaoluo, Siyin, you can take care of Duanyan at ease."


Siyin supported Duanyan and walked towards the stone room next to him.

Siyin and Duanyan walked out of the stone room where Xinghua and Piaoluo were. Xinghua used a backhand spell to block the opening between the two rooms with a big stone, forming two closed stone rooms.

"He probably didn't want Piaoluo's cries to affect us." Duanyan explained Xinghua's way of blocking the door to Siyin.

Si Yin smiled slightly, used the fairy method to transform a bed out, supported Duan Yan to lie on it, and said in a very soft voice while healed his wounds: "I found her when I checked Xinghua disciple just now. Without fairy roots, do you know what's going on?"

"Piaoluo is not a fairy."

Si Yin was taken aback, "Not a fairy?"

Then why live in Xinghua Palace?

"Piaoluo is the apprentice Xinghua took in in the demon forest when she was slaying demons. She was still a baby when she was a teacher, and she was not yet an adult. He was picked up by Xinghua to the Immortal Palace."

"In the beginning, the fairy world didn't accept her, so Xinghua took her with all her strength. At the beginning, she caused a lot of troubles, and she didn't understand any etiquette. Xinghua invited Wenqu Xingjun to be her teacher. Confused, it took a lot of thought.”

Si Yin was puzzled, "He is a fairy, why did he accept a young demon as his apprentice?"

"Anyway, it's not because she is beautiful." Duanyan smiled.

"Really?" Siyin questioned.

"When Piaoluo was apprenticed to a teacher, her cultivation level was less than 10 years and she couldn't even transform into a human form. Do you think Xinghua can foresee her appearance?"

Siyin nodded, "That's true." Then he said, "Beauty is beauty, but there is no disciple."

Regardless of the difference between men and women, she burrowed into Xinghua's arms, crying and making noise.

Duanyan frowned slightly, endured the pain, and said slowly after the pain passed: "No wonder she. She followed Xinghua when she was so young, and no one else wanted to see her. In her life, Xinghua was the only one who Sincerely, he took care of everything in daily life. Even her adulthood was brought about by mana. She survived several times, and it was all Xinghua who protected her. You and I can't treat her at our current level , when we were only her age, we may not be able to bear it better than her." Duan Yan smiled, "Your poisonous insect is 80 years old, and she is not even one-eighth of your insect."

"I think you really like her."

"Siyin, Piaoluo may not be as kind as we are, but she is definitely a girl who will not take the initiative to hurt. I fought against the devil's heart, but she gritted her teeth because her muscles and bones were severely damaged, knowing that being caught by the devil's heart would hurt her. Even more cruel abuse still told me to abandon her. Do you think she is bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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