Chapter 61 Purgatory Freshmen 3
The so-called going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, is that the case?It was such an unbearable pain.

A force pulled the white fox's nerves again.

It made her curl up again. Even without this force, the white fox would curl up instinctively.

She rolled on the ground in pain again.

Hot liquid began to ooze from every part of the body, hair and skin.

She seemed to hear the howling of a beast in her body.

It was as if a ferocious beast was trapped in her body, hitting her body constantly, biting her, trying to escape from her body.

it hurts……

Mom, it hurts...

The white fox was in so much pain that she was about to lose consciousness, and she could only call her mother over and over again in her heart.

Her biological mother, the real mother who gave her life, gave birth to her, and brought her into the world!
In Baihu's mind, his mother slowly appeared.

"Mom, Mom, I'm in pain...I'm in pain..."

The white fox rolled on the ground in pain, the liquid seeping from her body fell into the corner of her lips, and as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, a bloody smell broke into her mouth.


The white fox was in so much pain that he couldn't speak.

But my mother didn't say a word, just stood by the wall not far from her, looking at her quietly, with a gentle smile on her lips, just like before.

"Mom, I can't live anymore...Mom, am I going to die?"

The white fox stretched out his hand, trying to hold his mother's hand, but his mother was so far away, so far away!

She couldn't walk, and she couldn't climb in front of her.

Mom still didn't say a word, didn't say anything to her.

The smile on her face became thicker, and her kindness remained the same as before.

But mother, why don't you speak?Why don't you comfort me?
Why don't you hug me and pull me into your arms?

Mom, why don't you whisper in my ear, why don't you sing to me?


How I miss your arms...

How I want to hold your hand again...

How I wish your loving face could touch mine and bring me warmth...

How I want to leave another light kiss on your forehead...

How I miss...

can live with you forever...

The mother by the wall stared at the white fox seriously with burning eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to watch her all at once and burn it deeply into his mind.

However, suddenly, the mother's figure began to become hazy, and she even gradually disappeared and could no longer be seen.

The white fox's tears welled up.

She starts to cry.

Crying incessantly.

"Mom, don't you go...Mom, don't leave me...I miss you...I miss you..."

The white fox wailed loudly and couldn't stop.

"Shuang'er, why are you crying?"

A gentle voice rang in the ears of the white fox.

"Mother's baby Shuang'er, please don't cry anymore. When you cry, mother's heart will hurt."

Baihu reached out and rubbed her eyes, raised her eyes, and in the misty eyes of tears, she saw Dugu Hanmei standing where her mother had been just now, and stretched out her hand to herself, as if she wanted to wipe away her tears.

"Shuang'er, don't cry, mother will be with you. Mother will always be with you..."

Dugu Hanmei had a sad smile on her face, but she tried hard to...

(End of this chapter)

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