Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 136 Lin Zhiyou's Shamelessness

Chapter 136 Lin Zhiyou's Shamelessness (1 more)
It is very kind of him to let Feng Wenjun sit comfortably in the position of chairman of the Feng family, and he does not want Feng Wenjun to have much more rights in the future.

Feng Xiao frowned, and his voice was deep.

"Mr. Bo, I know that my dad has treated Qinqin badly these years, but he is getting older, and he has changed a lot during this time. Everyone makes mistakes. I hope you can give him a chance."

No matter how wrong his father was, it was also his father. Of course he didn't want outsiders to bully him.

He knew what Bo Zhongye was thinking, and he just wanted to vent his anger for Qinqin, but he believed that Qinqin didn't want Bo Zhongye to do this.

"My parents are already divorced. Apart from me, my mother and Qinqin have nothing to do with the Feng family anymore. No matter what, he has been Qinqin's father for 20 years."

Bo Zhongye did not speak for a long time.

What Feng Xiao said was right, Feng Wenjun had been Qinqin's father for 20 years, no matter what he did to her, he never let her be a child with an unknown father.

Even if he really wanted to do something to Feng Wenjun, Liu Ping probably wouldn't agree.

In this case, let him go for now, he'd better not do anything outrageous, otherwise he won't let him go.

Bo Zhongye left without leaving a word, and Feng Xiao stood there for a long time without moving.

The matter of Feng Qinqin's illegitimate daughter did not continue to ferment. Niu Feng hacked Lin Zhiyou's computer that day and deleted all the things she published.

When everyone went to look again, they found a blank space. Some people suspected that they were still talking on the forum at first, but after a day, Lin Zhiyou didn't post a single message, and everyone dispersed.

Of course, Lin Zhiyou couldn't send out the account, Niu Feng took the account away.

Lin Zhiyou was so angry that she slammed the computer in the dormitory, you Niu Feng, Feng Qinqin, you actually took down her news so quickly.

Many people know that Niu Feng is a computer genius, but he is willing to be a cow and a horse for Feng Qinqin. After she died, Bo Zhongye still didn't dislike her!
How could she not have such a person!

Going to look at Ye Yanzhi who was sitting by the side playing with his mobile phone, he felt sullen again when he thought that this woman had never helped him at all.

Back then, Niu Feng was willing to protect that bitch Feng Qinqin from sulfuric acid, but if it was Ye Yanzhi, whoever threw sulfuric acid on her, Ye Yanzhi would roll as far as she could!
"Can you do something serious! You know how to play with your mobile phone all day long, are you going to marry a mobile phone in this life!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Lin Zhiyou picked up the pencil case on the table and threw it at Ye Yanzhi.

Ye Yanzhi's reaction was slow, and as soon as his eyes moved away from the phone, he was smashed by the thrown pencil case, and a numbness flashed, followed by uncontrollable pain.

Ye Yanzhi covered her forehead and didn't raise her head, but she was already too angry in her heart.

Since getting along with Lin Zhiyou, she has become Lin Zhiyou's punching bag. Every time she came back after conflicting with Feng Qinqin, she would vent her anger on her, unless she was victorious. Every time she has to bear Lin Zhiyou's violence.

If it wasn't for being with her, she wouldn't be bullied by others, she would have been far away from Lin Zhiyou long ago!

The other two girls in the dormitory couldn't stand it any longer. Although Ye Yanzhi usually relied on Lin Zhiyou to dominate the dormitory, he couldn't help seeing Lin Zhiyou's violence more often.

"Youyou, we are all classmates, is it necessary for you to do this!" Qi Hongxia said in an angry voice.

Anyway, Ye Yanzhi is also her friend, he treats his own friends like this, let alone others!

"That's right, isn't it normal for everyone to play with mobile phones? Ye Yanzhi is your friend, not your punching bag!"

Another roommate, Huang Yingying, also spoke.

Hearing Huang Yingying's voice, Ye Yanzhi suddenly raised his head to look at her, his scarlet eyes were full of puzzlement.

Shouldn't Huang Yingying hate herself, after all, she had bullied her before.

Qi Hongxia stood up for her, she could understand, but why did Huang Yingying, thinking of her previous festivities with Huang Yingying, made Ye Yan feel guilty.

Seeing the two people in the dormitory speaking for Ye Yanzhi, Lin Zhiyou's chest became even more angry.

"What qualifications do you have to speak? Do I need you to talk more when I teach my servants?"

As soon as the words finished, Qi Hongxia and Huang Yingying clearly saw Ye Yanzhi's body tremble, but she still didn't resist.

Seeing her begging for perfection like this, she was scolded as a slave and still didn't fight back, what else could they say.

"Yingying, let's go shopping."

In such an atmosphere, Qi Hongxia didn't want to stay for a minute.

Huang Yingying had nothing to say, and left the dormitory with Qi Hongxia carrying her bag.

After the two left, Lin Zhiyou walked towards Ye Yanzhi with a face full of anger, with eyes that wanted to strangle her to death.

Ye Yanzhi was terrified, she stood up instinctively, just when she was about to attack, Lin Zhiyou's cell phone rang suddenly.

 Tell the good news to the babies, the first round of PK in the book city has passed, hehe.

  The second round of PK starts today, and Qianqian is here to ask the darlings to give the recommended tickets to Qianqian and give Qianqian the opportunity to pass the second round of PK. Please comment more and give a lot of rewards, starting tomorrow. Start five more mode!Fifth watch!Fifth watch!Fifth watch!So, do you guys really not give Qianqian a recommendation ticket, really don't comment, really don't give a reward?
  Look at Qianqian's squinting eyes.

  Well, Qianqian's cuteness is over, today is still the fourth watch, and the update will end before [-]:[-] pm, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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