Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 166 Feng Qinqin: I don't want to break up with you

Chapter 166 Feng Qinqin: I don't want to break up with you (3)

Tears flowed across her face so quickly, and an unprecedented despair crossed her heart.

What if she really can't have children?
Bo Zhongye must have concealed it from her and didn't tell her the truth, but this was not good for her. Sooner or later, everyone in the Bo family would know about it.

For a big family like the Bo family, if she can't have children, what's the use of her being able to please them.

The more she thought about Feng Qinqin, the more desperate she became, her tears seemed to burst a dam, and she couldn't stop it.

She seems to have seen their future, will be forced to break up.

Feng Qinqin pulled the quilt over, slipped into the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and tears quickly wet the pillow.

In the living room, Liu Ping regretted it. After Qinqin entered the room, there was no movement, and she didn't dare to go in, so she had to wait outside for Bao Zhongye to come over.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, the doorbell rang, and Liu Ping guessed that it was Bo Zhongye who had come.

Opening the door, it was Bo Zhongye who came in.

Liu Ping was still taken aback for a moment, but she came quite quickly.

They came really fast, Bo Zhongye was flying fast all the way, fortunately he was in the Bo family compound at this time, if he was going back to Peach Garden, it might take half an hour to get there.

There was only one red light along the way, and he ran through it. On the way, he called the property of Yunhai Community and told them to prepare the elevator as soon as possible. Yunhai Community was originally his real estate area, so the elevator was ready when he ran downstairs. up.

Bo Zhongye didn't bother to say hello to Liu Ping, and ran directly to Feng Qinqin's bedroom.

As soon as the door was opened, Bo Zhongye saw a thin girl lying in the middle of that small bed, probably because of her thinness, lying on it was just a small ball, very pitiful.

Even though he was standing outside the door, Bo Zhongye could still see the quilt shaking, the little girl must have cried too much.

Thinking of this, Bo Zhongye felt a tingling pain in his heart.

Holding the down jacket, he strode over, every step seemed to be stepping on his own heart, causing pain.

When Feng Qinqin heard the voice, a sobbing voice sounded out.

"Mom, I want to sleep, so leave me alone."

The person who came didn't listen to her words and stopped. Instead, he took even bigger steps after hearing the crying voice.

It wasn't until a pair of big hands hugged the person and the quilt in his arms that Feng Qinqin noticed something strange.

The girl's body was still trembling, and the sound of sobbing could be faintly heard. Bo Zhongye was in great distress. He controlled the quilt with one hand, and pushed the quilt away with the other hand. A small face full of tears It was presented in front of his eyes.

Seeing her face that was already red and swollen from crying, Bo Zhongye's heart throbbed violently.

He hugged her suddenly and hugged her tightly, as if he was about to drain all his strength.

"Do not cry."

He cried until his heart was broken. The little girl cried before, but now she cried so much because of the child, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Stop crying."

Bo Zhongye patted her on the back to coax her while talking, Feng Qinqin was out of breath from crying, especially after seeing Bo Zhongye coming, she felt even more aggrieved.

He hugged her violently with both hands, tightly hugged his waist and did not let go, unable to speak a word.

"I... I... I'm afraid, you... Did you... lied to me."

She couldn't bear children and didn't tell her, what is she going to do now?
She doesn't want to break up.

"Wooooow, I don't want to break up with you, I don't want to, I love you, don't break up with me."

Speaking of this, Feng Qinqin realized that she was really not that great. She could break up gracefully, but she couldn't. She couldn't imagine what she would be like without him in her future life.

The more she thought about it, the more desperate Feng Qinqin burst into tears, as if she was a child who had been greatly wronged.

While crying, he hugged Bo Zhongye's neck, tears wet Bo Zhongye's collar, and he kept crying.

"You can't want me, I, I don't want to break up with you."

At this time, Feng Qinqin had already figured out that if she really couldn't do it, she could test-tube the baby, anything was fine, as long as he didn't abandon her, she could accept him having a baby with someone else.

Bo Zhongye was so distressed by her crying, especially when he heard her crying and saying that she loved him, it was nothing more than heartbreaking.

Why is the little girl so annoying?
Is it because you are worried that you will break up with her if you can't have a baby, so you cry into tears?
But I have to say he was really moved.

He hugged her tightly, gave her strength, and let her cry for a long time before he held her little face, bowed his head and gently kissed away the tears on her cheeks.

"Okay, stop crying, good boy."

What a silly girl, why do you think he will break up with her?

She is so obedient and pitiful, how can he bear it?
Feng Qinqin cried even harder, hugging his neck tightly, afraid that he would run away if she let go.

In fact, if he could really run away, why would he rush over to coax her?
"Then tell me, you won't break up with me, and you won't break up the engagement with me."

Feng Qinqin shook his neck while talking, insisting on coming up with a result.

 There is another update, Qianqian will write after dinner, let’s see it tomorrow, babes.

  Also, Qianqian is sending red envelopes, baby, remember to get them, okay, pen refills

(End of this chapter)

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