Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 201 The first choice of ceremony, Coca-Cola

Chapter 201 The first choice in return, Coca-Cola
Just when Han Feng was vacillating, not knowing which kind of Tianting tourist ticket he should buy, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated, interrupting his thoughts all at once.

Well, why is this message coming again?Han Feng tilted his head, and exited the shopping area of ​​the reader casually, and then saw the information prompt that had been flashing in the upper left corner.

Then I clicked on it to take a look, and saw the prompt above: "First of all, congratulations from this reader, congratulations that your first work "Misunderstanding in Heaven" has been completed in this reader, and secondly, this reader needs to remind you Now, since your work has already been completed, according to the mandatory regulations on the second day of signing the contract with Tiandao, you need to return a gift to every immortal friend who has tipped or recommended you within 24 hours. Otherwise, the system will deduct all your tipping income. [Note: Before this reader considered that when you return the gift, I am afraid that there are not so many merit coins to send, so your income was released in advance to How about you, this reader is very humane! Haha.]”

Fuck, how did I forget this?Han Feng looked at the system notification on his phone, and only then remembered that he seemed to be returning gifts to those gods. If the system hadn't popped up a notification, he would have forgotten about it.

But, what gift should I return?Han Feng quit the Tianting Reader, and when he closed the phone, he hesitated a little. If he wants a magic weapon or a magic weapon, or a fairy fruit but no fairy fruit, what gift will he get in return?And you have to go back within 24 hours, isn't this a scam! ~
Or, just go to the supermarket to find something and go back there?Anyway, when I signed the contract last time, didn't the above say that no matter what kind of gift is returned, as long as it is a gift, it's fine!Finally, after thinking about it, Han Feng decided to go to the supermarket first. Anyway, as long as it is a gift that costs RMB, he can afford it no matter how expensive it is.

Afterwards, after tidying up briefly, Han Feng walked out of the gate with the car keys in hand.

Driving his own BMW X2, as soon as he got out of Menghu Mountain Villa, he went straight to the biggest supermarket in the city. He didn't even step on the brakes on the way. Soon, Han Feng drove the car to the entrance of the supermarket. After parking the car, he walked into the largest supermarket in the city.

Walking inside, Han Feng casually took a look around. As expected, it is indeed the largest supermarket in the urban area. It has a complete range of items. Basically, everything that can be bought outside can be seen here.

However, when it comes to returning gifts, Han Feng searched for a long time, but still couldn't find a suitable one. God knows what gifts to give, after all, these are just mortal things. Go back and spray yourself.

How about some food and drink?After thinking about it, Han Feng felt that if he gave some clothes, it would definitely not work. Those are all immortals, so how can they be fooled by these fancy things?
But eating and drinking are different. Now all the eating and drinking in the mortal world have played new tricks, such as drinks, barbecue, skewers and so on. Let alone those ordinary immortals, even if they are the God of Cookery, I am afraid. He may not have eaten it before, thinking about this, Han Feng couldn't help but nodded, and couldn't help but praise himself for his wit.

"Sir, what do you want to buy?" A salesperson in the supermarket watched Han Feng walking up and down in front of a shelf full of beverages for a long time, but couldn't help but leave without picking a bottle of beverage. came up and asked.

"Well, I need to buy a lot of drinks. I don't know which one is the cheapest and most affordable among these drinks?" Han Feng took a bottle of drink from the shelf and asked the salesperson.

The salesperson's forehead went dark, Nima, is there still a saying that drinks are cheap and affordable?This is not a fast food restaurant selection.

Although it is a bit strange, business is business after all. The salesperson quickly pointed to a 2L bottle of Coca-Cola on the shelf and replied: "Why don't you choose this one? The big bottle of Coca-Cola, 2L, only costs seven or five days. bottle, which is affordable and cheap.”

"How many bottles are there in a box?" Hearing the salesperson's answer, Han Feng couldn't help but took a bottle off the shelf and weighed it.

"Uh, there are about eight bottles in a box." The salesperson replied cheerfully.

"If I buy more, is there any discount?" This is the key point, Han Feng is a very frugal person.

"If there is a discount, it depends on how much you bought, sir. If you buy more, we can give you another [-]% off."

"I need a lot, at least three or four hundred boxes!" Han Feng frowned and counted silently in his heart, Nima, there are too many rewards and recommended immortals, and I don't know if three or four hundred boxes are enough?
Three or four hundred boxes?Is this Nima planning to sell drinks by herself?This is so unscientific, the salesperson was stunned, asking for such a large amount?Nima stock is not enough!
Afterwards, the salesman said hesitantly, "Boss, the quantity you want is too large. If you only want this Coca-Cola, we don't have enough stock! Or, can you choose another drink?"

Out of stock?Han Feng was stunned for a moment, but he was right when he thought about it. He only wanted one drink at a time, and he needed such a large amount. Even the largest supermarket in the urban area might not be able to satisfy him, unless he went to the factory to get it directly.

"Well, that's fine, if Coca-Cola is not enough, then use other drinks instead, but you have to deliver to my door."

"Okay, okay, no problem, door-to-door delivery is a must."

When the salesperson saw that the other party agreed to his proposal, how could he nod quickly? This is hundreds of boxes of beverages. If this is sold, will this month's bonus still be able to run away?

"Then stay here for a while, and I'll talk to our manager, and I'll issue you an order." After speaking, the salesman trotted away, and not long after, he came back with an order in his hand. Facing Han Feng, he said, "Boss, take this list and go to the front desk to pay the money. After paying the money, we will immediately load the goods for you. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay." Anyway, Han Feng didn't care, it was only about ten thousand yuan, and he didn't pay attention to this little money at all.

"Thank you, thank you boss for your understanding." The salesperson smiled and handed the list to Han Feng with an excited look on his face. To be honest, he was really afraid that if he opened the list on his side, the other party would run away Woolen cloth!
Afterwards, Han Feng took the invoice from the salesperson and went to the front desk to pay. The total amount was more than 4000. After a 2% discount, he only paid a little over [-] in the end.

After paying the bill, the salesman ran to the back of the warehouse and asked someone to load the goods. It took half an hour to load them.

"Boss, the goods have been packed. Look, where are they going to be delivered to you?" After counting the number, the salesman walked up to Han Feng and asked.

"Well, let the driver follow my car, my car is outside." Saying that, Han Feng shook his car key, turned around and walked towards his BMW.

Damn, is it great to be rich?Still eating whole grains, the salesperson looked at the BMW car key waving in the other person's hand, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dare to have any opinions on the surface.

Afterwards, the salesperson talked to the delivery driver, and the truck driver nodded, started the car, followed Han Feng's BMW X2, and drove towards Menghu Mountain Villa together.

After the goods were delivered to the door of Han Feng's small villa, the salesperson led the driver to unload all the drinks, greeted Han Feng with a smile, and then turned and left.

But before leaving, the salesman took another hard look at the small villa behind him, and his heart was full of jealousy, mother, why am I not rich?

PS: I recommend a book "Super God Live Broadcasting Room", a masterpiece of urban masters. Friends who like to watch live broadcasts can go and have a look. In addition, it is the end of the month, please donate and sprint! !
(End of this chapter)

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