Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 118 Yi Zuo is sick

Chapter 118 Yi Zuo is sick (2 more)
Niu Feng glanced at her.

"Did you say the dog food was delicious?"

This guy was a typical guy who valued sex over friends, so he left him alone and went to have dinner with his boyfriend.

Knowing what he meant, Feng Qinqin let out a dry laugh.

"No way, what my boyfriend gave you must be delicious. How could it be dog food?"

Niu Feng ignored her, and Feng Qinqin was not angry, but smiled even more happily.

After another afternoon of experimentation, Liu Yanmo couldn't help thinking while watching the interaction between the two of them all afternoon.

Does Bo Zhongye know that she and Niu Feng are so close?

He should have known about it, otherwise he wouldn't have brought Niu Feng a lunch box at noon.

It was a peaceful afternoon.

That night, Bo Qingwei had just had dinner and wanted to go back to her room to sleep when she received a call from Ke Qian.

Bo was stunned for a moment, walked quickly into his room and closed the door before answering the phone.

"Aunt Yi."

Ke Qian over there didn't know what to say, and Bo Qingqing's expression changed suddenly.

"Why is brother Zuo sick?"

Ke Qian was still in the ward of the hospital at the moment, looking at her son with her eyes closed tightly, she still made this call.

"You and your elder brother had a fever after sending him back yesterday. We came to the hospital in the afternoon, and the fever just subsided."

The fever has just subsided, so you are still in the hospital?
"Gently, I'm the only one in the hospital right now. It will take a while for your uncle to go out to do some errands. Can you come and accompany your aunt?"

Tomorrow is Sunday, and there is no class, Ke Qian hopes that Qingqing and her son can get along well.

How could Bo Qingqing refuse, since Yizuo was already in her heart, and she definitely wanted to go.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll go now."

Ke Qian knew she would come, so she gave her another order.

"Don't come here alone at this late hour, let your driver take you here, or I won't worry."

Bo Weiwei quickly agreed, she would not dare to be a taxi alone at night.

After hanging up the phone, Bo gently picked up the bag and walked outside.

At this time, the family members had already gone to her room, and she was worried that her parents would not let her pass, so she had to secretly call the driver.

The driver was a man in his 50s and [-]s. It could be seen that the young lady went out privately, so he didn't dare to take her away easily. If something happened, the gentlemen at home who loved the young lady like their own lives would have to strip him alive.

"Miss, you should tell your husband, they must not be asleep yet."

It was just after nine o'clock, and it wasn't long before they went upstairs.

Bo lightly pursed his lips, knowing that it would not be so easy to go out.

She didn't want to embarrass the family driver either, so she nodded to him and walked towards the second floor.

As expected, the parents were not asleep yet. Seeing his daughter coming, Bo Songyuan waved to her and motioned her to sit on the bed.

Bo walked over gently, sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head, thinking about how to tell his parents that she was going to see brother Zuo, and the important thing was that she wanted to take care of him in the hospital tonight.

Seeing that her daughter wanted to say something, she spoke softly.

"Gently, what's the matter, just say what you have to say."

Although his daughter looks very lively, she often has low self-esteem. She always feels that her poor health has affected her family members, so she would rather keep some things in her heart than tell them, which made him very distressed.

He's grown up, and the man he likes doesn't like her, so it's useless for him as a father to worry.

Bo gently looked at his father and said in a discussing tone.

"Dad, Brother Zuo is sick and hospitalized. I want to visit him. Can you see it?"

Yizuo is sick?
Zuo Yao knows that her daughter likes Yi Zuo, but her daughter's health is not good, how can she take care of him?

"Gently, you go and see that his parents don't object, but you can't take care of him. You are not his family. Your aunt must be taking care of him. You are not in good health. Mom can't let you go for too long."

Bo Qingyuan knew that her mother would not agree, so she could only act like a baby to her father.


Bo bit his lip lightly, looked at Bo Songyuan with pitiful eyes, those eyes were very harmless.

How could Bo Songyuan bear his daughter looking at him like this, since her daughter likes that boy Yizuo, let her go, she is at the age of falling in love, even if there is no love, the taste of secret love is good, no matter if it ends up or not After all, she has worked hard, and she will have no regrets in the future.

"Okay, go if you want, but you have to come back before dinner tomorrow, and you can take care of him, but you can't make you tired, you know?"

Where did Bo Qingwei hear her father's back words, only that he promised her to go over, hugged her father happily and kissed him on the cheek.

"Dad is the best and loves me the most!"

Being kissed by his precious daughter, Bo Songyuan was immediately elated.

He was happy, but Zuo Yao was unhappy, and turned his head to the side with an angry groan.

Both Bao Songyuan and Bo Qingqing were stunned, and then they laughed silently. Bo Songyuan gave his daughter an expression, and Bo Qingqing immediately ran to the mother's side, held her face, and kissed her on the lips. .

(End of this chapter)

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