Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 107 Call Uncle to Listen

Chapter 107 Call Uncle to Listen (2 More)
Feng Qinqin looked at the man smiling so happily, and really didn't know where he was so happy.

Can't you tell that she's jealous? Can't you tell that she's here to spy on the enemy?
"Stop laughing!"

Feng Qinqin raised his hand and hammered him on the shoulder.


Feng Qinqin took Bo Zhongye's hand and dragged him to the company.

What is she afraid of, she is the future hostess here, she is not afraid!

Bo Zhongye looked at the girl's majestic posture, the smile in the corner of his eyes deepened, and he let her pull him away as if he had no strength.

Pulling him to the door of the company, Feng Qinqin stopped, tilted her head to look at Bo Zhongye, rolled her eyes, and reached out to grab the man's arm.

Bo Zhongye watched the girl turn into a smaller woman in seconds, and the corners of his mouth curled up again.

Well, yes, I also know how to save face for him, and know that dragging him in like this is not good.

Bo Zhongye put his arms around her slender waist, wrapped one arm around the girl's waist, and walked towards the company.

It's almost four o'clock now, and many staff members have almost finished their work, and many women are sitting in a group talking and laughing.

After hearing only a loud noise, many people looked into the hall.

"Look, look, the president is here!"

"Where is where?"

"Ah, why is there a woman beside the president!"

Not long after Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin entered the hall, pots exploded around them.

"I heard that the CEO has a girlfriend. It seems to be true." A woman said in a regretful tone.

"No, that may be the president's niece, you can see that she is definitely not 20 years old!"

Their presidents are all 30 years old!

"Are you stupid! Didn't you see the president hugging her? Would your uncle hug you like this in public?"

"Hey, what are you talking about!"

"Stop arguing, both of you, let me look at the president again, it won't be mine anymore."


The women here were chatting happily, and Bo Zhongye wanted to stop and fire them several times, but Feng Qinqin held his hand vigorously to keep him from moving, and even warned him with his eyes.

This is the usual thinking of nympho girls, in fact, they have nothing to do in their hearts.

It wasn't until entering the elevator that Feng Qinqin's ears became quiet.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Feng Qinqin looked at him angrily with his arms crossed.

"So there are so many women in your company obsessed with you?"

Looking at the girl's angry face, Bao Zhongye stepped forward and hugged her waist, and said.

"Then I'm going to fire them just now and you don't want to."

Feng Qinqin rolled her eyes skyward and snorted.

He himself is too seductive, and he blames others.

Bo Zhongye fell in love with her appearance as a tsundere little princess, he hugged her waist even tighter, and hugged her completely in his arms.

Feng Qinqin knew that his chest was a little higher, and she didn't wear high heels when she went to school today, so she looked even smaller in his arms.

Thinking of a female worker in the hall downstairs who said she was his niece just now, the evil in Bo Zhongye's bones was revealed.

"Qinqin, call uncle to come and listen."

Feng Qinqin: "?!"

The man's voice was bewitching, but Feng Qinqin didn't buy him at all.

He still called him uncle, why didn't he call him dad!
"Hey Qinqin, call me to listen."

Feng Qinqin felt that the five thunderbolts were nothing more than that, and his whole head was buzzing.

"Shut up, there are cameras."

Feng Qinqin sneaked a few glances at the camera in the corner of the elevator, and prayed in her heart that the elevator would reach the top floor quickly so that she could escape from his imprisonment.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator door opened. Feng Qinqin breathed a sigh of relief when the man reached out with his long arm and closed the elevator door again.

With the two of them left, Feng Qinqin felt that the whole elevator became cramped, especially the man's chest was getting closer and closer to her heart.

"Hey, let's go out after calling out, otherwise I will do bad things here."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

"you are bullying me!"

Feng Qinqin was about to be unable to escape, she really wanted to shed two tears now to make him feel bad, maybe let her go, but she just couldn't cry.

He also called him uncle, and if people said she was his niece, then she was a niece, and that's not the case when playing with uncle and nephew.

"Let go of me."

She couldn't breathe because of the embrace, and her smiling face turned red in seconds, even her ears turned red.

When Bo Zhongye saw that the molesting was almost done, although he didn't ask her to call him uncle, there would be opportunities for her to call him uncle in the future.

Not teasing her anymore, Bo Zhongye lowered his head and pecked her lips, making a crisp sound, and hearing the bang, Feng Qinqin's face was bleeding.

"Let's go."

Feng Qinqin's face was so hot that her little hands felt unbearably hot when she touched it. In order not to be seen by others, she hid behind Bo Zhongye in a very useless manner.

In the office on the top floor, there is only the secretary's office and the assistant's office next to the president's office.

Seeing the president came back, Le Yuan was quite surprised. Didn't he say that he won't be here this afternoon?
(End of this chapter)

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