Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 203 Han Feng Proposes Chapter Fees

Chapter 203 Han Feng Proposes Chapter Fees
Of course, if there are people who like it, there must be people who hate it. For example, our comrade Yuelao, after taking a sip of Coca-Cola, he was almost choked to death by the carbon dioxide gas in it, and he was so angry that he threw the bottle away. .

"Damn, what the hell is this? It sucks!" Yuelao, who had been choking heavily on Coca-Cola, took a long time to recover, and he kept complaining about Bai Jiahei, Nima, this is so special. What the hell is the return gift?How cheating!
It's a pity that Han Feng can't see this scene anymore. He is busy communicating with Wenqu Xingjun about the chapter fee.

"I said Xingjun, do you really stop thinking about it? This opening fee chapter is really interesting. Whether it is the writing fairy friend or the reader itself, you can earn more grand slams! "

Han Feng racked his brains to try to convince Wenqu Xingjun. Since the very beginning of his proposal until now, Wenquxing Jun has been ignoring his proposal, as if he hadn’t seen the private message he sent. But at the beginning, Mingming replied to himself, "Hello, friend Xian."

Damn, are you trying to ignore your rhythm?Han Feng was a little speechless looking at the private message on his mobile phone. He didn't receive a reply from Wenqu Xingjun for a long time.
"Sanqing, why don't you send me private messages, okay? If you have a suggestion, you can just send it to the system. You have to talk to the reader's spirit about this matter, and find Xiaoxian It's useless!"

Wenqu Xingjun looked at Bai Jiahei who kept sending private messages to himself, and his whole face was about to cramp. Although the proposal given by Bai Jiahei Shangxian was indeed very attractive and insightful, but what the hell? I don't care about it at all, what the hell are you doing pestering me all the time?
The device spirit of the reader?What the hell is this?It took a long time to receive a reply from Wenqu Xingjun, but Han Feng was dumbfounded immediately, he had no idea what the hell it was about the spirit of the weapon!
However, from a literal point of view, what the other party said seems to be the spiritual wisdom produced by the Tianting Reader. Han Feng turned his thinking and tried to understand what Wenqu Xingjun said through the literal meaning. Wenqu Xingjun asked: "The device spirit you mentioned, do you mean the self-awareness generated by the reader?"

"Shangxian, don't you know this? Why do you still ask the little god?" Looking at Bai Jiahei who asked the question knowingly, Wenqu Xingjun almost cried, how can you be more boring?I clearly know what to do, but I'm still pestering me all the time, so it's okay if I don't play like this.

Damn, really?Han Feng looked at the reply sent by Wenqu Xingjun, and was dumbfounded. No wonder Nima recently received some funny words behind the system prompts and instructions. The feeling is that the reader system has produced self-awareness!

Thinking of this, Han Feng finally replied to Mr. Wenqu Xing, "Gudebai." Then he exited the chat screen with Mr. Wenqu Xing, changed hands and clicked into his own author's backstage area, and directly sent the proposal about opening the charging chapter sent to the system.

Then, he received a reply from the system on his mobile phone, "Hello, your suggestion has been received, please wait patiently for the reply from the system, if there is any new progress, the system will notify you as soon as possible, thank you proposal."

"We still have to wait for the notification? Isn't Nima's a tool spirit? What about the quick reply you agreed to?" Han Feng looked at the reply sent to him by the system, and couldn't help complaining in his heart. This is not like the system response at all. Some piss, what about the teasing mode?

But the complaints are the complaints, I have nothing to do with the system, I'd better go and get the Tianting travel coupons first!Han Feng saw that the system hadn't sent him any prompts for a long time, and then he changed hands and clicked back to the mall of the reader.

This time, he didn't think about anything, and directly bought a three-day tour of Tianting, because after much deliberation, he finally didn't know how many days the Tianting Fan Festival would be held, so he simply chose a three-day tour tour.

Three days, whether it is long or short, so that even if you encounter any danger in the heavenly court, you can basically survive until the time when you come back, and this length of time is almost enough for you to have a good time in the heavenly court .

Thinking of this, Han Feng felt that his choice was really wise. Anyway, as long as he went to the sky, he would definitely be able to earn as much as he could. Whether he was running away or fooling around, this time should be about the right time.

Of course, first of all, you have to strengthen your own capital. After all, going to heaven is a very dangerous thing, especially for people like yourself who have no cultivation.

"It seems that we have to buy two more magic weapons for self-defense." Finally, after making a decision, Han Feng muttered to himself, and then went to the shopping mall of the reader to buy self-defense weapons. magic weapon.

Seven Treasures Golden Building: The price is 79 points of merit coins. This treasure has seven layers, and each layer has corresponding defense and attack methods. It can be used as a defensive magic weapon or as an offensive magic weapon. [It's a very common magic weapon, why explain so much? 〕

Fan of five fires and seven birds: The price is 180 million merit coins. This fan has fire in the air, fire in stone, fire in wood, fire in samadhi, and fire in the world. Five fires are synthesized. use. 〔Not bad, is this system sold cheaply? 〕

Demon Subduing Pestle: Priced at 80 merit coins, this treasure is the fairy weapon of the same name as Wei Huzhi. When held in the hand, this treasure is as light as gray grass, but it is as heavy as Mount Tai when it is hit on a human body. [This item is so-so, do you like to buy it or not. 〕

Four Elephant Pagoda: Priced at 330 million merit coins, it was the property of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who once killed Princess Longji in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation. [This thing is very good, you deserve it. 〕

Sky Swallowing Cover: Priced at 8000 billion [-] million merit coins, this thing is an innate spiritual treasure, which cannot be broken without a quasi-sage. [However, you seem to be unable to afford it! 〕

Damn, can you be more funny with the system?Han Feng looked at all the items in the mall, and there was an extra parenthesis explanation behind them, and he immediately understood that this shit is definitely the fault of the system again.

But then again, ever since the system developed intelligence, it seems that I have not been affected in any way. At most, there will be one or two more funny notes at the end of every manual and system prompt.

These thoughts flashed through Han Feng's mind, and Han Feng directly filtered the following system comments. If he reads this again, he will be pissed off by the system.

In the end, after a lot of competition, Han Feng chose to buy a magic weapon that was more reliable in defense and not too expensive.

Linglong Pagoda, priced at 280 million merit coins. This pagoda is of the same style as the pagoda held in Li Jing's hand, and even its functions are similar. It is said that this pagoda was first made by burning lamps. It can attack and defend.

Of course, this thing also needs a drop of blood to recognize its owner, otherwise, with Han Feng's weak cultivation, it is impossible to activate this magic weapon, so after spending 280 million merit coins to buy this magic weapon , he broke his own finger at the first moment, and confessed the Lord with a drop of blood again.

Damn, why should I say again?
When Han Feng's blood dripped on the Linglong Pagoda, immediately after that, the Linglong Pagoda started the old-fashioned way of identifying its owner.

I saw that the body of the Linglong Pagoda shone with colorful golden light, and the body of the entire pagoda began to shrink little by little.It got into Han Feng's dantian and floated steadily above Han Feng's dantian.

Fuck, what an old-fashioned plot of identifying the main character, can't there be some new tricks?Han Feng stared at the Linglong Pagoda that flew into his body speechlessly, he was so fucked up, could there be a more clichéd plot than this?Why do all the treasures look the same when they recognize their owners?
PS: Recommend a friend's book "Game Life: I'm Single". In addition, it's the beginning of the month, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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