Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 122 Buying a store for her

Chapter 122 Buying a Store for Her (3 More)
"Okay, when I find the store, I'll ask Leyuan to contact the source of the goods."

Feng Qinqin nodded.

She can start first, her ultimate goal is to have her own fashion designer, produce the unique clothes of this store, become the most famous clothing store in Tongcheng and even the whole country, and then open a chain store...

Then she can have a lot of money.

Feng Qinqin felt that there were many red tickets flying in front of her eyes.

Seeing Feng Qinqin's obsession with money, he couldn't help laughing.

Knowing that she loves money, I didn't expect to love money so much, but the card he gave her has never been used.

This girl probably forgot his card.

Feng Qinqin didn't forget, she just forgot to return it...

Before the two set off, Bo Zhongye called Le Yuan and asked him to investigate if there was a good store near Zhuoyuan International.

Half an hour later, Le Yuan called back. Bo Zhongye and Bo Zhongye were looking at the house when they received the call.

Feng Qinqin asked him to answer the phone, and she continued to watch by herself.

This store is good, but it is a bit far from the city center and not prosperous enough. It will be difficult to develop in the future, unless it develops here. However, how does she know which place is not developing?
When he was struggling, Bo Zhongye came to her side after answering the phone and said.

"Don't look, I'll take you to a place."

Feng Qinqin frowned delicately and lifted her lips slightly.

"Where are you going? Let's look at the store."

Bo Zhongye pulled her away and said.

"Just look at the storefront."

Bo Zhongye took her to the store that Le Yuan said, and when the two arrived, Le Yuan was already waiting outside the door.


Bo Zhongye nodded lightly, held Feng Qinqin's hand and walked in.

When I first received the call, I was still wondering why the president ordered him to find a store suitable for selling clothes. It seemed that it was for their future wife of the president.

Bo Zhongye walked in with Feng Qinqin, Feng Qinqin just took a look and fell in love with it.

What they saw just now is also very good, but it still needs to be renovated. This is different. Basically, the facilities that a clothing store should have are available. What is lacking now is clothing. As long as there are clothing, it can open tomorrow.

Bo Zhongye still had confidence in Le Yuan's ability to handle affairs.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed.

Le Yuan walked over to report.

"President, the owner of this store is not doing business now, and is going to develop in France, so it can be used directly."

Hearing what he said, Feng Qinqin realized that it turned out that the family had developed well and was about to go abroad, so it was really cheap for her.

Moreover, the location of this place is very good, it is located in the city center, and many big companies are here, so there is no need to worry about the consumer crowd.

Seeing that Feng Qinqin was tempted, Bo Zhongye gave Le Yuan a wink behind him.

Le Yuan understood, and waved to the shopkeeper to let him come over.

Feng Qinqin felt quite satisfied with the store, and thought it should be rentable.

At this moment, Le Yuan had already walked in with the shop owner with the contract in hand, Le Yuan handed the contract to Bo Zhongye, and replied with a nod.

"President, the store has been bought."

Bo Zhongye reached out to take it, opened it for a look, and saw that it was Feng Qinqin's name, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Feng Qinqin was dumbfounded.

It's too fast, she hasn't agreed yet, and she doesn't plan to ask her to pay.

"Why did you buy it without my consent?"

What she means is to rent it out first, and if it is not good enough, you can wash your hands and quit. Now that you have bought it, you have to do it even if you don't want to do it. Otherwise, what will happen to this store?
As a result, someone said richly.

"It's okay, take your time, it doesn't matter if you don't make money, this shop must be kept forever, and I will support you in the future."

He knows that she likes beautiful clothes. He also threatened that her dream is to change into a beautiful dress every day, so that her wish can be fulfilled.

Feng Qinqin was speechless.

After handing over, Le Yuan left, Bo Zhongye took Feng Qinqin to dinner, and then took her home.

After two days of experiments, Feng Qinqin really wanted to lie on her bed and have a good sleep.

Knowing her hard work, Bo Zhongye didn't let her stay with her for a while.

Send the person to Yunhai Community, and the two go up together.

Liu Ping poured two glasses of water for the two, and Bo Zhongye quickly went to take them, thinking whether to invite two nannies for them.

After talking to Liu Ping, Liu Ping refused.

"Don't bother, I have nothing to do at home. Taking care of a family just isn't too boring, and I'm not used to outsiders living with us."

She was used to being alone at home, and really didn't want outsiders to come in.

Hearing what she said, Bo Zhongye didn't insist.

"Are you sure when you're engaged?"

Liu Ping asked.

"Auntie, my grandma plans to go to the monastery to find the master to pick a good day, and it will be on the same day as the launch of the Rose Mountain project."

In this case, people from the business and political circles are basically all in place.

Liu Ping understood what he meant and nodded without any objection.

Bo Zhongye didn't stay for too long, and Qinqin had to rest, so he had no choice but to leave.

After Bo Zhongye left, Liu Ping went to make medicine for Feng Qinqin. Feng Qinqin walked over and told her about opening a clothing store.

(End of this chapter)

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