Chapter 93 Is Yours? (2)
"That's what you said. Maybe I'm not used to Xinghua accepting such a young apprentice."

Duan Yan walked slowly to the huge stone gate of the stone house, "Can I go there?"

"Uh... let's not go there." Siyin thought of Xinghua hugging Piaoluo, if they rushed over, wouldn't everyone be embarrassed.

Duanyan looked at Siyin, didn't say anything, seemed to understand, didn't seem to understand, he could feel that she didn't want to go there now, anyway, he wouldn't be in a good mood when he saw Xinghua, he just wanted to see Piao Luo's state, since she thinks there is no need to go, then let's not go.

For Xinghua at the last hour, the long time seemed to have stopped.

After an unknown amount of time, seeing Piaoluo's paler and paler face, Xinghua's heart tensed up, and he hurriedly passed on a voice.

Siyin, Piaoluo's complexion is not right.

Hearing Xinghua's voice, Siyin immediately cast a spell to remove the boulder blocking the door, glanced at Duanyan, and walked over a few steps before him. Xinghua was still holding Piaoluo, frowning, He kept wiping her sweat with one hand.

Seeing Piaoluo's expression suddenly, Siyin was also puzzled, it was supposed that such a situation would not happen, so he hurriedly checked Piaoluo without saying a word.

Soon, Siyin looked at Xinghua seriously, "The ten thousand poisonous insects have eaten the last part, but Manzhushahua's spiritual seed has grown into her veins. If it continues, she may..." Siyin paused For a moment, "I lost a certain function of my body. But if she doesn't eat it clean, she may be able to leave the fairy world today, and the remaining spiritual seeds will grow in her body, and a new seed will grow, and she will still have to return to the demon world." .”

Duan Yan was taken aback, "How could this happen?"

"The location where the devil's heart planted for her is too fine."

Siyin frowned, "Xinghua, hurry up and decide, continue or stop?"

"Can't you not damage her tendons?"

Si Yin shook his head.

"What will she lose?"

"I'm not sure, there's not enough time for us to hesitate. She may lose a hand, or a leg, or maybe, she can no longer see, or become dumb."

There was also a thin layer of sweat on Xinghua's forehead. No matter what Piaoluo lost, he couldn't accept it. She had already endured so much pain for it. If she was to lose the price of being a healthy person in the end , he would hate himself for hating the demon heart, and even more want to kill the demon heart immediately.

"Siyin, think again, is there anything that won't hurt her tendons. There must be a way."

Piaoluo's face had turned pale, and suddenly her body trembled, a mouthful of blood poured into her mouth, bright red blood began to flow out from the corner of her mouth, dripping down her chin onto her clothes.


Xinghua suddenly felt that all his years of practice were in vain. She was like a body fished out of the water. The pain was unbearable and he couldn't help her; now he couldn't stop vomiting blood, and there was nothing he could do.So useless, what on earth could he do for her?
When he was in a hurry, there was a flash of light and flint, and Xinghua thought of it.

Xinghua put the floating radish on the stone, looked up to the sky and chanted the formula, transformed into his own divine beast body, and pulled out a piece of golden-green dragon scale from his own dragon with sharp teeth.

Siyin exclaimed, "Xinghua!"

Xinghua turned back into a human form, with blood dripping from his arms, and holding a rare dragon scale that had been plucked out in his hand, and used the fairy method to turn the dragon scale into a section of fairy body tendons.

"Siyin, Duanyan, avoid yourself."

Siyin couldn't understand that Xinghua sacrificed himself so much for his apprentice.Knowing that time was too late, they walked to Duanyan's side. After the two turned their backs, they heard the sound of Xinghua tearing Piaoluo's clothes eagerly.

Looking at the slightly swollen skin on Piaoluo's chest, Xinghua used immortal techniques to melt the dragon scale tendons into Piaoluo's body, replacing the tendon with the manjushahua spirit seed, and the blood in Piaoluo's mouth continued to flow. When it came out, Xinghua doubted himself for the first time.

The ups and downs under the fair skin stopped, and Piaoluo seemed to no longer spit scarlet from her mouth.

Xinghua practiced the law and read the formula to change a new set of clothes for Piaoluo.

"Si Yin!"

Siyin turned around, looked at Piaoluo's body without saying a word, decisively used the method of guiding and guiding the ten thousand poisonous insects in Piaoluo's body, lured it out of Piaoluo's mouth, held it in the palm of his hand to look at it, and had a full meal.

Xinghua hurriedly leaned over to check Piaoluo's situation.

After confirming that Piaoluo's breath wasn't too bad, Xinghua calmed down a little, and gently helped her up, regardless of Siyin and Duanyan's presence, let her lean into his chest, and called her softly: "Piaoluo radish……"

Siyin put away the poisonous insects, "Junior Brother Xinghua, the Manjushahua Spirit Seed in her body has been removed, and don't worry, her tendons were replaced by you in time, without any damage."

"Then why didn't she wake up?"

"Even with your inner alchemy to protect her body, her own muscles and bones are seriously damaged. In addition, she has been tortured by ten thousand poisonous insects for twelve hours. It is not easy for her breath to be so strong." Siyin looked at Piaoluo "If you want her to fully recover, it will take three months at least, and a year at the longest. As for the problem of waking up, let's take it back to Xinghua Palace first, so as to recuperate, maybe one day she will open her eyes."

After finishing speaking, Siyin looked at Duanyan, what should he do?
Duan Yan said indifferently: "Hurry up and take her back, leave me alone, I won't die."

"You can't stay in the Demon Realm." Siyin looked at Xinghua, "The Demon Heart will definitely hunt him down."

Xinghua looked at Duanyan, who was seriously injured, and thought for a moment, "Take him to Xinghua Palace to recuperate." Then he looked at Duanyan, "Leave immediately after the injury is healed."

Si Yin smiled slightly, "Okay."

Xinghua's fingertips flew away, and the cave returned to its original appearance. A strong night wind blew in from the entrance of the cave, causing people's clothes to flip over.The cool wind made a thin layer of pimples on the skin, Xinghua Nian Jue summoned his cloak, shook it off, gently wrapped it around Piaoluo, picked her up horizontally, and flew out of the cave .

Siyin walked in front of Duanyan, "Duanyan, considering your status, we can't cause unnecessary trouble for Xinghua, I will change your face for you, and you can use the new look to recuperate in Xinghua Palace for the time being." .”

"I won't go." Duan Yan had a stubborn face.

Siyin persuaded: "Even if you don't like Xinghua, your body is always your own. I have to observe Piaoluo for a few days. Do you have the heart to run between me and the fairy world? I am willing. This demon world is full of demons. You Don't you worry about me?"


Siyin grabbed Duanyan's sleeve, "Okay. Let's go."

Duan Yan was pulled by Si Yin awkwardly, but he didn't resist too much. He changed his appearance and flew out of the cave with him.

Above the auspicious clouds, Siyin looked at the boundless starry sky and searched for Xinghua's figure, but he didn't even see a single hem of his clothes, "Xinghua flies so fast?"

Duan Yan smiled, "In his heart, the sooner he can take his little apprentice away from the devil world, the better."

Xinghua thinks that Xiangyun is too slow, so he directly uses spells to fly quickly. Siyin, who is soaring through the clouds and fog, will definitely not be able to catch up. Hurry up.

When Venus appeared shining brightly, Xinghua landed at the gate of Xinghua Palace, strided into the palace with Piaoluo in his arms, put her on the big bed in her boudoir, took off her outer clothes, covered her brocade quilt.His heart finally fell.

came back!Piaoluo, we are returning to the palace!

Xinghua held Piaoluo's hand and put it to his mouth, pecking lightly.Originally, she left Xinghua Palace to heal his wounds, but she didn't want to return to the palace with more serious injuries than when he left. Even going to Antarctic Misty Peak can cause such a thing, how can he dare to let her go? of?

After Siyin brought Duanyan to Xinghua Palace, Xinghua arranged them to the west building of Xinghua Palace, far away from where he and Piaoluo lived.

Because of Duanyan's changed appearance, Siyin took him into the Immortal Realm smoothly, and when he got to the door of the room, he told him to rest early, and turned around to see how Piaoluo was doing.

Beside Piaoluo's bed, Xinghua asked, "Siyin, is there any panacea for her recovery?"

"Junior Brother Xinghua, if there is such a panacea that you can eat as soon as you eat it, I would have given it to you." Siyin looked at Piaoluo, who had her eyes closed, "She was injured by the magic of the devil's heart. Moxin is not an ordinary demon spirit, her Dao foundation is not deep, and the current situation is considered good. However, we can boil some decoction of Ganoderma lucidum for her to drink, and pills for strengthening bones can also be given to her. She takes it."

Xinghua expressed his gratitude to Siyin, "Thank you this time."

"Hehe, why are you so polite to me?"

"You have been tired for a few days, go to rest first. Here, I will just watch."

Si Yin was puzzled, "Are you still planning to rest?"

He has guarded her for more than a day.

Xinghua nodded, turned and walked out of Piaoluo's room without saying anything.

Siyin found that Xinghua was always like this. Most of the time, he didn't like to speak out his thoughts. When he was silent before, Huaqiao could always understand his thoughts. It was also because she understood him that the relationship between the two of them That's why it's so good.

Ten days after Piaoluo returned to the palace, Siyin and Duanyan were in Xinghua Palace during the day, and the two went to see Piaoluo's situation every two hours. He was very busy, especially in the fairy world and the mortal world. He had spent a lot of time looking for the white-browed immortal in Lingxiao Shenshan, and the other five immortals had been dealing with it. He was busy with the rest of the aftermath, and he had to guard against the evil heart from attacking again. Only after returning to the palace at night could he stay by Piaoluo's bedside.

No. 11 nights.

Xinghua came in from outside the palace gate, went to Piaoluo's room to see her before taking a sip of tea, saw that she was still unconscious, frowned slightly, turned around and went to make ganoderma lucidum soup for her.

When Xinghua walked into Piaoluo's room with the ganoderma lucidum soup, Siyin was checking on Piaoluo's situation by her bedside.

"Xinghua?" Looking at the jade bowl in Xinghua's hand, "Did you boil ganoderma for her again?"


Si Yin stretched out his hand, "Let me help you feed her."

"It's still hot. Don't worry." Xinghua put the jade bowl on the small table next to Piaoluo's bed, "I'll feed it when it cools down."

"But you've been watching her for ten nights."

She knew every night when he came back, and every time he didn't have time to take a breather, the first thing he did was to come to Piaoluo's room to see her. The eagerness made her wonder whether his heart would be calm only when he was asleep. Missing his apprentice?
Xinghua fell into his own silence again, sitting beside Piaoluo's bed, looking at her indifferently.

Siyin stood beside Xinghua for a while, and saw a shadow flashing by the door, and it came out silently, it was Duanyan.

"It seems that he came back today later than before."

Siyin nodded, "Yes. Probably the situation in the mortal world is not good."

Duanyan and Siyin walked towards the west building slowly, "Siyin, Piaoluo has been in a coma for eleven days, when will she wake up?"

(End of this chapter)

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