Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 150 Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 150 Please Respect Yourself (2 More)
After Liu Ping came to the reception, except for talking with Bo Zhongye and Feng Qinqin for a while, she sat in the corner by herself thinking about what happened this afternoon.

Lin Xiu and Feng Wenjun knew that she was Lucky's designer Sheng Yi back then. Thirty years ago, Lucky was a huge hit all over the country. Who knew that ten years later it would come and go like a meteor.

After being unemployed, she didn't look for a job anymore, and came back with the files she worked in the past to become a full-time mother.

Now, she is divorced, and her daughter wants to open a clothing store. Is this the opportunity God gave her?

So, she was thinking about what her daughter told her to work in the store after she got engaged.

Liu Ping, who was thinking, didn't notice a person approaching behind her at all, and then, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice reached her ears.


A simple title and a deep and mellow voice seemed to fall on her ears after a century of reincarnation, and her body couldn't help trembling.

She didn't turn her head, but she knew who it was.

Liu Ping didn't look back, so Lin Xiu had no choice but to walk in front of her.


This time Liu Ping didn't ignore him anymore, but she couldn't keep smiling.


A soft sound of 'um' made Lin Xiu ecstatic, and he sat down beside her.

Looking around, Lin Xiu didn't see Feng Wenjun's figure, and his face was a little ugly. At the beginning of the reception, he thought Feng Wenjun would come eventually, but he hasn't come yet.

"Is Feng Wenjun busy today? Why didn't he come?"

Based on his understanding of Feng Wenjun, how could he miss such an opportunity to communicate with the upper class.

Hearing this, Liu Ping didn't answer.

She has nothing to say, divorce is divorce, and he is also divorced, as if she said it for some other purpose.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lin Xiu was not angry either. In fact, he had no right to be angry.

"You still put on 'Butterfly Dance', luckily you seldom wear clothes back then."

When I saw her tonight, I saw the dress she was wearing for the first time. It was really beautiful. She was very talented in Lucky back then. Even the founder of the mountain admired her very much, and "loved" the pair of scarves All were given to her.

It's just that after lucky died, she never appeared again.

"Today is my daughter's happy day, of course I have to support the scene."

While Liu Ping was talking, Lin Xiu listened quietly, feeling like he hadn't listened to her voice for centuries.

After Liu Ping finished speaking, she turned her head and saw him looking at her obsessively, she couldn't help frowning, and stood up.

"I still have something to do, I'll go first."

Hearing that she was going to leave, Lin Xiu came back to his senses in an instant, and subconsciously grabbed her arm, but he couldn't control the strength of his hand, and pulled her to the front of him.

Liu Ping didn't expect that he would pull her, she lost her balance and almost fell into his arms.

After standing up straight, Liu Ping vigorously shook his arm away and scolded him in a low voice.

"Lin Xiu, pay attention to your behavior! Don't make me do things that are ugly to everyone!"

Liu Ping stared at the man in front of her with an angry face, as if she wanted to stare him out of a hole.

After talking with someone, Feng Xiao just came back and saw this scene, stepped forward and pulled Liu Ping over without saying a word.

"Uncle Lin, please respect yourself."

Feng Xiao protected Liu Ping behind him, staring at Lin Xiu without fear.

Seeing Feng Xiao protecting Liu Ping so much, Lin Xiu didn't know what it was like. When Liu Ping married Feng Wenjun and took care of his son, he was in pain and didn't know why, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing that Feng Xiao was so kind to Liu Ping now, Lin Xiu felt a little relieved.

"Ah Xiao, I don't have any other intentions, I just want to talk to your mother."

Feng Xiao didn't believe that Lin Xiu just wanted to talk to his mother.

"Uncle Lin, my mother doesn't like to talk to others, please go somewhere else."

After speaking, he took Liu Ping's shoulders and walked to other places.

At this moment, Lin Shishuo came over, turned his face to look at his father, and said a word.

"Dad, you don't know yet, Aunt Liu Ping and Feng Wenjun are already divorced."

Lin Xiu was still looking at Liu Ping and didn't recover for a long time. Lin Shishuo just waited for his father's reply.

"What did you say? Say it again."

About half a minute later, Lin Xiu came back to his senses, grabbed his son by the collar, and yelled at him in a low voice.

Lin Shishuo knew that his father would react in this way, and reiterated again.

"Dad, Aunt Liu Ping and Feng Wenjun divorced."

He didn't know about it for a long time, and he was quite shocked when he knew it.

In fact, thinking about it, Feng Wenjun has treated Qinqin so much, Liu Ping must have trouble with Feng Wenjun.

So yesterday he promised his father to give Qinqin [-]% of the shares.

Dad is getting old, and he hasn't had a woman since he divorced his mother. He knows he still can't let go of Liu Ping, and now Liu Ping is also divorced. They loved each other so much when they were young, and now this is a good opportunity to get back together. He doesn't care If the father continued, I'm afraid Liu Ping would not agree.

Looking at today's situation, he was right. Aunt Liu Ping really didn't think much about her father anymore.

 Babes, I have been pk in the book city for a week, and it is over today, and the editor has notified me that it has not passed.

  Hehe, but it’s okay, the babes are very helpful during this time, and there are a lot of recommended votes, Qianqian is also satisfied.

  Discussed with the editor, it should be on the shelves at the end of this month, Qianqian strives to get to 30 as soon as possible, and strives for the opportunity to be on the shelves at the end of the month.

  Well, it's three o'clock today, and there's one more o'clock around ten o'clock.

  Recently, newcomers remember to join the group, come and play, group number: 562576798

(End of this chapter)

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